Prova Inw 2 - Unit 1 A 8

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ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________

NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ______ TURMA ______

PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


1. Leia o texto abaixo e preencha a ficha de acordo com o texto.

Hello. My name’s Martha Jones. I’m a teacher. I’m not American. I’m Australian from Sydney, but I
live in New York. My address is 40 Main Street and my phone number is 551-2398.
I’m twenty-six years old. I’m short and thin. I have green eyes and light brown hair. I am not married
but I have a boyfriend. His name is Gino Cantarotti. He’s twenty-eight years old. He’s tall and fat. He has
brown eyes and brown hair. I love Gino. He’s fantastic.

FIRST NAME ________________________ LAST NAME ____________________________

AGE ________________________________ MARITAL STATUS  single  married
NATIONALITY _______________________ OCCUPATION ___________________________
ADDRESS ___________________________ PHONE NUMBER ________________________

2. Responda às perguntas, em português, de acordo com o texto acima.

a) Quantos anos tem o namorado de Martha? _______________________________________________
b) O que Martha pensa sobre seu namorado? ________________________________________________
c) Em que cidade ela mora? _____________________________________________________________
d) Faça uma descrição física de Gino. _____________________________________________________
e) Faça uma descrição física de Martha. ___________________________________________________

3. Complete com a opção correta:

a) You ______________ a nice boy, Charles. (is / are / has)
b) We ______________ a beautiful car. (are / have / has)
c) My sister _______________ from Peru. (is / have / has)
d) They ______________ a big house. (are / have / has)
e) Maria ______________ a sister and a brother. (is / have / has)

4. Escreva os números abaixo usando algarismos.

a) seventy-nine - _________________ c) a hundred and sixty-five - ____________________
b) twenty- eight - ________________ d) three hundred and twelve - ___________________

5. Observe as informações abaixo sobre uma cidade chamada Haworth e escreva frases usando
there is, there isn’t, there are ou there aren’t.
 PARK (1) __________________________________________________
 STATE SCHOOL (3) __________________________________________________
 CHURCH (1) __________________________________________________
 BANK (1) __________________________________________________
 SUPERMARKET (2) __________________________________________________
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ______ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


Leia o texto abaixo:
Hoje é dia 14 de fevereiro. Jane recebe uma carta.

Dear Jane,
How are you? Fine? Today is a special day, isn’t it? It’s Valentine’s Day. I’m writing
to you because you’re a special friend. You’re great.
It’s eight o’clock now. I’m in my bedroom. I’m listening to music. I love rock, you
know. By the way, how about going to a night club on Saturday night with Rafael and his

1. Marque T (true) ou F (false).

a) Jane and Susan are sisters. ( )
b) Susan loves rock. ( )
c) February 14 is not a special date in the USA. ( )
d) Jane, Susan and Rafael are friends. ( )

2. A quem se referem os pronomes abaixo retirados do texto?

You - _____________________ I - _____________________

3. Relacione as frases às figuras.

a) Tom is swimming.
b) Fred is working.
c) Peter is writing.
d) Richard is using a computer.
e) Bob is playing soccer.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

4. What time is it?

a) 8:50 - _______________________ c) 11:15 - ____________________________
b) 2:40 - _______________________ d) 7:30 - _____________________________

5. Preencha cada lacuna com a opção correta:

My name’s Alice Bates. I ______________ (am / have / has) sixteen years old. I’m a beautiful girl. I
______________ (am /have / has) a boyfriend. His name ______________ (is / are / has) Tom. He’s
nineteen years old. He ______________ (is / has / have) working now. I’m very happy today
_____________ (but / because / why) I’m going to the movies with him.
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ______ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


Leia o texto abaixo:

My name’s James. I have a sister. Her name’s Juliana. Juliana and I go to Newman School. Our
classes start at 9:00 and finish at 3:30. We have English and History on Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays. On Wednesdays we have Computer Science, Geography and Physical Education. We also have
Physical Education on Mondays after the break. We have Math every day except Friday. On Friday we
have Science, Music and Art. We like all subjects but our favorite class is Music. We love singing and
playing instruments. Juliana and I are at school now. We’re studying History.

1. Marque V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso).

a) James e Juliana têm aula de matemática todo dia. ( )
b) Eles têm educação física às segundas e quartas. ( )
c) Sexta-feira é o dia de que eles mais gostam. ( )
d) Eles têm inglês e geografia nos mesmos dias. ( )
e) No momento, eles estão tocando instrumentos. ( )

2. A quem se referem as palavras abaixo retiradas do texto?

I - ______________ Her - ______________ We - _________________

3. James e Juliana estão sempre juntos, pois gostam das mesmas coisas. Veja o quadro abaixo e
escreva frases afirmativas () ou negativas (X).
scuba diving  ____They like scuba diving.____________________________
tennis  ______________________________________________________
swimming X ______________________________________________________
reading X ______________________________________________________
basketball  ______________________________________________________

4. Escreva os dias da semana na ordem correta:

Sunday, ____________________, ___________________, ___________________,
___________________, ___________________, ___________________

5. Responda às perguntas em inglês.

a) What’s your favorite school subject? _______________________________________________
b) What’s your favorite day of the week? ______________________________________________
c) Do you have a bike? ____________________________________________________________
d) Do you like classical music? ______________________________________________________
e) Do you have Math on Mondays? ___________________________________________________
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ______ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


Uma vez por ano, os pais dos alunos da Sandford School visitam a escola. Leia o convite e o programa desse
dia especial.
Sandford School Sandford School
Open day Open day
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:00 – Open cerimony: the Headteacher
All parents are invited to come at any time
during the morning. speaks to parents.
Tea will be served in the cafeteria. 8:30 – Display of gymnastics
Don’t miss it! 9:00 – Tea
You will have a good time. 10:00 – Fathers X students football match
11:00 – Mothers X students volleyball match
12:00 – End of Open Day
1. Siga as instruções abaixo.
a) Circule a data do OPEN DAY.
b) Sublinhe o nome da escola.
c) Circule o local onde o chá será servido.
d) Sublinhe o horário do término das atividades.

2. Marque T (true) ou F (false).

( ) It’s 9:30. Fathers are playing football.
( ) It’s 11:15. Mothers are playing volleyball.
( ) It’s 9:15. Parents are having tea.
( ) It’s 8:40. The Headteacher is speaking to parents.

3. What time is it?

a) 5:10 - ___________________________ c) 12:45 - _________________________________
b) 9:30 - ___________________________ d) 7:00 - _________________________________

4. Descreva as pessoas abaixo usando duas frases para cada uma:

______________________ _______________________
______________________ _______________________

5. Complete as lacunas:
TOM: ____________’s your favorite school subject, Sue?
SUE: Geography.
TOM: Geography? Oh, come on, it’s terrible. I don’t _____________ it.
SUE: ____________ you like Math?
TOM: ____________, I do.
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ______ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


1. Leia o diálogo abaixo e marque V (verdadeiro), F (falso) ou NC (não consta a informação).

JULIE: Do you have a boyfriend, Diana?

DIANA: Yes. His name’s Richard. He’s a very handsome boy.
JULIE: Well, my boyfriend is handsome too. His name’s Frank.
DIANA: Does Frank like sports?
JULIE: No, he doesn’t. He hates sports.
DIANA: Really?! My boyfriend loves sports. He plays baseball, tennis, football...
JULIE: My boyfriend prefers music.
DIANA: What kind of music does he like?
JULIE: He likes classical music. And I like it too.

a) Frank é o nome do namorado de Julie. ( )

b) Diana não tem namorado. ( )
c) Richard adora esportes. ( )
d) Diana gosta de música clássica. ( )
e) Frank é alto. ( )

2. A quem se referem as palavras retiradas do diálogo acima?

a) you (linha 1) - ____________________ c) his (linha 3) - ____________________
b) he (linha 2) - _____________________ d) I (linha 9) - ______________________

3. Complete cada lacuna com a opção correta.

Hello, everybody. My name’s Fred Simpson. I’m a student. I _______________(like / likes)
reading but I _______________(don’t like / doesn’t like) writing. My father _______________ (like /
likes) cooking and my mother _______________ (love / loves) watching TV. My sister
________________ (don’t like / doesn’t like) TV.

4. Preencha o parágrafo com as palavras abaixo.

Peter is nineteen years old. He’s very rich and __________ in a big house in New Jersey. Cathy,
__________ girlfriend, is a poor girl. Peter loves ___________. He __________ she’s fantastic. Cathy
likes Peter but she doesn’t love __________.
5. Entre os adjetivos abaixo, circule aqueles com sentido positivo.

good terrible fantastic great

bad interesting terrible stupid

ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ____ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


Leia o texto abaixo.
Bob Parker is twenty-two years old. He’s a rock singer. He gets
up at ten o’clock, takes a shower and has breakfast. He has
lunch at one thirty. After lunch he goes to the studio. He stays
there until ten o’clock. Then Bob comes home and watches
TV. He goes to bed at twelve o’clock.

Marque V(verdadeiro) ou F (falso). Corrija as afirmações falsas.

a) Bob Parker é cantor de rock.
( )__________________________________________________________________

b) Todas as manhãs Bob toma café bem cedo.

( )__________________________________________________________________

c) Após o almoço, Bob vai ao estúdio.

( )___________________________________________________________________

d) Bob fica no estúdio até a meia-noite.

( ) __________________________________________________________________

2. Preencha as lacunas com IN, ON, AT ou TO.

My name’s Teresa. I’m seventeen years old. I’m a student. I go to school ________ the morning. I
love my teachers. My favorite subject is Math. I have lunch ________ one o’clock. After lunch I do my
homework. In the evening I watch TV. ________ Sundays I go ________ the club with some friends.

3. Relacione as colunas.
a)What’s Jane doing now? ( )No, I don’t.
b)Do you have friends in New York? ( )Yes, she is.
c)What time does your sister get up? ( )At six o’clock.
d)Is Lucy taking a shower now? ( )She’s helping her mother.

4. Preencha cada lacuna com a opção correta.

After dinner I __________ (am not / don’t) watch TV. I hate TV. Usually I read the __________
(newspaper / weekend) or _________ ( listen / write) to music. I like rock, _________ (because / but) I
don’t like heavy metal.

5. Marque a única frase em que o auxiliar DOES deve ser usado.

a)________ your brother go to school in the afternoon?
b)________ they have a big house?
c)We ________ not like this place.
d)Paul and Suzan ________ not live in London.
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ____ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


Leia a mensagem abaixo.

1 Hi, George
I want you to come to my birthday party next Sunday. All my good
5 friends will be there. The music will be great. My brother, Alan, has a lot of
CDs and he will be the D.J. And we’re going to have a lot of pizza, chocolate
and ice cream. We aren’t going to have any beer because I hate it.
1. I hope you come. Marque V
Kate. (verdadeiro)
ou F (falso).
Corrija em português as afirmações incorretas.
a)Na mensagem acima, George está convidando Kate para uma festa.
( )_______________________________________________________
b)A festa acontecerá no sábado.
( )_______________________________________________________
c)George será o D.J. da festa.
( ) _______________________________________________________
d)Kate não gosta de cerveja.
( )_______________________________________________________
2. Leia novamente o texto e informe a que/quem se referem os seguintes pronomes.
a)I (linha 2) - _________ c)he (linha 4) - __________
b)you (linha 2) - _______ d)it (linha 5) - ___________

3. Complete o diálogo com as palavras abaixo.


Mrs. Miller: Is there any milk in the refrigerator, Gregory?
Gregory: Yes, there is _______________ milk in it.
Mrs. Miller: And _______________cheese is there?
Gregory: There’s a lot.
Mrs. Miller: And _______________ apples are there?
Gregory: There aren’t _______________ apples, Mrs. Miller.

4. Complete cada lacuna com a opção correta.

I __________ (love / loves) classical music but I don’t have __________ (much / many) CDs. My
girlfriend __________ (hate / hates) classical music. __________ (I / She) prefers rock.

5. No quadro abaixo, circule os alimentos.

cheese reading egg pear
potato writing address church
ESCOLA ____________________________________________________________________________
NOME ______________________________________________________ Nº ____ TURMA ______
PROFESSOR(A) _____________________________ DATA _____________


1. Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em português.

Looking for friends 21+ in Brazil for socializing and friendship.
Loves soccer and bossa nova. Also loves nature, wildlife,
photography and reading. Write to Peter Smith, 18 Parkson Road,
Petaluma, California, USA, or e-mail to

a)Em que país reside o responsável pelo anúncio? _____________________________________

b)Que tipo de pessoa ele está procurando? ____________________________________________
c)De que maneira(s) você pode entrar em contato com ele? _______________________________
d)Ele adora __________________, ________________, ________________ e ______________

2. Somente quatro pronomes podem ser usados no parágrafo abaixo. Complete as lacunas.

I –IT – SHE – HE – HIM – HER – ME

I am studying English now. I love __________. My teacher’s name is Diana. __________ is very nice
and funny. I like __________ very much.. And I think she likes __________ too.

3. Complete as frases.
a) I get up ________________________________________________.
b)There are some __________________________________________.
c)I like dancing, but_________________________________________.
d)How many brothers_______________________________________?

4. Complete com a opção correta.

Nancy: Do you work __________ Saturdays? (in / on / at)
David: No, I don’t..
Nancy: Then ____________do you do? (What / Who / Why)
David: I ____________ tennis with my girlfriend. (am / play / do)
Nancy: Does she like tennis?
David: Yes, she ____________it very much. (like / likes / to like)

5. Escreva em inglês o resultado das seguintes operações.

a)32 + 24= _________________
b)99- 18= _________________
c)105: 5= _________________
d)14 x 5= ______________________

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