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Build the ultimate Army in

Booooooom the Beach

Boom Beach Beginners Game Guide ............................................................................................................ 5
Getting started .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Boom Beach philosophies ............................................................................................................................. 6
The Dogs of War............................................................................................................................................ 6
Buildings Troops Strategies ........................................................................................................................... 8
Plan Your Upgrades Several Moves Ahead ................................................................................................... 8
Don’t Ignore Your Vault ................................................................................................................................ 8
Practice Good Timer Management ............................................................................................................... 9
1. Upgrade or reinforce before quitting ................................................................................................. 10
2. Upgrade saw mills as fast as you can .................................................................................................. 10
3. Stone and iron come after wood ........................................................................................................ 10
4. Scout areas and plan your attacks ...................................................................................................... 10
5. Attack bases as quickly as possible ..................................................................................................... 11
6. Use trees as lumber, especially early on............................................................................................. 11
7. Build as many residences as you can .................................................................................................. 11
8. Having a little patience will cost you far fewer diamonds .................................................................. 11
9. Upgrade your radar regularly.............................................................................................................. 11
10. Don't forget to collect achievement awards .................................................................................... 12
Gunboat ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Flamethrower ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Common Offensive Maneuvers .................................................................................................................. 14
Meatshielding ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Flanking ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Troop Capabilities ................................................................................................................................... 14
Heavy Unit Size ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Warrior .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Tank Unit ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Medic ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Grenadier ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Scorcher Unit .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Cryoneer.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Headquarters .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Base Types................................................................................................................................................... 18
Dock Base ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Corner Bases ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Beach Bases............................................................................................................................................. 19
Straight Bases.......................................................................................................................................... 19
Best Attack Strategy Guide Walkthrough ................................................................................................... 20
PvP Matchmaking Strategy ..................................................................................................................... 21
Timing...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Dropping Location ................................................................................................................................... 21
Landing Craft Overlap ............................................................................................................................. 22
Predict AI Movements ............................................................................................................................ 22
Use Your Battle Actions Evenly and Wisely ............................................................................................ 22
Combine Flare with Defensive Battle Actions......................................................................................... 22
Crowd Control Attacks ............................................................................................................................ 23
Heal Your Units with Medkit ................................................................................................................... 23
Unit Mix Strategies.................................................................................................................................. 23
TRM attack strategy .................................................................................................................................... 25
Meat Shield ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Rush or Rushing ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Smokey Zooka ......................................................................................................................................... 26
HQ Rushing.............................................................................................................................................. 27
Boom Beach tower protection.................................................................................................................... 27
OPEN BOOM BEACH IN BLUESTACKS .......................................................................................................... 28
Defense ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Upgrade as Soon as Possible ....................................................................................................................... 30
Explore and Build a Radar ........................................................................................................................... 30
Attack the Base and Avoid Guns ................................................................................................................. 31
Build a Good Defense.................................................................................................................................. 31
You Can Move Buildings Later .................................................................................................................... 31
Hints ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
Materials ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Points of attack – energy ............................................................................................................................ 37
Get off to a good start................................................................................................................................. 38
Common Offensive Maneuvers .................................................................................................................. 40
Predict AI Movements ................................................................................................................................ 41
10 best tips and tricks ................................................................................................................................. 42
Boom Beach Beginners Game Guide

Use this "Boom Beach Beginners Game Guide" to learn the basics of playing and winning one of the
most popular mobile video games in the world

Boom Beach is a free strategy video game for iOS and Android devices developed by Supercell, the
creator of popular and fun games Hay Day, Smash Land and Clash of Clans.
Currently third on the list of Google Play top grossing apps and mobile video games, this premium title is
just behind Game of War and Minecraft in the hearts and minds of Android video game lovers around
the world.
51st on the list of free iPhone apps on Apple's App Store, Boom Beach hasn't been as popular with iPad
or iPod users. But devising attack strategies and storming different beaches, while conducting an epic
war against the evil Blackguard is just as fun using an iOS device.
This simple, yet fun and challenging mobile video game is still played by millions of fanatical iOS gamers
every day.
Boom Beach is a simple mobile game in concept, but it's often difficult for beginning players to grasp the
basics of the gameplay and winning. This Boom Beach beginners game guide teaches gamers the basics
of playing and defeating the enemy.
Using this beginners game guide players learn to customize their base and strengthen its defenses,
before deciding to go-on-the-offensive, and ultimately defeat the evil Blackguard.
In future articles, we'll talk about advanced Boom Beach concepts and strategies you can use to become
a feared player and champion of the game.

Getting started
Boom Beach includes a tutorial worth watching, which teaches many of the basics of playing this
popular mobile video game. This tutorial also introduces you to the Colonel, local inhabitants and takes
you through getting your base set up.
Once you watch the tutorial you're ready to learn a little more intel about customizing your base and
strengthening its defenses for the battle ahead.
Customizing and strengthening your base
Preparing your Boom Beach base for the battle ahead is essential to surviving and ultimately defeating
the enemy. Use the tips below as a guide to setting up your base.
Place defensive structures near, but not touching, less important buildings. Leave 1 square between
buildings, especially important buildings, or enemy artillery can destroy multiple targets at a time.
Enemy forces automatically attack the next closest building. Interspersing less important structures with
defensive buildings, gives weapons more time to destroy enemy forces.
Your HQ is the brains of the operation and it needs protection at all costs - if it's destroyed the game is
over - This protection includes selecting a hard-to-reach position on the map for your HQ, upon starting
the game, with defenses covering the front, back and sides of the structure.
Enemy troops can travel through trees using the Flare ability. Selecting a spot near tree cover leaves
your headquarters vulnerable to attack. Provide defensive coverage for all trees near your HQ.
Keep these ideas in mind as your base increases in size and gains extra firepower. They're strategic in
beating back the enemy and keeping the resources you need to ultimately defeat the evil Blackguard.
In future articles, we'll talk about more advanced strategies on customizing and strengthening your
Boom Beach base.

Boom Beach philosophies

Playing this mobile video game has taught me there are two different camps on war strategy. Below we
talk about the pros and cons of both strategies.
Gung Ho strategy
Gamers taking the Gung Ho philosophy of going-on-the-offensive progress faster through the ranks
playing Boom Beach. A strong offensive allows for quicker accumulation of resources needed to upgrade
a war machine through raiding.
But this offensive-first philosophy ultimately results in tougher opponents, more defeats, and fewer
targets and ways to generate the resources to continue the fight.
An attack first strategy makes it hard to save the resources needed to sustain the war effort playing
Boom Beach or save up for the big upgrade. It also leaves the base and HQ vulnerable to attack and
you'll gain fewer gems and less intel.
If total offense doesn't work, your HQ will get destroyed, and you'll be defeated.
The only saving grace to this Boom Beach war strategy is once you get to this point, you can let the
enemy overrun your base and destroy the HQ to lose victory points and get matched against a weaker

This all out offensive style of war suits a berserker, not a general, or captain. I found it lacking, especially
if you plan on playing Boom Beach for a while, but fun as diversion from the real battle.
Balanced defensive and offensive war strategy
A balanced war strategy, combining aspects of both defense and offense, is the best path to defeating
the enemy in Boom Beach. It allows for defense of base and HQ and the building of a strong army and
economy that naturally generates the resources to continue the war effort.
A balanced defensive and offensive war strategy means base defenses are strong, so you can protect the
resources, extra gems and intel you gain. You'll also gain a better understanding of Boom Beach,
resources to upgrade when needed, and time to learn how to raid enemy bases.
The only downside to this war strategy is gamers advance more slowly because upgrades are split
between defense and offense.
A balanced war strategy is superior in my opinion to total offense. This is something you'll need to
In future articles, we'll talk about advanced Boom Beach war strategies players can use to take their
game to the next level.

The Dogs of War

Gamers play Boom Beach because they can having fun storming the beach and defeating the enemy for
a few minutes. But some gamers slowly build up their bases and forces in an attempt to upgrade to the
Below we talk about the weapons, people and equipment at your disposal and the upgrades beginning
players need to concentrate on.
Use the Gunboat during the early part of Boom Beach and upgrade its artillery piece as early and quickly
as possible. This lets the Gunboat fire more often, resulting in extra destruction, and turns Gunboat
Energy Statues into a game changer, once you get Dark Power Stones.
Upgrade landing craft early and as high as possible quickly. This provides more space for men and
equipment for the battle after landing and results in victory more often playing Boom Beach.
Upgrade artillery to increase effectiveness of long-range weapons and provide the edge needed to
defeat stronger bases.
The Heavy provides cover for Rifleman and Zookas and is the backbone of the Boom Beach army.
Upgrading this unit allows it to absorb and dish out more damage to the enemy.
Upgrade the HQ, Armory and resource generating structures at every opportunity. This gives you the
troops, weapons, equipment and resources needed to storm the beaches and defeat the enemy playing
Boom Beach.
Zooka is an important unit in Boom Beach. Upgrade it early and often to increase the amount of damage
it can receive and take. Just remember to keep this unit behind Heavies and Riflemen to reduce damage

Mortars fire long-range bombs, damaging multiple structures and units in an area. Upgrade this unit a
little later in the battle, but keep in mind you need it to win.
Cannons are a backbone to base defense in Boom Beach and damage the toughest targets. You need to
make level 6 HQ upgrade to unlock this unit and level 3 upgrade to give Cannons the strength to survive
three artillery blasts.
The Sniper Tower covers lots of ground, does significant damage, and is useful against all units. Upgrade
this unit a little later, but remember to defend it with Cannons.
We'll talk more about the units and everything Boom Beach in future articles.
Boom Beach is an interactive experience the kids, their friends and the family will love sharing!
Use this beginners game guide to learn the basics of playing one of the most popular mobile video
games in the world. The kids will have a fun thing to do to keep them out of trouble and you'll be more
relaxed knowing what they're up to.
Time to assemble the troops Captain to storm the beach and defeat the evil Blackguard!

Storm the beach and win the day! Boom Beach is a strategic combat game from Supercell (Clash of
Clans, HayDay and Clash Royale) where you fight a war against the evil Blackguard.
Train troops and conquer both single-player and multi-player beaches in order to win trophies and
resources. The battles take place in an unexplored and beautiful archipelago. Fight for every new beach,
free enslaved islanders, and explore! Are you ready for the Boom??!!
Statistics, Tips and Strategies for Supercell’s Boom Beach
On you can find all the information about Supercell’s Boom Beach. Troop- and
building statistics, tips, strategies, and more.
Buildings Troops Strategies
Whenever a new competitive freemium game hits the market, there’s always a mad dash to try and get
to the top of the leaderboards. Unfortunately, the only surefire way of doing that is to simply buy your
way to the top with significant IAP buys. While Supercell’s Boom Beach (Free) doesn’t deviate from that
norm, there are still plenty of tips and strategies to follow in order to minimize the time and money
spent on the game.
We’ve already offered up some beginner tips and strategies, as well as provided a full review of Boom
Beach if you’re completely new to the game and wondering what it’s all about. The following are a few
nuggets of information that should help in expanding your island empire without needing to invest
heavily in diamonds.

Plan Your Upgrades Several Moves Ahead

Starting off with some resource tips, it’s imperative that you have a long term upgrade plan when
collecting resources and upgrading buildings in Boom Beach. It sounds obvious, but the timers in the
game have a tendency to create player scenarios where currency storage is maxed out (which means
you aren’t earning any more) without any place to spend it. A good rule of thumb is to always make sure
your Armory has a few available upgrades (so you can cash in your gold) and your other buildings have
upgrades ready to go. The goal is to never be waiting on a headquarters upgrade with the rest of your
buildings maxed out because that’s a surefire way to get caught with maxed our resources.
Be Mindful of Resource Requirements
This goes hand in hand with the above tip regarding planning upgrades. If you have your eyes set on
upgrading a certain building, make sure that you actually have the capability to upgrade. There’s nothing
worse than collecting resources and realizing that you haven’t upgraded a warehouse enough to actually
have enough stored resource for an upgrade. Sounds stupid, but I’ve had that happen on occasion
because I was more focused on the upgrade and assumed that I had enough warehouse space for all the
resources, which lead to me wasting time and effort on improving my storage buildings (and typically
lead to situations of maxed out resources).

Save Your Diamonds For Upgrades That Require New Resources

Boom Beach’s premium currency exists solely to speed up timers; there aren’t any special towers or
builders that you can save up for. Thus, there’s no need to horde diamonds indiscriminately. However, I
would suggest that you save them for certain upgrades that are particularly tough. For example, once
you unlock the stone currency, your headquarters will require one more upgrade in order to unlock the
stone quarry (which produces stone). However, that HQ upgrade also requires stone which at this point
can only be earned via island raids. If you don’t want to spend all your time raiding, this is one of those
areas where I’d recommend spending diamonds to speed up the process and unlock a reliable generator
for that new currency.

Don’t Ignore Your Vault

Obviously, the key to success is to eventually have all your buildings upgraded, but I’d suggest putting
somewhat of an emphasis on keeping your vault upgraded. It’s not the most glamorous building to
invest in, but not only does it keep more of all your resources “safe" in case your base gets raised, I think
it also makes you less of a likely raid target (although a good player will raid anyone all the same).
Always Study The Film
Moving on to some guidelines for battle, whenever a player attacks you the game always stores a film of
the battle. Regardless if it was a win or loss, I’d highly suggest reviewing the film to look at the strengths
and weaknesses in your base. I’ve had experiences where a loss on my part was simply due to a defense
tower being slightly misplaced. In addition, checking out a replay is also a great way to develop new
offensive tactics when taking on your own opponents.
If you’re looking for specific advice on how to build your base, I’d suggest checking out the islands of
other players. Otherwise, make sure all routes into your base are covered by towers and mines and try
to minimize having towers really close to each other as splash damage isn’t a fun issue to deal with.
Be Prepared for Radar Upgrades

Radar upgrades allow you to expand your map, giving you more access to bases to ransack and collect
resources (as well as victory points). Another not-so-advertised effect of radar upgrades is it makes you
both more susceptible to attacks from stronger players, as well as opening up the same stronger
opportunities for you as attacker. Obviously one of the key’s to eventual success is to take over as much
of the land as possible (which requires radar upgrades), but I’d recommend not indiscriminately
upgrading your radar before your base is ready. Make sure all your defenses and troops are
appropriately upgraded prior to opening the proverbial flood gates to harder opponents.

Practice Good Timer Management

This is one of those standard tips for freemium games, but it’s always worth repeating. Practice common
sense timer management. If you’re going to bed, upgrade a building that has a longer timer. During the
day, work on the items with shorter upgrade times so you can do multiple ones in a single day. The goal
is to minimize the likelihood of needing to waste diamonds simply to speed up upgrades. Also, unless
you’re trying to save up for something, try to spend as much of your resources at night; it makes it less
likely you brush up against a resource cap when you collect everything in the morning and makes you
less of an inviting target for night-time raiders.
Make no mistake, the further you get in Boom Beach the longer the timers are going to be regardless
and the greater the urge will be to pick up diamonds. However, keeping the above fundamentals in mind
will should allow you to upgrade your island as efficiently as possible.

Storm the beach and win the day! Boom Beach is a combat strategy game for iOS and Android created
by "Supercell". Fight an epic war against the evil Blackguard. Take your expeditionary force to beautiful
paradise islands invaded by the enemy. Fight for every beachhead, free enslaved islanders and explore
the uncharted archipelago. The fight becomes a race to harness the ancient powers hidden on the
islands. Are you ready for the BOOM? This wiki is the most complete guide in existence for Boom Beach.
Supercell has recognized us as the de facto "official source" of knowledge for their game, and we want
to continue to be the best place to find information and communicate with your fellow Boomers. We
offer guides, calculators, statistics, and other references to help you conquer your enemies.

In Boom Beach you're tasked with fighting off the Blackguards who keep attacking local islanders. In
order to do so you'll need to build up a might defense before traveling off to neighboring islands and
helping the locals reclaim what is rightfully theirs. With resources scarce and troops at a minimum, you'll
need to spend your in-game coins and diamonds wisely. Making good decisions early on will set up for
victory or defeat early on in the game. That's where iMore comes in! Here are some tips and tricks to
keep you on track while playing Boom Beach...

1. Upgrade or reinforce before quitting

You can only build one thing at a time and certain buildings and structures take a lot longer to build than
others. This mean you need to make sure you are managing your time wisely. Build items that require
short time periods while you're playing the game and then start building things that require longer wait
times right before you close the game out. Boom Beach can alert you with a push notification when your
items are done being built. This should help you resist the urge to spend real currency on diamonds in
order to rush big projects along.

2. Upgrade saw mills as fast as you can

Everything you build in Boom Beach is going to be made form wood. You can reinforce structures or
upgrade them later with stone and iron, but wood is your number one. If you run out, you can't build
anything. It's important to build saw mills and upgrade them as soon as you can. You'll need to level up a
little before you can upgrade them all the way, but just make sure you're paying attention. When you
have the resources to do so, immediately level up lumber production. You'll be glad you did when you
want that artillery and actually have enough wood to build it.

3. Stone and iron come after wood

Stone and iron become important later on in the game and if you want to upgrade current buildings or
build new ones, you'll need both wood and stone or iron. You can typically earn enough stone and iron
simply from winning battles. It's important but you won't use it too terribly often. Just stockpile what
you get from victories and that's normally enough to do what you need.

4. Scout areas and plan your attacks

When you're getting ready to attack a new island, always scout it out first. It's cost you nothing and
you're going to want to know what you're walking into. This gives you the ability to choose what troops
you should be sending in. Why risk getting more expensive and costly troops killed in an attack if you
don't have to? Send in only what you think you need.
5. Attack bases as quickly as possible

This goes along with tip number 4. Once you've scouted an area out, make a plan of attack. If you can
get away with going around guns and towers, do that. Go right for the base camp on an enemy island
and destroy it. That'll get you the win with the fewest amount of casualties about 99.9% of the time.

6. Use trees as lumber, especially early on

Early on in Boom Beach lumber is pretty hard to come by. One thing you can do in order to collect more
is trade coins for lumber. You won't be able to mine all the mangrove trees directly in your area but you
can mine enough to build up a small collection of wood. This should be good enough to get you a few
residences and other structures that can start producing either coins or resources.

7. Build as many residences as you can

Residences are one of the few ways you can earn coins on your own island. Be sure you build them as
you can and keep upgrading them at regular intervals. You'll need coins in order to sail to other islands
and attack them, unless of course you want to pay diamonds to do that. If you want to avoid that,
residences are a good way to ensure you always have some coins in your bank.

8. Having a little patience will cost you far fewer diamonds

You can rush almost any task in Boom Beach, but that doesn't mean you should. For instance, readying
troops or rushing buildings can cost quite a few diamonds. And as with any freemium game model,
diamonds are extremely hard to come by and unless you want to dish out real life currency, you should
use them sparingly.
However, if something takes 30 minutes to build and costs 20 diamonds to rush it, hold off for 10 or 15
minutes and then check how many diamonds it is to rush, you'll notice that the total goes down the
longer you wait. A good thing to keep in mind for times when you're running low on patience.

9. Upgrade your radar regularly

Radar is what lets you explore more islands that are further out from your home base. Be sure to build
radar as soon as you can and then upgrade it regularly. A good rule of thumb is that if you're running out
of islands around you to attack, it's probably time to upgrade your radar in order to see further and have
more options.
10. Don't forget to collect achievement awards

One of the very few ways you can earn diamonds in-game without actually buying them is through
achievement awards. Be sure to watch for them and when you unlock something, be sure to hop into
the achievements section and collect your rewards. Sometimes they can be upwards of 20 diamonds or

The Gunboat has special abilities that can aid and support your troops. It should be noted, however, that
all damaging abilities (excluding Critters) and the stun ability of the Shock Bomb allow for friendly fire
(they can impart their negative effects on your troops). Additionally, improper Smoke Screen placement
and Flare usage can keep troops from performing and ruin an attack, so the judgement of when and
where to deploy these measures should always be regarded with care.
The most often used are Artillery and Barrage. Both of these deal damage to the opponent's buildings. It
is often a good idea to destroy key defenses like Rocket Launchers and Boom Cannons before deploying
troops. However, this order may change based on the types of troops you plan to deploy. It should be
noted that shells from both of these deal splash damage to enemy buildings; two or more buildings that
touch can be damaged by one Artillery shell.
For armies consisting of lower-health units, such as Zookas and Riflemen, defensive buildings should be
targeted in this order (with Artillery and/or Barrages), with number one taking the highest precedence:
Rocket Launchers, due to high range and splash damage. A single salvo may be able to wipe out most of
an army that consists of low health units.
Shock Launchers, due to their long range and wide splash radius. One shot can immobilize and damage
or even kill large parts of your army.
Mortars, due to their splash damage, and capability to one hit Zookas with their long range.
Flamethrowers, due to their ability to inflict high damage to multiple units as well as their damage over
time effect.

Sniper Towers, due to their ability to one-shot lower-health units (depending on level) and relatively
quick shooting speed. Not as dangerous to low-health units as some other defensive buildings, however.
Cannons are essentially smaller Boom Cannons with a slightly higher rate of fire, and are therefore
ignored for the same reasoning. If the Cannon in question can one-shot the troop(s) you plan to deploy,
it may be advisable to prioritize the Cannon over a Boom Cannon, as they have similar health and the
Cannon shoots faster (and will therefore kill more of your troops over an equal measure of time).
Machine Guns are able to make short work of low health units, especially at close range, but a few
Heavies will easily solve the problem.
Boom Cannons can easily one-hit kill a low health unit, but swarming this defensive structure with
enough units will easily make waste of it.
For armies that rely on high health units, such as Heavies and Tanks, defensive buildings should be
targeted in this order (with Artillery and/or Barrages), with number one taking the highest precedence:
Boom Cannons' long range and high damage allow them to pick off your high health units one by one,
severely crippling your army.
Cannons also deal high damage to high health units and can eat away at them quite well, but their
shorter range prevents them from firing off as many shots before being destroyed, so they should be
prioritized after Boom Cannons.

Shock Launchers can stop your army in its tracks which gives other defenses more time to damage it.
Rocket Launchers have extremely long range and decent DPS splash damage which allows them to
pummel all of your Troops for a long time. Also, if your Heavies get in its blind spot, it will begin killing
fragile Zookas which have a range longer than the Rocket Launcher's blind spot. However, they are not
as threatening to Tanks and Medics, as the Medics will generally be able to out-heal them.
Sniper Towers deal decent, long range damage to your Troops. Given enough time, they can severely
damage your high health Troops, but their higher than normal health makes them less advantageous to
take out with Gunboat Weaponry.
Mortars have shots that fall slowly which may cause them to shoot over your Heavies as they move up
which may lead to a chunk of your Zookas dying.
Flamethrowers can deal high damage to chunks of Troops if they are allowed to, but their short range
hinders their ability to shoot at your Troops long enough to make a big difference. Tanks can even
destroy it without it hitting any of them because Tanks have a longer attack range than the

Machine Guns do such low, inaccurate damage, they are a very low threat to high health units.
Another extremely important ability is the Flare. This ability is used to guide troops towards a
designated location or to attack a specific building. The careful utilisation of the Flare is a good way to
destroy the opponent's defensive buildings like the Sniper Tower and the Cannon that can only shoot
one target at once. It should be noted, however, that the Flare can be used in conjunction with the
Shock Bomb and Smoke Screen to facilitate a Warrior rush at the HQ.
Both the Shock Bomb and the Smoke Screen allow troops a chance at not being hit by defenses. The
main difference, however, is that the Smoke Screen protects troops from enemy fire within its area of
effect (allowing troops to move through it but not shoot), while the Shock Bomb disables defenses
within its area of effect. It is recommended to use these to disable and/or avoid the effect of high
damage or splash damage units, depending on what army composition is used.

Troops can be healed with use of the Medkit. It should be noted that although it can be used to
counteract the damage of splash damage defenses like the Mortar, Machine Gun and Flamethrower, it
does not do much to counteract the damage of single-target defenses, especially at higher levels. They
are particularly useful when dealing with Flamethrowers, as it deals damage to troops even after it has
stopped shooting flames at them.
Critters can do a good job in distracting enemy defenses and thus can be used to divert the attention of
key defenses towards themselves (an example would be dropping Critters near a Boom Cannon to make
the Boom Cannon attack the Critters and not Heavies or Tanks). In addition, Critters can be used to clear
Mines and/or Boom Mines. Since they are fast moving, they can travel pretty far before being killed,
activating a lot of Mines in the process. It should be noted that their statistics cannot be changed in any
way, even with Statues.

Common Offensive Maneuvers


A meat shield is when you use high health troops in your front line of attack to defend your back line of
high damage troops. The most common type of meatshield army is the Heavy-Zooka or Hooka army.
Usually used with Riflemen, attackers overwhelm opposing defenses with the sheer number of troops
deployed. Single-shot defenses are usually no match for this army, but Mortars, Flamethrowers, Rocket
Launchers, and Shock Launchers can damage and take out many troops at once.
A base that is laid out with the HQ at the very back of the map is vulnerable to being sniped. By sending
in Heavy-Zooka or Riflemen around enemy defenses with Flares, an HQ with few defenses behind it is
vulnerable to attack from the tree-covered regions behind the base. Use this to your advantage.
HQ Rushing
Usually used with Warriors, Flaring the HQ and supporting them with Smoke Screens and Shock Bombs,
the Warriors quickly destroy the HQ because of their high damage. AOE (area of effect) and splash
damage is usually healed back by the Warriors, but high level Boom Cannons, Cannons and Sniper
Towers can 1 shot or 2 shot them so remember to shock these defenses. Also be wary of Shock
Launchers which can stun a large portion of your Troops, so shock them too.


This is the usage of Flares to avoid certain parts of the base due to powerful defenses being in that area.
It can be used by all army compositions (except for Smokey Warriors), and sometimes also involves the
usage of Smoke Screens to prevent defenses like Sniper Towers from taking out low-health troops like
Zookas. Defenses that take a long time to reload such as Boom Cannons and Cannons also take quite
some time to lock onto a target, so it is okay to leave gaps in Smoke Screen paths when flanking past
solely these types of defenses.

Troop Capabilities

Evaluation: As long as there are a lot of them, they can swarm everything. They are not afraid of single-
target defenses like the Cannon, Boom Cannon and even the Sniper Tower. If you use Shock Bombs to
shock AOE defenses, then they can quickly destroy most of the enemy buildings, but the Rifleman's
primary disadvantage is that victory often comes at a painful price. However, training time is but a
shallow issue as compared to replacing most other troops. Still, because they are weak against Mines
and AOE defenses, the offensive rhythm must be fast. Using the Medic as a support troop for Riflemen is
very effective because they can heal the Riflemen quickly. Medkits are equally beneficial, though their
area of effect may not heal everyone.
Summary: If you have good assists for them, Riflemen are a promising troop. From the covering ability
point of view, if they can effectively cover other troops without coming under heavy attack themselves,
their covering ability is quite good (ranked second to the Heavy among all troops), but be warned,
Riflemen do not stand far enough away from Zookas to protect them from Shock Launchers.

Heavy Unit Size

Evaluation: They are the meat shield in the game. Heavies have very high health, but watch out for
Cannons and Boom Cannons. Their only major disadvantages are their short attack distance and the
lowest damage output of any unit, so they must be paired with something that can deal better damage
to have the best effect. Overall they are excellent troops, and their casualty rates are typically low when
used correctly. Their covering ability is exceptional, and you can quickly push to the Headquarters while
covering Zookas; they are also good covering for Tanks because of the Tank's longer range.
Summary: A very good meat shield.


Evaluation: Warriors are best used in large numbers to rush an HQ; their high movement speed can let
them run through defenses quickly, and with the use of Smoke Screens they can get to the HQ
essentially unharmed. Once they reach it, the use of Medkits and Shock Bombs can help them destroy
the target building quickly. The primary disadvantages of this troop are his very short attack distance
and vulnerability when on the move.
Summary: Fast and self-healing, the Warrior acts as his own covering troop.

Tank Unit
Evaluation: Tanks need good support and you must have high energy and advanced Artillery and Barrage
in order to be successful. Its primary advantage is its ability to destroy someone's spread-out firepower
one by one using its moderate damage and long range. Unfortunately there are many defenses that
counter the Tank, and it moves extremely slowly. Overall its performance is fairly good, and with
Heavies you can destroy a base with high-level Cannons and Sniper Towers. With the Medic, you can
attack bases with high AoE damage, most often without troop loss.
Summary: Although the Tank has very high health, its slow movement speed makes it a sitting duck
without cover.

Evaluation: Do not underestimate the Medic. It is a very strong troop; with them you can basically ignore
groups of AoE damage. Medics pay no attention to Flares themselves, as they will always follow behind
your troops.
Summary: A very effective complement to most armies, but has no offensive capabilities himself.
Defense Counters:Boom Cannons, Rocket Launchers, Sniper Towers, Shock Blasters, Grapplers, and
Doom Cannons
Recommended with:Medics, Tanks, and Riflemen
Evaluation: Grenadiers are great to use both on their own and with Medics or Tanks by their side.
Because their grenades are capable of damaging troops, he needs a long-range complement or else they
will accidentally initiate friendly fire to your army. The inaccuracy of Grenadiers makes them very
unpredictable and decreases their effective damage output which is already rather low against single
targets for the amount of space they take up. Their extremely long range allows them to out-range most
Defensive Buildings, but they are likely to miss a lot unless they are Flared closer to their target.
Summary: They are unpredictable, but they are one of the only troops that deal area damage and have
the longest range of any unit.

Scorcher Unit
Evaluation: Scorchers are decent to use both on their own and great to use with long range troops by
their side. However, they take up so much housing space, only those with high-level Landing Craft (at
least level 17) can fit them into the army. They require a lot of Gunboat Energy to deploy (12), and as
such, Gunboat support will be hindered early on in the battle. They can replace Heavies as a meat-
shield, but beware of Mines that can slip past the Scorchers and damage your DPS troops. Buildings
attacked by the Scorcher catch fire and take additional damage over time, but they won't be scorched
for long - the Scorcher switches targets every once in a while.
Summary: Although it takes a lot of housing space and Energy to use, the expenses to bring Scorchers
onto the battlefield are well worth it once leveled.

Evaluation: Cryoneers work best as support troops. Their ability to lower a defense's rate of fire prevents
it from damaging troops as it normally would. They can also affect many defenses at once, increasing
their effectiveness. With high-damage troops such as Zookas, defenses can be destroyed quickly, often
without much opposition. However, their moderate health and movement speed requires cover for them
to survive and a low damage output means they are poor when used alone. Heavies do this job nicely,
due to the Cryoneer's fair range.
Summary: An excellent support troop for many armies, but needs cover to be effective.

Placing your Headquarters is the most important part of your base design because your main goal is to
protect it. Different base types call for different placements which you can read about below. There are
a few general rules, however:
Make sure that as many defenses as possible are within range of the Headquarters. This prevents
players from maneuvering their troops into a weak spot and destroying your HQ easily.
Never place your Rocket Launcher(s) right next to the HQ. This will cause the Rocket Launcher's blind
spot to cover the HQ entirely which makes them useless against Warriors attacking it.
Flamethrowers should always be in range of the HQ. There is no better place to put them. Note that if
they are touching the side of the HQ, they can attack Warriors on all sides.
Place some Mines and/or Boom Mines around the HQ to heavily damage Warriors that attempt to rush
the HQ. Do not place Mines all up against the HQ because one Barrage will take them all out. However,
Boom Mines must touch the HQ or else their shorter trigger radius will leave them un-triggered by
Warriors. Regardless, spreading them out will make it harder for one Barrage to clear all of them.
Ice Statues

Ice Statues and your choice of how many of each type to use can critically affect not only your main base
defense but also that of all of your Resource Bases. Remember that you will be trading offensive and
production potential for defense when you deploy Ice Statues, but if you want a truly impenetrable
base, a good set of Ice Statues is the way to go. If you are looking to gain Victory Points, you want to
have as many Ice Statues as possible while still having the offensive Statues to defeat the bases that you

One of the most devastating sets of Ice Statues is having a Building Damage masterpiece, a Building
Health masterpiece, and as many of the other slots filled with Building Health Guardians as possible.
Nearly every good attack strategy involves destroying critical defenses either with the Gunboat before
landing troops, or very quickly afterwards. With extremely high-health buildings, not only will it take far
more Gunboat energy to kill critical buildings, but properly placed turrets improved by many Ice Statues
can starve out nearly any known army configuration.
Defensive Buildings

Your Defensive Buildings are the only things repelling attacks on your base, so you need to know how to
place them. If you place them badly, other players can take out your base with ease. Smart placement
will win you diamonds, intel, and save your Victory Points and resources. Below you can see which
troops every defense is best and worst at dealing with.
Defensive Buildings and their Strengths and Weaknesses

Economy/Support Buildings
Placement of non-defensive buildings is important because the Gunboat energy an attacker gets from
destroying them can win or lose the attack. In any base design, you want as many defenses as possible
to be protecting your extra buildings. Each base design has its own way of protecting them, and you can
adjust their placement to fit your base's strategy as much as possible. With economy and support
buildings, it is okay to have some of them touching because it is not typically worthwhile to use a
Barrage or Artillery to destroy two non-defensive buildings purely for the energy. Do not, however,
place the buildings where four touch on one spot because this is usually worth it to destroy them for
Base Types
In this section you will learn about general types of base designs. Each section will discuss that base's
strengths and weaknesses and the general type of placement it should have. Each base has a
recommended level of Headquarters it should be used at.

Dock Base

Recommended for around Headquarters levels 1-9

For the lower HQ levels, the best place is to have your HQ on the right edge of your base, next to your
pier so that it is easier to protect with lower level defenses. With this layout, you do not have many
defense buildings, but it is still easy to defend yourself by taking advantage of the few defenses that you
have. With the HQ up against the docks, it's easy to defend the two main directions from which your
opponent can attack from: the top and left side.
makes it hard for attackers to avoid any defenses
limits flanking
defenses close together so that they work together
economy and support buildings in front allow some easy energy gain
no defenses behind HQ which makes it easier to destroy all defenses before going at HQ

Corner Bases

Recommended for around Headquarters levels 13+

This type of base is built to be good against all attack strategies in general and defend especially well
against Smokey Warrior attacks. The HQ can be placed all the way in the corner once you unlock HQ
level 13, which allows the removal of all Obstacles. This base makes Warriors take a longer run before
reaching the HQ. However, many support and economy buildings have to be placed in front of

defenses between HQ and corner of map cannot be shocked without immobilizing the Warriors
funneled approach makes it harder for attackers to avoid Mines and Boom Mines
limits flanking
long run for Warriors
HQ in back means opponents will use more time to get to it, possibly running out of attack time

economy and support buildings in front make it easy for attacks using strategies other than Smokey
Warriors to get easy energy which makes this base type strong against Warriors, but weaker against
most other strategies
flamethrowers behind the HQ are rendered useless against any troop type other than Warriors

Beach Bases

Recommended for around Headquarters levels 10-20

This base type is designed to make it very hard for any attack strategy to get Gunboat energy from
support and economy buildings. All of the defensive buildings are placed right against the beach, and
the non-defensive buildings are spread out around the perimeter of the base, making it harder for
attackers to gain energy by destroying those buildings. Attacking troops are thrown right into the fray,
and the sides of the base are defended with Boom Mines and all of the many other defenses in range
which makes it very deadly to flank around the base. Without the energy from the non-defensive
buildings, attackers have a very limited number of Gunboat Weaponry uses.
very hard for troops to get energy from support and economy buildings
limits flanking
very strong frontal defense
many mines leading to HQ also make Warrior rushes difficult
great Rocket Launcher and Boom Cannon coverage
If attacker does not try to flank, Boom Mines are unlikely to come into play
shorter path for Warriors to run

Straight Bases

Recommended for about Headquarters levels 19+

This base type is meant for upper level players who frequently face Smokey-Warrior/Smokey-Heavy-
Warrior and Smokey-Heavy-Zooka attacks. The HQ is placed towards the back, and buildings are placed
in a rectangle shape through the center of the island. Most of the defenses are focused on the HQ.
Defenses that excel at dealing with Zookas are spread out as much as possible. Typically, a Shock Blaster
or Lazor Beam is placed in front to make attackers use more Smoke Screens or else have several troops
taken out as they enter the base and head for the HQ.
The path to the HQ is very long and dangerous, so Smoke-Screen-using strategies have to spend more
energy to get to the HQ or lose several troops.
Defenses are focused on the HQ to deal with Smoke-Screen-using strategies more effectively.
Since the HQ is not on the edge of the map, pathing to the HQ and using a Landing Craft of Heavies to
clear Mines is harder.
Line of Boom Mines along the front discourage attacking the base head-on
It is hard for attackers that flank to one side to gather energy.
Energy is easier for attackers using non-Smoke-Screen-using strategies to gather by attacking up the

A lot of this info is wrong . number 6 advises me to wait until another player on the map has stock piled
resources before attacking them, but the available loot for a player is decided when they appear on the
map, so you always gain the same amount whenever you attack them, if anything, attack them sooner,
so they don’t have a chance to upgrade defences and make the loot not worth the loss of troops. Also, I
don’t think the airplane mode cheat works, and if it does for you and not me, it is cheating, so don’t use
it. Number 4 no longer works because trees become transparent when there is so,etching behind hem,
for this very reason. For number 5, those boats have a limit to how much they hold, so waiting too long
to unload them could result in lost resources

This is an effective tactic for 2 reasons:

1. You will never be attacked because your recources arn’t interesting for other players. Even if they
attack the little amounts in your base will be protected by the vault.
2. You have recources available at any moment you need them. This because of all the various level
islands being captured, and also the stacks piling up on your mines and botes.
Using this tactic you can update everything chained and if you focus on raising the woodcutter, houses,
mines and most of all your mainbase you will grow the fastest without losing anything. (Except the non-
exploited mines who have reached their limits) and while focussing on your mainbase you will get allot
of 1-5 minute builds or upgrades so you dont really need to upgrade attack nor defence.

Best Attack Strategy Guide Walkthrough

Attacking is the biggest component in the game of Boom Beach, you need to attack to get various
resources and materials to craft your idols. In this compilation of best practices, we will go over
everything that you need to know about how to attack, how to effectively attack, and how to suffer the
least losses from your Boom Beach attacks. If you have found this guide useful, please check out the rest
of our Boom Beach guides under mobile game guide section.
Please note that this guide will not explain how each of the units work in detail nor their stats. We will
go over useful and applicable strategies that can instantly make you more effective in the attacking
aspect of the game.

Upgrade Your Units and Landing Ships

Understand How Your Boom Beach Units Act
Master the Timing of Your Unit Drops
Predict AI Movements
Use Your Battle Actions Evenly and Wisely
Retreat to Minimize Your Loss
Unit Mix Strategies
Find “Holes” with Enemy Base Defenses
Boom Beach Basic Attack Tactic Maneuver

PvP Matchmaking Strategy

Estimating Attack Loss and Reward

Upgrade Your Units and Landing Ships
This is the basic of the basic, without proper units and a good number of them, you will almost never be
able to break even a mediocre defense. Upgrade your units with Armory and load up your units with
your land crafts, and better yet always make sure that your number of landing crafts are maxed per your
level. Gradually switch your statues into troops enhancing statues will always be better than having the
resource ones. Having higher probability to carry out your raids and playing frequently yields better
resource return most of the time.
Understand How Your Boom Beach Units Act
Half of the battle is to under how your own Boom Beach offensive units function. You will have to use
them at the right time against the right buildings to succeed. Using them against the buildings that they
are effective against is paramount.
You need to know how much damage that your units can take, how long it takes for your units to take
down enemy building, their walking speed, and their damage range. All of this need to be practiced and
observed through using them.
Master the Timing and Location of Your Unit Drops
Since the place where you can drop off your attacking units is only at the beach, it becomes crucial to
know where and the time to drop them. We will go over some key factors and strategy for landing your


Depending on which buildings that your units encounter first, you need to time your drops. By dropping
units too early or too late, your units will either suffer unnecessary damage, or your units cannot
destroy the defenses on time.
In general, you want to drop off the tanky units first like the heavy or tanks, which cover and absorb the
fire of your other infantry units. However, if the enemy defense has a sore cannon at the beginning,
dropping off a swarm of infantries first may work.

Dropping Location

The location of the initial blue flag drop matters. Your units will take the shortest distance to start
marching toward enemy units after they reach the rally point on the beach. You almost always want to
drop them close to the defense buildings instead of other buildings. This way they can focus on the
defenses first instead of taking damage while destroying misc buildings.
Landing Craft Overlap

There is another factor in place is that your landing ships cannot overlap one another. This means that
your units land on the beach first depending on where your ships land, then they march toward the blue
summon point. This is crucial especially if enemies have their wide range defenses that cover the beach.
By having that additional couple seconds of incorrect rallying point and ship drop, your attacking troops
take unnecessary incoming fire.

Predict AI Movements

This battle concept is extremely important as you cannot really move troops around after you drop
them off, even when you use flare you will have to predict your unit’s moves. Draw or plan ahead your
units attacking and moving patterns for the duration of the attacking raid.
Before you start your attack, plan out a course of action. Imagine how your units will move from building
to building, how and where they are standing while taking down the defenses, and how the use of flares
can affect their movement. Through proper planning, you will know exact when and where to attack.
You can also predict how the defenses will target your units too. They typically attack the units that are
closest to your units. By able to calculate and anticipate the locations of offensive attacks and defensive
counter attacks to lower your loss.

Use Your Battle Actions Evenly and Wisely

Each of the battle actions have their purposes and effects. However, using just one of them can get
costly real quick in terms of battle energy. Combine and use all the battle actions when needed is the
best attacking strategy. If you just rely on one single battle action, you probably will do poorly with your

The only exception to this rule is that if you can combine the offensive actions such as the Barrage or
Artillery to quickly take out trouble buildings. For example, if a cannon is covering mortar buildings,
using the offensive action to take out the cannon to expose the weakness.
Utilize The Power of Flare
With the cost of Flare so low, they are one of the best items to strategically expose weakness of enemy
defenses. It is the only item for you to “control” your troops once you unleash them. You can use flare to
move your units into building blindspots such as the Missile Launcher, or retarget your fire towards
defense building instead of misc buildings.

Combine Flare with Defensive Battle Actions

The two defensive actions include the Shock Bomb and Smoke Screen. Combine the use of flares with
them to move your units around in the base. If the base is weakly defended in the battle, you can
potential move all of your units to the back unscathed if you have enough battle action points.

Crowd Control Attacks

One of the common hole or weakness of many bases are that they have placed their defenses to close
to each other. When this happens, use shock bomb to disable a cluster of them and barrage to damage
them all. Use a combination of both battle actions to conserve your points for Flare and Medkit.

Heal Your Units with Medkit

Medkit is an absolute necessary measure to lower your unit losses. A properly stacked medkit plus well
planned path can help you take down any enemy defenses.
Retreat to Minimize Your Loss
When you see no chance of your attacks winning against enemy defenses, do not be afraid to retreat
and cover your losses. There is no point to toss all of your units into a base that cannot be raided. Learn
when to tap that retreat button to recover your units.

Unit Mix Strategies

Although you can really mix and match your units to target specific bases, below are some
general mixes that do pretty well for the villages of your level range. You generally want to stay
away from Zooka because their HP is too weak and die too easily, more importantly, the Zookas
are time consuming to be replaced. However, if you are really good at maneuvering your troops,
Zooka + tanks or heavy strategy can be deadly.
You generally need Rifleman as cannon fodders to absorb the heavy damage from those single
target defenses.
2 Landing Craft (HQ 1): 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman
3 Landing Craft (HQ 4): 1 Heavy 2 Rifleman or 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman 1 Zooka
4 Landing Craft (HQ 6): 2 Heavy 2 Rifleman and can exchange Rifleman with Warrior once
5 Landing Craft (HQ 9): 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman 2 Warrior 1 Tank. You can exchange tank with
Other Unit Mix Strategies
These unit mixes are assuming that you have maxed out the numbers of boats, however, you
can adjust based on your needs. For the mix builds with medic, you typically need two boats
worth of medic to be effective.

Pure Warrior Mix: This strategy lets you rush enemy bases with pure Warrior. They destroy while
restoring their HP. This is currently the most popular strategy among high level players.
Tanks + Medic:
Rifleman + Medic
Heavy + Tank
Heavy + Zooka
Find “Holes” with Enemy Base Defenses
Weakest Link: It helps if you study the enemy player or NPC base if you look for the end of any defense
chain. Those are usually your starting point to start attacking. The end of the chains typically get less
coverage from other defense buildings.
Clustered Defenses: Look out for enemy with defenses that are cluttered. This makes them weak in
terms of barrage or artillery attacks. Also, you can look for opportunities to see if you can simply bypass
those defenses.

Non-centered HQ: If the enemy base has a HQ to the side or back, that can present itself as an
opportunity for you to attack and rush.
Look for Mines: Sometimes when players know that their base is weak, they may in fact place mines at
those weak spots. Look for mines as some subtle clues on where to strike.
Boom Beach Basic Attack Maneuver
HQ Rush: If enemy’s HQ is not properly defended, use flares to quickly route your units straight to the

Attack Order: In general, you want to take out defense buildings that deal AoE damage such as the
Mortar or Machine gun if you are using any kind of Rifleman. And take out cannons first if you have
heavy or tanks.
Meatshield Covering: Always use tanks or heavies against Sniper towers or units that deal AoE damage.
PvP Matchmaking Strategy
The PvP matching making mechanic in Boom Beach is determined by the size, percentage, and number
of “freed” villages on your map. The matchmaking takes no consideration of your victory points nor
level. In short, the more “cleared” up map that you have, the more likely that you will spawn higher
level enemies on your own map, and more likely that you will be spawned on other stronger player’s

This means that if you want to successfully raid weaker players, you should raid less and only raid for the
resources that you absolutely need to progress. One valid offensive strategy is to actually keep all PvP
players on your map and only clear the NPC villages. This way you show up less in other people’s radar
and you will be able to build faster without being attacked all the time.
In addition, you are more likely to receive much weaker opponents that can provide you with the
resources you need when the time comes.
Estimating Attack Loss and Reward
When you are farming or raid attacking other players, always note and estimate that amount of losses
that you may incur. Never attack someone if you know you will just lose. Fight winning battles only if
you want to keep on expanding to the next level.

The upgrade order is basically: HQ, Armory/sculptor, vault, gunboat, landing crafts, and then storages.
After that I upgrade the quickest defense/resource building to gain the most experience per hour. Once I
unlock the new HQ I will upgrade it immediately. In the armory I generally upgrade gbe abilities
\(barrage, artillery, shock bomb, flare\) then I'll upgrade troops. Then I'll upgrade heavies and zookas.
However, if I have a ton of gold I will upgrade the most expensive of those items listed.
The upgrades will get very expensive quickly so you have to plan when you want to upgrade something
big. I will usually try to time a major upgrade with Friday because of imitation game. Imitation game
unlocks at HQ 9 \(with radar lvl 9\) so work towards getting that because you can get lots of resources
from it. This is my process saving for a big upgrade:

Attack Dr. T/Imitation game \(whatever is on my map\)

Attack all NPC bases
Attack bases with low resources
Attack bases with high resources

Take daily supply chest/daily reward boat/operation reward

you can switch steps 3 and 4 to meet your needs. The idea is to attack as few player bases as possible
\(prevent raising your medal count\). If I see that I only need to attack one base with a lot of resources
then I'll do that then do my upgrade. I'll only attack when resources are needed. This order also helps if I
am to get raided. By leaving the high resource players on my map I can easily gain any lost resources
back quickly.

TRM attack strategy

Who else uses this troop combo? I'm a level 64 with ~900 VP and lately I have been going crazy with a
6/1/1 ratio and everspark as my hero (Sometimes I'll go 4/2/1/1 with 2 boats of grens). If Kavan is all he
is cracked up to be, then he may be an excellent addition as well, may be able to drop the boat of medics
all together and put 2 boats of riflemen to add some DPS and soak up that single shot damage.
Its not a troop combo I have seen a ton of the regular boom youtubers making videos with (with the
exception of Macs2015, where I learned it), but its incredibly potent, so would love to see some others
using it to take out heavily iced PVP bases.
For guys like Ryan and others, who hang with a bunch of the big dogs running high on the leaderboards
(the come wiv a plan crew etc.), do you see it being used there?

I think the reason this combo is not used so much is not that it is not powerful. There is no question it is
super powerful. It is not efficient for clearing your map. At least when I was trying to learn it I found that
I could beat every base, but I would always lose a couple tanks.
The retrain time on tanks is super long compared to other troops. This is why all of the players that are
adaptable enough to switch troop combos change from tmedic at about 600 VP when it becomes
difficult to beat bases with no casualties. Since TRM suffers from the same flaw it is not something
people really consider at that point. Combos like RZCM, warriors, TGM, and even AZ if you have the
statues; are able to beat every base and offer faster retrain times than TRM does. When people start
considering something like TRM is when the bases get hard enough that the goal is no longer to beat the
base with few casualties, but just to beat the base with as few complete failures as possible.
The players that could probably benefit the most from the switch to TRM are that huge logjam of iced
players at like 800-900 VP that cannot get any higher because of troop retrain time. They only know
tmedic and are convinced that it is the strongest troop combo (I run into these guys all the time due to
my hopping ways). Most of these players will never change. SC allowed the balance of the game to favor
those troops for too long of a section in the midgame. Eventually, they all just quit. Maybe with the base
designer we will get some mid game NPC bases that are impossible for tmedic so that new players that
come up will have to switch troops occasionally and not think start thinking of themselves as "tmedic

Offensive Strategies
Check out some Offensive Strategies for Boom Beach. All with their own Troops and use of the Gunboat

Meat Shield

Use Troops with high hitpoints as a living shield or meat shield for troops with low hitpoints. Troops like
the Heavy or Scorcher can take a lot of hits and can therefore be used as a shield for other more
vulnerable troops like the Zooka or Rifleman.
Start your attack by deploying some Heavies. The enemy defense attacks the first target within reach (in
this case the Heavies) and the other troops behind the Heavies can target the enemy defense from a
safe distance.
This strategy is especially useful with defensive structures that can easily terminate Troops with low
hitpoints, like the Rocket Launcher and Machine Gun.
Attack with Heavies and Riflemen and use Flares to direct them around the reach of enemy structures
towards the Headquarters. This technique is usefull with base layouts with the Headquarters in the far
back with little or no defense behind it. Be carefull with defense with a long range like the Boom
Cannon, Mortar and Rocket Launcher.

Rush or Rushing

Attack the beach with a large number of Troops, mostly Riflemen. Because of the enormous amount of
targets the single-shot defenses like the Cannon, Boom Cannon and Sniper Tower have no chance of
terminating all Troops.
This strategy is especially effective with a lot of single-shot defenses. Be careful with defense that does
splash damage like the Mortar, Flamethrower or Rocket Launcher. Large numbers of Troops can easily
be terminated by these defensive buildings.

Smokey Zooka

Use the impressive firepower of the Zooka! Load all your Landing Craft with Zookas and boost your
Gunboat Statues so you have plenty of Gunboat Energy. Then start your attack by deploying all the
Zookas at once and flare them towards the Headquarters. Cover there path with Smoke Screens just like
the technique below with the Warriors. Once the smoke is gone the Zookas will start firing at the
Headquarters and deal serious damage! Be very carefull with splash-damage defenses like the Rocket
Launcher, Mortar and Machine Gun. Best is to Shock Bomb them while your Zookas are in range.

HQ Rushing

Headquarter Rushing can be done with Warriors. They move fast and have the ability to heal
themselves. Deploy the Warriors and use Flares to direct them immediately towards the Headquarters.
Use Shock Bombs and Smoke Screens to get them there without lots of casualties. Warriors do a lot of
damage so this attack is very fast and effective.
Be careful with defenses that do a lot of Damage per Second like the Cannons, Boom Cannons and
Sniper Towers. These defenses, especially at higher levels, can easily take out a Warrior. Destroy these
structures with Artillery or disable them temporarily with the Shock Bomb.

Boom Beach tips and tricks: keys to a winning strategy

Boom Beach is from the makers of Clash of Clans and is one of the best strategy games for Android. This
free-to-play game is a great pick if you're looking for an adventure. We have some useful tips, tricks and
strategies here.

Tanks can take many hits in Boom Beach and they also have more firepower. Unfortunately they are
relatively slow. Therefore they're mainly used for the protection of units that have low health.
Place the tanks before 'glass cannon' units so they can survive longer. You can achieve more efficient
fighting with this tactic.

Boom Beach tower protection

Place a tower as back as far as possible because it has a large range.
If you need to destroy a tower you should attack with shock bombs.
Boom Beach heavy units
The heavy unit is an excellent offensive unit in Boom Beach. He's a real team player. He provides much
protection, especially to Riflemen or Zookas. It's best to position him behind the tanks so they can shoot
If a heavy unit in Boom Beach flies in the air you should project him as far away from the troops as
possible. If he explodes he can damage your troops. This impending explosion can be used to your
advantage against enemy troops.
Make sure you buy troops to attack. You need to fight to win in Boom Beach. / © ANDROIDPIT
Boom Beach combat
Groups provide a lot of protection in Boom Beach. They can do very little alone but in groups they are
quite effective.
The emphasis in Boom Beach combat is getting Zookas protected enough to unleash their full
destructive power. Combat tactics should revolve around this key concept.
The warrior in Boom Beach is perfect to kill stationary guns like rocket launchers and mortars.
Proper use of medics in Boom Beach can decide a battle. Pay attention to their safety but ensure they
don't fall too far behind otherwise they can't help faster units. If you leave them unprotected they will
be easy targets for enemies.

Attacks from your boat can take out enemy towers.

The hut in Boom Beach should be upgraded quickly so you can get gold faster.
At the beginning, you should place your headquarters near your boat as it can be easily defended
against enemy attackers.
It pays to start using diamonds with your headquarters and invest and build it quickly. After that, use
your diamonds to recruit soldiers faster.
Once you have more XP, put your headquarters in the middle of the map. Then buy lots of defenses to
protect it.

As of yet, there are no known cheats for Boom Beach.

Stay away from any activities that promise free diamonds in exchange for your contact information.
Scammers are trying to get your account so they can sell it.


Boom Beach is one of those insanely addictive games to build your home base strong enough to fortify
any attack while also strengthening your army to lead victorious attacks against others. We’ve put
together a helpful list of Boom Beach tips and tricks to help beeline you in your shore takeover efforts.
Build & Upgrade

The key to Boom Beach is to constantly build and upgrade your forces. Of course other important
elements include attacking and defending in which we’ll get into later. There is much to manage and the
game will guide you on the necessities of your development scheduled.
The core to your base as you know is your Headquarters. The more you upgrade this fort the more
Economy, Defense and Support you unlock. These are vital for producing resources you’ll need for
successful campaigns.
The greatest caveat you’ll find in Boom Beach is the need to collect the necessary currency to purchase
items in addition to the amount of time you need to wait in order to naturally grow your army.
Diamonds accelerate upgrades instantly but are rather difficult to accumulate organically. Which leads
to purchasing diamonds with real cash if you’re the impatient type. Otherwise to avoid paying- check
into the app multiple times daily and ensure to build and upgrade!
One other tip you can use is to capture Resource Bases. Once you take them, they produce whatever
rich resource for you hourly. If another player or the Blackguard retakes it, the weapons are
automatically upgraded and it will make it harder for you to recapture the base.

As mentioned building and upgrading play a key part to your battle plans. If you have stronger troops
and in massive numbers it then becomes possible to take on a well defended enemy base. As you play
you will notice there are those bases you can take from the evil Blackguard forces or those other players
of the game. If find the latter most interesting and quite challenging to see other’s defensive
configuration; both to analyze their strengths (to learn from) and their weaknesses (to attack!)
Scouting is key! Before each bout I ensure to click on all heavy treats and see how well (or not well) they
cover targets. For instance I may use all my gunboat fire to take out the most threatening target(s) and
send the Heavies to strategically flank and build up energy from destroying enemy resources before
focusing on lower power targets.

One of the more successful tactics I’ve found especially against other players is to out-flank and exploit
their weaknesses. Many player bases will have an incredibly strong sole frontal defense that quite
honestly could mow down any direct offense. However they leave other fronts and/or resources that
can be used as energy unguarded. There are many bouts you can win with finesse by using flares to
direct your force around the weak side (often deep into the woods.)
Know your troops strengths and weaknesses! For example, rifleman are plentiful but lack ability to take
enemy fire. Heavies can take a lot of damage but lack battle smarts and simply fire at the closest target
which may not necessarily work best for your attack plan.
Precise positioning can act as a huge advantage as well. Sometimes you can position your men just out
of reach of an enemy weapon but it’s just in reach enough for you to destroy it. Alternatively, friendly-
fire can be used against fixtures if positioned correctly.

Defense is the best offense for your base. I often watch battles against me, learn and adjust from other
player bases to tweak the defensive positioning on my own base. Ensuring to surround my headquarters
as well as high energy fixtures with plenty of powerful weapons. One thing you do not want to do is
leave many high energy fixtures out for easy capture which in turn fuels power-up attacks against you. I
also try to position my lesser energy fixtures on the outer perimeter as it will slow down attackers in
their raids inward thus gunners mow them down.
There is not an ultimate impenetrable configuration so constantly adjusting is the best strategy. Because
brilliant military minds can find a weakness even in the best fort if they have the resources.
Use these major keys; Build & Upgrade, Attack and Defense tips to your advantage to help conquer
Boom Beach!

Boom Beach is a fun RTS style game for the iPhone and iPad that is from the same company that makes
the popular Clash of Clans game. This is not the same type of strategy game as command and conquer,
but it is a fun fix for mobile gamers that want to control an army in island based warfare.
Boom Beach takes place in an island setting with in-game currency like gems, gold and diamonds which
play a central role in building your boom beach defense strategy, mounting an offense and upgrading
capabilities. This is nothing new for strategy games, but Boom Beach is heavily tilted to make the player
spend real world money on boom beach in-app purchases to get more boom beach gems, which can buy
extra resources and speed the game up. It is still fun to play Boom Beach, but everyone who plays will be
tempted to spend cash to avoid waiting between moves.
If you want to progress faster and unlock new boom beach buildings, weapons and troops without
spending real money you’ll need to use these Boom Beach tips and tricks to have more fun and progress
There are no Boom Beach cheats available at this time, and setting the clock ahead will trigger a
notification that a building is complete, but when returning to the game it will still be in process. No
combination of changing the time and opening or closing the game works as a Boom Beach cheat to
build faster.
Boom Beach is free for iPhone and iPad and is the Boom Beach release is coming soon.
Since Boom Beach cheats are out of the question, you’ll need to work on your Boom Beach strategy with
these tips to have more fun and progress.

Upgrade as Soon as Possible

If you upgrade your headquarters, economy, sniper towers and landing ships you’ll gain access to new
crew members, better fighting capacity and faster returns on wood and gold production.
Upgrading the headquarters is a great place to start as it will unlock all of the boom beach buildings. If
you start doing this early you can get up to a level 5, where things start to open up more.
Use Boom Beach Diamonds Wisely
Diamonds are the in game currency that does not regenerate. We’ll explain how to get some more
Diamonds, but expect them to be in low supply to convince gamers to spend cash on a the free Boom
Beach game.

It may not make sense to use 7 Diamonds to make a building complete instantly, but if you need to get
started on something else you can often trade in 1-2 diamonds later in the build process for an instant
gratification. That is a much better spending decision.

Explore and Build a Radar

As soon as you can build a radar. This will allow you to see more of the map and open it for exploration.
Once you can explore you can attack and unlock gold, wood and medals. It costs gold to unlock parts of
the map, but there is always more gold in those locations.

Look for an opportunity to upgrade the radar to expand your exploration. Be smart and find a way to do
this after you’ve unlocked about half of the map with level one Radar so you aren’t stuck waiting around
later. Tap on a building to see the upgrade options and price.
Scout Before an Attack
It is tempting to rush into a boom beach attack, but you don’t know what it looks like you may end up
losing troops and wasting time and resources. Use the free scout option to see if you can take an island
before wasting gold with an attack that fails or that you need to retreat from.
Building new riflemen is easy, quick and cheap, but the heavy gunners take more time, use them wisely.
Eventually you will be able to direct the gunners with flares.

Attack the Base and Avoid Guns

Once you can direct your troops attack smartly to save lives resources and time. There are many times
when you can direct the troops to take on a single gun, go around the enemy and out of the range of
other weapons and take out the headquarters to win the battle.
Doing this also earns more wood and supplies from structures left standing.
Get Free Boom Beach Diamonds
There are two ways to get free Boom Beach diamonds. They both take some time and in-game
resources, but they are better than paying for them with real money.
Tap on the three star icon in the upper left to see achievements. Unlocking these will earn free Boom
Beach diamonds.
The next way is to explore the map. Eventually you will come across a chest of free Boom Beach
diamonds that will help you get to the fun parts faster.

Build a Good Defense

When you start playing Boom Beach you don’t need to worry about attacks, but eventually other
computer characters and players will attack you.
Start with a defense that covers the perimeter, but soon you will need to cover the center of your base
design so it is not left open to attackers that rush past a sniper tower.
Look at the islands you defeat and learn from their weaknesses. Multiple layers of defense with various
types of weapons will serve gamers best.

You Can Move Buildings Later

Unlike traditional strategy games it is possible to move buildings later. This means as the base grows you
can reorganize to keep the headquarters and other resources protected without spending gold and
wood on doubling up.
Tap on a building and then drag to move it around on the map.
Upgrade Attackers
When possible upgrade the gunboats and landing crafts. Doing this will allow them to carry more troops
or fire faster or more often. This makes attacking tougher islands easier and you’ll lose fewer troops.
Upgrading the gunboat takes away from building a new structure, but it is worth it. Same goes for the
landing crafts.
Attack Ammo Regenerates so Use it
When you attack an island blowing up some buildings will give you more ammo for the gunboat. You can
use this as a flare to direct troops or as artillery to destroy things.
If you get it, use it. The new ammo does not carry over to the next attack. Just make sure you use it
wisely or you will run out too fast.
Increase Your Vault
At first a vault seems like an unnecessary expense, but once your base comes under attack you’ll regret
not building a vault. Once you build the vault keep at it to upgrade the vault for more protection.
The better the vault, the more gold, lumber and supplies you will have available after losing an attack on
your base. And you’ll need it to rebuild and prepare for other assaults.

Boom Beach, which is quite similar to Clash of Clans, is a pretty spectacular game. If you have been
playing it for a while now, you will comprehend the tricks discussed in this article in no time. These tips
are probably more favorable for advanced players, but beginners can give it a try as well. Your defense is
a crucial part of the game, and your defense strategy determines how your battles turn out.
Remember, it is not only important to win your battles but also adequately protect your home base. If
you want your island to be the strongest and the best, you can free up other islands and possibly
destroy all the other islands on the map. These tricks will help you up your game and enjoy it

1. Simulated Attack Cheat
Here is a genius method to go for an attack on any base you like without actually losing your troops.
Here is what you do: Choose any base to attack and when the battle begins, swipe up to bring forth the
control center on your iPhone and enable Airplane Mode.
What it does is that it cuts the Wi-Fi or data connection without stopping the game. You can go about
proceeding with the attack without your progress being saved. You can test your strategy at this point.
When the battle is over, and you have seen the outcome of your plan, quit the game. Now turn back off
the Airplane Mode. Now actually go for it with the tested strategy or you can do it again until you
master a good way.

2. Watch battle replays

You can continuously improve your base if you take a look again at the attacks from enemies and see
where your effort lacked. You can learn from the mistakes and have a better performance in the future
You already know that there are no walls, so protection is your number one priority. You can surround
your buildings and defenses and also with mines. Your aim is to make it impossible for your enemy to
get to the command center so the more the hindrances, the better.

3. Go for the resource bases

Resource bases are those who can yield wood or ore. You should aim for these stations to increase
these resources back at your home. There is no wood ever enough in this game so you will need
whatever you can get. You should upgrade the radar consistently to explore a map as comprehensive as
4. Warriors are your ultimate weapon to victory
After you have reached level 7 for your Headquarter, you can recruit Warriors. It is a powerful and
useful unit which you will not regret getting. In those fierce battles, these Warriors can prove quite a
valuable asset. They have a massive attack rating and they also get hit points with their blows. However,
the low HP can make them quite vulnerable. Here is where your strategy takes effect. One approach
could be to send out a Tank to start fires while the Warrior destroys the enemy. You can also use the
healing power up to give more chance to fight. This is a proven strategy, and no base can withstand such
a powerful attack. You are welcome!

5. Use Trees to conceal your defenses

It would be optimal to position the mortars and rocket launchers behind trees on your home base as
well as the resource islands. Why? It would be tough for troops to find them or reach them for that
matter. They will be able to launch more attacks before they are taken down.

6. Scout before attacks

It is a good practice to scout before attacking a base. It will cost you nothing but the outcome would be
great. You will be able to see if it is even worth attacking a base. Many bases will probably have fewer
defense towers, but that does not make them an easy chase. These towers, although few, could be of
high level and scouting can give you this crucial information. You need to estimate your losses before
the attack. If it is too much of a loss, why go for it?

7. Take it slow in attacking mercenary bases

Mercenary bases are the bases of other players, and it is recommended to avoid attacking them too
quickly. You might want to rush to attack them to get resources perhaps for some upgrade. This is
where you need not rush. You can scout around and monitor and only attack when the resources they
have are at maximum levels. Now if you attack, the benefit would be maximized.

8. Never rush to get resources from boats

The resources on these ships are safe from your enemies. If you have ample resources, it is unnecessary
to go about collecting these to keep them for an awkward time when you run out of resources. They will
always be there so you can utilize your time in other things. When push comes to shove, you can go and
collect the resources.

9. Keep a distance between the defensive buildings

Battleship attacks will rather quickly destroy your defensive buildings if they are too near each other.
Keep a decent and safe distance between them. The attacking entity should only be able to fire rocket
for each of your defensive buildings as it will not be damaged more with only one attack.
Now that you know the tricks for a proper defense implement these and make your base the strongest
and most protected base out there. Some of the strategies will only work on advanced levels so first get
to those levels and then go ahead. The strategy is the key. Just like with real games, the strategy can
pretty much flip the game and take you to victory in no time. As discussed before, there are no walls, so
it is up to you how you strategize your borders.

Boom Beach is one of the biggest mobile games out there, so make sure you're prepared and check out
these tricks and tips
If you’re a mobile gamer chances are you’ve given Boom Beach a try–and that means you’re probably
addicted by now. For those of you not in the know, Boom Beach is the mega popular mobile strategy
game by Supercell, makers of other megahits including Clash of Clans and Hay Day. In the game you play
an army of soldiers trying to infiltrate a beautiful tropical archipelago with various armies already on it.
The aim is to build up your bases, gain greater defenses, and muster your troops to defeat the other
It’s a terrifically addictive game and even almost a year and a half after its original release it still tops the
various App Store and Google Play charts. Whether you're a Boom Beach novice or a long time player,
we’ve put together a list of the tip tips and tricks you need to know.
Start by upgrading saw mills as fast as you can
In Boom Beach you can use any number of materials to build and upgrade your defenses, but wood is
the base material. Without wood you can’t use iron or stone to improve your defenses. Since sawmills
are the only place you can get wood (by mining trees), it’s best to have as many saw mills–and upgrade
them as fast–as possible. It may be tempting to use your diamonds (Boom Beach’s in-app currency) to
upgrade other things, but remember if you don’t have wood, you don’t have defenses.
Save major upgrades and reinforcements for right before you quit
While playing Boom Beach you can apply upgrades to your troops, bases, and defenses at any time.
However, you can only apply one upgrade at a time. Depending on the upgrade it can take several
minutes or even hours. That means that if you plan on playing for a while during your current session it’s
best to only perform small upgrades during gameplay. Save the big upgrades for right before you quit
the game for the evening–because even when you exit the game the upgrading will progress That means
in the morning your major upgrade will be complete while you were catching some Zs in the real world.
Don’t worry about taking out a base’s defenses–go for its heart
When attacking enemy bases it may be tempting to do a by-the-numbers approach and take out their
artillery first. That may work well some of the time, but if you have the option, completely bypass a
base’s artillery and go for its heart first–its main camp. If you can take out the camp you can stop the
base from building any more artillery. Take out the camp first, then worry about the guns.

Don’t blow your diamonds on rushing buildings

Love it or hate it, Boom Beach operates on the freemium model–the game is free to download and play,
but the developers make their money by selling in-app purchases in the form of in-game currency
(diamonds). Using these diamonds you can level up base defenses, artillery and more. You can also use
diamonds to speed up the time it takes to complete a building. While this may be tempting, don’t do it–
you’re just wasting valuable in-game currency in order to shave 20 minutes off building a turret. Save
your diamonds for the good stuff.
Get those radars up!
While not as cool as bigger bases or killer artillery, it’s important you build radars and upgrade them as
fast as possible. Why? Because radars allow you to explore islands that are further out–and upgrading
radars allow you to explore even further. And those far away islands usually have the best treasures.
Don’t worry about arranging your base now
Unlike most strategy games, Beach Boom allows you to rearrange your base even after you’ve built it
up. This means as more land becomes available and you build more structures you can go back and
really fine tune your citadel. A lot of players don’t know this, but they should: rearranging your bases
can really help consolidate your defenses and keep you safe from attack.
Build up those residences!
It can be very tempting to focus on defenses and troops when building up your armies, but don’t forget
to build up residences in Boom Beach. Why? Because residences are one of the few ways you can earn
coins on your own island. Coins are another in-game currency that allow you to sail to theory islands
(you can also use diamonds, but we suggest you save those for bigger upgrades). The more residences
you have–and the more you level them up–the more coins you’ll earn without doing much. And since
coins accrue even when you’re not playing the game, it’s like earning free (virtual) currency for doing

Boom Beach has finally arrived on Android, and its creators Supercell are hoping to recreate the success
of its other titles, Clash of Clans and Hay Day, with Boom Beach. It’s already gotten a head start with the
iOS version, but chances are that it’ll blow up even bigger now that it’s on Android. If you want to get
the most out of the game, there are certain tricks that’ll put you on the right track from the start.
Boom Beach is set on an archipelago of tropical islands. One of these islands is where you’ll set up home
base, from which you’ll fight the the sinister Blackguard, who enslaves its islands’ inhabitants.
The key to starting any game, of course, is strategy. Well thought-out tactics at the beginning of the
game will give you a huge advantage over your opponents. Below, I’ll tell you what to look for from the
beginning in order to start the game off with a huge boom!

At the beginning of the game, you’ll have access to two basic raw materials: coins, supplied in the
Residence building, and trees, produced by the Sawmill. When you reach level 6 Headquarters, you’ll get
a new material–stone– but you’ll have to wait until you reach level 6 to use it.
You’ll have a stone storeroom, which can be useful for attacking other players, as well as for controlling
the island with the computer. You’ll have access to a quarry only once you reach Headquarters in level 7,
and at a more advanced level, Boom Beach introduces yet another material, iron, available from level 9
You can also acquire diamonds throughout the course of the game. Larger quantities can also be
purchased with real money at the store, which you can use to reduce construction time, and to replace
deficient resources.
Coins are used to pay for soldiers, to expand the reach of radar on the world map, and to further train
soldiers, which is done in the Armory. At the beginning of the game, you pay for constructing buildings
with trees, followed by stone, and later, iron.
Steady growth
Steady and rapid growth at the beginning of the game is very important, but you need to prioritize; the
highest priority in every game of this type should be economic development so that you can finance the
development of a military and a government.
At the beginning, you’ll be very focused on securing a supply of raw materials. You can do this by raising
buildings which produce coins, wood, and stone to higher levels. But that’s not all. If you retake an
island from the hands of the Blackguard, its residents will be sent to you with gratitude, and
construction materials.

One small island might not make a difference, but 20-30 definitely will. Unfortunately, the villains of the
Blackguard will systematically try to take back the islands. Then, you’ll have little choice but to once
again send your soldiers to enemy islands.
You might pay dearly to discover the world map, but it’s worth it!
A key tip is to keep exploring the world map. Every little piece costs a lot of money, but it’s worth doing
because you’ll be able to find a Resource Base, giving you a much larger supply of wood or stone.
Unfortunately, the peace won’t last long: other players will try to take it from you.
The more a base of raw materials passes from one person to another, the higher the level of defenses
you’ll need. In this case, it may happen that someone takes the resource base and improves their
defenses, leaving your expeditionary forces without enough strength to take it back , at least not
without raising it to a higher level or increasing headcount.
Master the resource base and fight for it tooth and nail

Find the diamonds

On the same world map where you’ll find the islands that you need to attack, randomly and occasionally
you’ll find boxes with diamonds. It’s worth casually scanning the map to find these treasures. By doing
so systematically, you won’t have to buy diamonds at all (or at least if you do, you can buy much less).
Remove trees and rocks
In your home base or seized Resource Base, you should remove trees and rocks if you have excess cash.
After removing a tree, you will, of course, get the raw “tree” material. The same goes for rocks: remove
them to get stone. Not all trees, however, can be removed at once. Older and larger trees can only be
cut down once you have your Headquarters at an appropriately high level.
Crystals and statues
From level 5 Headquarters, you can create a new building– the Sculptor. What does it do? Once you
liberate an island from the Blackguard, you’ll start receiving strange crystals. When you collect 7 pieces
of the same shape, a sculptor can make a statue of them. Once they’re built, you’ll get bonuses for
different stats.

Types of statues and crystals in the game

In the early stages of the game, you’ll only see green crystals (Life), which help increase the production
of raw materials. Later, blue crystals (Ice) will appear, and building statues with them will give bonuses
to help defend the base. Red crystals (Magma) give bonuses that improve the performance of your
soldiers, while purple crystals (Dark) support many other statistics.
Gains after winning the fight – raw materials and crystals
The game limits the number of statues that you can put in your base to one type, but there is a way
around it: overflowing statues will be turned into precious crystals in higher levels.
Guard the Headquarters
Headquarters is a key building in Boom Beach. Its destruction by the enemy automatically destroys all
the other buildings in the database, giving the opponent victory. In short– protect this building at all
costs. Set it in the center of the base, and evenly protect it with machine guns, mortars, and sniper

The attacker soldiers suddenly come out of the forest, guided by flares.
Once attacking soldiers land, they’ll move in a straight line to the closet buildings, so it seems logical to
set up defenses on the first line, closest to the beach. Using flares can, however, direct the line of
attacking soldiers elsewhere. If your defense is concentrated on the beach, for example, it could be
easily avoidable and allow for attacks from behind.
Examine the power of defense and its range
Before attacking an island, you can get a sense of its level of defenses. To do so, choose the island and
click on Scout, but don’t rely solely on an overview showing enemy fortifications: check every cannon
and machine gun turret. Check to see how many points it has and how far it reaches. Then, consider
which side you want to land your troops, and which defenses will protect shots from a cannon on the
deck of a destroyer docked at the shore.
Attacking rocket launchers
The range of rocket launchers and its points are huge.
Rocket Launchers are powerful defensive tools with a lot of points and a huge range. Sometimes, they’ll
hide behind trees in the farthest corner of the base. Before you deal with other towers, you’ll be under
non-stop rocket fire. The only way to the Rocket Launchers is to approach it as close as possible.
With the help of flares, you’ll have to set your troops so that they aren’t within firing range of other
defense towers. In the first phase of battle, it’s worth releasing a unit that has a lot points– it’ll include a
soldier with a giant machine gun.
Use flares!
Soldiers jumping out of the landing craft will go in a straight line to the nearest building, in turn shooting
at ordinary buildings or defense towers. To give direction to their actions, it’s worth shooting a flare:
marked buildings will immediately become targets for all your troops.
It’s often worth using flares to bypass enemy defenses and attack from the side, where the defense is
less concentrated.

Points of attack – energy

During the first attack, you should eliminate the opponent’s defenses, but it may not be worth it to go
from one tower to the next sniper machine gun: your arsenal will have some other tricks up its sleeve.
Each attack begins with certain energy points that you can use to fire a cannon, deploy flares, or treat
troops. Demolishing simple bases that aren’t shooting at you increases the number of available energy
In the end, it’s worth steering your troops in order to maximize the number of energy points to use at
the most opportune time.

Get off to a good start

Like Clash of Clans and Hay Day, Boom Beach is a strategic game where getting off to a good start is
important for a successful game. Making using of resources, directing troops, and properly protecting
your assets are just a few key factors that can help you make the most (and get the furthest) in the
game. Finally, Android users can join in on the battle for tropical islands.

The Gunboat has special abilities that can aid and support your troops. It should be noted, however, that
all damaging abilities (excluding Critters) and the stun ability of the Shock Bomb allow for friendly fire
(they can impart their negative effects on your troops). Additionally, improper Smoke Screen placement
and Flare usage can keep troops from performing and ruin an attack, so the judgement of when and
where to deploy these measures should always be regarded with care.
The most often used are Artillery and Barrage. Both of these deal damage to the opponent's buildings. It
is often a good idea to destroy key defenses like Rocket Launchers and Boom Cannons before deploying
troops. However, this order may change based on the types of troops you plan to deploy. It should be
noted that shells from both of these deal splash damage to enemy buildings; two or more buildings that
touch can be damaged by one Artillery shell.
For armies consisting of lower-health units, such as Zookas and Riflemen, defensive buildings should be
targeted in this order (with Artillery and/or Barrages), with number one taking the highest precedence:
Rocket Launchers, due to high range and splash damage. A single salvo may be able to wipe out most of
an army that consists of low health units.
Shock Launchers, due to their long range and wide splash radius. One shot can immobilize and damage
or even kill large parts of your army.
Mortars, due to their splash damage, and capability to one hit Zookas with their long range.
Flamethrowers, due to their ability to inflict high damage to multiple units as well as their damage over
time effect.
Sniper Towers, due to their ability to one-shot lower-health units (depending on level) and relatively
quick shooting speed. Not as dangerous to low-health units as some other defensive buildings, however.
Cannons are essentially smaller Boom Cannons with a slightly higher rate of fire, and are therefore
ignored for the same reasoning. If the Cannon in question can one-shot the troop(s) you plan to deploy,
it may be advisable to prioritize the Cannon over a Boom Cannon, as they have similar health and the
Cannon shoots faster (and will therefore kill more of your troops over an equal measure of time).
Machine Guns are able to make short work of low health units, especially at close range, but a few
Heavies will easily solve the problem.
Boom Cannons can easily one-hit kill a low health unit, but swarming this defensive structure with
enough units will easily make waste of it.
For armies that rely on high health units, such as Heavies and Tanks, defensive buildings should be
targeted in this order (with Artillery and/or Barrages), with number one taking the highest precedence:
Boom Cannons' long range and high damage allow them to pick off your high health units one by one,
severely crippling your army.
Cannons also deal high damage to high health units and can eat away at them quite well, but their
shorter range prevents them from firing off as many shots before being destroyed, so they should be
prioritized after Boom Cannons.
Shock Launchers can stop your army in its tracks which gives other defenses more time to damage it.
Rocket Launchers have extremely long range and decent DPS splash damage which allows them to
pummel all of your Troops for a long time. Also, if your Heavies get in its blind spot, it will begin killing
fragile Zookas which have a range longer than the Rocket Launcher's blind spot. However, they are not
as threatening to Tanks and Medics, as the Medics will generally be able to out-heal them.
Sniper Towers deal decent, long range damage to your Troops. Given enough time, they can severely
damage your high health Troops, but their higher than normal health makes them less advantageous to
take out with Gunboat Weaponry.
Mortars have shots that fall slowly which may cause them to shoot over your Heavies as they move up
which may lead to a chunk of your Zookas dying.
Flamethrowers can deal high damage to chunks of Troops if they are allowed to, but their short range
hinders their ability to shoot at your Troops long enough to make a big difference. Tanks can even
destroy it without it hitting any of them because Tanks have a longer attack range than the

Machine Guns do such low, inaccurate damage, they are a very low threat to high health units.
Another extremely important ability is the Flare. This ability is used to guide troops towards a
designated location or to attack a specific building. The careful utilisation of the Flare is a good way to
destroy the opponent's defensive buildings like the Sniper Tower and the Cannon that can only shoot
one target at once. It should be noted, however, that the Flare can be used in conjunction with the
Shock Bomb and Smoke Screen to facilitate a Warrior rush at the HQ.
Both the Shock Bomb and the Smoke Screen allow troops a chance at not being hit by defenses. The
main difference, however, is that the Smoke Screen protects troops from enemy fire within its area of
effect (allowing troops to move through it but not shoot), while the Shock Bomb disables defenses
within its area of effect. It is recommended to use these to disable and/or avoid the effect of high
damage or splash damage units, depending on what army composition is used.
Troops can be healed with use of the Medkit. It should be noted that although it can be used to
counteract the damage of splash damage defenses like the Mortar, Machine Gun and Flamethrower, it
does not do much to counteract the damage of single-target defenses, especially at higher levels. They
are particularly useful when dealing with Flamethrowers, as it deals damage to troops even after it has
stopped shooting flames at them.
Critters can do a good job in distracting enemy defenses and thus can be used to divert the attention of
key defenses towards themselves (an example would be dropping Critters near a Boom Cannon to make
the Boom Cannon attack the Critters and not Heavies or Tanks). In addition, Critters can be used to clear
Mines and/or Boom Mines. Since they are fast moving, they can travel pretty far before being killed,
activating a lot of Mines in the process. It should be noted that their statistics cannot be changed in any
way, even with Statues.
Common Offensive Maneuvers
A meat shield is when you use high health troops in your front line of attack to defend your back line of
high damage troops. The most common type of meatshield army is the Heavy-Zooka or Hooka army.
Usually used with Riflemen, attackers overwhelm opposing defenses with the sheer number of troops
deployed. Single-shot defenses are usually no match for this army, but Mortars, Flamethrowers, Rocket
Launchers, and Shock Launchers can damage and take out many troops at once.
A base that is laid out with the HQ at the very back of the map is vulnerable to being sniped. By sending
in Heavy-Zooka or Riflemen around enemy defenses with Flares, an HQ with few defenses behind it is
vulnerable to attack from the tree-covered regions behind the base. Use this to your advantage.
HQ Rushing
Usually used with Warriors, Flaring the HQ and supporting them with Smoke Screens and Shock Bombs,
the Warriors quickly destroy the HQ because of their high damage. AOE (area of effect) and splash
damage is usually healed back by the Warriors, but high level Boom Cannons, Cannons and Sniper
Towers can 1 shot or 2 shot them so remember to shock these defenses. Also be wary of Shock
Launchers which can stun a large portion of your Troops, so shock them too.
This is the usage of Flares to avoid certain parts of the base due to powerful defenses being in that area.
It can be used by all army compositions (except for Smokey Warriors), and sometimes also involves the
usage of Smoke Screens to prevent defenses like Sniper Towers from taking out low-health troops like
Zookas. Defenses that take a long time to reload such as Boom Cannons and Cannons also take quite
some time to lock onto a target, so it is okay to leave gaps in Smoke Screen paths when flanking past
solely these types of defenses.

Depending on which buildings that your units encounter first, you need to time your drops. By dropping
units too early or too late, your units will either suffer unnecessary damage, or your units cannot
destroy the defenses on time.
In general, you want to drop off the tanky units first like the heavy or tanks, which cover and absorb the
fire of your other infantry units. However, if the enemy defense has a sore cannon at the beginning,
dropping off a swarm of infantries first may work.
Dropping Location
The location of the initial blue flag drop matters. Your units will take the shortest distance to start
marching toward enemy units after they reach the rally point on the beach. You almost always want to
drop them close to the defense buildings instead of other buildings. This way they can focus on the
defenses first instead of taking damage while destroying misc buildings.

Landing Craft Overlap

There is another factor in place is that your landing ships cannot overlap one another. This means that
your units land on the beach first depending on where your ships land, then they march toward the blue
summon point. This is crucial especially if enemies have their wide range defenses that cover the beach.
By having that additional couple seconds of incorrect rallying point and ship drop, your attacking troops
take unnecessary incoming fire.

Predict AI Movements
This battle concept is extremely important as you cannot really move troops around after you drop
them off, even when you use flare you will have to predict your unit’s moves. Draw or plan ahead your
units attacking and moving patterns for the duration of the attacking raid.
Before you start your attack, plan out a course of action. Imagine how your units will move from building
to building, how and where they are standing while taking down the defenses, and how the use of flares
can affect their movement. Through proper planning, you will know exact when and where to attack.
You can also predict how the defenses will target your units too. They typically attack the units that are
closest to your units. By able to calculate and anticipate the locations of offensive attacks and defensive
counter attacks to lower your loss.
Use Your Battle Actions Evenly and Wisely
Each of the battle actions have their purposes and effects. However, using just one of them can get
costly real quick in terms of battle energy. Combine and use all the battle actions when needed is the
best attacking strategy. If you just rely on one single battle action, you probably will do poorly with your

The only exception to this rule is that if you can combine the offensive actions such as the Barrage or
Artillery to quickly take out trouble buildings. For example, if a cannon is covering mortar buildings,
using the offensive action to take out the cannon to expose the weakness.
Utilize The Power of Flare
With the cost of Flare so low, they are one of the best items to strategically expose weakness of enemy
defenses. It is the only item for you to “control” your troops once you unleash them. You can use flare to
move your units into building blindspots such as the Missile Launcher, or retarget your fire towards
defense building instead of misc buildings.
Combine Flare with Defensive Battle Actions
The two defensive actions include the Shock Bomb and Smoke Screen. Combine the use of flares with
them to move your units around in the base. If the base is weakly defended in the battle, you can
potential move all of your units to the back unscathed if you have enough battle action points.

Crowd Control Attacks

One of the common hole or weakness of many bases are that they have placed their defenses to close
to each other. When this happens, use shock bomb to disable a cluster of them and barrage to damage
them all. Use a combination of both battle actions to conserve your points for Flare and Medkit.
>Heal Your Units with Medkit
Medkit is an absolute necessary measure to lower your unit losses. A properly stacked medkit plus well
planned path can help you take down any enemy defenses.
Retreat to Minimize Your Loss
When you see no chance of your attacks winning against enemy defenses, do not be afraid to retreat
and cover your losses. There is no point to toss all of your units into a base that cannot be raided. Learn
when to tap that retreat button to recover your units.
Unit Mix Strategies
Although you can really mix and match your units to target specific bases, below are some general mixes
that do pretty well for the villages of your level range. You generally want to stay away from Zooka
because their HP is too weak and die too easily, more importantly, the Zookas are time consuming to be
replaced. However, if you are really good at maneuvering your troops, Zooka + tanks or heavy strategy
can be deadly.
You generally need Rifleman as cannon fodders to absorb the heavy damage from those single target
2 Landing Craft (HQ 1): 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman
3 Landing Craft (HQ 4): 1 Heavy 2 Rifleman or 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman 1 Zooka
4 Landing Craft (HQ 6): 2 Heavy 2 Rifleman and can exchange Rifleman with Warrior once unlocked
5 Landing Craft (HQ 9): 1 Heavy 1 Rifleman 2 Warrior 1 Tank. You can exchange tank with heavys.
Other Unit Mix Strategies
These unit mixes are assuming that you have maxed out the numbers of boats, however, you can adjust
based on your needs. For the mix builds with medic, you typically need two boats worth of medic to be
Pure Warrior Mix: This strategy lets you rush enemy bases with pure Warrior. They destroy while
restoring their HP. This is currently the most popular strategy among high level players.
Tanks + Medic:
Rifleman + Medic
Heavy + Tank
Heavy + Zooka
Find “Holes” with Enemy Base Defenses
Weakest Link: It helps if you study the enemy player or NPC base if you look for the end of any defense
chain. Those are usually your starting point to start attacking. The end of the chains typically get less
coverage from other defense buildings.
Clustered Defenses: Look out for enemy with defenses that are cluttered. This makes them weak in
terms of barrage or artillery attacks. Also, you can look for opportunities to see if you can simply
bypass those defenses.
Non-centered HQ: If the enemy base has a HQ to the side or back, that can present itself as an
opportunity for you to attack and rush.
Look for Mines: Sometimes when players know that their base is weak, they may in fact place mines
at those weak spots. Look for mines as some subtle clues on where to strike.
Boom Beach Basic Attack Maneuver
HQ Rush: If enemy’s HQ is not properly defended, use flares to quickly route your units straight to the

10 best tips and tricks

In Boom Beach you're tasked with fighting off the Blackguards who keep attacking local islanders. In
order to do so you'll need to build up a might defense before traveling off to neighboring islands and
helping the locals reclaim what is rightfully theirs. With resources scarce and troops at a minimum, you'll
need to spend your in-game coins and diamonds wisely. Making good decisions early on will set up for
victory or defeat early on in the game. That's where iMore comes in! Here are some tips and tricks to
keep you on track while playing Boom Beach...

1. Upgrade or reinforce before quitting

You can only build one thing at a time and certain buildings and structures take a lot longer to build than
others. This mean you need to make sure you are managing your time wisely. Build items that require
short time periods while you're playing the game and then start building things that require longer wait
times right before you close the game out. Boom Beach can alert you with a push notification when your
items are done being built. This should help you resist the urge to spend real currency on diamonds in
order to rush big projects along.

2. Upgrade saw mills as fast as you can

Everything you build in Boom Beach is going to be made from wood. You can reinforce structures or
upgrade them later with stone and iron, but wood is your number one. If you run out, you can't build
anything. It's important to build saw mills and upgrade them as soon as you can. You'll need to level up a
little before you can upgrade them all the way, but just make sure you're paying attention. When you
have the resources to do so, immediately level up lumber production. You'll be glad you did when you
want that artillery and actually have enough wood to build it.

3. Stone and iron come after wood

Stone and iron become important later on in the game and if you want to upgrade current buildings or
build new ones, you'll need both wood and stone or iron. You can typically earn enough stone and iron
simply from winning battles. It's important but you won't use it too terribly often. Just stockpile what
you get from victories and that's normally enough to do what you need.

4. Scout areas and plan your attacks

When you're getting ready to attack a new island, always scout it out first. It's cost you nothing and
you're going to want to know what you're walking into. This gives you the ability to choose what troops
you should be sending in. Why risk getting more expensive and costly troops killed in an attack if you
don't have to? Send in only what you think you need.

5. Attack bases as quickly as possible

This goes along with tip number 4. Once you've scouted an area out, make a plan of attack. If you can
get away with going around guns and towers, do that. Go right for the base camp on an enemy island
and destroy it. That'll get you the win with the fewest amount of casualties about 99.9% of the time.

6. Use trees as lumber, especially early on

Early on in Boom Beach lumber is pretty hard to come by. One thing you can do in order to collect more
is trade coins for lumber. You won't be able to mine all the mangrove trees directly in your area but you
can mine enough to build up a small collection of wood. This should be good enough to get you a few
residences and other structures that can start producing either coins or resources.

7. Build as many residences as you can

Residences are one of the few ways you can earn coins on your own island. Be sure you build them as
you can and keep upgrading them at regular intervals. You'll need coins in order to sail to other islands
and attack them, unless of course you want to pay diamonds to do that. If you want to avoid that,
residences are a good way to ensure you always have some coins in your bank.

8. Having a little patience will cost you far fewer diamonds

You can rush almost any task in Boom Beach, but that doesn't mean you should. For instance, readying
troops or rushing buildings can cost quite a few diamonds. And as with any freemium game model,
diamonds are extremely hard to come by and unless you want to dish out real life currency, you should
use them sparingly.
However, if something takes 30 minutes to build and costs 20 diamonds to rush it, hold off for 10 or 15
minutes and then check how many diamonds it is to rush, you'll notice that the total goes down the
longer you wait. A good thing to keep in mind for times when you're running low on patience.

9. Upgrade your radar regularly

Radar is what lets you explore more islands that are further out from your home base. Be sure to build
radar as soon as you can and then upgrade it regularly. A good rule of thumb is that if you're running out
of islands around you to attack, it's probably time to upgrade your radar in order to see further and have
more options.

10. Don't forget to collect achievement awards

One of the very few ways you can earn diamonds in-game without actually buying them is through
achievement awards. Be sure to watch for them and when you unlock something, be sure to hop into
the achievements section and collect your rewards. Sometimes they can be upwards of 20 diamonds or

- - - THE END - - -

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