Year Music Unit Plan Glee 1

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Unit Title/Theme: ‘Glee’ - Class Singing

Title: Curriculum Level: Teacher: Class: Unit Duration:
Glee – Class 3/4 Ryan Benjamin (BN) YEAR 9 MUSIC (9MUS) On-Going / Integrated
Overview: Why is it important for this unit to be taught in the classroom?
This unit uses the recent American television phenomenon, “GLEE” as a means of getting students actively singing as part of their learning in music, to
reinforce key learning concepts in performance, score reading and aural aspects. Through regular whole-class work shopping of vocal pieces; small group
‘sectional’ practices on instruments (as part of regular guitar/keyboard performance practice); and through individual practice and rehearsal of set-works from
the Glee tv show, students will engage in singing and music making both as an individual and in a collective group, each taking ownership of the learning for
the benefit of the whole class.

Vision: Values: Principles:

Through the learning in this unit, students will Students will be encouraged and taught to value… The principles which underpin learning in this unit
become… are…
• Confident  Integrity, which involves being honest,  Learning to learn - encourages all students to
Positive in their own identity, motivated and responsible, and accountable and acting ethically reflect on their own learning processes…
reliable, resilient
 Respect for themselves, others, and human rights.  Inclusion - …ensures that student identities…
• Connected abilities and talents are recognised and affirmed…
Able to relate well to others, effective users of  Diversity, as found in our different cultures,
communication tools, members of communities languages, and heritages  High expectations - supports and empowers
 Excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in students to learn and achieve personal
the face of difficulties excellence…
Strand: Achievement Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
Students ‘must do’ or ‘must know’ at this level, for this The ‘must do/know’ will be achieved through out this unit by…
Developing Level 4 …students deconstructing music from the Glee television show with a focus on the
Practical Apply knowledge of the elements of music, structural elements of music represented in the set pieces. They will aurally, practically and
Knowledge in devices, and technologies through integrating aural, theoretically explore the set works to understand both what they hear, what the
Music (PK) practical, and theoretical skills. see and how they bring the music to life, and the interrelationship between these
three key actions (hearing, seeing/reading and playing/performing).
Communicati Level 3 …students, individually, and small groups, preparing and presenting brief extracts
ng and Prepare and present brief performance of music, using and selections of set works from “Glee” instrumentally and vocally as a whole
Interpreting performance skills and techniques AND Respond to class using a range of musical elements, making one cohesive whole class
Music (CI) and reflect on live and recorded music. performance/workshop in preparation for the standard Year 9 Solo assessment,
AND they will reflect on their contribution to the song performed by the class and
the role they played in the success of this. The will respond to the features and
skills demonstrated by the original cast of Glee by analyzing the audio CD and
visual clips of the show numbers.
Understandin Level 4 …students exploring, through on-line research, the links, similarities and
g Music in Explore ideas about how music serves a variety of differences between the original pop/rock and show songs which have been
Context (UC) purposes and functions in their lives and in their ‘revived’ for their performances on the “Glee” programme. They will compare and
communities. contrast the treatment and arrangement of the originals with the revival versions
performed in the television show with a focus on the musical elements
Year 9 Competencies:
Music: “Sing with Glee” Class Singing/Glee-Focus Unit Outline (Ryan Benjamin, 2010)
The K.Cs targeted in this unit of work are… Students will become competent in this area of essential life-learning by…
Use Language, Symbols and Text …having an understanding and accurate used of the materials of music and understanding how the set-
CIS – Solo works for the unit are constructed through the elements of music. By engaging in lessons that teach these

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