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Clinical Practice Committee Publication

HOR MON E Horm Res Paediatr 2016;86:361–397 Received: July 15, 2016
RE SE ARCH I N DOI: 10.1159/000452150 Accepted: September 30, 2016
Published online: November 25, 2016

Guidelines for Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like

Growth Factor-I Treatment in Children and
Adolescents: Growth Hormone Deficiency,
Idiopathic Short Stature, and Primary Insulin-Like
Growth Factor-I Deficiency
Adda Grimberg a, b Sara A. DiVall c, d Constantin Polychronakos e David B. Allen f, g
Laurie E. Cohen h Jose Bernardo Quintos i, j Wilma C. Rossi a, b Chris Feudtner a, k–n
Mohammad Hassan Murad o on behalf of the Drug and Therapeutics Committee
and Ethics Committee of the Pediatric Endocrine Society
Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and b Division of Endocrinology
and Diabetes, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, c Department of Pediatrics, University of
Washington School of Medicine, and d Division of Endocrinology, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA; e Division
of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, The McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada; f Department of
Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and g Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes,
American Family Children’s Hospital – Madison, Madison, WI, h Division of Endocrinology, Boston Children’s Hospital,
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, i The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and j Division of
Pediatric Endocrinology, Rhode Island Hospital/Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Providence, RI, Departments of k Medical
Ethics and l Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and m Department of Medical Ethics
and n Division of General Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, and o Evidence-Based
Practice Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Keywords cused on these three diagnoses, thereby adding recombi-

Growth hormone · Insulin-like growth factor-I · Children · nant IGF-I therapy to the GH guidelines for the first time.
Treatment · Guidelines Methods: This guideline was developed following the
GRADE approach (Grading of Recommendations, Assess-
ment, Development, and Evaluation). Results: This guideline
Abstract provides recommendations for the clinical management of
Background/Aims: On behalf of the Drug and Therapeutics, children and adolescents with growth failure from GHD, ISS,
and Ethics Committees of the Pediatric Endocrine Society, or PIGFD using the best available evidence. Conclusion: The
we sought to update the guidelines published in 2003 on the taskforce suggests that the recommendations be applied in
use of growth hormone (GH). Because idiopathic short stat- clinical practice with consideration of the evolving literature
ure (ISS) remains a controversial indication, and diagnostic and the risks and benefits to each individual patient. In many
challenges often blur the distinction between ISS, GH defi- instances, careful review highlights areas that need further
ciency (GHD), and primary IGF-I deficiency (PIGFD), we fo- research. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

© 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel Assoc. Prof. Adda Grimberg

Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Scientific Director, Diagnostic and Research Growth Center, The Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia, 3401 Civic Center Blvd., Suite 11NW30, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (USA)
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E-Mail Grimberg @
In the decade since the publication of the last guide- cally reviewing the published evidence regarding various
lines for the use of growth hormone (GH) by the Drug practices. In many instances, careful review revealed a
and Therapeutics Committee of the Pediatric Endocrine paucity of evidence and highlighted areas that need fur-
Society (PES; formerly named in honor of Lawson ther research. The lack of studies of sufficient quality in
Wilkins) [1], both the field and the approach to guidelines support of a practice is not the same as evidence against
have changed considerably. This report serves to update the practice; until such studies can be performed, indi-
the 2003 guidelines by following the approach recom- vidualization of clinical care remains the central tenet of
mended by the Grading of Recommendations, Assess- therapy.
ment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) group [2].
The large number of approved indications for GH treat-
ment is too unwieldy to review in this manner in a single Summary of Recommendations
document. Because idiopathic short stature (ISS) remains
a controversial indication, and diagnostic challenges of- 1. Efficacy of GH Treatment for GHD
ten blur the distinction between ISS, GH deficiency 1.1. We recommend the use of GH to normalize AH
(GHD), and primary IGF-I deficiency (PIGFD), we fo- and avoid extreme shortness in children and adolescents
cused on these three diagnoses in this guidelines state- with GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
ment. Thus, we have added recombinant IGF-I therapy 1.2. We suggest against routine cardiac testing, dual
to the GH guidelines for the first time. X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanning, and measure-
In 1985, GHD became the first indication for recom- ment of lipid profiles in children and adolescents treated
binant human GH approved by the US Food and Drug with GH. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
Administration (FDA), which it described as “the treat-
ment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due 2. Consideration and Diagnosis of GHD
to inadequate secretion of endogenous GH.” In 2003, the 2.1. Conditions where GH provocative testing is not
FDA expanded GH use to the treatment of ISS, also called required to diagnose GHD.
non-GH-deficient short stature, defined by height stan- Of note, for patients who do not meet the following cri-
dard deviation score (SDS) ≤–2.25 (≤1.2nd percentile) teria yet present a high index of suspicion, GHD can be
and associated with growth rates unlikely to permit at- diagnosed by the conventional approach.
tainment of adult height (AH) in the normal range, in 2.1.1. We suggest establishing a diagnosis of GHD
pediatric patients for whom diagnostic evaluation ex- without GH provocative testing in patients possessing all
cludes other causes of short stature that should be ob- of the following three conditions: auxological criteria, hy-
served or treated by other means. The height cutoff of pothalamic-pituitary defect (such as major congenital
–2.25 SD (1.2nd percentile) corresponds in adults to 160 malformation [ectopic posterior pituitary and pituitary
cm (63 inches) for men and 150 cm (59 inches) for wom- hypoplasia with abnormal stalk], tumor or irradiation),
en [3]. The FDA approved IGF-I treatment in 2005 for and deficiency of at least one additional pituitary hor-
the long-term treatment of growth failure in pediatric mone. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
patients with severe PIGFD (defined as both height and 2.1.2. We suggest that GHD due to congenital hypopi-
serum IGF-I concentration below –3 SD despite normal tuitarism be diagnosed without formal GH provocative
or elevated GH levels) or with GH gene deletion who de- testing in a newborn with hypoglycemia who does not at-
veloped neutralizing antibodies to GH after a trial of GH tain a serum GH concentration above 5 μg/L and has de-
therapy. The FDA further stipulated that IGF-I is not ficiency of at least one additional pituitary hormone and/
indicated to treat secondary IGF-I deficiency result- or the classical imaging triad (ectopic posterior pituitary
ing from GHD, malnutrition, hypothyroidism or other and pituitary hypoplasia with abnormal stalk). (Condi-
causes; thus, it is not a substitute for GH therapy. The tional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
definitions have evolved since the original FDA indica- Technical Remark: A low GH concentration at the time
tions, with the most recent iteration provided by the In- of spontaneous hypoglycemia is alone insufficient to di-
ternational Classification of Pediatric Endocrine Diag- agnose GHD.
noses (ICPED) [4]. 2.2. GH provocative testing.
These guidelines provide recommendations for the 2.2.1. We recommend against reliance on GH provoc-
clinical management of children and adolescents with ative test results as the sole diagnostic criterion of GHD.
growth failure due to GHD, ISS, or PIGFD by systemati- (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫) - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

362 Horm Res Paediatr 2016;86:361–397 Grimberg  et al.


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Technical Remark: Very low peak GH levels on pro- 3. Dosing of GH Treatment for Patients with GHD
vocative testing are consistent with severe GHD, and pa- 3.1. We recommend the use of weight-based or body
tients with such results are expected to benefit greatly surface area (BSA)-based GH dosing in children with
from GH treatment. However, the threshold test result GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
that distinguishes normal from partial GHD that re- Technical Remark: We cannot make a recommenda-
sponds to treatment has not been well established. tion regarding IGF-I-based dosing because there are no
Technical Remark: Given the substantial number of published AH data using this method. The rationale is
healthy, normally growing children who test below ac- logical, but the target IGF-I level has not been established
cepted limits, inadequate response to two different pro- to optimize the balance between AH gain, potential risks,
vocative tests is required for diagnosis of GHD. While it and cost.
is possible that combining tests might yield different re- 3.2. We recommend an initial GH dose of 0.16–0.24
sults from tests performed on separate days, there is no mg/kg/week (22–35 μg/kg/day) with individualization of
evidence against performing both tests sequentially on subsequent dosing. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
the same day. Technical Remark: Some patients may require higher
Technical Remark: GH responses to provocative test- doses.
ing are blunted in obese or overweight individuals, and 3.3. We suggest measurement of serum IGF-I levels
the peak values decrease with increasing body mass index as a tool to monitor adherence and IGF-I production in
(BMI). Unlike adults, obesity-dependent modifications response to GH dose changes. We suggest that the GH
to diagnostic criteria in children are undetermined. dose be lowered if serum IGF-I levels rise above the lab-
2.2.2. Given the large discrepancies between GH as- oratory-defined normal range for the age or pubertal
says, we recommend that institutions require laboratories stage of the patient. (Conditional recommendation,
to provide harmonized GH assays using the somatropin ⚫⚪⚪⚪)
standard, IRP IS 98/574, 22k rhGH isoform, as recom- 3.4. During puberty, we recommend against the rou-
mended by the 2006 and 2011 consensus statements, and tine increase in GH dose to 0.7 mg/kg/week in every child
the published commutability standards. (Strong recom- with GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
mendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫) 3.5. We recommend that GH treatment at pediatric
2.2.3. We suggest sex steroid priming prior to provoc- doses not continue beyond attainment of a growth veloc-
ative GH testing in prepubertal boys older than 11 and in ity below 2–2.5 cm/year. The decision to discontinue pe-
prepubertal girls older than 10 years with AH prognosis diatric dosing prior to attainment of this growth veloc-
within –2 SD of the reference population mean in order ity should be individualized. (Strong recommendation,
to prevent unnecessary GH treatment of children with ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
constitutional delay of growth and puberty. (Conditional
recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) 4. Safety Issues of GH Treatment for Patients with
Technical Remark: Best available evidence exists for GHD
boys; evidence is extrapolated to girls. 4.1. We recommend that prospective recipients of GH
Technical Remark: A reasonable approach in both treatment receive anticipatory guidance regarding the
boys and girls would be 2 mg (1 mg for body weight <20 potential adverse effects of intracranial hypertension,
kg) of β-estradiol (not ethinyl estradiol) orally on each of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), and scoliosis
the 2 evenings preceding the test. Alternatively, boys can progression. (Ungraded good practice statement)
be primed with intramuscular testosterone (50–100 mg 4.2. We recommend monitoring of GH recipients for
of a depot formulation administered 1 week before the potential development of intracranial hypertension,
test). SCFE, and scoliosis progression by soliciting pertinent
Technical Remark: This recommendation applies to history and performing a physical examination at every
GH-naïve patients; it does not retroactively apply to pa- follow-up clinic visit; further testing should be pursued if
tients already on GH treatment. indicated. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
2.3. Measurement of spontaneous GH secretion. 4.3. We recommend re-assessment of both the adrenal
2.3.1. We recommend against the use of spontaneous and thyroid axes after initiation of GH therapy in patients
GH secretion in the diagnosis of GHD in a clinical setting. whose cause of GHD is associated with possible multiple
(Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) pituitary hormone deficiencies (MPHD). (Strong recom-
mendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

PES GH/IGF-I Guidelines Horm Res Paediatr 2016;86:361–397 363

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Technical Remark: Evaluate for possible central adre- long-term safety (posttreatment adverse effects in adult-
nal and thyroid insufficiencies in those not yet diagnosed, hood). (Ungraded good practice statement)
and consider increasing hydrocortisone and/or levothy-
roxine doses in those already on these hormone re- 5. Transitional Care after Childhood GH Treatment
placement(s). 5.1. We recommend that patients with multiple (≥3)
4.4. We recommend discussion about and monitoring pituitary hormone deficiencies regardless of etiology, or
of glucose metabolism of GH recipients who are at in- GHD with a documented causal genetic mutation or spe-
creased risk for diabetes due to insulin resistance. (Un- cific pituitary/hypothalamic structural defect except ec-
graded good practice statement) topic posterior pituitary, be diagnosed with persistent
4.5. Counseling prospective recipients of GH treat- GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
ment regarding the risk of neoplasia. 5.2. We recommend re-evaluation of the somatotrop-
4.5.1. We recommend informing at-risk patients about ic axis for persistent GHD in persons with GHD and de-
available data and encourage long-term follow-up with ficiency of only one additional pituitary hormone, idio-
their oncologist. (Ungraded good practice statement) pathic isolated GHD (IGHD), IGHD with or without a For children with acquired GHD due to effects small pituitary/ectopic posterior pituitary, and in patients
of a primary malignancy: after irradiation. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪) We recommend shared decision-making Technical Remark: Testing can be performed after a
that involves the patient, family, oncologist, and treating trial of at least 1 month off GH treatment.
endocrinologist. Before initiation of GH treatment, we 5.2.1. We suggest that measurement of the serum IGF-
recommend sharing with families the most recent data I concentration be the initial test of the somatotropic axis
about risks, including the potential effect of GH treat- if re-evaluation of the somatotropic axis is clinically indi-
ment on the timing of second neoplasm occurrence. (Un- cated. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚪⚪⚪)
graded good practice statement) 5.2.2. We recommend GH provocative testing to eval- For GH initiation after completion of tumor uate the function of the somatotropic axis in the transi-
therapy with no evidence of ongoing tumor, a standard tion period if indicated by a low IGF-I level. (Strong rec-
waiting period of 12 months to establish “successful ther- ommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
apy” of the primary lesion is reasonable, but can also be 5.3. We suggest that GH treatment be offered to indi-
altered depending on individual patient circumstances. viduals with persistent GHD in the transition period.
(Ungraded good practice statement) There is evidence of benefit; however, the specifics of the
Technical Remark: Although many of the intracranial patient population that benefits, the optimal time to re-
tumors are not “malignant” (i.e., craniopharyngioma), initiate treatment, and the optimal dose are not clear.
they have the potential to recur. There are no data to sug- (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
gest treating them differently than malignant tumors with Technical Remark: The transition period is the time
regard to observation periods before initiating GH treat- from late puberty to establishment of adult muscle and
ment. bone composition, and encompasses attainment of AH. In the rare situation where a child with GHD
has an accompanying condition with intrinsic increased 6. GH Treatment of Patients with ISS
risk for malignancy (e.g., neurofibromatosis-1, Down 6.1. In the USA, for children who meet FDA criteria,
syndrome, Bloom syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Noonan we suggest a shared decision-making approach to pursu-
syndrome, and Diamond-Blackfan anemia), we recom- ing GH treatment for a child with ISS. The decision can
mend providing counseling regarding the lack of evi- be made on a case-by-case basis after assessment of phys-
dence concerning GH effect on malignancy risk in these ical and psychological burdens, and discussion of risks
groups. (Ungraded good practice statement) and benefits. We recommend against the routine use of
4.5.2. For children considered not to be at risk, we rec- GH in every child with height SDS (HtSDS) ≤–2.25.
ommend that counseling includes information about the (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
unknown long-term (i.e., posttreatment) risks of neopla- Technical Remark: While studies have shown GH
sia still being studied. (Ungraded good practice state- treatment increases the mean height of treated cohorts,
ment) there is marked interindividual variability in responses,
4.6. We recommend that prospective recipients of GH including some individuals who do not respond to treat-
treatment be informed about the uncertainty regarding ment. - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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6.2. We suggest a follow-up assessment of benefit in 8. General Recommendations
HtSDS and psychosocial impact 12 months after GH ini- 8.1. We recommend that physicians with expertise in
tiation and dose optimization. (Conditional recommen- managing endocrine disorders in children manage or
dation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) provide consultation for the evaluation for GHD-ISS-
6.3. Because there is overlap in response between dos- PIGFD and treatment thereof. (Ungraded good practice
ing groups, we suggest initiating GH at a dose of 0.24 mg/ statement)
kg/week, with some patients requiring up to 0.47 mg/kg/ 8.2. We recommend further study of the unresolved
week. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) issues highlighted in these guidelines. (Ungraded good
practice statement)
7. IGF-I Treatment of Patients with PIGFD
7.1. We recommend the use of IGF-I therapy to in-
crease height in patients with severe PIGFD. (Strong rec- Methods
ommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
7.2. Given the absence of a single “best” test that pre- Taskforce Members
dicts responsiveness to GH treatment, we suggest basing The guidelines taskforce was comprised of 7 pediatric
the diagnosis of PIGFD/GH insensitivity syndrome endocrinologists from USA and Canada, and a pediatric
(GHIS) on a combination of factors that fall into 4 stages: bioethicist. The PES Board of Directors approved the ap-
(Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪) pointment of each taskforce member following the soci-
1 Screening: auxological parameters and low IGF-I con- ety’s conflict of interest review policy (available from the
centration PES administrative offices) prior to project commence-
2 Causes of secondary IGF-I deficiency must be exclud- ment. Completed conflict disclosure forms are available
ed, including under-nutrition, hepatic disease, and through Degnon Associates Inc., the management firm
GHD for PES. PES provided funding for a 1-day meeting at-
3 Circulating levels of GH-binding protein (GHBP): tended by all taskforce members in Washington, DC, in
very low or undetectable levels suggest Laron syn- May 2013; PES members (i.e., the endocrinologists) were
drome/GHIS while normal levels are noninformative reimbursed the cost of one night’s hotel stay, while the
4 IGF-I generation test and mutation analyses can be bioethicist was reimbursed for hotel plus travel expenses,
helpful, but have limitations and all were provided lunch during the meeting. Most of
7.3. We recommend a trial of GH therapy before initi- the work was accomplished via regular conference calls
ating IGF-I for patients with unexplained IGF-I deficien- and e-mail. Taskforce members received no other remu-
cy. Patients with hormone signaling defects known to be neration for their work on the guidelines, from either PES
unresponsive to GH treatment can start directly on IGF- or any commercial entities. A member of the GRADE
I replacement; these include patients with very low or group served as consultant, via telephone for the 1-day
undetectable levels of GHBP and/or proven GH recep- meeting, and throughout the writing process.
tor (GHR) gene mutations known to be associated with
Laron syndrome/GHIS, GH-neutralizing antibodies, Literature Review and Grading of the Evidence
STAT5b gene mutations, and IGF1 gene deletion or mu- A series of key questions pertaining to the clinical
tation. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) management of patients with GHD-ISS-PIGFD was
7.4. We suggest an IGF-I dose of 80–120 μg/kg b.i.d. drafted and revised until approved by the PES Board of
Similar short-term outcomes were seen with 80 and 120 Directors. A medical informationalist from the Johns
μg, but published studies had limitations and there is no Hopkins School of Medicine was recruited to assist with
strong evidence supporting superiority of one dose over appropriate search term generation, comprehensive da-
the other. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) tabase queries, and reference management. PubMed, Em-
Technical Remark: Outside of the USA, IGF-I is also base, and the Cochrane Library databases were queried
used at 150–180 μg/kg once daily. using the terms “growth hormone”, “insulin-like growth
7.5. We recommend administration of IGF-I 20 min factor-I,” their synonyms, and their trade names with the
after a carbohydrate-containing meal or snack, and edu- following limits: English language, humans, all child 0–18
cation of patients/families on the symptoms and risk of years, and published 1985–present. Taskforce members
hypoglycemia associated with IGF-I treatment. (Strong created comprehensive lists of synonymous search terms
recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫) to capture all studies germane to the key questions. The - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

PES GH/IGF-I Guidelines Horm Res Paediatr 2016;86:361–397 365

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query excluded studies of pituitary-derived GH due to grade for the key question with a summary of the support-
their poor external validity for clinicians today. A total of ing evidence. Discussion ensued until the taskforce
∼15,000 citations were retrieved and a web-based data- achieved consensus, defined as at least 6 of the 8 members
base of the resultant references was generated (RefWorks- agreeing on the recommendation as strong or weak.
COS, Bethesda, MD, USA). Approximately 6,300 cita- Notes were kept of each discussion, such that major dis-
tions were specific to GHD or PIGFD. senting opinion(s) could be included in the guidelines,
Each key question was assigned a primary and second- which were written based on the results of the taskforce
ary reviewer, who performed a two-stage review. The pri- meeting. Further deliberation occurred after the attended
mary reviewers sorted the citations collected for their key meeting via phone conferences and email to determine
questions for further inclusion or exclusion by judging the final recommendations.
the topic relevance according to title and abstract. Ab-
stracts excluded by the primary reviewers were re-re-
viewed by the secondary reviewers to ensure that all ap- Guiding Principles
propriate studies were included. In the second stage, the
primary reviewers distilled the study design and results of Prior to review of the published evidence, the task-
the full papers into evidence review spreadsheets, includ- force created a set of guiding principles to standardize
ing their assessment of the applicability and risk of bias of the approach across individual reviewers that was ap-
the individual studies. The secondary reviewers then add- proved by all reviewers. AH was selected as the primary
ed comments to the primary reviewers’ spreadsheets, in- outcome in considerations of efficacy. In the absence of
dependently rating the internal and external validity of data on AH, surrogate short-term outcomes such as
each paper. Additional pertinent studies that were found growth velocity, change in height z-score, or change in
in the bibliographies of the reviewed papers, but had been predicted height were considered, but did not form the
inadvertently omitted in the database, were pulled and basis of a recommendation. This is because the short-
similarly reviewed. was also searched term outcomes are dynamic and do not reliably predict
for ongoing studies that may have affected consideration AH for many children; wide individual variability exists
of the evidence, and FDA adverse event reports supple- within the heterogeneous treatment population, and
mented the safety data. outcomes such as change in predicted AH vary mark-
The 2 reviewers graded the totality of evidence and de- edly depending on the methodology used [6]. To com-
termined the recommendation for the key question ac- pare AH data across studies for GHD, the parameter
cording to the GRADE system [2]. In brief, the quality of (AH SDS – midparental height [MPH] SDS) was used or
the evidence was judged as very low (⚫⚪⚪⚪), low calculated from available data. The formula for MPH
(⚫⚫⚪⚪), moderate (⚫⚫⚫⚪), or high (⚫⚫⚫⚫), re- SDS calculation varied among studies. Therefore, the
flecting the reviewers’ assessment of the quality of the ev- MPH SDS reported for each study was used. To compare
idence according to GRADE guidelines. Recommenda- AH data across studies for ISS, the parameter (AH SDS
tions were assessed as strong (denoted by “We recom- minus baseline HtSDS) was used because of the hetero-
mend”) or conditional (denoted by “We suggest”). In geneity of the populations (familial short stature and
accordance with GRADE guidelines, strong recommen- nonfamilial short stature). (AH SDS – MPH SDS) was
dations reflect confidence that providing such care will not used for ISS, because MPH may not reflect genetic
afford patients, on balance, more good than harm, while potential if one or both of the parents has an un-
conditional recommendations require more individual- diagnosed condition. Studies utilizing predicted AH
ized consideration of the risk-benefit assessment for a were excluded, because the short-term effect of GH on
given patient. On occasion, the taskforce made state- HtSDS, especially in high doses, may overestimate the
ments that are marked as “ungraded good practice state- effect on AH [7].
ments.” These are recommendations without direct sup- The taskforce values and preferences were consistent
porting evidence that are usually noncontestable and are in that harm prevention was the utmost factor in formu-
important to include in the guideline to emphasize cer- lating strength of recommendation. As a result, the guide-
tain aspects of care such as providing counseling and ed- lines describe a conservative approach to treating patients
ucation to patients [5]. with GHD-ISS-PIGFD, recommending only those prac-
At the in-person taskforce meeting, each primary re- tices with supporting evidence of sufficient quality and
viewer presented the recommendation and evidence that minimize potential risks to patients. Recommenda- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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tions in this document were made using the existing lit- highest positive correlation were the MPH SDS and the
erature; future studies may provide evidence that contra- first-year growth velocity.
dict or support the recommendations. Therefore, the In 2,165 patients with idiopathic IGHD from the
taskforce suggests that the recommendations be applied French population-based registry [12] with a mean
in clinical practice with consideration of the evolving lit- chronological age of 13.2 ± 2 years and a mean bone age
erature and the risks and benefits to each individual pa- of 10.6 ± 2.3 years in boys and a mean chronological age
tient. of 11.6 ± 1.9 years and a mean bone age of 9.5 ± 2 years
in girls, mean height gain was 1.1 ± 0.9 SDS resulting in
an average AH of –1.6 SD (girls 154 ± 5 cm and boys 165
Evidence Supporting Each of the Recommendations ± 6 cm). The AH SDS was 0.4 SD lower than MPH SDS,
and the GH dose used was only 0.14 mg/kg/week. Base-
1. Efficacy of GH Treatment for GHD line variables that predicted favorable height outcome in-
1.1. We recommend the use of GH to normalize AH cluded younger age at start of GH treatment, greater bone
and avoid extreme shortness in children and adolescents age delay, prepubertal status, and severe GHD. In this co-
with GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫) hort, 65% were prepubertal at baseline and 48% had peak
The primary objectives of GH treatment for patients GH secretion between 7 and 10 μg/L, raising concern that
with GHD are acceleration of growth velocity to promote a significant proportion of patients had constitutional de-
normalization of growth and stature during childhood lay of growth and puberty. Sex steroid priming was used
and attainment of normal AH appropriate for the child’s in only 2% of patients before GH provocative testing. No
genetic potential. AH data are available in multiple stud- data on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain
ies of GH treatment for pediatric GHD including GH and pituitary gland were reported.
postmarketing surveillance registries [8–11], a popula- The available studies are not controlled and differ in
tion-based registry [12], a cancer survivor registry [13], their definition of GHD, with various diagnostic thresh-
and clinic/hospital-based case series [14–17]. Collective- old peak GH levels, pharmacological agents employed in
ly, more than 4,520 patients were treated to AH with a the GH provocative tests, and GH assays used. Some in-
mean HtSDS of approximately –1.0. Patients were treated cluded patients who may have had underlying ISS instead
for a mean duration of 7 years (range 2–15.4 years) using of GHD. Registries are limited by the fact that the enrolled
a mean GH dose of 0.25 mg/kg/week (range 0.14–0.7 mg/ population is vastly heterogeneous and limited to those
kg/week). The difference between AH SDS and MPH patients who consent to enrollment. AH in idiopathic
SDS, which reflects whether a patient has achieved his or IGHD depends not only on treatment variables (age at
her genetic potential, showed a mean difference of –0.4 initiation of GH treatment, pubertal delay, peak GH level
SD (–2.8 cm) with a range of –0.2 to –0.6 SD (–1.4 to –4.2 and GH assay used to define GHD, and GH dose), but
cm). In contrast, AH SDS of individuals with untreated also on the criteria used to determine AH and consider-
idiopathic IGHD had a mean of –4.7, with a range of –3.9 ation of GH termination. Randomized controlled trials
to –6 SD [18]. (RCT) of GH would have been unethical, as efficacy of
Analysis of 1,258 patients with GHD from the Pfizer treatment in increasing height of patients with GHD had
International Growth Study (KIGS) showed that Cauca- been shown previously with pituitary GH (data not re-
sian patients with IGHD treated with GH achieved a viewed here).
mean AH SDS of –0.8 in males and –1.0 in females [9]. 1.2. We suggest against routine cardiac testing, DXA
Patients with MPHD achieved a mean AH of –0.7 in scanning, and measurement of lipid profiles in children
males and –1.1 SD in females. [AH SDS – MPH SDS] were and adolescents treated with GH. (Conditional recom-
–0.2 for IGHD (males) and –0.5 (females); for MPHD mendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
–0.4 (males) and –0.8 (females). The mean GH dose was In addition to increasing linear growth, GH exerts cru-
0.21 mg/kg/week for IGHD and 0.18 mg/kg/week for cial effects on lipid, protein, and glucose metabolism.
MPHD. Variables that correlated with total height incre- Adults with GHD have reduced cardiac mass and im-
ment (ΔHtSDS) on multivariate analysis included midpa- paired cardiac performance, unfavorable lipid profiles,
rental target height, height gain in the first year, height at increased body fat, reduced fibrinolytic activity, de-
the start of GH treatment, duration of GH treatment, the creased insulin sensitivity, premature atherosclerosis,
maximum GH peak on provocative testing, presence or and impaired glucose tolerance [19–21]. Few studies have
absence of MPHD, and birth weight. The variables with examined the effects of GH treatment for GHD in grow- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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ing children and adolescents on cardiac function, lipid due to intracerebral tumors while the latter cohort of
metabolism, body composition, adipokines, and periph- MPHD patients was mostly due to congenital pituitary
eral inflammatory markers [22, 23]. abnormalities. Thus, the duration of GHD, presence of
Short-term studies (5 case-control [22, 23] and 1 un- gonadotropin deficiency, and/or inadequacy of sex ste-
controlled [24]) involving approximately 120 children roid replacement may explain the difference between
with GHD documented a positive effect of GH treatment their findings.
on left ventricular mass, but data on cardiac performance Data on lipid profiles in children with untreated GHD
measured by echocardiography (fractional shortening compared to healthy controls and the effect of GH treat-
and left ventricular ejection fraction) and vascular func- ment are inconsistent. Most of these studies involved
tion (intimal media thickness at common carotid arter- small cohorts of children, between 12 and 158 patients.
ies) were inconsistent. In the prospective, uncontrolled Some studies reported unhealthy lipid profiles in untreat-
study of Shulman et al., [24], 10 prepubertal children ed GHD compared to healthy controls, which improved
(mean age 5.7 ± 2.7 years; 5 IGHD/5 MPHD (7 with ab- with GH treatment [22, 25, 33–35]. In contrast, other
normal pituitary gland on MRI and 3 idiopathic) had re- studies reported normal lipid profiles compared to
duced left ventricular mass that significantly increased healthy controls, but GH treatment led to significant re-
after 1 year of GH treatment without any changes in car- duction in total and LDL cholesterol levels and in athero-
diac function, findings similar to those reported by Met- genic indices [26, 28, 31, 36].
walley et al. [25] and Salerno et al. [26, 27]. In the follow- Differences in results in the above studies can be at-
up by Salerno’s group, a 2-year prospective case-control tributed to the following factors: severity of GHD (severe
study involving 30 prepubertal children with GHD (27 defined as peak GH level on provocative testing of either
IGHD and 3 MPHD) compared to healthy children <3 or <5 μg/L vs. partial GHD with peak GH level between
matched by age, sex, BSA, and BMI, reduced left ventric- 5 and 10 μg/L); IGHD versus MPHD; different GH assays
ular mass normalized after the first year of GH treatment used to define GHD (polyclonal radioimmunoassay vs.
and improvement in left ventricular mass positively cor- immunometric assays); different GH dosages used; and
related with the increase in IGF-I levels [26]. Left ven- different durations of GH treatment.
tricular systolic and diastolic function did not change af-
ter 2 years of treatment. However, in another study, sub- 2. Consideration and Diagnosis of GHD
tle alterations in left ventricular systolic function were 2.1. Conditions where GH provocative testing is not
noted [28]. required to diagnose GHD.
Data on bone density and body composition in chil- Of note, for patients who do not meet the following
dren with GHD are generally more consistent. Using criteria yet present a high index of suspicion, GHD can be
DXA, children with untreated GHD showed decreased diagnosed by the conventional approach.
bone mineral density, decreased lean mass, and increased 2.1.1. We suggest establishing a diagnosis of GHD
fat mass, while GH treatment improved these abnormal- without GH provocative testing in patients possessing all
ities in multiple studies [29–31]. In a 6-year prospective of the following three conditions: auxological criteria, hy-
study of 59 children with GHD, lumbar spine bone min- pothalamic-pituitary defect (such as major congenital
eral density, total body bone mineral density, and body malformation [ectopic posterior pituitary and pituitary
composition were measured using DXA [31]. Mean lum- hypoplasia with abnormal stalk], tumor or irradiation),
bar spine and total body bone mineral densities were re- and deficiency of at least one additional pituitary hor-
duced at diagnosis and normalized after 1 year of GH mone. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
treatment; percentage of body fat was increased at base- 2.1.2. We suggest that GHD due to congenital hypopi-
line and normalized within 6 months. The severity of tuitarism be diagnosed without formal GH provocative
GHD or presence of other pituitary hormone deficiencies testing in a newborn with hypoglycemia who does not at-
(IGHD vs. MPHD) was not associated with bone mineral tain a serum GH concentration above 5 μg/L and has de-
density at diagnosis or with response to GH therapy. In ficiency of at least one additional pituitary hormone and/
contrast, a study of 5 years of GH treatment found a sig- or the classical imaging triad (ectopic posterior pituitary
nificant increase in lumbar spine bone mineral density and pituitary hypoplasia with abnormal stalk). (Condi-
z-score in 35 children with IGHD, but not in 15 children tional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
with MPHD [32]. The cohort of patients with MPHD in
the first study predominantly had acquired GHD mainly - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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Technical Remark: A low GH concentration at the time was 16.4 μg/L with 95% confidence interval of 7–39.4
of spontaneous hypoglycemia is alone insufficient to di- μg/L. In contrast, 9 newborns with MPHD had GH levels
agnose GHD. of 5.5 μg/L or less on the same GH assay but samples were
“Classical” GHD, as described by Lawson Wilkins re- collected from these babies between 5 and 28 days of
fers to the complete or near-complete inability to secrete age [44]. Because of GH assay variability, a GH value of
GH, resulting in extremely slow growth velocity and AH ≤5 μg/L in the first week of life in a neonate with defi-
many standard deviations below the mean [37]. In classi- ciency of other pituitary hormones who experiences hy-
cal GHD, GH treatment restores normal growth, with poglycemia is likely sufficient to accurately diagnose
catch-up to a percentile compatible with MPH, including GHD. Beyond the first week of life, there are no clear GH
the upper percentiles of adult stature. In the majority of threshold levels that discern normal newborns from those
cases, classical GHD is associated with hypothalamic-pi- with GHD. Beyond the neonatal period, a low GH con-
tuitary abnormalities on imaging [38], MPHD, or a his- centration at the time of hypoglycemia is alone insuffi-
tory of insult to the area such as tumor, surgery, and/or cient to diagnose GHD due to low specificity [49]. The
cranial irradiation [39]. In observational studies of these challenges in defining normal GH and IGF-I levels in the
children, provocative tests show GH concentrations very first 18 months of life are reviewed elsewhere [50].
distinct from the normal range such that test precision, 2.2. GH provocative testing.
reproducibility, and assay performance may not be cru- 2.2.1. We recommend against reliance on GH provoc-
cial barriers to precise diagnosis. For example, in a study ative test results as the sole diagnostic criterion of GHD.
of 63 treated patients with GHD, all 15 with imaging (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
abnormalities achieved a peak GH concentration below Technical Remark: Very low peak GH levels on pro-
5 μg/L [38]. Additionally, in the Genetics and Neuro- vocative testing are consistent with severe GHD, and pa-
endocrinology of Short Stature International Study tients with such results are expected to benefit greatly
(GeNeSIS), the median peak GH level was 2.7 μg/L for the from GH treatment. However, the threshold test result
1,071 subjects with GHD plus any imaging abnormality that distinguishes normal from partial GHD that re-
[39]. In KIGS (Pfizer International Growth Study Data- sponds to treatment has not been well established.
base), mean GH peak was 3.1 μg/L in children with imag- Technical Remark: Given the substantial number of
ing abnormalities (excluding pituitary hypoplasia) versus healthy, normally growing children who test below ac-
4.9 μg/L for pituitary hypoplasia and 6.6 μg/L for idio- cepted limits, inadequate response to two different pro-
pathic GHD [40]. These tests were not validated as a basis vocative tests is required for diagnosis of GHD. While it
for intervention in an RCT, but observational studies is possible that combining tests might yield different re-
tend to show that very low peak GH response correlates sults from tests performed on separate days, there is no
with dramatic response to GH treatment [41–43]. evidence against performing both tests sequentially on
Normal neonates have relative hypersomatotropism, the same day.
with random GH levels higher than older children and Technical Remark: GH responses to provocative test-
adults in the first 5–7 days of life [44, 45] and falling in ing are blunted in obese or overweight individuals, and
subsequent weeks [46]. Newborns with congenital GHD the peak values decrease with increasing BMI. Unlike
associated with panhypopituitarism have a greater inci- adults, obesity-dependent modifications to diagnostic
dence of hypoglycemia; of 44 patients with congenital criteria in children are undetermined.
GHD, none of the neonates with IGHD had hypoglyce- Defining growth failure conceptually implies abnor-
mia, while 60–70% of neonates with panhypopituitarism mally low growth velocity, while the definition of inade-
(with or without abnormalities on imaging) experienced quate GH secretion must be based on more complex evi-
hypoglycemia [47]. Neonatal cholestasis with hypoglyce- dence. Many cases of GHD are not accompanied by other
mia occurs in panhypopituitarism and improves with re- hypophyseal hormone deficiencies or known hypotha-
placement of pituitary hormones including GH [48]. A lamic-pituitary pathology (idiopathic GHD) and must be
GH level (whether random or associated with spontane- diagnosed by measuring GH levels (other GH-related
ous hypoglycemia) that distinguishes infants with GHD endpoints, e.g. body composition and IGF-I levels, have
from those with GH sufficiency has not been established insufficient sensitivity and specificity to clearly distin-
definitively. A retrospective study using a validated assay guish children with or without GHD). This is further
on dried filter-paper blood spots, found that in 314 new- complicated by the pulsatile nature of GH secretion that
borns less than 5 days old, the median GH concentration necessitates the use of provocative (stimulation) testing. - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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There are no randomized controlled studies to AH 13.1 ± 6.1 μg/L), but clonidine, another widely used stim-
that correlate GH provocative testing results with subse- ulus, gave much higher levels (21.0 ± 10.7 μg/L). In this
quent GH treatment effects on AH. Available evidence is study of normally growing children, 1 SD below the mean
derived from response to treatment in the first few years for peak GH value was at or below 10 μg/L, with the 5th
and consistently shows some predictive value of peaks percentile being less than half of this cutoff. These results
<10 μg/L on gain in AH SDS [51–53]. However, there is were corroborated in a large, registry-based study of 3,233
no controlled, evidence-based gold standard for this cut- cases in France [59], in which correlation coefficients (r)
off, which was adopted for identifying partial cases in the between GH peaks on two tests in the same patient ranged
continuum between complete deficiency and normal. By from 0.35 to 0.6, meaning that the r2 (expressing the frac-
modern immunometric methods and standards, 10 μg/L tion of the total variance explained by the fact that the two
is just below the mean response obtained to most pro- tests were performed on the same subject) ranged from
vocative tests in normally growing children, whose 5th 12 to 36%. These results also suggested imperfect repro-
percentile lies below 5 μg/L for most tests [54, 55]. ducibility of the same test in the same patient, with the
In the absence of evidence from controlled studies, highest correlation, that being for duplicate testing with
postmarketing surveys might help estimate how levels insulin stimulation, having a coefficient of only 0.72 (r2 =
within this continuum predict response to treatment. 52%).
Data from KIGS were mathematically modeled from 593 Studies show that GH response to provocative testing
GH-treated prepubertal children diagnosed as having depends on BMI and that GH response to stimulation is
GHD on the basis of a GH response <10 μg/L [56]. Add- considerably lower in obese children [60, 61]. In a pro-
ing peak GH response to a model of auxological param- spective study of 65 normally growing obese children,
eters increased the percentage of variance explained from spontaneous GH secretion was less than half of reference,
45 to 60%, making it a statistically significant, but rather and it normalized after weight loss [62]. There is insuf-
modest predictor. However, when individual values for ficient evidence for establishing BMI-corrected cutoffs
the improvement in first-year height velocity prediction for GH provocative testing in children. A retrospective
attributable to the GH peak were plotted, the prediction cross-sectional study of glucagon stimulation testing in
came from peak levels <5 μg/L; at this level, the GH peak adults with BMI ≥25 proposed lowering the diagnostic
increased the prediction by as much as 4 cm of growth in threshold from the standard 3 μg/L (failed by 45% of the
the first year. Similar results were shown in 236 prepuber- 47 healthy adults studied) to 1 μg/L (failed by 6% of
tal children enrolled in the NCGS study in the USA [57]. healthy controls, 59% of 41 adults with partial pituitary
First-year increase in HtSDS (ΔHtSDS) was indistin- deficiency, and 90% of the 20 adults with total pituitary
guishable between children with peak GH responses 5–10 deficiency studied) [63]. For the obese child with poor
or >10 μg/L, and ΔHtSDS >1.5 SD was seen only with GH growth, other endocrinopathies (e.g., hypothyroidism
peaks <5 μg/L. The specificity of the cutoff of 10 μg/L was and hypercortisolism) should be excluded before testing
estimated at only 25%. In 1,192 children enrolled in for GHD, as these conditions, if present and untreated,
the ICGS study in Japan [58] (also industry-sponsored), can cause falsely low GH levels upon GH provocative
a larger ΔHtSDS was seen in children with GH peaks testing.
<5 μg/L on two tests, compared to those with at least one 2.2.2. Given the large discrepancies between GH as-
test with a peak >5 μg/L. AH analyses from the postmar- says, we recommend that institutions require laboratories
keting studies are not available and would not be mean- to provide harmonized GH assays using the somatropin
ingful because of a strong bias to continue treatment only standard, IRP IS 98/574, 22k rhGH isoform, as recom-
in good early responders. mended by the 2006 and 2011 consensus statements, and
In addition to lack of AH-based evidence supporting a the published commutability standards. (Strong recom-
diagnostically meaningful threshold test result, there are mendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
several limitations to comparing peak GH responses Serum GH concentrations are currently measured us-
across provocative tests. We could find no evidence indi- ing a variety of methods against a variety of standards.
cating that peak GH values are similar using different Normal values were established using polyclonal radio-
provocative agents. Using the same analytical assay to immunoassays and purified pituitary standards. Current-
measure peak GH concentrations of 68 normally growing ly used immunometric assays with monoclonal antibod-
children, Zadik et al. [54] found good agreement between ies and recombinant standards have higher specificity,
insulin- and arginine-stimulated GH peaks (14.2 ± 6.3 vs. but the use of different standards and antibodies with - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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specificities for different GH isoforms has resulted in Technical Remark: Best available evidence exists for
large discrepancies between assays. boys; evidence is extrapolated to girls.
Therefore, standardization or, at least, harmonization Technical Remark: A reasonable approach in both
is required to meaningfully evaluate and compare results. boys and girls would be 2 mg (1 mg for body weight <20
An important first step in harmonization is the adoption kg) of β-estradiol (not ethinyl estradiol) orally on each of
of recombinant primary reference material, the most cur- the 2 evenings preceding the test. Alternatively, boys can
rent and widely used of which is IRP IS 98/574, 22k rhGH be primed with intramuscular testosterone (50–100 mg
isoform, as recommended by the 2006 and 2011 consen- of a depot formulation administered 1 week before the
sus statements [64]. If different methods give the same test).
result for the same serum pools, the assays can be consid- Technical Remark: This recommendation applies to
ered standardized. If not, harmonization is achieved by GH-naïve patients; it does not retroactively apply to pa-
documenting sample-independent differences and deriv- tients already on GH treatment.
ing correction factors to obtain the same values for the In children with constitutional delay of growth and
same sample, by the use of commutable serum pools as puberty, the normal decline in prepubertal growth veloc-
outlined by Ross et al. [65]. ity with age (interrupted by the pubertal growth spurt) is
Discrepancies among current GH assays lead to diag- prolonged and may lead to frankly abnormal growth ve-
nostic misclassifications. Using three reference assays locity [71]. This is accompanied by a reduction in the GH
(two using the same standard, 88/624), Hauffa et al. [66] response to provocative stimuli [72], which has led to the
re-examined 699 peak samples from GH provocative test- supposition that, in prepubertal children of pubertal age,
ing. The mean difference among assays varied from 5.4 to GH testing be preceded by brief treatment with sex ste-
10.3 mU/L (2.7 to 5.1 μg/L). Assignment to GHD- versus roids.
GH-sufficient groups varied substantially among differ- Sex steroid priming before GH provocative testing in
ent assays in a subset of 132 subjects who had had stan- prepubertal children of pubertal age improves diagnostic
dardized insulin and arginine testing, resulting in mis- specificity without compromising the sensitivity of diag-
classification of up to 29% of cases. In another study, sam- nosing severe GHD and can prevent inappropriate GH
ples from 47 provocative tests were assayed with four treatment of children with constitutional delay of growth
different methods [67]. Discrepancies were found with and puberty. Administration of 1–2 mg of estradiol to 44
significant effects on diagnostic outcome. One immuno- children with ISS raised the mean lower 95% confidence
metric assay classified 36% of tests as indicating GHD interval of peak GH response to a sequential arginine-
compared to 15% for the standard radioimmunoassay. clonidine test from clearly “abnormal” at 3.7 up to 8.3
Several countries have sought to standardize or har- μg/L. This very substantial gain in specificity was not ac-
monize their GH assays. A systematic, multi-laboratory companied by a loss of sensitivity, as response was unal-
effort at standardization of assays in Finland between tered in 15 children with GHD established by the pres-
1998 and 2003 showed considerable improvement in ence of other pituitary defects (7 of the 15 cases), imaging
concordance, but even in the last year of the effort, dis- findings, or other phenotypic features [73]. In a longitu-
crepancies persisted [68]. Another harmonization effort dinal study of 8 children with delayed puberty, mean peak
in Germany found a 27% misclassification rate before ad- GH response was 8.2 μg/L, below the GHD cutoff and
justing results by a conversion factor [69]. In Japan, a sys- substantially lower than that seen in control children of
tematic effort at harmonization using a uniform biosyn- prepubertal age. Mean peak response completely normal-
thetic standard resulted in lowering of the cutoff from 10 ized to 15.8 μg/L when the children developed puberty
to 6 μg/L due largely to the immunometric methods mea- 0.83–2.14 years later [72]. Similar results were found in a
suring much lower than the original radioimmunoassay cross-sectional study of 84 normal, untreated children,
[70]. where the percentage of those who would have been clas-
2.2.3. We suggest sex steroid priming prior to provoc- sified as GHD by the stricter cutoff of 7 μg/L declined
ative GH testing in prepubertal boys older than 11 and in from 61% at Tanner stage I to zero at stages IV and V [74].
prepubertal girls older than 10 years with AH prognosis An observational study reported AH in 50 otherwise
within –2 SD of the reference population mean in order healthy boys evaluated for short stature with delayed pu-
to prevent unnecessary GH treatment of children with berty (mean delay of 2 years) and growth velocity <5 cm/
constitutional delay of growth and puberty. (Conditional year. These boys had peak GH values in the deficient
recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) range without sex steroid priming (mean 4.9–5.4 μg/L ± - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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2.1–3.0) [75]. With sex steroid priming, mean peak GH Given the limitations of provocative testing, the idea
values after stimulation were 15.4–19.3 μg/L ± 5.1–5.9 us- of measuring spontaneous secretion as a profile with se-
ing three different priming doses of testosterone. Un- rial sampling [77] or as an integrated level by continuous
treated, the boys’ mean HtSDS changed from –2.4 ± 0.4 withdrawal [78] is attractive. It seems plausible that a
(range –4.0 to –1.7) at time of testing to –1.27 ± 0.72 child unable to normally secrete GH could still respond
(range –2.54 to +0.49) at AH. The resultant HtSDS was to the nonphysiological pharmacology of provocative
within the normal range and commensurate with the testing, a condition termed neurosecretory dysfunction
boys’ MPH. However, there were no data on females, and [77]. This hypothesis was tested by GH treatment of 7
most of the boys had a normal AH prediction at the time short children with abnormally low growth velocity, who
of testing (mean –1.3 ± 1.0 SD, with range from –3.1 SD had provocative responses >10 μg/L but low spontaneous
to +2 SD). secretion [77]. Short-term acceleration of growth was ob-
In generating this statement, the guidelines taskforce served, similar to that seen in children with convention-
placed high value on reducing unnecessary GH treat- ally defined GHD. Neither long-term growth nor adult-
ment of children with constitutional delay of growth height data were presented. In addition to first-year ac-
and puberty, with its associated potential harms (proven celeration of height velocity being a very imperfect
or theoretical), costs, and psychological and physical predictor of AH gain, a major weakness of this study was
burden. Sex steroid priming was repeatedly shown to that 4 of the 7 patients were of pubertal age with severe
increase the specificity, without hampering the sensitiv- bone age delay. Onset of puberty during treatment was
ity, of GH provocative testing for severe GHD, but the not evaluated and could account for much or all of this
studies all involved small sample sizes, and there was acceleration. A similar first-year growth acceleration was
only one study reporting AH, the chosen outcome to reported in 2 other studies of children diagnosed by the
grade the evidence. This study showed that the boys same criteria [79–81], and both of these studies suffered
reached normal AHs without GH treatment, but many from the same limitations.
had predicted AHs in the normal range at the time of We could find a report of the effects on AH in only one
testing. While the range of predicted AHs in this study retrospective study [80] that showed a mean AH gain of
went down to –3.1 SD, group data can obscure changes 1.03 SDS following GH treatment in children who met
at the individual level. There is no direct evidence that the criteria for neurosecretory dysfunction, compared to
patients with predicted AH below –2 SD at the time of untreated ISS cases with normal spontaneous secretion.
testing and classified as GH-deficient solely when tested This gain is virtually identical to that obtained in treated
without sex hormone priming achieve a height within ISS (see discussion below) making the contribution of the
the adult normal range without GH treatment. Hence, spontaneous GH measurement very questionable.
the evidence was graded as low. The taskforce reached a Normative data for spontaneous GH secretion were
unanimous consensus that prepubertal children of pu- established by a study that showed that 4/10 normal-
bertal age diagnosed with GHD using sex steroid prim- height, normally growing children and 8/35 with consti-
ing likely will experience greater benefit from GH treat- tutional delay, but normal growth velocity, had overnight
ment than such children diagnosed without priming. secretory patterns compatible with the diagnosis of neu-
The possibility remains that, of such patients diagnosed rosecretory GHD [82]. An additional study also found
as having GHD solely without sex steroid priming, the overlap of spontaneous GH secretion between healthy,
patients with abnormally low AH predictions at the time normally growing children and children with GHD [83].
of testing may still require GH treatment to achieve a Unfortunately, results of frequent GH sampling were in-
normal AH. consistent when normal children were studied on two
No gynecomastia in boys or other side effects have separate occasions under identical conditions [84]. In
been reported with the recommended doses of sex steroid light of these limitations, the taskforce felt any potential
priming. No systematic controlled evidence exists to fa- benefit of overnight GH sampling did not warrant the
vor any of the proposed protocols over another. Wetterau burden to patients and, hence, rated this recommenda-
[76] summarized the various methods used. tion strongly.
2.3. Measurement of spontaneous GH secretion.
2.3.1. We recommend against the use of spontaneous 3. Dosing of GH Treatment for Patients with GHD
GH secretion in the diagnosis of GHD in a clinical setting. For the indication of GHD, manufacturers of somatro-
(Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) pin obtained governmental agency approval for dose - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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ranges of 25–35 μg/kg/day or 0.16–0.24 mg/kg/week, as may not be optimal for a particular patient. Second, be-
listed in product inserts (so called standard dosing). In cause the growth effects of GH are due in large part to its
the USA, a few manufacturers obtained approval for induction of IGF-I, serum IGF-I concentration can serve
higher dosing prepubertally (up to 0.3 mg/kg/week or as a biomarker of GH action in an individual patient and
∼42–50 μg/kg/day depending upon dosing of GH 6 days allow more individualized dose titration, akin to dosing
or 7 days per week) and up to 0.7 mg/kg/week during pu- levothyroxine based on thyroid function tests. Cohen et
berty (pubertal dosing; for GHD only). Dosing based al. [91] evaluated the efficacy of serum IGF-I-based dos-
upon BSA is also reported in some product inserts used ing on growth after 2 years of GH therapy in a random-
outside the USA. In this section, doses are reported as mg/ ized trial. Children diagnosed with GHD who received
kg/week or mg/m2/week. Some studies reported doses in GH doses that achieved a serum IGF-I SDS of +2 ex-
international units (IU). The conversion formula 3.0 IU perienced a statistically significant greater difference in
per 1 mg of GH was used for dose comparison, as most of HtSDS (+2.04 ± 0.17 from pretreatment HtSDS) than
the studies cited administered authentic rhGH (the con- children randomized to receive GH to achieve a serum
version formula for methionyl GH, an early GH formula- IGF-I SDS of 0 (+1.41 ± 0.13 from pretreatment HtSDS).
tion, is 2.7 IU per 1 mg). Studies reporting doses in mg/ The average GH dose to achieve an IGF-I SDS of +2 was
m2 were not converted to mg/kg because weight and BSA 91 μg/kg/day (median 65 μg/kg/day), while the average
change at different rates during childhood, thereby pre- GH dose to achieve a serum IGF-I SDS of 0 was 37 μg/kg/
cluding a reliable formula for dose conversion. As a point day (median 33 μg/kg/day). Within each treatment group,
of reference, for a 30-kg, 1-m2 child, 0.16–0.24 mg/kg/ a wide range of doses was needed to achieve the target
week equals 4.8–7.2 mg/m2/week. IGF-I level. With an IGF-I target of +2 SDS, fewer than
3.1. We recommend the use of weight-based or BSA- 65% of children required GH doses above 50 μg/kg/day,
based GH dosing in children with GHD. (Strong recom- while 35% required GH doses of 50 μg/kg/day (∼0.35 mg/
mendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪) kg/week) or less. In the IGF-I target of 0 SDS group, few-
Technical Remark: We cannot make a recommenda- er than 20% of children required GH doses above 50 μg/
tion regarding IGF-I-based dosing because there are no kg/day. Thus, some children with GHD experience a
published AH data using this method. The rationale is more robust rise in IGF-I level (correlated with linear
logical, but the target IGF-I level has not been established growth) than others on similar weight-based doses [92].
to optimize the balance between AH gain, potential risks, Studies comparing the effectiveness of IGF-I-based dos-
and cost. ing with that of standard weight-based dosing on AH
Studies demonstrating the positive effects of GH on have not yet been done. As the panel elected to base rec-
achieved AH have overwhelmingly used weight- or BSA- ommendations on AH outcomes, there is insufficient ev-
based dosing [8–17, 85–88]. Selection of dosing based idence at this time to recommend IGF-I-based dosing
upon weight or BSA seems to be a matter of personal or over weight- or BSA-based dosing.
national preference [89]. The rationale for using BSA- Thrice weekly (TIW) dosing of GH was used initially
based dosing draws upon the supposition that drug me- after introduction of recombinant GH as a holdover from
tabolism does not decrease proportionally to increases in dosing paradigms used with pituitary-derived GH. Daily
body weight, as it is mainly dependent on extracellular dosing of GH resulted in higher absolute height gain and
fluid volume, which is weight-independent. Differences gain in HtSDS than dividing the same weekly dose as TIW
in dose calculations between the weight- and BSA-based in 1–4 years of comparison study [93, 94]. In the studies
approaches are most prominent at younger ages and with reporting AH in GH-treated children, dosing of GH was
obesity. Hughes et al. [90] noted that older children re- 6–7 days per week in the majority of studies, or a mixture
ceive a lower total GH dose if BSA dosing is used, rather of TIW or more frequent dosing in the remaining. As
than weight-based dosing. Rigorous studies comparing the bulk of AH data were obtained in persons who re-
weight-based with BSA-based dosing have not been con- ceived dosing more often than TIW, TIW dosing is not
ducted; thus, there is insufficient evidence to recommend suggested.
one dosing regimen over the other. 3.2. We recommend an initial GH dose of 0.16–0.24
IGF-I-based dosing of GH treatment has been pro- mg/kg/week (22–35 μg/kg/day) with individualization of
posed based on two premises. First, there is large interin- subsequent dosing. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
dividual variation in growth response to the same per kg Technical Remark: Some patients may require higher
body weight GH dose, so anthropometric-based dosing doses. - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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The strength of the evidence indicating a difference in and multivariate analysis of the data did not consistently
AH between children with GHD who receive different reveal a correlation between higher dosing and greater
doses of GH is moderate-low as studies differ in their con- AH. Studies directly comparing different dose regimens
clusions. Given the burden of GH treatment on the enrolled small numbers of patients and results differed
health-care system and the unresolved long-term risks of between studies.
treatment, the lowest dose with demonstrated efficacy As one of its guiding principles, the guidelines task-
should be used. force endorses harm prevention (theoretical or proven)
The body of evidence concerning the effect of differ- over practices that have unproven benefits. High dosing
ent GH dosing regimens on AH outcomes is of moder- of GH carries a higher risk of long-term adverse effects
ate-to-low quality. This evidence consists of reports of theoretically and a certain higher cost burden on health-
mean GH doses used in registry- or population-based care systems. Since the body of evidence is conflicting on
studies, analyses of potential variables that may affect AH the comparative effectiveness of different GH doses on
in patients enrolled in registries, and nonrandomized or AH, the panel elected to recommend initiation of GH at
randomized trials with low patient numbers. Early data the lower dose range.
from the NCGS and KIGS registries, which included data Interindividual variability in growth velocity after ini-
with higher weekly doses of recombinant GH (0.18–0.3 tiation of GH, likely reflecting heterogeneity of popula-
mg/kg/week) than were used in pituitary-derived GH tions diagnosed with GHD, suggests that subsequent dos-
studies [95, 96], indicated that mean AH SDS-MPH SDS ing should be individualized. Variables such as first-year
was –0.5 SD with ∼0.18 mg/kg/week [10] or –0.5 SD with growth velocity, height at start, duration of treatment,
0.3 mg/kg/week [11], suggesting that the higher weekly peak GH concentration during provocative testing, and
dose of recombinant GH could result in larger height MPH have been correlated with a taller AH [9, 12]. In ef-
gains over the lower weekly dose that had been used with forts to predict individual response to GH from pretreat-
pituitary-derived GH. Later data with a greater number ment characteristics and short-term treatment outcomes,
of enrolled subjects in the French national registry (n = models have been developed using data from registries [7,
1,524), Pharmacia/Pfizer registry (n = 1,258), and a 56, 99, 100]. Models have been verified retrospectively in
Dutch cohort (n = 552), did not find a significant corre- two different cohorts of less than 100 children [56]. One
lation between GH dose and AH on multivariate analysis study compared growth of children with GHD random-
[9, 12, 97]. Participants in these studies were treated for ized to receive standard weight-based GH dosing or indi-
4–9 years, and the reported mean GH doses were 0.18– vidualized GH dosing modeled from pretreatment char-
0.24 mg/kg/week with a range between 0.11 and 0.28 mg/ acteristics [101]. After 2 years of treatment, the HtSDS –
kg/week. In a Canadian cohort of 96 patients, a fixed dose MPH SDS was similar between the groups (–0.42 ± 0.46
of 0.18 mg/kg/week given for an average of 9 years re- vs. –0.48 ± 0.67), but the individualized GH dose group
sulted in heights that were within –0.5 SD from MPH had a narrower distribution of SDS (range of 2.25 in the
[15]. A retrospective case-control study of 26 patients individualized group vs. 3.36 in the standard dose group).
who received 0.15 or 0.3 mg/kg/week found that the 13 In other studies, short-term growth endpoints, such as 1-
patients who received the 0.3 mg/kg/week GH dose and 2-year growth velocity and change in HtSDS, have
achieved a mean AH SDS – MPH SDS 0.73 SD higher been shown to be increased by factors such as higher GH
than patients who received the lower dose [14]. The par- dosing or dose titration to IGF-I levels [92, 102]. Al-
ticipants had similar MPH, baseline height, and treat- though logical and promising, these strategies to optimize
ment duration. An RCT of 35 subjects compared AH in growth parameters in the short term have not been tested
children receiving 0.7 mg/m2/day (4.9 mg/m2/week) ver- to AH. Additionally, the comparative effectiveness of
sus 1.4 mg/m2/day (9.8 mg/m2/week) [98]. The mean AH these various strategies has not been tested. Thus, a state-
SDS – MPH SDS was –0.7 versus –0.3 SD in the low and ment on the most effective strategy to individualize GH
high dose groups, respectively, a difference of 4 cm that dosing after GH initiation (using anthropometric param-
did not reach statistical significance. This study may have eters, modeled GH responsiveness, and/or IGF-I levels)
been insufficiently powered to detect a difference, so cannot be surmised from the available data.
larger controlled trials may yet demonstrate a statistical- 3.3. We suggest measurement of serum IGF-I levels as
ly significant effect of higher GH doses. In summary, in a tool to monitor. adherence and IGF-I production in re-
studies reporting AH, the majority of patients were ad- sponse to GH dose changes. We suggest that the GH dose
ministered GH doses between 0.18 and 0.24 mg/kg/week be lowered if serum IGF-I levels rise above the laboratory- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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defined normal range for the age or pubertal stage of the between the high dose and control dose (0.3 mg/kg/week)
patient. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚪⚪⚪) groups was 4.6 cm after 3 years and 5.7 cm after 4 years.
GH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of IGF-I, Although MPH SDS between the two groups was not dif-
whose circulating concentration generally increases with ferent at baseline, AH SDS – MPH SDS was not reported;
increased GH dose. Thus, serum IGF-I concentration is a the effect of therapy experienced by the individual may
useful biomarker of GH exposure both in diagnosis and well be different from the group. The control dose group
in treatment monitoring [102]. The target IGF-I level that achieved median IGF-I levels of 615 μg/L (range 139–
results in optimal growth while minimizing future theo- 1,079) whereas the high dose group achieved IGF-I levels
retical risk is not known. Meta-analysis of cohort and of 910 μg/L (range 251–1,843) after 36 months of therapy.
case-control studies in the general non-GH-treated pop- Of the 97 subjects enrolled, 10 experienced serious ad-
ulation indicates that serum IGF-I levels in both the low verse events, 4 in the standard dose group and 6 in the
and high ends of the normal range are associated with high dose group. Four of the 48 patients receiving the
greater cancer and all-cause mortality [103]. The studies higher dose experienced effects consistent with GH ex-
used for the meta-analysis measured IGF-I levels in sub- cess, such as enlarging shoe size, ankle swelling, and hip
jects of various ages from 20 to 98 years, with the major- pain. Although no cases of intracranial hypertension or
ity between ages 40–90 years and the duration of follow- slipped capped femoral epiphysis were reported, the
up ranging between 5 and 18 years. The long-term effects study was not adequately powered to detect these poten-
of briefer periods of higher IGF-I levels in childhood are tial serious side effects.
not known. Randomized studies comparing pubertal doses lower
The long-term risks of higher IGF-I levels of short or than 0.7 mg/kg/week to standard dosing have also been
long duration are not resolved. The consensus panel en- performed [108–110]. Ninety-two Swedish children were
dorses harm prevention in the treatment of children with randomized to standard dosing (0.1 IU/kg/day, ∼33 μg/
GH. As long as the potential risk is unresolved, we sug- kg/day) or pubertal dosing once or twice daily (0.2 IU/kg/
gest that the serum IGF-I concentration be monitored on day, ∼67 μg/kg/day) at Tanner stage 2 [109]. Median AH
a regular basis with the goal to keep IGF-I levels in the SDS – MPH SDS was between 0 and 1 SD for all groups
normal range for age and pubertal status. Assays used with a similar distribution of data. Another study ran-
to quantify IGF-I include immunometric and liquid domized 49 adolescents to standard dosing (0.7 mg/m2/
chromatography/tandem mass spectroscopy techniques. day) or pubertal dosing (1.4 mg/m2/day) at Tanner stage
Available commercial assays may provide different IGF-I 2 [110]. Mean AH SDS – MPH SDS (0.1) was not differ-
values when applied to the same serum sample [104]. For ent between groups. Using data from the KIGS database,
that reason, when making clinical decisions for an indi- multiple linear regression analysis revealed that gender,
vidual, the IGF-I values must be interpreted against the age at puberty onset, and height at puberty onset were as-
gender-, age-, and puberty-specific reference ranges pro- sociated more strongly with pubertal growth than was
vided by the commercial laboratory used in measuring GH dose [111].
that value. Levels of IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) Members of the consensus panel unanimously agreed
and acid-labile subunit have also been associated incon- that the high rate of observed effects consistent with GH
sistently with risk of certain cancers, and modulate the excess and the untested potential for more adverse effects
bioavailability of IGF-I. However, the complex interac- in a greater sample size carried an undesirable risk of
tions among the three proteins have not been studied suf- harm to patients receiving the 0.7 mg/kg/week dose. This
ficiently to support using alternative markers (e.g., molar concern, coupled with the unresolved long-term risk of
ratio of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 as an estimation of free IGF-I) to higher dose of GH and health-care cost burden of the 0.7
predict long-term risks [105–107]. mg/kg/week dose, prompted the consensus panel to rec-
3.4. During puberty, we recommend against the rou- ommend against the routine use of this dose during pu-
tine increase in GH dose to 0.7 mg/kg/week in every child berty.
with GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) 3.5. We recommend that GH treatment at pediatric
The FDA approved higher GH dosing during puberty doses not continue beyond attainment of a growth veloc-
based on results of an RCT [85] in which individuals who ity below 2–2.5 cm/year. The decision to discontinue pe-
received the higher GH dose of 0.7 mg/kg/week during 3 diatric dosing prior to attainment of this growth velocity
years of puberty had a higher growth velocity and achieved should be individualized. (Strong recommendation,
a higher AH SDS. The absolute difference in mean AH ⚫⚫⚪⚪) - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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Studies describing the effect of GH on the outcome of postmarketing surveillance studies maintained by GH
AH have involved treatment to AH or near-AH as de- manufacturers (e.g., KIGS and NCGS) [115, 117], indi-
fined by extremely slow growth rate and/or attainment of cates a low frequency (i.e., <3% of treated children) of
a specified skeletal maturation [8–17, 85–88]. Across adverse effects and reinforces a favorable on-treatment
studies, growth rates used to define near-AH and consid- safety profile of GH. The size and duration of these post-
eration of GH discontinuation varied from 0.5 to 3 cm/ marketing studies provides reassurance that on-treat-
year, with the majority of studies using rates between 2 ment adverse events that are either frequent or have cat-
and 2.5 cm/year. Definition by bone age also varied across astrophic consequences are not being missed. However,
studies, with 14–15 years used for girls and 16–17 years the full spectrum of potential GH adverse effects is not
used for boys. There have been no studies comparing AH comprehensively or accurately elucidated by postmar-
in persons in whom therapy was deemed complete at a keting surveillance studies due to: (1) inherent weakness-
certain growth rate versus a certain bone age. Although es in patient cohort surveillance such as dependence on
evidence behind the recommendation is of low quality, physician reports of occurrence and uncertain relevance
the taskforce agreed that acromegalic changes are possi- to GH treatment; (2) changes over time in GH dosage
ble with use of pediatric GH doses in adolescents with and/or recipient characteristics that may alter risk for ad-
fused epiphyseal plates and should be avoided. Because of verse effects; (3) failure to capture adverse events that
the potential for benefit regarding certain metabolic pa- only become manifest after treatment; and (4) lack of a
rameters, the panel recommends evaluation for persistent valid control population for comparisons. Thus, all po-
GHD, as detailed below. tential risks should be evaluated with regard to the un-
The guidelines taskforce recognizes that the risk and derlying diagnosis and individually before initiating GH
logistics of GH therapy to achieve a specific height goal treatment.
may differ between individuals, so it may be appropriate 4.1. We recommend that prospective recipients of GH
to discontinue GH therapy earlier in some individuals. treatment receive anticipatory guidance regarding the
This decision may be influenced by the clinical factors potential adverse effects of intracranial hypertension,
surrounding the diagnosis of GHD; many children with SCFE, and scoliosis progression. (Ungraded good prac-
idiopathic IGHD have normal test results when the GH tice statement)
axis is re-evaluated upon achievement of AH [112]. Ad- 4.2. We recommend monitoring of GH recipients for
ditionally, re-examination of the GH axis 1 or more years potential development of intracranial hypertension,
after diagnosis of idiopathic IGHD in still growing chil- SCFE, and scoliosis progression by soliciting pertinent
dren can yield normal results in a majority of patients history and performing a physical examination at every
[113]. In a nonrandomized study, patients who re-tested follow-up clinic visit; further testing should be pursued if
normal during puberty and discontinued GH achieved an indicated. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
AH SDS – MPH SDS similar to children who re-tested as
having GHD and remained on GH treatment; the abso- (A) Intracranial hypertension
lute height in centimeters was not significantly different Intracranial hypertension may occur with GH therapy
between groups [114]. One study reporting on patients [118]. It occurs at an overall incidence of 28 per 100,000
who ended treatment prior to attainment of AH found treatment-years, with a higher rate among patients with
their achieved heights were similar to those who main- chronic renal insufficiency, Turner syndrome, and or-
tained treatment until growth plate fusion [12], though ganic GHD, and at a lower rate in patients with ISS. It
the “stopped early” group was not defined. These data generally occurs during treatment initiation or dosage in-
raise the question as to whether all children diagnosed creases, and reverses with discontinuation of GH. A refer-
with IGHD need to continue GH treatment until growth ral for formal funduscopic examination by an ophthal-
plate fusion to achieve target AH. mologist is advised if symptoms suggestive of intracra-
nial hypertension occur such as severe headache, double/
4. Safety Issues of GH Treatment for Patients with blurry vision, and vomiting. Treatment can often be re-
GHD instituted at lower doses without return of symptoms.
On-treatment safety and adverse effects of GH thera-
py [115] have been extensively tracked and reviewed for (B) Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
children with GHD (isolated or as part of MPHD) and SCFE is reported at an incidence of 73 per 100,000
ISS [1, 116]. Available information, derived mainly from treatment years and occurs less frequently in patients - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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with IGHD (18.3) and ISS (14.5) compared to those with The incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is not
GHD due to intracranial neoplasms (86.1), craniopha- increased by GH therapy. However, carbohydrate metab-
ryngioma (120), or after stem cell transplantation [119, olism is altered during GH therapy of children with either
120]. The median duration from onset of GH therapy to IGHD (i.e., restoration of normal insulin sensitivity) or
SCFE ranges from 0.4 to 2.5 years. Routine monitoring ISS (i.e., decrease in insulin sensitivity and compensatory
for suggestive symptoms such as hip and/or knee pain increase in insulin secretion with maintenance of eugly-
and changes in gait is advised and, if positive, careful cemia) [124–127]. Thus, children with type 1 DM will
physical examination and consideration of imaging and require higher doses of insulin if/when concurrently
orthopedic specialty consultation. SCFE requires surgical treated with GH. In children with compromised insulin
pinning of the capital femoral epiphysis to correct its mal- secretion or sensitivity, GH may induce glucose intoler-
position. ance and manifest hyperglycemia in the prediabetic phase
of type 1 DM. Reported effects on the incidence of type 2
(C) Scoliosis progression DM include both an increase [128] and no change in in-
Scoliosis progression during GH therapy appears due cidence [115] compared to population expectations. To
to rapid growth rather than as a direct side effect of GH date, overall data suggest: (1) decreases in insulin sensitiv-
per se. Scoliosis is observed in ∼0.2% of children with ISS ity are concurrent with GH therapy and return toward
or IGHD treated with GH [102], less frequently than in normal with cessation of treatment; (2) no clear adverse
diagnostic groups with a higher baseline incidence (e.g., effects on glucose metabolism during and following GH
Turner syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome) [121]. therapy; and (3) monitoring for potential development of
Routine examination for scoliosis presence or progres- diabetes with blood testing for glucose and/or HbA1c lev-
sion is advised in recipients of GH treatment. els should be focused on GH recipients at high risk [129].
4.3. We recommend re-assessment of both the adrenal 4.5. Counseling prospective recipients of GH treat-
and thyroid axes after initiation of GH therapy in patients ment regarding the risk of neoplasia
whose cause of GHD is associated with possible MPHD. 4.5.1. We recommend informing at-risk patients about
(Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) available data and encourage long-term follow-up with
Technical Remark: Evaluate for possible central adre- their oncologist. (Ungraded good practice statement)
nal and thyroid insufficiencies in those not yet diagnosed, For children with acquired GHD due to effects
and consider increasing hydrocortisone and/or levothy- of a primary malignancy:
roxine doses in those already on these hormone re- We recommend shared decision-making
placement(s). that involves the patient, family, oncologist, and treating
Physiological effects of GH on glucocorticoid metabo- endocrinologist. Before initiation of GH treatment, we
lism (i.e., reducing hepatic 11β-HSD1-mediated conver- recommend sharing with families the most recent data
sion of inactive cortisone to active cortisol and increasing about risks, including the potential effect of GH treat-
CYP3A4-mediated cortisol catabolism) raise theoretical ment on the timing of second neoplasm occurrence. (Un-
concerns that GH treatment could make manifest an un- graded good practice statement)
derlying adrenal insufficiency. While adrenal insufficien- For GH initiation after completion of tumor
cy has been identified as a predominant cause of prevent- therapy with no evidence of ongoing tumor, a standard
able deaths in long-term follow-up of pituitary GH re- waiting period of 12 months to establish “successful ther-
cipients [122], more recent data indicate a rate of adrenal apy” of the primary lesion is reasonable, but can also be
insufficiency in GH recipients (most of whom did not altered depending on individual patient circumstances.
have MPHD) equal to that expected for the general popu- (Ungraded good practice statement)
lation [115], suggesting association of adrenal insuffi- Technical Remark: Although many of the intracranial
ciency and GH treatment rather than causality. tumors are not “malignant” (i.e., craniopharyngioma),
Similarly, GH can lower serum free T4 concentrations, they have the potential to recur. There are no data to sug-
often used to diagnose central hypothyroidism, by in- gest treating them differently than malignant tumors with
creasing the peripheral deiodination of T4 to T3 [123]. regard to observation periods before initiating GH treat-
4.4. We recommend discussion about and monitoring ment.
of glucose metabolism of GH recipients who are at in- In the rare situation where a child with GHD
creased risk for diabetes due to insulin resistance. (Un- has an accompanying condition with intrinsic increased
graded good practice statement) risk for malignancy (e.g., neurofibromatosis-1, Down - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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syndrome, Bloom syndrome, Fanconi anemia, Noonan currently listed in US labeling for all GH products. Data
syndrome, and Diamond-Blackfan anemia), we recom- are lacking regarding GH effects on the risk of neoplasia
mend providing counseling regarding the lack of evi- in patients with conditions already associated with an in-
dence concerning GH effect on malignancy risk in these trinsically increased malignancy risk [148-153]. Risk of
groups. (Ungraded good practice statement) neoplasia in pediatric patients treated with GH was re-
4.5.2. For children considered not to be at risk, we rec- viewed extensively by the PES Drug and Therapeutics
ommend that counseling includes information about the Committee, with a key recommendation being that ongo-
unknown long-term (i.e., posttreatment) risks of neopla- ing long-term posttreatment surveillance of GH recipi-
sia still being studied. (Ungraded good practice state- ents is paramount [154].
ment) 4.6. We recommend that prospective recipients of GH
Pathophysiological and epidemiological observations treatment be informed about the uncertainty regarding
prompt concern that GH might increase risk of malig- long-term safety (posttreatment adverse effects in adult-
nancy during or after therapy. IGF-I and GH are mito- hood). (Ungraded good practice statement)
genic, anti-apoptotic, and their receptors are found in tu- Long-term follow-up (mean 17 years) of 6,928 chil-
mors. States of impaired [130] and excess [131] GH secre- dren with IGHD, ISS, or a history of being born SGA who
tion/action are associated with reduced and increased started GH treatment between 1985 and 1996 in France
malignancy risk, respectively. Reduction in IGF-I via ca- revealed a 30% increase in all-cause mortality compared
loric restriction induces apoptosis and prevents or slows to the general population [136]. All type cancer-related
tumor growth [132]. Some, but not all, epidemiological mortality was not increased, but standardized mortality
studies associated increases in GH and IGF-I levels with rates (SMR) were increased for bone tumor-related (5.00;
colon, breast, thyroid, and prostate cancer [133]. A retro- CI 1.01–14), circulatory system (3.07; CI 1.4–5.8), and ce-
spective analysis of adults who received human pituitary- rebral hemorrhage (6.66; CI 1.8–17) events. Dosage of
derived GH as children suggested an increased mortality GH >50 μg/kg/day conferred an SMR of 2.94. Derived
rate from colon cancer and Hodgkin disease, but based from the same database, a recent study reported a signif-
on only two cases of each type of malignancy [134]. Over- icantly higher risk of stroke (particularly hemorrhagic
all, the data suggest a permissive/facilitative rather than stroke) among patients treated with GH in childhood
causative role for GH in oncogenesis [135]. [155]. In contrast, follow-up of 2,543 IGHD, ISS, and
Current evidence indicates the following general con- SGA patients from other European countries, for whom
clusions regarding GH treatment in children with GHD, vital status data were available for 98%, revealed no effect
small for gestational age (SGA), or ISS: (1) incidence of of GH exposure and/or dosage on mortality or the inci-
new-onset leukemia during treatment [115] or malignan- dence of cardiovascular events [137]. A separate study de-
cies in general following treatment [136–139] in children vised an advanced model that adjusted for birth weight,
without associated risk factors is not increased compared birth length, and neonatal health to estimate SMR using
with that in the age-matched general population; (2) any the Swedish Medical Birth Registry. Applying the ad-
increased risk for new-onset leukemia appears limited to vanced model to GH-treated Swedes (n = 3,847) with
children with underlying conditions that already predis- IGHD, ISS, or SGA, the SMR with GH treatment was
pose them to develop malignancies [140]; (3) tumor re- 0.955 (CI 0.591–1.456) [139]. Validity of reports from the
currence is not increased in persons successfully treated French data could be confounded by lack of an untreated
for their primary lesion [141, 142]; and (4) GH treatment control population, appropriateness of the reference pop-
of children with a history of malignancy (particularly ulation chosen, a large number of “idiopathic deaths,”
when treated with radiation) may slightly hasten the ap- and missing data about GH treatment details and con-
pearance of a second neoplasm [142, 143] but does not comitant conditions.
appear to increase the overall risk of second neoplasm oc- In summary, available data support the following con-
currence [144] when compared to patients not treated clusions regarding safety of GH therapy for children with
with GH [143]. While analysis of available data is compli- IGHD, organic GHD, and ISS: (1) certain adverse effects
cated by the elevated risk for malignancy in any child with associated with rapid growth (scoliosis progression and
a prior malignancy, and single institution studies have SCFE) and others of unknown mechanism (intracranial
reported absence of GH effect on second neoplasm occur- hypertension) occur rarely and merit anticipatory guid-
rence [145–147], an increased risk of developing second ance and close monitoring; (2) insulin sensitivity is re-
neoplasms in GH-treated childhood cancer survivors is duced, but overt hyperglycemia is rare (increased risk for - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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type 2 DM is not evident overall, but should be considered tion period is the time from late puberty to establishment
in patients already at higher risk); (3) levels of endoge- of adult muscle and bone composition, and encompasses
nous cortisol can decrease due to effects of GH on gluco- attainment of AH. As attainment of adult or near-AH is
corticoid metabolism, so that GH therapy in severe GHD an easily measurable variable, re-evaluation of the so-
may unmask previously unsuspected central adrenal in- matotropic axis is most conveniently performed when
sufficiency; and (4) GH does not increase risk for new growth has slowed to the point when pediatric GH dosing
malignancy in children without risk factors, and current will be discontinued, as detailed above.
data suggest that GH treatment has a slight-to-absent ef- 5.1. We recommend that patients with multiple (≥3)
fect on increasing or hastening onset of second neoplasms pituitary hormone deficiencies regardless of etiology, or
in patients previously treated for cancer, particularly GHD with a documented causal genetic mutation or spe-
when such treatment includes cranial irradiation. cific pituitary/ hypothalamic structural defect except ec-
With regard to potential adverse effects of GH in gen- topic posterior pituitary, be diagnosed with persistent
eral, caution is warranted when extrapolating findings GHD. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
from earlier studies to future safety of GH [156]. Increas- Individuals with MPHD, defined as three or more pi-
ing dosages of GH, like spontaneous GH excess, could tuitary hormone deficiencies, develop metabolic altera-
increase the chances for remote metabolic or malignancy tions associated with adult GHD [161, 162] and meet
risks not detected in current analyses. Most patient-years adult criteria for GHD upon GH provocative testing in
available for analysis involve administration of GH doses the transition period [160, 163–165]. Individuals with
used for hormone replacement for GHD (<0.3 mg/kg/ MPHD also have persistent GHD if provocative testing is
week), whereas the expanding cohort of non-GHD pa- repeated later in adulthood [166–168]. GHD is persistent
tients includes those receiving pharmacological doses of in these individuals whether the MPHD is due to known
GH (e.g., 0.375 mg/kg/week for ISS [140] and 0.7 mg/kg/ underlying causes (organic) or idiopathic. In persons
week for “pubertal dosing” [85]). Change in recipient with two pituitary hormone deficiencies on a nonorganic
characteristics due to ethnic demographics and rising basis, they may or may not test as possessing persistent
childhood obesity rates could increase risk for type 2 DM GHD on provocative testing; thus, provocative testing is
precipitated by GH. Moreover, drug adverse events can advised (see below). Adolescents with IGHD and struc-
occur remotely after the drug has been discontinued, but tural pituitary defects such as absence of the pituitary
only adverse events occurring during GH therapy have stalk meet criteria for adult GHD [164, 169, 170] when
been tracked in postmarketing surveillance studies; de- tested. Persons with small pituitary glands at diagnosis
tection of subsequent adverse effects depends on physi- have a high rate of testing normal when retested after
cian-initiated reports to monitoring agencies. Since stud- completion of growth [164, 171]; thus, a small pituitary is
ies of non-GH-treated populations suggest that high-nor- not considered a structural defect. The risk of persistent
mal levels of free IGF-I (often seen in GH-treated children) GHD in individuals with ectopic posterior pituitary var-
may increase rates of breast and prostate cancers, a poten- ies according to their pituitary structure, as discussed in
tial relationship between GH exposure and future risk for section 5.2.
neoplasia requires continued vigilance. Finally, the ap- Adolescents with MPHD or a structural defect (except
propriate level of risk to be tolerated for the newest and ectopic posterior pituitary, see discussion below) have a
potentially largest GH-treated group in the future – es- nearly 100% fail rate on GH provocative testing [160,
sentially healthy, but short children – remains to be de- 163–165, 172]. Hence, an IGF-I measurement off GH
fined [157]. therapy in these persons is not necessary. Although an
IGF-I level may be obtained off GH treatment to confirm
5. Transitional Care after Childhood GH Treatment the diagnosis of persistent GHD to the patient, the pa-
Adults with childhood-onset GHD can have altera- tient’s family, or a third-party payer, a significant number
tions in body composition, bone mineral density, and lip- of persons with MPHD can have an IGF-I concentration
id metabolism that are mitigated by GH treatment [20]. in the normal range [167]. Thus, the results of IGF-I test-
Yet a number of children with a diagnosis of GHD have ing must be interpreted carefully.
a normal somatotropic axis upon retesting in late adoles- 5.2. We recommend re-evaluation of the somatotrop-
cence [112, 158–160]. Therefore, re-evaluation of the so- ic axis for persistent GHD in persons with GHD and de-
matotropic axis in children diagnosed with GHD is re- ficiency of only one additional pituitary hormone, idio-
quired during the so-called transition period. The transi- pathic IGHD, IGHD with or without a small pituitary/ - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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ectopic posterior pituitary, and in patients after irradia- testing, but the absolute IGF-I cutoff value below which
tion. (Strong recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪) children re-test as having persistent GHD varies between
Technical Remark: Testing can be performed after a studies and, thus, is not clear [159, 160, 169, 172, 179,
trial of at least 1 month off GH treatment. 180]. Individuals with idiopathic IGHD who re-test suf-
Individuals with GHD and deficiency of only one ad- ficient on provocative testing have normal metabolic
ditional pituitary hormone may or may not have persis- functioning upon follow-up [181, 182].
tent GHD upon testing [164, 167, 173, 174]. Individuals Individuals with MPHD who subsequently test as hav-
with an ectopic posterior pituitary gland associated with ing persistent GHD on provocative testing can have IGF-
pituitary stalk agenesis have persistent GHD [164] while I levels in the normal range [159, 160, 169, 172, 179, 180];
those with a normal pituitary stalk tend to have normal thus, a normal IGF-I level does not preclude the need for
GH levels upon provocative testing in the transition pe- provocative GH testing. The metabolic status later in life
riod [171]. However, in a small study, when individuals of individuals with discordant IGF-I and GH provocative
with an ectopic posterior pituitary gland and normal GH testing results is not clear. In these cases, the clinical sce-
provocative testing on initial re-evaluation were retested nario is often used to consider the diagnosis of persistent
2 years later, GH provocative testing indicated GH peak GHD. Observation and repeat testing may be necessary
<5 μg/L and worsening lipid function compared to con- in these individuals.
trols [175]. This suggests a need for more studies to de- IGFBP-3 is often used to assist in the diagnosis of GHD
termine the frequency and best practices for the re-assess- in children. One study of 55 US children found that an
ment of these patients over time. In the absence of data, IGBP-3 level less than –2 SD conferred a specificity of
it is prudent to follow persons with ectopic posterior pi- 100% and sensitivity of 35% in the diagnosis of persistent
tuitary who tested GH sufficient, and consider testing of GHD in the transition period [160]. However, no other
the somatotropic axis more than once in the transition study investigated the diagnostic performance of IGFBP-3
period. testing in the transition period, and IGFBP-3 testing is
The development of GHD after radiation treatment is not routinely used in the diagnosis of GHD in adults. For
dose and time dependent [176, 177]. A large percentage these reasons, recommendations for IGFBP-3 testing in
of adolescents with radiation-induced GHD diagnosed the transition period are not provided.
and treated in childhood do not meet criteria for adult 5.2.2. We recommend GH provocative testing to eval-
GHD on retesting [178]. Those who re-tested as having uate the function of the somatotropic axis in the transi-
persistent GHD had received the highest radiation dose tion period if indicated by a low IGF-I level. (Strong rec-
or passed the longest duration since radiation treatment. ommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
Considering the evolution of radiation-induced GHD, The insulin tolerance test (ITT) has been validated for
individuals who initially re-test GH-sufficient should be the diagnosis of adult GHD [20, 168] and persistent GHD
monitored over time, similar to persons with ectopic pos- in the transition period [165, 172, 179]. During an ITT, a
terior pituitary. GH cutoff of 5.6 μg/L using an immunometric assay had
5.2.1. We suggest that measurement of the serum IGF- the highest diagnostic accuracy for predicting persistent
I concentration be the initial test of the somatotropic axis GHD [179] with a sensitivity of 77%, specificity of 93%,
if re-evaluation of the somatotropic axis is clinically indi- and correct classification of 87% of patients. This is simi-
cated. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚪⚪⚪) lar to the cutoff of 5.1 μg/L found to be most accurate in
Individuals with idiopathic IGHD and serum IGF-I adults (96% sensitivity and 92% specificity) [168]. The di-
greater than 0 SD for age are highly likely to have normal agnostic threshold with the optimal sensitivity and speci-
GH provocative testing. Thus, provocative testing ap- ficity upon GH-releasing hormone (GHRH)-arginine
pears unnecessary in these individuals. The remaining in- testing in the transition period varied between studies
dividuals should undergo GH provocative testing. [165, 180] and was higher than in adults [168]. GHRH-
Individuals diagnosed with idiopathic IGHD have a arginine test results may be falsely normal in individuals
high likelihood of retesting sufficient on GH provocative with hypothalamic dysfunction.
testing [112, 159, 160, 166]. In many series, individuals Although the ITT has been validated for diagnosis of
with idiopathic IGHD and an IGF-I concentration >0 SD persistent GHD in the transition period, it is contraindi-
do not meet criteria for adult GHD on re-testing [159, cated in some individuals and is not practical in many
160, 172, 179, 180]. Many adolescents with an IGF-I level endocrine practices due to the risks of symptomatic hy-
greater than 0 SD will have normal results on provocative poglycemia. Additionally, GHRH is currently unavailable - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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in the USA, so alternative testing methods are desired. er adults for the same metabolic effects. The optimal dose
Arginine-L-dopa testing has not been systematically test- to achieve the desired metabolic effects in young adults is
ed in the transition population and in adults poorly pre- not established. The Endocrine Society Guidelines for
dicts GHD [168]. Glucagon stimulation testing is a prom- Evaluation and Treatment of Adult Growth Hormone
ising alternative for provocative testing in adults [183, Deficiency suggest that patients <30 years of age may ben-
184], but has not been specifically tested in the transition efit from initial doses of 400–500 μg daily (as opposed to
period. the initial doses of 200–300 μg daily for patients aged 30–
5.3. We suggest that GH treatment be offered to indi- 60 years), and those transitioning from pediatric to adult
viduals with persistent GHD in the transition period. replacement may need even higher doses. Females receiv-
There is evidence of benefit; however, the specifics of the ing oral estrogen (but not transdermal) may need higher
patient population that benefits, the optimal time to re- doses than other patients. Doses subsequently should be
initiate treatment, and the optimal dose are not clear. titrated to normalize the serum IGF-I concentration for
(Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) age and gender [20]. This is a reasonable approach con-
Technical Remark: The transition period is the time sidering the variability of dosing patterns used in the
from late puberty to establishment of adult muscle and RCTs.
bone composition, and encompasses attainment of AH.
Young adults with childhood-onset GHD have lower 6. GH Treatment of Patients with ISS
bone mineral density, lower lean mass, and may have a 6.1. In the USA, for children who meet FDA criteria,
more unfavorable cholesterol profile with lower HDL and we suggest a shared decision-making approach to pursu-
higher LDL than individuals with adult-onset GHD [161, ing GH treatment for a child with ISS. The decision can
162, 174, 185–187]. Three RCTs in young adults with per- be made on a case-by-case basis after assessment of phys-
sistent GHD indicated that 2 years of GH treatment in- ical and psychological burdens, and discussion of risks
creased bone mineral density, normalized IGF-I levels, and benefits. We recommend against the routine use of
and improved lipid profiles from baseline [188–191]. Par- GH in every child with HtSDS less than –2.25. (Condi-
ticipants who did not receive GH treatment had a decline tional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
in bone mineral density, persistently abnormal serum Technical Remark: While studies have shown GH
IGF-I concentrations, and more unfavorable lipid pro- treatment increases the mean height of treated cohorts,
files than at baseline. The majority of patients in these there is marked interindividual variability in responses
studies had MPHD, the duration off GH was 1–6 years, including some individuals who do not respond to treat-
and the average age at re-initiation of GH treatment was ment.
18–23 years with a range of 15–35 years. A fourth RCT 6.2. We suggest a follow-up assessment of benefit in
did not demonstrate, after 2 years of GH treatment, a dif- HtSDS and psychosocial impact 12 months after GH ini-
ference in bone mineral density or lipids from baseline, tiation and dose optimization. (Conditional recommen-
compared to nontreated GHD patients or compared to dation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
normal controls [181]. A large proportion of participants GH increases AH in some children with ISS, defined
in this study had IGHD and the average age at transition by the FDA as stated above in the introduction. As out-
was 16 years. Additionally, the duration off pediatric dos- lined by the ICPED, ISS is heterogeneous and includes
es of GH was 1 month per study design. The variability in familial ISS and nonfamilial ISS, both with and without
the effect of GHD and GH treatment among these studies pubertal delay [4]. Genetic disorders, including genetic
suggests that GH efficacy in the persistent GHD popula- mutations affecting the growth plate such as SHOX and
tion is dependent on age, duration off GH, and etiology. NPR2 defects, must be excluded; it is important to assess
These factors must be taken into account in discussing body proportions in all children with short stature to di-
with adolescents the benefits of GH replacement in the agnose conditions that result in disproportionate short
transition period. stature [194, 195]. The prediction of an individual’s spon-
The optimal GH dose during the transition period is taneous AH involves the utilization of information about
not clear. The RCTs used GH doses that varied from 12.5 parents’ heights, bone age, and growth in untreated co-
to 25 μg/kg/day (weight-based) to 200 μg/day (fixed dos- horts to determine the assumed height target. Patients
ing). The physiological decline in GH secretion and IGF- with ISS and their families should be counseled about het-
I levels with age in adults is well described [192, 193]. erogeneity in response to GH; i.e., while on average there
Thus, young adults may need higher GH doses than old- will be an approximately 5-cm (2-inch) increase in AH - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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with approximately 5 years of GH treatment, individual not an RCT. Additionally, the data for the untreated con-
responses are highly variable, including no measurable trol group were historical data from 9 different published
increase in HtSDS in some patients. studies.
There are 3 RCTs with GH treatment to AH [196– Patients and their parents/guardians should be coun-
198]; only 1 had a placebo control arm [197]. These stud- seled that not starting GH therapy at all is an option.
ies differed on criteria for diagnosis of GHD versus ISS Since not all children with ISS will respond to GH ther-
(i.e., cutoff value on GH provocative testing), whether apy, HtSDS improvement after 12 months of therapy
children with a history of SGA were included, GH dose should be assessed, and the discontinuation of GH ther-
used (0.22–0.47 mg/kg/week), frequency of injections apy should be considered if adequate height gain has not
(3–7 per week), and mean duration of treatment (4.6–6.2 been achieved. Models utilizing the first year change in
years). Combining the 3 RCTs and not excluding SGA, growth rate may assist in predicting longer term re-
237 subjects were studied (152 treated and 85 controls), sponse [202, 203]. Additionally, patients should be
146 of whom were treated per protocol until near AH or monitored for changes in psychological functioning and
AH (100 treated and 46 controls). One trial (n = 18) stud- quality of life; better clinical tools for these outcomes
ied only females [196]. A systematic review by Deodati need to be developed and validated for this patient pop-
and Cianfarani [199] reported that the mean height gain ulation.
of GH-treated children in these 3 RCTs exceeded that of 6.3. Because there is overlap in response between dos-
control children by 0.79 SDS (95% CI 0.50–1.09, p < ing groups, we suggest initiating GH at a dose of 0.24 mg/
0.001), or 4.7 cm (1.85 inch). In the largest RCT [196– kg/week, with some patients requiring up to 0.47 mg/kg/
198], the mean HtSDS attained for non-SGA ISS subjects week. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
treated per protocol (n = 68) with GH 67 μg/kg/day (0.47 The approved GH doses are based on the doses used
mg/kg/week) or 33 μg/kg/day (0.23 mg/kg/week) was in the studies and may not be optimal for the diagnosis of
–1.5 and –1.7, respectively, versus –2.2 for controls, with ISS in general or for individual patients. There is consid-
mean gain in HtSDS of 1.3 and 1.2, respectively, versus erable interpatient variability in growth responses with-
0.4. Thus, mean improvement over controls was about out a clear dose-response relationship between change in
5 cm (∼2 inches). Many patients in all 3 groups achieved HtSDS and dose of GH administered to patients with ISS,
AH still below –2 SD, and there was only 1 patient with so the lowest dose of GH with demonstrated efficacy
an AH above average (in the higher dose group). How- should be used. Because partial or lesser degrees of GHD
ever, there was significant variability in responses be- and ISS may have similar presentations and laboratory
tween individuals, with subsets of patients responding to findings, it is reasonable to initiate treatment using the
GH therapy much better or worse than others. Specifi- upper range of GHD dosing and then titrate upward as
cally, taller parents, greater delay in bone age, and taller necessary. There are no data to support weight-based
predicted height at enrollment were associated with a dosing >0.47 mg/kg/week and, given the unresolved long-
greater increase in HtSDS (see below). None of the studies term risks of treatment, there should be caution in using
correlated growth velocity to AH, which would allow higher doses. GH therapy should be discontinued in pa-
some prediction of achievable AH using growth velocity tients who do not respond.
response. Only one study of dose effect, that of Albertsson-Wik-
There are several other studies to AH that used his- land et al. [198], included an untreated control group (see
torical or no controls, many of which relied on the out- section 3.1.1). In the study’s ISS per protocol subjects, the
come of AH relative to predicted AH, which may overes- difference in gain in HtSDS between 0.23 and 0.47 mg/kg/
timate improvement. A meta-analysis by Finkelstein et al. week (33 and 67 μg/kg/day) was nonsignificant, and was
[200] of 10 controlled trials and 28 uncontrolled trials, borderline significant (p = 0.056) in the combined ISS and
only 4 to AH, suggested an average gain in AH from GH SGA group. Wit et al. [204] compared growth responses
therapy of approximately 4–6 cm (range 2.3–8.7 cm), in 239 children, only 50 to AH. There were no untreated
with an average of about 1 cm per year of treatment. A controls, and the subjects received 0.24 mg/kg/week, 0.24
study by Sotos and Tokar [201] reported a gain in HtSDS for the first year then 0.37 mg/kg/week thereafter, or 0.37
of +1.9 (±0.76) in GH-treated (0.32 ± 0.03 mg/kg/week) mg/kg/week with a mean change in HtSDS from baseline
children with ISS versus +0.49 SDS (0.18–0.8 SDS) in un- of 1.55 ± 0.14, 1.52 ± 0.27, and 1.85 ± 0.2, respectively
treated children with ISS for a net gain of 1.41 SDS. The (statistical testing not performed between groups), sug-
limitation of this study is that it was a retrospective study, gesting that increasing the dose by 50% may not add sig- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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nificant benefit in the majority of patients. A study of 15 7. IGF-I Treatment of Patients with PIGFD
subjects with ISS and no untreated controls found no dif- 7.1. We recommend the use of IGF-I therapy to in-
ference in AH using 0.5 or 1 U/kg/week, roughly equiva- crease height in patients with severe PIGFD. (Strong rec-
lent to 0.17 or 0.33 mg/kg/week [205]. No data exist to ommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫)
support advantages of weight-based dosing at >0.47 mg/ Laron syndrome/GHIS, caused by mutations in the
kg/week in children with ISS. Short-term data suggest GHR gene, is the most common and prototypical condi-
that targeting GH dosing to IGF-I levels may improve the tion within the PIGFD category. Untreated patients with
growth response [91, 92, 206, 206], but there are no data Laron syndrome have heights –4 to –10 SD during child-
to AH. hood that persist into adulthood, with AHs of 106–142
Predictors of response to GH have not been validated cm in males and 95–136 cm in females [212–215]. Treat-
in controlled studies. There is likely a continuum of re- ment with IGF-I for a mean duration of 10 years to adult
sponsiveness to GH. Based on modeling from the KIGS or near-AH (defined as bone age at least 16 years for
database by Ranke et al. [111, 202], determinants may in- males and 14 for females) was reported in 21 patients with
clude height deficit relative to genetics (HtSDS – MPH PIGFD (6 with GHR mutations, 10 with clinically sus-
SDS) and earlier age at treatment start (<10 years in boys pected Laron syndrome/GHIS, and 5 with GH gene dele-
and <9 years in girls). Total gain in height seems to cor- tion type 1A and anti-GH antibodies) [216]. Mean growth
relate with first-year responsiveness, while bone age delay velocity increased from 3.1 cm/year pretreatment to 7.4
may [198] or may not be predictive [111, 202]. Alberts- cm/year in year 1, 5.6 cm/year in year 2, and a range of
son-Wikland et al. [207] also found on re-analysis that 3.9–5 cm/year in years 3–12 of treatment. HtSDS com-
height difference with respect to parents, as well as HtSDS pared to pretreatment values increased by a mean of +1.9
and IGF-I SDS at baseline, explained some of the variance SD, and (near) AH achieved was a mean of 13.4 cm more
of the responses in their study. In a further analysis of than expected from their untreated trajectory on the Lar-
these data, Kristrom et al. [208] determined that the on syndrome growth charts [216]. Although only 3 pa-
change in IGF-I SDS from baseline to mean study level tients in this study reached a normal AH (greater than –2
was the most important determinant in the long-term SD), the severe phenotype of untreated adults, the sig-
growth response; the lower the IGF-I SDS at baseline, the nificant increase in (near-) AH reported, the unanimous
higher was the on-treatment increment in IGF-I SDS. growth velocity acceleration compared to pretreatment
While higher GH doses were associated with greater values in multiple short-term studies, and the lack of an
change in IGF-I SDS, there was considerable overlap in alternative treatment make IGF-I a strongly recommend-
responses between dosing groups, suggesting that not all ed treatment for growth failure in patients with PIGFD as
patients require higher doses of GH to achieve a good re- diagnosed below.
sponse. 7.2. Given the absence of a single “best” test that pre-
Defining an adequate growth response is challenging. dicts responsiveness to GH treatment, we suggest basing
The actual increase in annualized growth velocity that re- the diagnosis of PIGFD/GH insensitivity syndrome
sults in a gain in height relative to age and gender is de- (GHIS) on a combination of factors that fall into 4 stages:
pendent on age; younger prepubertal and pubertal chil- (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚪)
dren grow faster than older prepubertal children. Like- 1 Screening: auxological parameters and low IGF-I con-
wise, the equivalent height in centimeters corresponding centration
to 1.0 HtSDS increases over time. To date, there is no 2 Causes of secondary IGF-I deficiency must be exclud-
consensus as to what comprises an adequate short-term ed, including under-nutrition, hepatic disease, and
first-year growth response [209]. At ages 3–8 years, GHD
healthy children may have a normal increase in HtSDS of 3 Circulating levels of GHBP: very low or undetectable
<0.3 [210]. Many studies use an increase in HtSDS of levels suggest Laron syndrome/GHIS while normal
greater than 0.3–0.5 over 1 year. These values were also levels are noninformative
suggested in a consensus statement from the Growth 4 IGF-I generation test and mutation analyses can be
Hormone Research Society, PES, and the European Soci- helpful, but have limitations
ety for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) [211]. Addition- Diagnosing PIGFD/GHIS has important therapeutic
ally, there are published height velocity targets for the first implications; these patients are expected to require IGF-I
year of GH therapy to use as reference [203]. treatment because their underlying defect would make
them unresponsive to GH therapy. Unfortunately, a gold - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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standard test that predicts responsiveness to GH treat- the location of the defect along the somatotropic axis. The
ment is still lacking. Thus, we recommend basing the di- rationale behind an IGF-I generation test seems straight-
agnosis of PIGFD/GHIS on a combination of factors that forward; measuring the IGF-I (and, in some cases,
fall into 4 stages. IGFBP-3) rise upon a brief course (<10 days) of GH injec-
The first two stages investigate whether a patient with tions can categorize patients into those who produce an
short stature could potentially fall into the PIGFD/GHIS adequate IGF-I response to GH and those who do not,
category. Patients with PIGFD/GHIS exhibit postnatal and thereby predict which patients would be expected to
linear growth failure, and depending on type of PIGFD, respond clinically or not to GH treatment. Unfortunately,
can have prenatal growth failure as well (IGF-I gene de- multiple protocols have been proposed for the IGF-I gen-
fects, IGFALS deficiency, and some patients with Laron eration test, including incorporating it into a greater clin-
syndrome/GHIS). Additional characteristic features, ical scoring system [222, 223], but a standard protocol
such as microcephaly, protruding forehead, saddle nose, with IGF-I cutoff levels that have high sensitivity and
small chin, and high-pitched voice, may raise clinical sus- specificity has not been established. Protocols and cutoff
picion [212, 217]. Serum IGF-I concentrations must be points determined using IGF-I measured by radioimmu-
abnormally low for age and gender. Causes of secondary noassay [111, 202] may not be currently valid, as IGF-I
IGF-I deficiency must be excluded. These include GHD assays currently available clinically (double-antibody as-
(via GH provocative tests, as discussed above), undernu- says and mass spectrometry) have different reference
trition (via weight for length or BMI curves; a 3-day diet ranges. Additionally, discordant results were obtained
analysis may also be helpful), and hepatic disease (via his- when the test was repeated in the same subjects using the
tory, physical examination, and liver function tests). Of same laboratory [224]. A randomized, cross-over design
note, subtle undernutrition, consisting of caloric restric- compared IGF-I generation tests using two different GH
tion or reduced protein intake, may suffice to lower IGF- doses (7 days each) with IGF-I measurements on days 5
I production. Thus, if suspected, repeat measurement of and 8 of GH administration in 198 subjects who had ei-
serum IGF-I concentration following a period of nutri- ther normal growth, Laron syndrome homozygous for
tional intervention is a worthwhile diagnostic exercise. the same GHR mutation, the heterozygous relatives of
The third stage involves measurement of circulating Laron subjects, or children with GHD or ISS [225]. IGF-I
levels of GHBP because very low or undetectable levels and IGFBP-3 measurements significantly correlated from
suggest Laron syndrome/GHIS, the most common and one test to the other while the rise in IGF-I or IGFBP-3
prototypical condition within the severe PIGFD/GHIS correlated between the low- and high-dose GH for all
category. GHBP is created by proteolytic cleavage of the subjects except the ISS group [225]. Both basal and stim-
extracellular GH-binding domain of the GHR, so that pa- ulated IGF-I levels overlapped between subjects with
tients lacking GHBP also lack the extracellular domain of GHD and Laron syndrome, with 6/23 subjects with GHD
the GHR, without which they cannot respond to GH failing to adequately increase IGF-I and 5/22 subjects
treatment. However, patients with Laron syndrome may with Laron syndrome exceeding the threshold rise in
occasionally have normal or high levels of GHBP should stimulated IGF-I, thereby limiting the diagnostic value of
their GHR gene mutation occur in the exons that encode the test [226].
either the transmembrane or cytoplasmic domain [212, An alternative to the IGF-I generation test is mutation
218, 219]. Thus, normal GHBP levels are insufficient to analysis of the genes known to cause PIGFD/GHIS [re-
exclude the diagnosis of Laron syndrome or postreceptor viewed in 227–229]. Mutation analysis of the GHR gene
defects. if the GHBP level is very low or undetectable is confirma-
GHBP measurement has other diagnostic limitations. tory for Laron syndrome/GHIS. However, availability of
Testing the 14 subjects enrolled in NCGS with the diag- genetic testing is currently limited (in the USA), with few
nosis of ISS and low (less than –2 SD) levels of GHBP commercial or research laboratories offering the service
identified GHR mutations in only 4 [220]. GHBP levels [230]. It may become easier to diagnose PIGFD/GHIS
were not predictive of responses to GH treatment among within the next years as genetic testing is expected to be-
patients undergoing short stature evaluations who did come more available and less costly. Gene-specific testing
not have overt Laron syndrome [221]. will always be limited to the known causes of PIGFD/
The fourth stage consists of tests to confirm the diag- GHIS, while the advent of whole-exome sequencing may
nosis of PIGFD/GHIS. Relative concentrations of IGF-I, enable identification of novel genetic causes [231]. Ge-
IGFBP-3, and acid labile subunit may provide clues as to netic testing is desirable for individuals for whom diag- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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nostic uncertainty is problematic, in order to better direct μg, but published studies had limitations and there is no
treatment. strong evidence supporting superiority of one dose over
7.3. We recommend a trial of GH therapy before initi- the other. (Conditional recommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪)
ating IGF-I for patients with unexplained IGF-I deficien- Technical Remark: Outside of the USA, IGF-I is also
cy. Patients with hormone signaling defects known to be used at 150–180 μg/kg once daily.
unresponsive to GH treatment can start directly on IGF- Effect of IGF-I dosing on AH outcomes has not been
I replacement; these include patients with very low or un- studied systematically. A single report of adult or near-
detectable levels of GHBP and/or proven GHR gene mu- AH (defined as bone age at least 16 years for males and 14
tations known to be associated with Laron syndrome/ for females) in 21 patients treated with IGF-I for a mean
GHIS, GH-neutralizing antibodies, STAT5b gene muta- of 10 years (6 with GHR mutations, 10 with clinically sus-
tions, and IGF1 gene deletion or mutation. (Strong rec- pected Laron syndrome/GHIS, and 5 with GH1 gene de-
ommendation, ⚫⚫⚪⚪) letion and anti-GH antibodies) showed increased growth
Patients with hormone signaling defects unresponsive velocity and HtSDS compared to pretreatment values and
to GH treatment may be started on IGF-I as initial thera- to the AH expected from their untreated trajectory on the
py; at present, these are associated with very low or unde- Laron syndrome growth charts [216], as described in sec-
tectable levels of GHBP and/or GHR mutations known to tion 7.1. above. However, this was an open-label, uncon-
cause Laron syndrome/GHIS, GH1 gene deletion (GHD trolled study in which doses varied (began at 40 μg/kg
type 1A) with GH-neutralizing antibodies, STAT5b gene b.i.d. and increased by 40 μg/kg increments every 2 weeks
mutations, and IGF1 gene deletion or mutation. Other up to 120 μg/kg b.i.d., though some subjects received 40–
patients diagnosed with PIGFD should start with a thera- 80 μg/kg b.i.d. for several months and some received dos-
peutic trial of GH, which, if effective (i.e., in patients with es as high as 150 μg/kg b.i.d. during some of their puber-
only partial GH insensitivity [232, 233]), is preferable to tal years) and were further confounded by the admin-
IGF-I treatment for 4 reasons. Studies have shown that istration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
the growth response of patients with GHD to GH treat- therapy in 9 subjects with normally timed puberty who
ment exceeds the growth response of patients with PIGFD wanted to prolong time for growth.
to IGF-I treatment, with first-year treatment growth ve- The majority of data on IGF-I dosing effects come
locities of 10–12 cm/year versus 8–9 cm/year, respective- from comparisons across studies (which were predomi-
ly [217, 234, 235]. The difference is hypothesized to result nantly uncontrolled) and open-label descriptive studies
from IGF-I-independent actions of GH on the growth reporting on-treatment growth velocity and HtSDS ver-
plate; whereas most of the effects of GH are mediated via sus pretreatment values. Tabulations of data, usually as
IGF-I, IGF-I treatment cannot replace the direct actions growth velocity by year on treatment by study, can be
of GH itself [235, 236]. The second reason involves pa- found in several papers [217, 237, 243, 244]. Doses gener-
tient convenience and adherence to therapy; GH is a ally fell into twice-daily regimens of 40–120 μg/kg/dose
once-daily subcutaneous injection, while IGF-I (in the or once-daily dosing at 150–200 μg/kg. The twice-daily
USA) is administered as twice-daily subcutaneous injec- dosing regimen developed in response to a pharmacoki-
tions. Thirdly, hypoglycemia is not a risk with GH thera- netic study of IGF-I that found faster IGF-I turnover in
py, as it is with IGF-I treatment [237]. Lastly, GH increas- patients with Laron syndrome than in healthy volunteers
es not only IGF-I levels, but levels of IGFBP-3 as well. This [245]. However, the once-daily approach is still followed
may make it more physiological than IGF-I therapy and, by some, claiming similar growth velocities and fewer
at least theoretically, may be favorable regarding cancer side effects [243, 246].
risk [238]. Patients with Kowarski syndrome have a mu- While authors have used comparisons across studies
tation in the GH1 gene causing expression of a bioinactive to support their preferred dosing regimen, this approach
GH; they present with low IGF-I levels, normal or slight- is fraught with limitations that preclude determination
ly increased GH secretion, and short stature that is re- of definitive recommendations. Most studies provided
sponsive to GH therapy [239, 240]. Patients with IGFALS short-term outcomes only. While some patients embed-
defects do not respond well to either GH or IGF-I treat- ded within several studies reached AH, the effect of dos-
ment. Despite profoundly low circulating concentrations ing on AH was not studied systematically. Patients were
of IGF-I, their growth failure is mild [241, 242]. heterogeneous across studies, differing in diagnoses and
7.4. We suggest an IGF-I dose of 80–120 μg/kg b.i.d. age at initiation of treatment, and different preparations
Similar short-term outcomes were seen with 80 and 120 of IGF-I were used. With PIGFD being such a rare entity, - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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there have been four main study groups (Israel, Ecuador, have occurred. Thus, an important aspect of patient safe-
USA, and Europe), and many papers actually represent ty is the education of patients/families about the symp-
different time points or outcomes of the same subjects toms, risks, and management of hypoglycemia associated
from other papers, such that some published data are re- with IGF-I treatment. The risk can be mitigated by ad-
dundant. All studies were open-label. Puberty was a po- ministration of IGF-I 20 min after carbohydrate-contain-
tential confounder in two ways: some patients also re- ing meals or snacks, withholding an IGF-I dose if the pa-
ceived gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy, tient is not going to eat, and being more vigilant during
and many reached puberty within their respective stud- intercurrent illnesses, including home glucometer use.
ies. Despite this, Tanner staging was not reported even While the risk of hypoglycemia has been attributed to the
though the primary outcome was growth velocity. There insulin-like actions of IGF-I (a notable difference from
may also be limitations from publication bias (unpub- GH treatment, which decreases insulin sensitivity as de-
lished results) and in generalizability of results (most sub- scribed above in section 4.4), hypoglycemia also has been
jects studied had Laron syndrome/GHIS, and optimal recognized as a common feature of Laron syndrome/
dosing may differ for other forms of PIGFD). GHIS itself (attributed to the profound loss of GH action)
As stated in the guiding principles of this document, [212, 248, 249].
harm prevention was accorded the utmost importance in Other potential side effects of IGF-I treatment are sim-
formulating the recommendations. A published trial di- ilar to those of GH: intracranial hypertension, SCFE, and
rectly compared 2- and 3-year outcomes of two common- progression of scoliosis. Like GH, IGF-I treatment is con-
ly recommended IGF-I doses given to Ecuadorian pa- traindicated in patients with active malignancy. Addi-
tients homozygous for the same GHR mutation [234, tional potential side effects of IGF-I treatment include
247]. Fourteen received 120 μg/kg b.i.d. while 7 received lymphoid tissue hypertrophy (i.e., enlargement of the
80 μg/kg b.i.d. based on time of entry into the study (2 tonsils and adenoids), hypersensitivity and allergic reac-
started high dose in a randomized, placebo-controlled tions, and reactions to the benzyl alcohol component of
study, but 1 dropped out and another had acromegalic the diluent.
changes, so was moved to the lower dose). While the two
dosing arms produced similar increases in growth veloc-
ity and HtSDS, the higher dose group showed accelerated GH Treatment: Balance of Benefit, Risk, and Cost
skeletal maturation in the third year, associated with in-
creased percent body fat and adrenal growth [247]. These Children with severe GHD clearly benefit from GH
short-term results suggest that the higher dose not only treatment, so much so that the benefits markedly out-
costs more, but may compromise AH gains via acceler- weigh any potential harms due to GH treatment. For chil-
ated skeletal maturation. The potential for increased side dren with ISS who do not have GHD, the benefits of
effects, albeit from a study with limitations, in the absence achieving taller stature via GH treatment are uncertain
of hard evidence clearly supporting benefit of high versus and of a lesser magnitude than the treatment benefits ex-
lower IGF-I doses for increasing AH in patients with perienced by children with GHD. The degree of psycho-
PIGFD/GHIS led us to conditionally suggest use of the social disability in children with ISS is not clear. Quality
lower dose. Well-designed, randomized trials are needed of life studies regarding the burden of short stature and
to determine the optimal IGF-I dose that best balances the benefit of treating with GH have had mixed results,
benefit and risk. with some negating the widely held belief that short chil-
7.5. We recommend administration of IGF-I 20 min dren and adults have lowered self-esteem and quality of
after a carbohydrate-containing meal or snack, and edu- life than their taller peers [250–253] and others showing
cation of patients/families on the symptoms and risk of improvement in these parameters with GH therapy and
hypoglycemia associated with IGF-I treatment. (Strong taller stature [253–255]. The topic of psychological out-
recommendation, ⚫⚫⚫⚫) comes of GH treatment for short stature is systematically
Hypoglycemia has been reported as a side effect of reviewed elsewhere [256].
IGF-I treatment in every study and is included in the Accordingly, for ISS treatment decisions where poten-
package insert, citing an occurrence rate of 42% of pa- tial benefits are limited and uncertain, even potential
tients during their course of therapy. Although most epi- harms of small magnitude or low probability become im-
sodes were mild or moderate, severe hypoglycemic reac- portant considerations, since children with ISS are healthy
tions including loss of consciousness and seizure also and will continue to be healthy without treatment. Long- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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term risks are unknown, but there are theoretical con- term adverse events that are not acceptable risks in a
cerns regarding increased risk of cancer, cerebrovascular healthy child with normal AH potential. Therefore, re-
disease, and metabolic side effects of GH treatment. The gardless of parents’ ability to pay, GH treatment for height
SAGhE (Safety and Appropriateness of Growth hormone augmentation in children who do not fit the criteria of ISS
treatments in Europe) study showed an increase in over- should be discouraged [259].
all mortality in the French subgroup of GH-treated pa- Severe PIGFD as defined by the FDA and in this state-
tients with ISS, GHD and SGA; however, another sub- ment is a rare disorder. IGF-I treatment is indicated for
group from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden did PIGFD with both height and IGF-I levels below –3 SD.
not demonstrate a difference in mortality in similar pa- FDA approval for treatment with IGF-I included those
tients [136, 137, 155]. Further studies are needed to clar- children with IGF-I gene deletion or inactivating muta-
ify the benefits and long-term risks of GH treatment in tion, GHR gene mutation or postreceptor signal trans-
the ISS population. Potentially, the degree of physical duction defects, or GH-inactivating antibodies. Low IGF-
and/or psychosocial disability that an individual child I levels are commonly found in GHD, undernutrition,
suffers due to short stature could be used to determine chronic glucocorticoid use, hypothyroidism, and chronic
which children should receive GH therapy [257]. Those illness, all of which are conditions that are associated with
ISS patients with an extremely short AH prediction could slow growth. Therefore, low IGF-I concentrations and
be considered physically disabled in that it may be diffi- slow growth velocity alone are insufficient criteria to
cult for them to navigate a world built to accommodate make the diagnosis of PIGFD. Treatment directed at the
much taller adults. For these children, even a small in- cause of secondary IGF-I deficiency should be sought,
crease in AH may be a considerable benefit. For children rather than IGF-I therapy. While some authors have sug-
whose height will be closer to the adult normal range, the gested that many children with ISS have IGF-I deficiency,
benefit of GH therapy versus the risk and the high cost of and would be better served if treated with IGF-I rather
treatment may be less acceptable. than GH, there are no data to support this hypothesis. In
Additionally, the high cost of GH therapy (USD fact, treating a GH-sufficient child with IGF-I may sup-
35,000–50,000 per inch of height gained) [258] is difficult press endogenous GH production, decrease production
to justify for those in whom it is unclear if there are ben- of IGF-I, and reduce delivery of GH to growing bone
efits of treatment. In light of these considerations, treat- [260].
ing patients with ISS requires careful evaluation and Better diagnostic tests are needed in order to more de-
monitoring, with consideration of alternative treatments finitively determine which children have PIGFD and
such as psychological counseling [211]. would be best served by treating with IGF-I rather than
GH. For children who do not meet the FDA criteria for
PIGFD, yet meet indications for GH therapy, an initial
Growth-Promoting Treatment: Expansion of Use trial of GH can be used. The safety profile of IGF-I is sim-
ilar to that of GH, but with the addition of hypoglycemia.
As a consequence of FDA approval for GH treatment This additional risk should be considered when deciding
for ISS, short children who do not meet the criteria for ISS if IGF-I should be used as initial treatment when the di-
(i.e., children in this “short but not ISS” category) are now agnosis of PIGFD is suspected.
seeking GH therapy to augment their height. (This cate-
gory excludes short children with non-ISS conditions
such as Turner syndrome and SHOX haploinsufficiency.) Conclusions and Future Directions
Since many insurance companies do not cover GH ther-
apy for this purpose, parents who choose this option have Careful review of the existing evidence revealed gaps
to pay out of pocket. While GH therapy may increase in the knowledge base and areas open for future clinical
height in these children by up to several inches, no evi- investigation and treatment guideline development.
dence exists that this additional height significantly im- Chief among the challenges is assessing the outcome of
proves their quality of life or provides any other benefit. AH. Much of today’s clinical practice is based on studies
Given the absence of any evidence of benefit, there is no with short-term outcomes. The lack of tight correlation
justification to tolerate even small degrees of potential between short-term and long-term outcomes downgrad-
harm due to GH treatment for medical height enhance- ed the reliability of such studies in accordance with the
ment. GH treatment poses some possible serious long- rigorous methodologies used in the creation of this docu- - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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ment. At the same time, while AH and other long-term corticoid-dependent patients, and some have advocated
outcomes are the benchmarks to be sought, we must ac- further expanding the potential patient population by re-
knowledge the logistical and cost challenges in conduct- laxing the height criteria for ISS and PIGFD; these topics
ing such long-term studies prospectively and the difficul- are beyond the scope of this document to review.
ties in correctly categorizing subjects and treatments in Finally, in assessing the benefits, risks, and costs of GH
such long-term studies retrospectively. and IGF-I treatments, both as a whole and for a given pa-
Beyond duration of follow-up, the current knowledge tient, one must take into account the availability of alter-
base contains gaps that impede the clear definition and native therapies [268]. Growth-augmenting treatment
hence delivery of what is considered good clinical care. options include oxandrolone, testosterone for boys with
First and foremost is the need for improved diagnostics. constitutional delay of growth and puberty (an indication
This includes universal adoption of standardized IGF-I for which GH is considered inappropriate), and analogs
and GH assays and standards, and modification of cur- of gonadotropin-releasing hormone to delay puberty and
rent and/or development of new functional tests (GH experimentally with aromatase inhibitors, both aimed at
provocative and IGF-I generation tests) that better distin- delaying epiphyseal fusion. No treatment at all is also a
guish patients into hormonally deficient versus sufficient. very reasonable option, given that short stature per se is
Genetic testing is expected to expand and offer addition- not a disease, and the relationship between AH and adult
al insights, and elucidation of markers for therapeutic re- quality of life is weak and poorly understood. Psycholog-
sponsiveness may help guide clinical decisions. While ical counseling should always be offered for patients suf-
current MRI technology is useful in identifying gross fering due to their stature, either in addition to or instead
structural lesions, advances in imaging techniques will of hormone treatment as appropriate, although the effi-
hopefully allow diagnosis of more subtle changes that cacy of counseling for short stature has not been rigor-
correlate with clinical function. ously evaluated.
In order to define quality care, complementing the In conclusion, given the unanswered questions, the
need for better diagnostics is the need for better outcome nuanced distinctions, and the dynamic status of the field,
metrics. Much of short stature treatment, including that we recommend that only pediatric endocrinologists man-
aimed at the entire ISS category, is based on the supposi- age the evaluation for GHD-ISS-PIGFD and their treat-
tion that taller stature will lead to improved quality of life. ment. We also recommend further study of the unre-
Designing and validating quality of life measures that ap- solved issues highlighted in these guidelines. In the mean-
propriately assess this patient population, such as the time, we reiterate the importance of individualized patient
QoLISSY instrument currently under development [261, care; lack of studies of sufficient quality in support of a
262], is only the first step in testing the underlying sup- practice is not the same as evidence against the practice,
position and the effectiveness of treatment modalities. and interpatient variability means recommendations
More reasoned and uniform therapeutic goals will aid in made at the group level may not be optimal for a particu-
determining the appropriate endpoints for treatment lar individual patient.
clinically [263] and increase consistency across future re-
search studies. Long-term safety data, i.e. effects in adults
who had been treated during childhood, still need to be
collected, a topic discussed in the position statement on
GH Safety on behalf of the European Society for Pediatric We are grateful to Katie Lobner, medical informationalist at the
Endocrinology, the GH Research Society, and the PES Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, for assisting with appropriate
[264]. search term generation, performing our comprehensive database
Meanwhile, the field is continuing to evolve. Newer queries, and organizing our library of references. We would like to
thank the staff at Degnon Associates, in particular Christy Mc-
therapeutics include bioequivalent GH products and a Ginty Levine, Jessica Padilla, Katie Moore, and Janice Wilkins, for
combined GH/IGF-I product [265]. The most sought-af- their logistical support in organizing our conference calls, task
ter intervention possibility continues to be an effective force meeting, annual COI documentation, and feedback from so-
sustained-release GH preparation that will reduce the re- ciety membership review. We are also grateful to Leona Cuttler
quired frequency of injections [266, 267]. Likewise, some and Alan Rogol for their helpful input at the conception of this
project, and to the membership of the Drug and Therapeutics
studies have suggested potential benefit of treating pa- Committee (Elka Jacobson-Dickman, Steve Willi, Katie Barger,
tients with GH who have non-FDA-approved indica- Preneet Brar, Phillippe F. Backeljauw, Rubina Heptulla, Bradley
tions, such as Crohn disease, cystic fibrosis, and gluco- Miller, Deborah Mitchell, Kathleen Moltz, Diana Stanescu, Naveen - 11/27/2017 12:50:15 PM

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Uli, Swati Banerjee, Mark DeBoer, Patricia Fechner, Sripriya Ra- Disclosure Statement
man, and Maria G. Vogiatzi), Ethics Committee (Radha Nandago-
pal, Jill Brodsky, Ayanna Butler-Cephas, Kavitha Dileepan, George Adda Grimberg: received an honorarium from Scherer Clinical
Ford, Robert P. Hoffman, Dorit Koren, Natalie Nokoff, Dorothy Communications for a lecture in a course that was supported by a
Shulman, Daniel Shumer, Kankadurga Singer, and Craig Alter) grant from Novo Nordisk; joined the Steering Committee of the
and Board of Directors (Craig Alter, Bruce Boston, John S. Fuqua, Pfizer International Growth Study (KIGS) Database after the
Mitchell E. Geffner, Sally Radovick, Stephen Rosenthal, Karen Ru- Guidelines had been written and submitted for review by the re-
bin, and Dorothy Shulman) of the PES for their careful review and spective PES committees and board. Sara A. DiVall: received an
feedback on the manuscript. We would also like to thank the gen- honorarium from Scherer Clinical Communications for a lecture
eral membership of the PES who further reviewed the document in a course that was supported by a grant from Novo Nordisk. Con-
prior to submission for publication. Most of all, we are grateful to stantin Polychronakos: receiving competitive, peer-reviewed re-
the countless patients and their families who volunteered to par- search support (LRAP program) from Eli Lilly. David B. Allen: no
ticipate in, the many investigators who contributed their skills and financial or other potential conflicts of interest to report. Laurie E.
effort to, and the government, foundation, institutional, and phar- Cohen: received an honorarium from Scherer Clinical Communi-
maceutical sponsors who funded the decades of research on the cations for a lecture in a course that was supported by a grant from
diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with growth Novo Nordisk. Jose Bernardo Quintos: no financial or other poten-
disorders; without them, these guidelines and our entire knowl- tial conflicts of interest to report. Wilma Rossi: no financial or oth-
edge base would not have been possible. We invite and thank those er potential conflicts of interest to report. Chris Feudtner: no finan-
who follow in their footsteps as we continue to work towards im- cial or other potential conflicts of interest to report. M. Hassan
proving the care of children and adolescents with growth disor- Murad: no financial or other potential conflicts of interest to re-
ders. port.

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