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Criteria Points
50 40 30 20
Content/ The PDP includes all All but one or two Many of the Several required
Required required of the required required elements elements were
Elements elements/data/informatio elements are are included on missing.
n as well as additional included on the the PDP
information. PDP.
20 15 10 5
Organization Extremely well-organized; Presented in a Somewhat Disorganized &
, Captions, logical format logical, thoughtful organize, some confusing, lacks
Grammar organization enhanced manner; good logical formatting. logical format.
project and was very organization. Some items of Captions are
effective. All items of Almost all items importance in the missing or
importance in the PDP of importance in PDP have clear incomplete and
have clear captions and the PDP have captions written there are many
there are one or two clear captions and there are mistakes on the
grammatical/mechanical written and there several PDP.
mistakes. are few grammatical and
mechanical mechanical
mistakes. mistakes.
30 20 10 5
Graphics – All graphics are related to All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
Relevance the topic and make it related to the to the topic, but relate to the
and easier to understand. The topic and most some are missing. topic OR many
Attractivene PDP is exceptionally make it easier to The PDP is are missing. The
ss attractive in terms of understand. The acceptably PDP is
design, layout, and PDP is attractive attractive though distractingly
neatness. in terms of it may be a bit messy or very
design, layout messy. poorly designed
and neatness.


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