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7:30 akiko akiko__takahashi YES LESSON 64 Hello Aki-san,

takahashi READING DONE You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.
You were able to answer most of the exercises correctly.

heatstroke - a serious condition that happens when someone has been
in high temperatures for a long time and that causes a person to stop
sweating, have a very high body temperature, and become exhausted
or unconscious

You said: He love fireworks.
Correct: He *loves* fireworks.

You said: Sound was scared.

Correct: *The* sound is *scary.*

You said: Many Japanese was scared in summer the electric.

Correct: Many Japanese *are scared of high electric consumption in


Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

8:00 akiko akiko__takahashi YES LESSON 22 Hello Aki-san,
You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.
You were able to give relevant answers to the questions.

You were familiar with the expressions used in the lesson.

You said: After Masato birth.
Correct: After Masato *was* born.

You said: Woman didn’t allow…

Correct: Woman *were not allowed* …

You were able to pronounce your words clearly.

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!


9:00 Shoki live:nakagawa.shoki YES RJ4B Advanced JISSEN

0/1 Specific Material or
Info: Chapter1 Unit
4 - Solve
Notes: Page No.
Exercise No. 5 Student
Item No. Problem -majored in law
3 (Start Here) -works as a banker at Japanese Trust bank
-accounting and finance
-going to the movies and going to the gym

Hello Shoki-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to give relevant answers to the questions.

You were familiar with the expressions used in the lesson.

You said: Almost members at my workplace…
Correct: Almost *all* members at my workplace…

You said: I wish to going to law firm…

Correct: I wish to *join a* law firm…

You said: The accounting revise the mechanism of subtracting the fees.
Better: The accounting *team must completely change their system of tax

You were able to pronounce your words clearly.

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

6:00 kaku ei live:guoruihs YES JISSEN 8-8-5 JISSEN
-lives in Tokyo
-sales representative in a manufacturing company (for 2 months)
-running, reading, coffee

Hello Vincent-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.


You were able to give relevant answers to the exercises.

reiterate (verb) -to repeat or emphasize
negative publicity – bad publicity
subscribe - to pay money to get a publication or service regularly

You said: Upon agreement, the attendees came to the resolution on the
factory tour.
Correct: Upon agreement, the attendees came to the resolution of the
factory tour. / Upon agreement, the attendees came to the resolution
*on how the factory tour will be done.*


Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

8:00 Takeuchi Nao live:pepepesky123 YES JISSEN 6-7-4 JISSEN

0/0 Student
-works in a bank (for 12 years)
-lives in Tokyo
-singing songs, playing golf, doing yoga, reading books

Hello Nao-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to
write an attendance acknowledgement e-mail to a
conference guest speaker.

in line with this - in relation/connection to this
upcoming (adjective) - soon to take place
shoulder (verb) - to accept the responsibility of doing something
panel (noun) - a group of people who discuss a topic before an audience

You were able to construct grammatically correct sentences.

You were able to pronounce your words clearly.

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

8:30 hinako live:hinako.konbu YES Jitsuyo Eikaiwa Lv. YL STUDENT
sakashita 6 SHORT INTRO
1/3 Specific Material or
Info: Level 6
Chapter 1 Lesson
2 - Is 45 soles your
last offer?
Notes: Page No.
Exercise No.
Challenge 1 Item
Student (Hinako)
-14 y/o
-likes music, plays clarinet (for 3 years)
-lives in Kanagawa

-you understood the lesson

You said: Store that is in a lot of places.
Correct: *Stores* that *are* in a lot of places.

-you hesitated in answering some questions

-you actively participated during the lesson

-you pronounced your words clearly

9:00 HIRO live:gorimichi0426 YES Starter JISSEN

Specific Material or SHORT INTRO
4/1 Info: Level 1 70-30
Chapter 1 Lesson
-32 y/o
-works at audit firm; communicate with clients about accounting
problems and financial statements
-has 3 children – 4 & 3 y/o daughters, son- 3 months old

Hello Hiro-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to give relevant answers to the questions.

chaos - complete confusion and disorder
You said: She go to kindergarten.
Correct: She *goes* to kindergarten.

You said: …ever since I graduated university.

Correct: …ever since I graduated *from the* university.

You said: Short time I go out.

Correct: *I went out for a short time.*

You said: If my only my wife do all tasks, my wife have stress.

Correct: If my *wife does all the tasks, she will have a lot of stress.*

You said: She take care of two children.

Correct: She *takes* care of two children.

You were able to pronounce your words clearly.

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

9:30 gan panpan ganpanpansky YES FC JISSEN
8/1 70-30

-met her husband when she was an exchange student in Japan
-moved to Japan when she got married
-2nd time to move to Japan
-married a Japanese guy
-got married last December
-works for a bank
-legal department
-some businesses are overseas

Hello Anna-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to share your thoughts well.

nanny -a woman who is paid to care for a young child usually in the
child's home
nursery - a place where young children and babies are taken care of
while their parents are at work

You said: My husband and I go shopping.
Correct: My husband and I *went* shopping. (past)

You said: My friends, they said me…

Correct: My friends *told* me…

You said: We can meet once two months.

Correct: We can meet once *every* two months.

You said: We have a lot of similar in food…

Correct: We have a lot of *similarities* in *terms of* food…


Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

10:00 Atsuko live:koge0923 YES DNA JISSEN

47/10 Student
-used to work for the Ministry of Education
-works for a research funding agency (for 1 years and 3 months)
-reading books, watching movies, listening to music, traveling (20
-has to attend international meetings (every year)

Hello Atsuko-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to understand the article and you were able to share good
insights about it.

ascertain – to determine something with certainty
adept - very good at doing something that is not easy

You said: I don’t have enough time sightseeing…
Correct: I don’t have enough time *for* sightseeing…

You said: Sometimes people are bited…

Correct: Sometimes people are *bitten by* …

vulnerable - [VUHL-ner-uh-buh l ]
Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!
10:30 Manabu max-u31 YES RJ4B Intermediate Student
Uchida Level -teaches Marketing in the university
Specific Material or -self-employed for 15 years
74/16 -has 2 daughters– 16 y/o (currently in Melbourne to study English); 11 y/o
Info: Chapter10-1
-used to conduct business seminars, wife took over the business
-plans to migrate in Hawaii with his family (in four years)
-studied business (MBA) in New York for 3 years (1994-1997)
-wife finished an online MBA course

Hello Manabu-san,
You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to share your thoughts well.

You were familiar with the expressions used during the lesson.


You said: It’s very satisfied with me.

Correct: *I’m very satisfied.* / It’s very satisfying for me.

You said: I couldn’t understand what professor said.

Correct: I couldn’t understand what *the* professor said.

You said: Recently, if they have not skill…

Correct: Recently, if they *don’t have enough* skill…

You said: My wife have to…

Correct: My wife *has* to…

You said: Sometimes, she have to do a group work…

Correct: Sometimes, she *has* to do a group work…

You were able to pronounce your words clearly.

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

11:00 Michiyo live:d895daf7a004a685 YES RJ4B Intermediate JISSEN
Level HIGH-BEG ½
43/18 Specific Material or
Info: Chapter5 Unit
Hello Michiyo-san,
You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You did your best to answers the exercises.

resolve - to settle or solve (something)
rectify - to correct (something that is wrong)

You said: My company immediately repaired the error.
Better: My company *will immediately resolve this issue.*

You said: We will give reassurance that error won’t happen again.
Better: *Rest assured that this incident won’t happen again.*
You said: My response are frustrating my client.
Correct: My *responses* are frustrating my client.

You said: I am sending the solution this issue to my customer.

Correct: I am sending the solution *for* this issue to my customer.

You said: The feel-good-factor letter is the letter to state the thanking
Correct: An appreciation letter always gives a feel-good-factor.


Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

11:30 WAKAKO yuma12321 NO Jissen Business JISSEN
STUDENT’S Specific Material or
Info: Level7
REQUEST) Chapter12 Unit4 - Student
Survey: Carbon -editor of a Japanese magazine (for 25 years)
3/2 Footprint in the -lives in Saitama
Office -plans to change job (service industry)
Notes: Page No.5 -watching Kabuki, playing the piano (for 10 years)
Exercise No.4 Item
-will have a piano performance tomorrow
-takes piano lessons once a month

Hello Wakako-san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to understand the expressions and you were able to give
relevant answers to the questions.

on – used for days of the week
gauge (verb) -To measure the degree of something
You said: I take a train to them.
Correct: I take a train *going there.*

You said: Leaving the television on cause carbon emission.

Correct: Leaving the television on *causes* carbon emission.
gauge [GEYJ]
Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

-you understood the lesson

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

-you hesitated in answering some questions

-you actively participated during the lesson




Hi ,
You did well in today's class. Please see today's lesson feedback

1) Comprehension -
You were able to understand the lesson well.

2) Accuracy -
You made some mistakes like:

3) Fluency -
You hesitated in answering some questions.

4) Attitude -
You actively participated during the lesson.

5) Homework -

6) Self Evaluation

7) Mispronunciation:

Please do not forget your homework. See you in our next lesson.
Hello -san,

You did well in today's lesson. Let me share with you the lesson feedback.

You were able to use the expressions fluently.
For you to get a score of 4, please practice your L&R sounds.


You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

Hello -san,

You did well in today's Jitsuyo Eikaiwa lesson. Let me share today's lesson

*Personalized FEEDBACK*

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

You said:

Pauses: SOMETIMES in between sentences

Have a nice evening ahead and see you next time!

*Challenge 1: Reading*

*Good points*


*Challenge 2: Listening and Speaking*

*Good points*

2. Pauses:


*Good points*

1. Pauses:


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