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Mathematics Lesson Plan for Year

4 (capacity)

What do students  Know that capacity can be measured in mL or L

already know/  Instruments used to measure capacity
understand/can do?
Content descriptor/ Focus Questions
Activities and Management Considerations Assessment
Use scaled Before lesson: fill up 5 buckets of water and place around outside, have 1
instruments to container at each station, name them if possible so the students can fill in
their worksheet.
measure and
compare lengths, Slide 1
masses, Ask the students to determine whether we can measure the capacity of How many mL in 1L?
capacities and solid object? Why/why not? Discuss this and then continue onto next slide How many mL in 1
for explanation. Clarify measurements cup?
temperatures (AC
MMG084) Slide 2:
Read and explain if any questions
Slide 3:
Get the students to determine which container would hold more water. S3: does the jug or
Explain that we say this as “this means the jug has a greater capacity than cup hold more
the cup” water?

Slide 4: Ask the students to have a think about what types of measuring
instruments we could use to measure the capacity of a pool, bucket, cup.
Check if anyone knows how many mL are in 1C. S4: what types of
things could we use Check students are
Slide 5: Show the worksheet on the TV, explain that their will be 5/6 to measure the using the
people at each station, they are to work as a team to determine what capacity of different appropriate
measuring instrument to use for their container. They will then estimate objects? What do we measuring
the number of cups each container takes to fill. Once everyone has finished need to know about instrument to fill up
their estimate, they can begin to find out the correct answer. the containers

 Remind them to write their unit of measurement e.g. C, ml, L Writing their unit of
 Ensure students know which part of the measuring cup they are measurement
looking at to read the measurement.
Complete questions on back of work sheet-read if finished
Accurate water
Tailored Plan line.
Use only C instead of ml or L

Measure each accurately using ml or L to determine the capacity of the

High Achievers: containers (cups or measuring spoons)

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