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Progress Test 1

1) As a _____________, we have five different people check over each article

before publication.

A. rule of thumb
B. back burner
C. drawing board

2) $29.95 = _____________

A. twenty-nine point nine five

B. twenty-nine and ninety fifths
C. twenty-nine ninety-five

3) As you can ____________ from this slide, our factory's safety record has been
excellent for the past twenty years.

A. see
B. view
C. show

4) I work ____ Ford.

A. with
B. at
C. on

5) I asked my secretary to order new _____________ for the year 2018.

A. staplers
B. calendars
C. printers

6) Could you call me back? You can ___________ me at 517-8893 anytime up to 6

© Shayna Oliveira 2017
A. reach
B. touch
C. catch

7) I'm sorry, Mr. Stewart is on another ___________ at the moment.

A. town
B. office
C. call

8) My ___________ today is Environmental Preservation Efforts in the Amazon


A. speak
B. area
C. topic

9) Doing volunteer work at a busy NGO helped me develop my organizational

and interpersonal ______________.

A. skills
B. responsibilities
C. positions

10) 1/3 = ____________

A. one-three
B. one-third
C. one-thirteenth

11) I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Could you speak ________ a little?

A. in
B. out
C. up

12) Excuse me - ___________ you tell me where I can get some extra folders?
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
A. have
B. could
C. do

13) Hello, this is Kim. I'm calling __________ report a technical problem with the
company's internet service.

A. for
B. to
C. about

14) "Let's meet at ........-thirty in the conference room."

"Sorry, I didn't catch the time. Could you say it __________?"

"I said, 'let's meet at ten-thirty in the conference room.'"

A. again
B. repeat
C. twice

15) There's a __________ meeting on Monday morning. All employees are

required to attend.

A. staff
B. stuff
C. stiff

16) I've been an executive _____________ for the past three years.

A. assistant
B. department
C. junior

17) Being a waitress is ___________ because you never have a moment to rest.

A. dull
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
B. tiring
C. repetitive

18) 1988 = ______________

A. nineteen hundred eight eight

B. eighteen eighty-nine
C. nineteen eighty-eight

19) “Why do you want this job?”

“I've always wanted to work with a small organization where I could make a
difference and __________ with the company.”

A. grow
B. expand
C. increase

20) July 8 = ___________

A. July eight
B. July eighth
C. July eightieth

21) Let me quickly take you _________ today's presentation. First...

A. through
B. over
C. around

22) Henry didn't like working in accounting, so he _______________ to the Human

Resources department.

A. transferred
B. translated
C. transported
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
23) I've ___________ for about 15 jobs, but so far I haven't been called in for any

A. applied
B. entered
C. replied

24) My brother works __________ a hospital.

A. to
B. in
C. with

25) 2.4 = ____________

A. two point four

B. two fourths
C. two forty

26) Organizing the international conference is taking up all my time. I've had
to put everything else _____________.

A. in a nutshell
B. out of the loop
C. on the back burner

27) Hi, this is Pamela Gabler. I'm _____________ about the arrangements for the
end-of-the-year office party.

A. messaging
B. connecting
C. calling

28) If you want to dial a number inside the company, press 9 and then the
extension. If you need an outside line, dial *1 and then the telephone number.
Does that make ____________?
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
A. sense
B. following
C. pardon

29) I've been unsatisfied with my job for a while. I'm considering ___________.

A. desisting
B. quitting
C. stopping

30) Let's ________ with some facts about the current situation.

A. begin
B. discuss
C. explain

31) "I think this was the worst decision our CEO has ever made."

"Really? What do you _________?"

A. know
B. mean
C. say

32) The price of oil rose until __________ in 2005, then started to fall.

A. climbing
B. dropping
C. peaking

33) Jack and Barbara are both counselors. They work primarily _________
couples who are having marital problems.

A. for
B. in
C. with
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
34) Would you like to leave a ____________? Ms. Davis should be back in the
office shortly.

A. call
B. message
C. reminder

35) ___________ help you as soon as I finish this e-mail - it should only take a
couple minutes.

A. I'll
B. I'm
C. I've

36) We decided to discontinue that product __________ it wasn't selling well.

A. because
B. so
C. therefore

37) No company will ________ due to his criminal record.

A. hire him
B. fire him
C. lay him off

38) I'm sorry - that's not correct. I ____________ to say South Africa, not South

A. meant
B. thought
C. tried

39) We've held to our values ever since the company was ______________ eighty
years ago.

A. founded
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
B. owned
C. merger

40) I've always been interested in sports, and I ____________ in physical therapy
at university.

A. concentrated
B. degree
C. majored

41) The number of customers _________ from 1,000 to 1,500 in a single month.

A. dropped
B. increased
C. peaked

42) She was offered a position with a great starting salary, but she ____________
because it was in a different city and she didn't want to move.

A. let it down
B. took it down
C. turned it down

43) I'll talk to you later. ___________ care.

A. Get
B. Have
C. Take

44) Please feel free to _________ me if you have any questions during the

A. interact
B. interject
C. interrupt

45) March 2003 = ___________
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
A. March two thousand three
B. March two hundred three
C. March twenty oh three

46) At my job, I'm ______________ for checking the quality of the products.

A. responsive
B. responsible
C. responding

47) Our projections for the renovation costs weren't too far ___________ - they
were only about 2% lower than the actual expenses.

A. off the mark

B. on the plate
C. up to speed

48) I'd like to leave a message for Bob Daniels. Please tell _________ that I need
to make some changes in the contract before signing it.

A. he
B. his
C. him

49) 81,000 = eighty-one __________

A. hundred
B. thousand
C. point zero zero zero

50) Our headquarters are in Atlanta, but we have local ____________ throughout
the state.

A. branches
B. charts
C. ladders
© Shayna Oliveira 2017
Test Answers
1.A, 2.C, 3.A, 4.B, 5.B, 6.A, 7.C, 8.C, 9.A, 10.B, 11.C, 12.B, 13.B, 14.A, 15.A, 16.A,
17.B, 18.C, 19.A, 20.B, 21.A, 22.A, 23.A, 24.B, 25.A, 26.C, 27.C, 28.A, 29.B, 30.A,
31.B, 32.C, 33.C, 34.B, 35.A, 36.A, 37.A, 38.A, 39.A, 40.C, 41.B, 42.C, 43.C, 44.C,
45.A, 46.B, 47.A, 48.C, 49.B, 50.A
© Shayna Oliveira 2017

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