How To Use Rectal Suppository

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How to Use


This information leaflet is for reference


Medicines shou d be used as directed

by the doctor.

For enquiry, please consult your doctor

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Drug Office

Pharmaceutical Service
Department of Health
Department of Health

Designed by the Information Services Department
Printed by Ihe Government Logisiics Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
How to Use
Rectal Suppository
Wash your Relax the anus, insert the suppository
hands. 6 and push inwards with a finger for a
depth of about 2 cm for babies and
about 3 cm for aduts.
If the suppository
2 is too soft, soak
it in cold water or
chill it in the refrigerator
(not the freezer compartment) for a while
to make it become suitaby hard for easy

Pull both egs together and remain

3 If n e c e s s a r y , use f i n g e r caps or
disposable plastic gloves. 7 ying sideways for about 15 minutes to
prevent the suppository from coming out.
Sitting cross-legged is another posture

4 Unwrap the packing. If necessary,

appy water-so uble ubricant on the
pointed end of the suppository, or wet
suitable for this purpose.

the anus with water instead of ubricant.

8 Discard finger caps or gloves and wash
your hands.

5 Lie on your side. Keep the lower leg

straight and bend the upper leg forward
as shown in the diagram. A chid can
lie face down on an adult's laps.

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