E - Way Bill SAP Manual: ©2017 Incresol. All Rights Reserved

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E - Way Bill SAP Manual

©2017 Incresol. All Rights Reserved.

About E-Waybill
Under the new taxation system in India, E-way Billing is an electronic way of bill, which must be generated for
every movement of goods, for which the value of goods is more than 50,000 INR and distance beyond 10 KMS.
E-way billing system will be implemented nationwide for inter-State movement of goods on a compulsory basis
and be effective from 1st February, 2018.
The E-way bill has to be be generated by the consignor (i.e, seller) or the recipient (i.e, buyer) who is moving
the goods with transportation which is hired or in-house or any other medium of transportation (i.e,
Note: In case of an unregistered person moving the goods to registered person, it is the responsibility of the
transporter to generate the E-way bill and fill Transporter ID (Unique number generated while registering)
The E-way bill has to be generated when,
•Supplies are made(i.e, Sales)
•Transfer of goods(i.e, Branch transfer within Organization)
•Exchange of goods

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E-Waybill Features
E-Waybill Features :

• Create E-Waybill
• Display E-Waybill
• Upload E-Waybill

User can navigates to E waybill screen in sap by “/incasp/cockpit”.

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E-Waybill Selection Screen

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Selection Screen:
• User can directly search with particular billing document number by giving billing number as input.

• User can also search all the documents for particular business place(company code ,Business place code
and creation date range are mandatory)

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Creating the Transport details:
We are having four modes to transport the goods from one place to another place
● Road
● Rail
● Air
● Ship

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Generating E-Waybill JSON
To Create Transport details select any document and click on Enter Transport Details and we are having
three types of approaches.
1.Vendor(Not yet implemented will update soon on this option).
3.Excel Upload

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Approaches to create Transport details
Select any Document and click on Enter Transport details,now select manually option in the pop up.
In the Transport details Pop up
• Distance is mandatory for the all the Transport Modes.
• The Vehicle number or transport document number is mandatory for the Transport mode (Road).
• The Transport document number is mandatory for the transport modes Rail,Air and Ship.
• If the Creation date is empty then to day date is replaced as transport document date.

After giving all the required fields click on save the transport details will be updated.
Note: We can update transport details for multiple documents at a time,to update select multiple documents and
click on enter transport details button and give required details and save.In this case given transport details are
updated for all the selected documents.
For more please find below screen..

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Excel Upload:
By this option user can upload all the transport details for all the documents at a time with
different transport modes.
To upload transport details by using Excel upload please select excel upload radio button in the
pop up then upload the excel file.

Please find the below screen for the template.

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After Adding transport details for the billing documents Download the JSON by using download
• Select The documents which are already having transport details and click on Download button then
the status will be updated as D.
• Here we are providing appending newly generated JSON file with already existed JSON file in the
system/PC of user,find the below image for more.

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• If the user selects Yes option in the pop up then the newly generated JSON will be added to the Existing JSON
• If the User selects No option in the pop up then the newly generated JSON will be saved in an other JSON file.
To download the JSON file for a document the transport details must be updated,If the user trying to
download the JSON file for document without transport details then please update transport details for XXXXXXX
document message will be displayed.

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Uploading JSON Files in E-Waybill Portal:
Uploading JSON Files in E-Waybill Portal:
After Generating the JSON files in SAP,Upload generated JSON files in the Eway Bill system portal.
To upload JSON in the portal log in into the portal and select generate bulk option,then upload JSON file by
choose file option and click on generate button.
If JSON have any errors then the E way bill does not generated to that manual and the error message
will be displayed in the error column.
If the uploaded JSON file having four documents and the Two documents are having errors in the JSON
and two documents are correct the the error messages are displayed to the documents which are having
error with E-waybill Zero,E way bill Number will be generated to the correct documents.

User can Upload again in the portal after correcting the errors in the JSON file.
Find the below screen for example..

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Generating Excel Sheet Of E waybill documents

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Upload E-Way bill in SAP
Import E-way bill No Generated :
After Generating the E Waybill Excel file in the portal,Upload the file in the SAP system by upload E
waybill option.
Select Upload file in the SAP system and Upload the file and execute.then Successfully uploaded
message will be displayed.
It is used to maintained all the Generated E Waybill numbers against the billing documents at one

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After uploaded the file user can see which documents he/she has uploaded.

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Display E Waybill
Display E Waybill:
To See all the documents which are having the E way bill numbers we can use display E Waybill.
Execute Program by giving all the Required fields as input,the documents which are having e waybill
numbers and the documents which are having errors in the JSON file will be displayed here.

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Print E Way bill
Print E - Way Bill :
Here we are providing option to download the print of E Waybill number for the billing document.
To print E waybill follow the steps:
• Select any document which is having e Way bill number (Eway bill printing is not for Documents which are
having errors with E Way bill number zero).
• Click on print option.
• Now Click on Billing document option on top of left before Edit .
• Click on Issue Output to then pop up will be opened with print option.

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Print E-way Bill
Print E - Way Bill :

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Sample of E -Waybill Print :
Sample E Waybill Print will be displayed like this

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