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MEC304A - Design of Machine Elements - 1

Lecture- 40

Design of Brakes:
Energy Equations in Brakes

Lecture delivered by:

Dr. Arun R. Rao

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Lecture Objectives
At the end of this lecture, students will be able to:
• Classify brakes base on their operation principles
• Explain various energy sources associated with brake and
thermal considerations for brake design
• Calculate brake torque and raise in temperature during

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• Introduction to brakes

• Energy equations in brakes

• Thermal considerations in brake

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 Brake is defined as a mechanical device, which is used to

absorb the energy possessed by a moving system or
mechanism by means of friction
→ To slow down or completely stop the motion
→ To hold the parts of the system in position at rest

 The energy absorbed by the brake can be either kinematic

(automobile) or potential (hoists, elevators) or both
→ Converted to heat energy and dissipated to

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Capacity of brake depend on:

1. Pressure between braking surfaces

2. Braking surface contact area
3. Radius of the brake drum
4. Coefficient of friction
5. Ability of the brake to dissipate heat that is equivalent to
the energy being absorbed

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Classification of brakes:
1. Mechanical brakes:
→ Operated by mechanical means – levers, springs, pedals, etc.
→ Internal or external shoe brakes, disk brakes, band brakes
→ Radial brakes, axial brakes

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2. Hydraulic and pneumatic brakes:

→ Operated by fluid pressure

3. Electrical brakes:
→ Operated by magnetic forces, hysteresis, eddy current

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Energy Equations
Braking torque:
• Kinetic energy of braking torque:
 The first step in the design of mechanical brake
 Depends upon the amount of energy absorbed by the brake
m = mass of mechanical system in kg
v1 = initial velocity in m/s
v2 = final velocity due to braking in m/s
KE = Kinetic energy absorbed by the brake in J

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In case of rotating body,

I = mass moment of inertia of the rotating body in kg-m2
k = radius of gyration of the body in m
ω1, ω2 = initial and final angular velocities of the body rad/s

In case of stationary body,

Potential energy, PE = m g h
where, h = height of the body in m
g = gravitational constant (9.81 m/s 2)
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Depending upon the type of application,

 Energy absorb by brake = Energy in respective mode
 Equate this energy to the work done by the brake
E = Tθ
E = total energy absorbed by the brake
T = braking torque
θ = angle through which the brake drum rotates during
braking period (rad)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Example 1:
A solid cast iron disk, 1 m in diameter and 0.2 m thick, is used
as a flywheel. It is rotating at a speed of 350 rpm. It is
brought to rest in 1.5 s by means of a brake. Calculate:
i. The energy absorbed by the brake
ii. The torque capacity of the brake

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t = 0.2 m
n1 = 350 rpm
time = 1.5 s
Step 1: Energy absorbed by brake
• Brake absorbs kinetic energy of the rotating flywheel
• The mass density of cast iron is taken as, ρ = 7200 kg/m3
• The radius of gyration of a solid disk about its axis of rotation is
given as, (d / √8)

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• Mass of the flywheel, m

mass = volume x density
= (π/4) x d2 x t x ρ
= (π/4) x (1)2 x 0.2 x 7500
= 1130.97 kg
• Angular velocity, ω1 = 2 x π x n1 / 60
= 2 x π x 350 / 60
= 36.65 rad/s
ω2 = 0
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Energy absorbed by the brake,

KE = (1/2)mk2(ω12 – ω22)
= (1/2)*1130.97*(1/8)*(36.65)2
= 94,946.52 J

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Step 2: Torque capacity of brake:

The average velocity during braking period,
= (ω1 + ω2) / 2 = ω1 / 2

Angle through which the brake drum rotates,

θ = (average velocity during braking) x time
= (ω1 / 2) x time = (36.65/2) x 1.5
= 27.49 rad

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Now, we have,
Total energy absorbed by the brake, E = Tθ
Brake torque, T= E / θ
= 94,946.52 / 27.49
= 3453.86 N-m

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Thermal Considerations

• Effect of energy absorbed by the brake which is converted

into heat
 Increases the temperature at the rubbing surfaces
 Coefficient of friction decreases with increase in
 Adversely affects the torque capacity of the brake
 Rapid wear of friction lining which reduces the life of the

“The temperature rise should be kept within the permissible range”

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
The temperature rise depends upon:
1. Mass of the brake drum assembly
2. The ratio of braking period to the rest period
3. Specific heat of the material

Assuming all heat generated during the braking is absorbed by the

brake drum assembly,
Temperature rise is given by,
ΔT = E / mc Where,
ΔT = Temperature rise in (oC)
E = Total energy absorbed by the brake (J)
m = Mass of the brake drum assembly (kg)
c = Specific heat of the brake drum material (J/kgoC)
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• Equation gives approximate value
• Actual temperature rise is obtained by experiments
• The actual temperature rise will be less than the calculated
 Some heat will be radiated to the atmosphere
 Some carried away by the air flow
Permissible temperature limit for different friction materials:

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The ability of brakes to absorb large amounts of energy without
reaching destructive temperatures can be increased by,
(1) Increasing exposed surface areas, as by fins and ribs
(2) Increasing air flow past these surfaces by minimizing air flow
restrictions and maximizing the air pumping action of the rotating
(3) Increasing the mass and specific heat of parts in immediate contact
with the friction surfaces, thereby providing increased heat storage
capacity during short periods of peak braking load

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• Very difficult to precisely calculate the temperature rise
• In preliminary design analysis, the product p.v is
considered in place of temperature rise
p.v = The rate at which heat is generated on a unit area of
friction interface
where, p = Normal (clamping) pressure (N/mm 2)
v = rubbing velocity (m/min)
(Assuming constant coefficient of friction)

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• Recommended values of pv for different applications
(based on past experience):

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Example 2:
A flywheel of 100 kg mass and 350 mm radius of gyration at
500 rpm brought to rest by means of a brake. The mass of
the brake assembly is 5 kg. The brake drum is made of cast
iron FG260 ( c = 460 J/kgoC). Assuming that the total heat
generated is absorbed by the brake drum only, calculate
the temperature rise.

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Mass of brake assembly, m = 5 kg
Specific heat of brake drum material, c = 460 J/kg oC
Mass of flywheel, m = 100 kg
Radius of gyration, k = 350mm
Speed, N = 500 rpm

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Step 1:
Find KE of flywheel
ω1 = 2πN/60 = 2 π * 500/60
= 52.36 rad/s
ω2 = 0

KE = (1/2)mk2(ω12 – ω22) = (1/2)(100)(0.35)2(52.36)2

= 167921 J

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Step 2:
Temperature rise,
ΔT = E/mc
= 167921 / (5*460)
= 73oC

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Lecture Summary
 Brakes are used to slow down or completely stop the
motion or to hold a object stationary
 Energy absorbed by the brake is converted into heat
 Heat dissipation is serious problem in brake applications
 The ability of brakes to absorb large amounts of energy
can be increased by increasing exposed surface areas, air
flow past these surfaces and mass and specific heat of
parts in immediate contact

Faculty of Engineering & Technology ©M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

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