A Simple German Diet: She Helped Over 2400 People With Degenerative Diseases and Illness Regain Their Health

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A Simple German Diet

An Inside Look Into Dr. Johanna Budwig’s

“Budwig Protocol”

In this article, you’ll be learning everything you need to know

about a special German diet protocol some patients have used
as an alternative or supplemental treatment in the fight against

What is presented here is an unbiased look about Dr. Budwig’s


We are not (and legally cannot) make any claims or suggestions

that it can cure for cancer. This article is for educational purposes

Dr. Budwig (1908-2003) was a cancer researcher, biochemist,

physicist, blood specialist, pharmacologist, and seven-time
Nobel Prize nominee from Germany.

Sources cite that over her 50 year career…

She helped over 2400 people with degenerative Diseases and illness regain their health.
She is most known for her anti-cancer diet known as the “Budwig Protocol”.

The Budwig Diet was developed by Dr. Budwig in the 1950s.

It consists of multiple servings each day of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, along with vegetables, fruits and juices.

She believed that the combination of flaxseed oil and Cottage cheese would improve cellular function.
This is because flaxseed oil is high in something called “polyunsaturated fats”.

Dr. Budwig theorized that when you combine flaxseed oil with cottage cheese, a special chemical reaction occurs that allows more
oxygen to be brought into the cells of the body when this mixture is consumed.

More scientifically explained, she thought that when the two come together, the flaxseed oil became more “water soluble” and has
an easier time entering the cell membrane.

Unfortunately, so far no large scale clinical studies have been conducted using the Budwig diet (potential reasons why will be
explained when you read below).

Dr. Budwig developed her diet based on the hypothesis that the cancer occurs when the body’s cells don’t get enough oxygen.

And she thought cells don’t get enough oxygen because of low levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

She reported that when looking at blood samples from cancer patients, she saw a strange greenish-yellow substance instead of
normal red blood in healthy patients.

She also claimed to have found that when patients ate a blenderized mixture of organic flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, this
greenish-yellow substance was no longer present -- along with whatever tumors a patient had before.
Some people feel that her diet and research
Is being hidden away.
As with many alternative treatments,
there are theories for why certain protocols,
supplements, and regimens have been kept away
from the general public.

How Flaxseeds Can Prevent or Help Heal Your Body

Flaxseeds and Breast Cancer

“Lignans”, which are chemicals found in plants that contain phytonutrients and antioxidants, are often said
to have cancer protective effects. One of the greatest sources of lignans in the human diet is flaxseeds, so re-
searchers have set out to see what connection there is with flaxseeds and breast cancer development rates.

In a study published in the Cancer Letters journal, researchers had test groups follow a higher fat diet with
either 5% or 10% of their fat coming from flaxseed flour or defatted flaxmeal. After the study was finished,
it was noted that all groups saw a decline in the rate of cancer cell spreading with the most notable decline
coming from the group who supplemented with 5% flaxseed flour.

Researchers noted that the subjects also showed increased rates of lignan excretion in their urine. So they
concluded that the protective effects may come from the increased intake of lignans through the flaxseeds.

Serraino, M., and L. U. Thompson. “The effect of flaxseed supplementation on early risk markers for mammary carcinogenesis.” Cancer
letters 60.2 (1991): 135-142.

Flaxseeds and Tumors

“Lignans”, which are chemical compounds found in plants have been well-known to exert great benefits to
the body including providing antioxidant protection and improving the immune system. Now, research is
also suggesting they may be very beneficial as far as cancer protection goes.

Researchers who published in the journal of Nutrition and Cancer looked at one particular lignan, known as
SD, which is found in high fiber foods. They isolated this lignan specifically from flaxseeds for the study and
then fed it to rats who were also injected with a form of cancerous substance one week earlier. After the
study was completed, researchers noted that there was a 37% reduction in the number of tumors present
in the rats, indicating that the lignan had beneficial effects at reducing the spread of the cancer causing

Thompson, Lilian U., et al. “Antitumorigenic effect of a mammalian lignan precursor from flaxseed.” (1996): 159-165.

Flaxseeds and Genetic Damage

Spontaneous genetic damage, which can occur for a wide variety of different reasons including replication
errors when new cells are being made by the body, pollutants we come into contact with in the environ-
ment, or chemicals that we may be exposed to put us at a higher risk factor for cancer. As it’s been seen
that there is a strong link between nutrition and cancer, researchers who published a study in the Mutation
Research journal wanted to assess which dietary factors may inhibit this spontaneous genetic damage.

They treated the diets of mice test subjects with grains or freeze dried fruits or vegetables and then looked
at the level of mutations and alterations to normal chromosomes seen.

The treatment ran for six weeks total and after the time had elapsed, it was noted that flaxseeds proved to
be the most protective of these negative changes taking place. The flaxseeds reduced the abnormalities by
up to 30% overall, showing promising hope for helping to prevent or treat human cancer rates.

Trentin, G. A., et al. “The influence of dietary flaxseed and other grains, fruits and vegetables on the frequency of spontaneous chromo-
somal damage in mice.” Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 551.1 (2004): 213-222.

Flaxseeds and Prostate Cancer

It’s been proven that certain dietary factors may impact the rate of prostate cancer growth in humans as
well as animals. What researchers didn’t know however was what impact diet may have on benign prostatic

As such, researchers who published in the Urology journal set out to look at what influence diet may have
on this factor. They had a group of test subjects consume a diet that was reduced in total fat content (20%
of total calories or less) while also taking 30 grams per day of flaxseed for a six month time frame.

These subjects were all set to undergo a repeat prostate biopsy after the trial was finished.

Once the six month mark had passed, of the 15 test subjects, two of them no longer needed to undergo the
biopsy due to the normalization of their condition.

And of those who did still undergo the biopsy, it was noted that they saw a greatly decreased level of pro-
duction of the benign epithelium.

Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy, et al. “Pilot study to explore effects of low-fat, flaxseed-supplemented diet oproliferation of benign
prostatic epithelium and prostate-specific antigen.” Urology 63.5 (2004): 900-904.

Flaxseeds and Breast Cancer

Researchers who published a study in the Nutrition and Cancer journal assessed what influence a diet rich
in both phytoestrogens (a compound produced in plants) and omega-3 fatty acids would have on the
spreading of human breast cancer.

The researchers injected a group of test subjects (mice) with human breast cancer cells and then began
them on a basal diet for a 7 week period of time. At 8 weeks, they were then assessed for tumor weight and
size. Those that were similar carried on with the treatment and then went on to either eat the baseline diet
again or consume a diet that was supplemented with 10% flaxseed for 8 more weeks.

After this time, the tumors were measured to see the results of the flaxseed supplementation compared to
not. It was noted that the flaxseed group saw a 45% reduction in total spread of the cancer compared to
the group that did not get the treatment. The researchers noted that this reduction could have been, in part
due to the fact that the flaxseeds reduced the level of insulin-like growth factor in the body, which could be
linked to increase spreading of the breast cancer cells.

Chen, Jianmin, P. Mark Stavro, and Lilian U. Thompson. “Dietary flaxseed inhibits human breast cancer growth and metastasis and
downregulates expression of insulin-like growth factor and epidermal growth factor receptor.” Nutrition and cancer 43.2 (2002):

Flaxseed Oil and Heart Health

When someone supplements with omega-3 fish oil capsules, you will typically see an increase in the levels
of DHA and EPA in the blood stream as well, both of which have powerful health benefits. Because ALA
is the precursor to EPA and DHA, it is often thought that supplementing with ALA rich oil could evoke a
similar response.

Research recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently looked at just this fact.
They used test groups that were to consume either flax oil, fish oil, or sunflower oil, all of whom were at a
higher risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

After 12 weeks of supplementation, it was noted that both the fish oil as well as the flax oil raised levels of
EPA and DHA, illustrating that both types of supplements will exert the beneficial effects on the body. It was
noted that the body was effectively able to convert the ALA into EPA and DHA at a rate that was significant-
ly significant.

From this, researchers concluded that the ALA intakes necessary to see this increase in EPA and DHA were
quite easily achievable by the general population through modifying their diet, therefore adding flax may
be a powerful way to help manage heart health concerns.

Barceló-Coblijn, Gwendolyn, et al. “Flaxseed oil and fish-oil capsule consumption alters human red blood cell n–3 fatty acid composi-
tion: a multiple-dosing trial comparing 2 sources of n–3 fatty acid.” The American journal of clinical nutrition 88.3 (2008): 801-809.

Flaxseeds and Hormones Associated with Breast Cancer

A study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal recently looked at the impact of flaxseeds on the vari-
ous sex hormones associated with the onset of breast cancer in women in their later years.

The researchers had 48 women partake in the study total, which lasted 12 weeks in duration. They were to
eat 7.5 grams of ground flaxseed for the first 6 weeks and then follow that with another 15 grams per day
for an additional six weeks.

After the study was completed, researchers did notice that there were decreases in total estrogen and
testosterone levels amongst the women, with the overweight and obese women showing greater declines
than those of normal weights.

Sturgeon, Susan R., et al. “Effect of dietary flaxseed on serum levels of estrogens and androgens in postmenopausal women.” Nutrition
and cancer 60.5 (2008): 612-618.
3 Critical Factors
For Getting The Budwig Protocol Right.

Critical Factor #1: The ingredients should not contain any preservatives
There are two important preservatives to avoid.

The first is something called “sodium benzoate”.

It’s used as a preservative that prevents bacterial growth in foods.

However, when it’s is combined with vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid), found in many of our foods, it can form a known carcinogen
called “benzene”.

The second preservative to avoid is known as “potassium sorbate”.

It’s often found in cottage cheese and prevents mold from forming.

The problem with potassium sorbate is that research has found it can be harmful to immune cells of the body, causing something
called “genotoxic effects”.

As well, studies have found that it can cause damage to DNA when combined with vitamin C.

Critical Factor #2: The ingredients should not contain growth hormones.
There is something called “recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)” that has been marketed to dairy farmers to increase
milk production in cows.

This is what the American Cancer Society has written about it:

“Of greater concern is the fact that milk from rBGH-treated cows has higher levels of IGF-1, a hormone that normally helps some
types of cells to grow.

Several studies have found that IGF-1 levels at the high end of the normal range may influence the development of certain tu-

Some early studies found a relationship between blood levels of IGF-1 and the development of prostate, breast, colorectal, and
other cancers, but later studies have failed to confirm these reports or have found weaker relationships.

While there may be a link between IGF-1 blood levels and cancer, the exact nature of this link remains unclear.”

Even though the link they found in its relationship with cancer is not fully concluded … why risk it?

Instead, avoid cottage cheese that has been made with any growth hormones to be on the safe side.

Critical Factor #3: The cottage cheese used should not be stored in plastic containers.
The majority of the cottage cheese you’ll find at the grocery store is stored in plastic containers which is unfortunate.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society…

“Many different chemicals are involved in the manufacturing of plastic, and some of these may cause cancer. It is possible that
these chemicals may leach out of the container and into the food it holds.”

Although cottage cheese is often refrigerated at the store, during transit it may be exposed to heat.

Do your absolute best to avoid cottage cheese that’s stored in plastic.

Many people struggle when they first start on the Budwig Protocol.

It’s because the “concoction” tastes TERRIBLE -- when they mix cottage cheese with flaxseed oil.

The texture is weird, and it’s a struggle to consume it. Most people just quit. They end up throwing out an entire tub of cottage
cheese and full bottles of flaxseed oil.
The Potent Nutrient-dense Grass

Wheatgrass is young grass grown from the seeds of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. Harvested after 10
to 14 days, it is commonly consumed either as freshly-squeezed juice or in powder form. Wheatgrass is loaded with
chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and other plant compounds which are linked to possible health benefits. While an-
cient civilizations were already aware of the health-promoting benefits of Wheatgrass, its popularity as a nutritional
supplement has grown in recent decades.

Continue reading to find out about this potent, nutrient-dense grass...

General Information
Wheatgrass comes from sprouted wheat seeds which can be grown outdoors or indoors on trays. After 10 to 14 days, the cotyle-
don of the seeds have developed into seedlings and the grassy part of the young plant is ready to be harvested, having reached
the jointing stage. At this point the nutritional value of the young plant is at its highest level. Wheatgrass is commonly juiced fresh
or dried and made into a convenient-to-use fine powder.

Young wheatgrass blades were considered sacred by ancient Egyptians and held in high regard for their ability to boost health
and vitality [1]. More recent studies have identified many nutritional components and confirmed a range of benefits that can be
derived from this potent bright green grass.

Nutrients and Benefits

Studies indicate that Wheatgrass may enhance energy and vitality, boost the immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems, pro-
mote healthy skin, hair and weight.

The many nutritional benefits of Wheatgrass include:

• It is a great source of the vitamins A, C, E and K.

• It is a good source of the B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine.
• It is rich in mineral content, supplying good amounts of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, manga-
nese and selenium.
• It contains large amounts of saponin that help boost the lymphatic system and detoxify the body.
• It is a source of complete protein, providing all essential amino acids in the form of polypeptides which are
used more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues.
• The chlorophyll in Wheatgrass has been found to be highly identical to the hemoglobin in human blood2.
• Subsequently, Wheatgrass is said to maintain a healthy red blood count, resulting in an efficient delivery of
oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
• The many enzymes in Wheatgrass help contribute to various biological functions within the body.

Barceló-Coblijn, Gwendolyn, et al. “Flaxseed oil and fish-oil capsule consumption alters human red blood cell n–3 fatty acid composition: a multi-
ple-dosing trial comparing 2 sources of n–3 fatty acid.” The American journal of clinical nutrition 88.3 (2008): 801-809.
Introducing The Easiest And Simplest Way
To Follow The Budwig Protocol:

Budwig is “the ultimate Budwig diet in a pill”. It combines the

cottage cheese that’s freeze dried into a powder and combined
flax oil and wheatgrass using a patented process.

Budwig is the easiest way to follow the Budwig Protocol.

All you have to do is take 4 capsules once or twice a day. No fuss,

no muss, no bad taste.

You don’t have to worry about going out and finding expensive
organic cottage cheese and organic flaxseed oil.

It’s all done for you in the tiny, tasteless little capsules.

This Special Formulation Of Flaxseed Oil And Cottage Cheese Has No Preservatives And NO Growth Hormones
Also, it’s produced with only the freshest cottage cheese that has NOT been sitting around in plastic containers after production.

Budwig contains the THREE critical, natural ingredients in the Budwig Protocol

• Organic flaxseed oil

• Cottage cheese powder

• Organic wheat grass

It is …

• Growth Hormone Free

• Preservative Free

• Yeast Free

• Soy Protein Free

• Corn Free

• Sodium Free

• Starch Free

• Artificial Coloring Free

• Free Of Flavoring
How Can I Get Budwig?

I strongly suggest you load up now, as we only make small batches so that it stays fresh. We have 1600 bottles in stock and we
expect to sell out in the next week. That’s not “marketing hype” either. Our website is receiving tens of thousands of visitors a week
and they’ve been waiting for this.

Given the high quality ingredients of the product and manufacturing costs, it would be fair for Budwig to cost up to $100 per

However, because our mission is to help as many people in the world as possible, we want Budwig to be affordable to everyone.

That’s why each bottle of Budwig is only $59.95.

Best of all, you’re 100% protected by our...

Our 60 Day Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee

We strongly feel you shouldn’t pay for products you aren’t happy with.

If you’re not completely satisfied with Budwig, just send back the remaining unopened bottles and you’ll get 100% of your money

Absolutely no questions asked, no loop holes, and no hassles.

Just contact our support team at https://support.epigeneticlabs.com/ and we will process your refund for you swiftly.

Yes! Click Here To Start Using The Budwig Protocol Now

Get Budwig Now Before We Run Out.

Because the ingredients in Budwig are of high quality and top freshness, we manufacture them in small quantities.

We don’t make big batches and let them sit for years on end, sitting on dusty shelves.

This page is currently being read by hundreds, if not thousands of people, as they’ve also received an email to check out this arti-
cle -- just like you.

If you’re serious about getting Budwig, get it now while this page is still active.

When we run out of stock, we’ll update this page with a “sold out” sign and you can sign up to be on the waitlist.

P.S. Get Budwig now while it’s available. You’ve got nothing to lose, given that you’re covered completely by our no-questions
asked 100% money-back guarantee. We have confidence in our product, which is why we can offer such a generous guarantee.

P.P.S. Another reminder -- we don’t manufacture Budwig in large quantities as to maintain freshness of each LOT. So we plan to sell
out this time around quickly. If you miss your chance now, you can enter your name and email on our sold out list the next time
you come back to this page.

Kitten et al. Mutagenicity and DNA-damaging activity caused by decomposed products of potassium sorbate reacting with ascor-
bic acid in the presence of Fe salt. Food Chem Toxicol. 2002 Nov;40(11):1589-94.

Sevcan et al. Does potassium sorbate induce genotoxic or mutagenic effects in lymphocytes? Toxicology in Vitro Volume 24, Issue
3, April 2010, Pages 790–794

Serraino, M., and L. U. Thompson. “The effect of flaxseed supplementation on early risk markers for mammary carcinogenesis.”
Cancer letters 60.2 (1991): 135-142.

Thompson, Lilian U., et al. “Antitumorigenic effect of a mammalian lignan precursor from flaxseed.” (1996): 159-165.

Trentin, G. A., et al. “The influence of dietary flaxseed and other grains, fruits and vegetables on the frequency of spontaneous
chromosomal damage in mice.” Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 551.1 (2004): 213-

Chen, Jianmin, and Lilian U. Thompson. “Lignans and tamoxifen, alone or in combination, reduce human breast cancer cell adhe-
sion, invasion and migration in vitro.” Breast cancer research and treatment 80.2 (2003): 163-170.

Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy, et al. “Pilot study to explore effects of low-fat, flaxseed-supplemented diet on proliferation of benign
prostatic epithelium and prostate-specific antigen.” Urology 63.5 (2004): 900-904.

Chen, Jianmin, P. Mark Stavro, and Lilian U. Thompson. “Dietary flaxseed inhibits human breast cancer growth and metastasis and
downregulates expression of insulin-like growth factor and epidermal growth factor receptor.” Nutrition and cancer 43.2 (2002):

Barceló-Coblijn, Gwendolyn, et al. “Flaxseed oil and fish-oil capsule consumption alters human red blood cell n–3 fatty acid
composition: a multiple-dosing trial comparing 2 sources of n–3 fatty acid.” The American journal of clinical nutrition 88.3 (2008):

Sturgeon, Susan R., et al. “Effect of dietary flaxseed on serum levels of estrogens and androgens in postmenopausal women.” Nutri-
tion and cancer 60.5 (2008): 612-618.

© 2016 - Epigenetic Labs L.L.C. , PO Box 530, Portland, TN 37148 // All rights reserved.

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