Russian Sleep Experiment Fix

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The introduction --> this part give us information about the experiment, like when and where the
experiment be held, the aim and why the experiment should be done.

The story goes that toward the end of the 1940s, Soviet researchers sealed five inmates in an airtight
chamber and dosed them with an experimental stimulant gas to test the effects of prolonged sleep
deprivation. Their behaviour was observed via two-way mirrors and their conversations monitored
electronically. They were promised their freedom if they could go without sleep for 30 days.

The steps --> this part give us information about how the experiment happened

observed running around the chamber screaming for hours on end. Equally disconcerting was the
behavior of the quieter subjects, who began ripping apart the books they'd been given to read, smearing
the pages with feces and plastering them over the mirrored windows so their actions could no longer be

Then, just as suddenly, the screaming stopped. The subjects ceased communicating altogether. Three
days passed without a sound from inside the chamber. Fearing the worst, the researchers addressed
them via the intercom.

“We are opening the chamber to test the microphones. Step away from the door and lie flat on the floor
or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of you your immediate freedom."

A voice from inside answered, “We no longer want to be freed."

Two more days passed without contact of any kind as the scientists debate what to do next. Finally, they
decided to terminate the experiment. At midnight on the fifteenth day, the stimulant gas was flushed
from the chamber and replaced with fresh air in preparation for the subjects' release. Far from being
pleased with the prospect of leaving, the subjects began screaming as if in fear for their lives. They
begged to have the gas turned back on. Instead, the researchers unsealed the door to the chamber and
sent armed soldiers inside to retrieve them. Nothing could have prepared them for the carnage they
witnessed upon entering.

5. Adverbs Of Frequency : ever, some, every, never, sometimes.

Adverbs Of Manners : Electronically, Equally, bloody, severely, suddenly, immediately, easily, virtually,
mentally, physically, suppodesly, virally.

7. Russian sleep experiment

The story goes that toward the end of the 1940s, Russian researchers sealed five prison inmates in an
airtight chamber and dosed them with an experimental stimulant gas to test the effects of prolonged
sleep deprivation. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so
the gas didn’t kill them. And the chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep but no bedding, running
water and toilet, and enough food. Their behaviour was observed via two-way mirrors and their
conversations monitored electronically. They were promised their freedom if they could go without sleep
for 30 days.
The test subject were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during world war II

In the first five days everything was fine. Their conversations and activities were monitored and it was
noted that they continued to talk about increasingly traumatic incidents in their past, and the general
tone of their conversations took on a darker aspect after the 4 day mark.

After five days they They stopped talking to each other and began alternately whispering to the
microphones and oneway mirrored portholes. Oddly they all seemed to think they could win the trust of
the experimenters by turning over their comrades. At first the researchers suspected this was an effect
of the gas itself.

After nine days the first of them started screaming, yelling at the top of his lungs for three hours straight,
and then only able to produce some squeakes, whispering to the microphones and the other took the
books apart, smeared page after page with their own feces and pasted them calmly over the glass

Then, just as suddenly, the screaming stopped. The subjects ceased communicating altogether. Three
days passed without a sound from inside the chamber. Fearing the worst, the researchers addressed
them via the intercom.

“We are opening the chamber to test the microphones. Step away from the door and lie flat on the floor
or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of you your immediate freedom."

A voice from inside answered, “We no longer want to be freed."

Two more days passed without contact of any kind as the scientists debated what to do next. Finally,
they decided to terminate the experiment. At midnight on the fifteenth day, the stimulant gas was
flushed from the chamber and replaced with fresh air in preparation for the subjects' release. Far from
being pleased with the prospect of leaving, the subjects began screaming as if in fear for their lives. They
begged to have the gas turned back on. Instead, the researchers unsealed the door to the chamber and
sent armed soldiers inside to retrieve them. Nothing could have prepared them for the carnage they
witnessed upon entering.

Four of the five subjects were still alive, but then the other three test subject died in deep sleep when
they were being sealed in chamber again. The only remaining subject that could speak started screaming
to be sealed in now. His brainwaves showed the same flatlines as one who had just died from falling
asleep. The commander gave the order to seal the chamber with both subjects inside, as well as 3
researchers. One of the named three immediately drew his gun and shot the commander point blank
between the eyes, then turned the gun on the mute subject and blew his brains out as well.

6. Russian sleep experiment is just an urban legend, it is just a story that someone uploaded in
creepypasta wiki page on august 10, 2010. The user who posted it is named “Orang Soda”, but the
author’s real name is unknown. The other evidence is there are some version of this stories, in the article
says the researches monitored the subject only with microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized
windows into the chamber but the other article says the researches use two-way mirrors.
So, the Russian sleep experiment never took place, but we can get answer to the experiment supposedly
designed like what would happen if we went 15 or more days without the natural downtime virtually
every sentient creature requires? would we insane? Or even die?

The answer is No, we are not going insane or die just because we are not sleeping for several weeks.
Maureen Weston of Cambridgeshire, England, who stayed awake for 18 days and 17 hours during a
rocking chair marathon in 1977. She neither insane nor even die. Ms Weston holds the Guinness World
Record for sleep deprivation to this day.

But still human beings require a certain amount of sleep on a regular basis in order for our minds and
bodies to function properly.

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