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Let’s Have Fun!!

Training Games
January 28, 2014 1
Game 1

Push The Wall

• Duration : 5 Minutes.

• Objective : To invoke a thought among the

participants, helping them to differentiate between the
Area Of Concern vs. Area Of Influence.

• Timing Of Activity : At the Start of the workshop

or when participants start raising issues which are not
under the direct control or while explaining the circle of

January 28, 2014 Bharti Axa Life Aademy 2

• Ask the participants to stand facing the wall at an arms length. Now, ask
them to close their eyes & push the wall with full strength.
• The trainer here should generate excitement ,motivating the participants
to keep pushing the wall with all their strength.
• The trainer can also add humor to the entire activity by telling every one
that the wall is actually moving.
• After 2-3 minutes the trainer asks the participants to relax & open their
eyes. Once the participants are back to their respective seats, the trainer
now takes the feedback – whether the wall has actually moved or not.
• The answer here would be obviously “NO". The trainer now takes the
participants to the importance of focusing on the Areas of Influence.
• The wall here denotes the Area Of Concern/Area of Non-Influence.
Trainer here should state that one should try to focus on Area of Control
& Influence rather than spending time on issues on which we have no

January 28, 2014 Bharti Axa Life Aademy 3

Game 2

Don’t Alaap Apna Raag

• Duration : 5 – 7 Minutes.

• Objective : Understanding the importance of

Standardization. One team One goal

• Timing Of Activity : Post Lunch. This activity can

also be useful while explaining the sales process – The need
for following the sales process of Milk Federation.

January 28, 2014 4

• The trainer divides the entire batch into groups( 4 – 5 per group)
• Each group is asked to select a song of their choice.
• Once each group has finalized their song, all of them are asked to start
singing the song very loudly at the same go.
• Their will be total chaos in the training room since every one is singing
their own song.
• After 2 min. the trainer requests every one to stop singing & ask the
participants randomly if they were able to identify the songs sung by the
other group.
• Result : Probably no one will be able to do that.
• Step – 2 : The trainer now gives a common song to all the participants /
groups (preferably a motivational one) & now ask them to start singing once
again for a minute or so.
• The groups will be much organizes this time.
• The trainer should now ask the participants to analyze both the situations.
• Result : Participants will themselves understand that every one should be
on a single thought or platform while performing a common task.
• The trainer here also need to built upon the need for every one to be
focused on one goal of the organization since otherwise it will become a

January 28, 2014 5

Game 3

Sky Is The Limit

• Duration : 5 – 7 Minutes.

• Objective : Realize your Potential.

• Timing Of Activity : When doing Goal Setting.

• Requirements : 1 White Chart Paper + 3 different

color markers. The chart should be pasted at a height of
the wall.

January 28, 2014 6

• Call for 3 volunteers & ask them to put their initials at a comfortable
height on the chart.
• Once every one is through ask them once again to put their initials higher
than the earlier attempt. This time the trainer should motivate the
volunteers to stretch themselves a bit.
• The activity will be repeated the third time with the trainer still
motivating them to reach still higher.
• At the end of the third attempt the trainer will now ask the audience to
judge the winner out of the three.
• Majority of the people will vote for the volunteer as a winner who has put
his initials at the highest level.
• However, the trainer will announce all the three as winners focusing on
each persons quest to go still higher with each passing attempt.
• Learning : At the first instance many people don’t realize their actual
potential but when they put the efforts , nothing can stop them from
delivering the best.

January 28, 2014 7

Game 4

Ruk Jana Nahin

• Duration : 10 – 15 Minutes.

• Objective : Problem solving. Don’t run around problems,

look for the solutions.

• Timing Of Activity : Any time during the workshop.

Preferably in a sales workshop.

• Requirements : 15 -20 Chairs arranged in a zig zag

manner in the training room.

January 28, 2014 8

• Ask for 4- 5 volunteers & have them take a good look of the entire room.
• Give them a destination to be reached at the end of the room.
• Now, blind fold them & ask them to reach the assigned destination without
touching/colliding with the chairs.
• Meanwhile, silently remove half of the chairs from the room.
• The volunteers will try to reach the assigned destination taking every
effort not to touch the chairs as per the arrangement shown to them.
• Once every one has reached the assigned destination ask them to open
their eyes & have a re – look of the entire room. They will be surprised to
find that there are just half of the chairs in the room to which they had
taken precaution of not colliding with them.
• Learning : Obstructions are all in the mind.We perceive lot of
obstructions in our mind before getting on to the actual job,However,
most of the obstacles are baseless.

January 28, 2014 9

Game 5

The missing Link

• Duration : 5 Minutes.

• Objective : To ensure punctuality in the workshop.

• Timing Of Activity : At the start of the workshop. Can

be given to the groups or to one individual who is always late
in attending the session

• Requirements : J IGSAW PUZZLES. Remove one part of

the picture & keep it with yourself.

January 28, 2014 10

• Remove one part of the picture & lay the other parts of the puzzle in front
of the group/the person coming late.
• Ask them/him to arrange the picture.
• The group/late comer will be able to arrange the entire picture with one
part missing Which has been intentionally removed by the trainer).
• Learning: The trainer will now emphasize the importance of each &
every part to complete a picture and relate it to the late comer as a
missing link.
• The message can also be pass across the group on the first day of the
workshop ( through this activity) that every one needs to come on time &
actively participate in the session being conducted.

January 28, 2014 11

Game 6

4 Squares
• Duration : 5 Minutes.

• Objective : Think out of the box.

• Timing Of Activity : Any time during the workshop.

• Requirements : Note pads/Pens with each participant

January 28, 2014 12

• The fig shows 4 squares-A,B,C&D.
4 SQUARES • 1/4th of squares A,B&C is shaded.

1. Divide Unshaded portion of ‘A’

TWO equal & identical parts.
2. Divide Unshaded portion of ‘B’
3. Divide equal & identical
portion ofparts.
FOUR : equal & identical parts.
The solution is not in the form of
The solution lies in the problem itself.
4. Divide ‘D’ into SEVEN equal & identical parts.
Clues :
The solution is not in the form of triangles.

January 28, 2014 This is a came of mindset 13

Too much
not enough

January 28, 2014 14

Hook them
in the

January 28, 2014 15

Don’t do
anything for
more than 20

January 28, 2014 16


There are
people in those

January 28, 2014 17


Begin at
the end

January 28, 2014 18


Stop speaking
when they
stop listening

January 28, 2014 19

Bad delivery


January 28, 2014 20

Don’t speak if
you can’t
improve the

January 28, 2014 21

Top 8

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The Moment of Impact

January 28, 2014 23

Thank You
January 28, 2014 24

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