Be It Enacted by The Senate and Hose of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled

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Republic Act No.

9184 January 10, 2003 (a) Transparency in the procurement process

AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE MODERNIZATION, and in the implementation of procurement
PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE (b) Competitiveness by extending equal
GOVERNMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES opportunity to enable private contracting
Be it enacted by the Senate and Hose of parties who are eligible and qualified to
Representatives of the Philippines in Congress participate in public bidding.
assembled: (c) Streamlined procurement process that will
ARTICLE 1 uniformly apply to all government
GENERAL PROVISIONS procurement. The procurement process shall
Section 1. Short Title.- This act shall be known as simple and made adaptable to advances in
the " Government Procurement reform Act." modern technology in order to ensure an
Procurement means The process includes effective and efficient method.
preparation and processing of a demand as well (d) System of accountability where both the
as the end receipt and approval of payment. It public officials directly or indirectly involved in
often involves the procurement process as well as in the
(1) purchase planning, implementation of procurement contracts and
(2) standards determination, the private parties that deal with government
(3) specifications development, are, when warranted by circumstances,
(4) supplier research and selection, investigated and held liable for their actions
(5) value analysis, relative thereto.
(6) financing, (e) Public monitoring of the procurement
(7) price negotiation, process and the implementation of awarded
(8) making the purchase, contracts with the end in view of guaranteeing
(9) supply contract administration, that these contracts are awarded pursuant to
(10) inventory control and stores, and the provisions of this Act and its implementing
(11) disposals and other related functions. rules and regulations, and that all these
contracts are performed strictly according to
Read more: specifications. Section 4. Scope and Application.- This act shall
procurement.html apply to the Procurement of Infrastructure
Section 2. Declaration of Policy.- It is the Projects, Goods and Consulting Services,
declared policy of the State to promote the regardless of source of funds, whether local of
ideals of good governance in all its branches, foreign, by all branches and instrumentalities of
departments, agencies, subdivisions, and government, its departments, offices and
instrumentalities, including government-owned agencies, including government-owned and/or-
and/or -controlled corporations and local controlled corporations and local government
government units. units, subject to the provisions of
Section 3. Governing Principles on Government Commonwealth Act No. 138. Any treaty or
Procurement. international or executive agreement affecting
All procurement of the national government, its the subject matter of this Act to which the
departments, bureaus, offices and agencies, Philippine government is signatory shall be
including state universities and colleges, observed.
government -owned and/or-controlled
corporations, government financial institutions
and local government units, shall, in all cases,
be governed by these principles:
Reason why RA 9184 was made investigation and prosecution officer,
1. Public procurement is dead. It means suspended the respondents after they
fraud, inefficiency and and lack of were found liable of simple neglect of
transparency. duty. “Posting in the website is mandated
2. PHILGEPS- Philippine Government for all government procurement in
Electronic Procurement System consonance with the principles of
established yr 2000 transparency and competitiveness,” read
3. It lets gov’t entities to post online the
Alde’s 10-page decision. The suspended
civil works, goods and consultation
officials are Municipal Engineer Oscar
Pilapil, Municipal Budget Officer Thelma
4. It mandates registration of all public
Landiza, Municipal Assistant Treasurer
entities including state universities and
lgu’s. Brigida Cabaron, and Frauline Requilme
5. Philgeps was been presented their and Evelina Tan, bids and awards
reports and experienceon other committee (BAC) members. The case
countries like Cambodia, South Korea stemmed from the criminal and
and Singapore. and US administrative complaint filed by Jonald
6. Philgeps is recognized on 2010 by GPP “Moymoy” Blanco Ungab against his
7. Philgeps offers e payment, online store, uncle, Mayor Mariano “Nonie” Blanco, and
e catalogue. E bulletin board, e bidding the five municipal officials last May 2,
ADVANTAGES OF RA 9184 2014. Pilapil served as BAC chairman
1. Transparency while Landiza and Cabaron served as BAC
2. It allows public to see real time vice-chairman and member, respectively.
observation, bidding info, winning Ungab, son of Nonie’s sister and brother
bidder of incumbent Vice Mayor Jonah John
3. Competitive bidding- get just and better Ungab, said the respondents violated
prices Republic Act 9184 (Government
4. Accountability Procurement Reform Act of 2003) for
5. effiency their alleged failure to post all the
6. Anti corruption
procurement notices of their municipality
7. Low budget finance because di na sila
in the Philippine Government Electronic
magproproduce ng info as mandated
Procurement System (Philgeps). It is the
advertisement sa major newspaper like
official website for government projects
Phil Inquirer and the Phil Star
8. Phil governemet nakatipid ng 932.8 subject for bidding, which is one of the
million kasi once nalang nagaadvertise Commission on Audit (COA)
ang mga bidder sa newspaper requirements. Ungab said only one of 16
9. Suppliers and contractors even outside invitations to bid for millions of peso
the country can register here. 24/7 worth of various government
NEWS TO COUNTERACT “CORRUPTION” procurements of Ronda was posted the
Philgeps’ electronic bulletin board for
THE Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas 2012 to 2013. The respondents denied
has suspended for one month and a day they manipulated the bidding process
without pay five officials of Ronda when they failed to post the invitation to
Municipal Hall for their failure to post bid bid in the Philgeps website to favor
notices on the government website in certain suppliers. They said they
2012. Eileen Mae Lagat-Alde, graft submitted the Philgeps bid notice
abstracts and invitation to bid and were
posted in the bulletin board. Mayor Network (TAN), offered a succinct summary
Blanco said they did not act in bad faith of the current state of public procurement in
and malice in the performance of their the Philippines,
functions. He said the alleged offense was The Philippines is cited very often for having
a world-class type of legal framework for
committed in 2012 to 2013. When he got [procurement], but where we fail most of the
reelected in the May 2013 elections, time is in actual compliance and
Blanco said the administrative complaint implementation. So here we are 10 years
against him should be dismissed pursuant into the law and we are still having huge
to the Aguinaldo Doctrine. In the decision, implementation problems. (18:50)
graft investigator Alde said the
respondents could be held liable for
simple neglect of duty for their failure to
post the bid notices in the Philgeps
website. “The office is aware of the policy
that in promoting transparency and
efficiency, information and
communications technology such as the
Philgeps should be utilized in the conduct
of procurement procedures,” said Alde in
the decision.


The Reform Act, and the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) codify the
general principle of transparency and civil
society involvement in two specific ways.
First, the law creates an e-procurement
portal, PhilGEPS, which serves “as the
primary and definitive source of information
on government procurement.”(IRR, 8.1.1)
According to law, all public tenders, from
those conducted by federal agencies to
those of the smallest Local Government
Unit (LGU) or Barangay, must pass through
the PhilGEPS system. At all stages of
procurement, the procurement committee
invites a representative of the Commission
on Audit and (at least) two outside
observers to sit in its proceedings. The
outside observers should include “one (1)
from a duly recognized private group in a
sector or discipline relevant to the
procurement at hand, and the other from a
non-government organization.” (IRR, 3.1.1)
However, we find that in practice the
promise of these principles is largely
unrealized. Vincent Lazatin, the executive of
the Transparency and Accountability

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