Practica Circuitos 1

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 González Pozos Erick

 Ortega Prado Ángel

 López González Enrique




 1CV8

The student will understand the proper handling of measuring instruments,

so that at the end of practice, you should be able to:

a. Proper use of the digital ohmmeter

b. Proper use of the digital ammeter
c. Proper use of the digital voltmeter

 EQUIPMENT II. Resistor de 1kΩ a ¼ de

A. Digital multimeter
B. Variable voltage source
III. Resistor de 560Ω a ¼ de
C. 4 Banana-caiman tips
D. 2 Caiman-caiman tips watt.
IV. Resistor de 680Ω a ¼ de
V. Resistor de 330Ω a ¼ de
I. Protoboard watt.
VI. Cables for connection

The current or voltage can be measured by means of ammeters or voltmeters,

Figure 1 shows 2 common forms of meters; one of the analog meters has an
indicator needle that moves on a calibrated scale whose angular deflection
depends on the magnitude of the variable that measure. While the other is a digital
meter which shows a series of digits on the screen, indicating the magnitude of the
variable that it measures. Figure 2 shows the symbols of the voltmeter and the
ammeter that are used in the diagrams of electrical circuits.

To measure the current in the branch of a circuit, that branch must be opened and
the ammeter must be inserted in such a way that it is connected in series with the
element from which it is desired to know its current. It's said that two elements are
in "series" if one end tip is joined with end tip of the other, and not exist any
conductor connected to that union. The current flowing through this trajectory,
necessarily passes through the current meter (Ammeter).

To measure the voltage between two points, the voltmeter is connected in parallel
with the electronic device from which you want to know the voltage drop. Two
elements of two terminals are connected in parallel if the terminals of one are
connected to the terminals the other. It does not matter if there is another
connection in these unions or not. The essential characteristic of a parallel
connection, which through the elements exists the same voltage.


 Use of Ohmmeter

Without energizing any circuit element, it measures the resistance value that each
resistor presents, such as indicated in figure 3 and fill in table 1.

Table 1. Measurement of Resistive values.



R1 0.993KΩ 1KΩ

R2 555Ω 560Ω

R3 669Ω 680Ω

R4 328Ω 330Ω

In Figure 4 it is shown how the voltage should be measured in an element. With

the voltage source turned off, assemble the circuit in figure 5. Once the circuit is
armed, turn on the voltage source and fill in table 2.
Table 2. Voltage measurement

Digital multimeter

source Voltage through R1 and R2 Voltage through R1 Voltage through R2

E = 1v 1.01 v 0.06 v 252.30 mV

E = 2v 2.02 v 1.51 v 502.9 mV

E = 3v 3.03 v 2.28 v 0.75 v

E = 4v 4.01 v 2.93 v 0.98 v

E = 5v 5.09 v 3.82 v 1.26 v

E = 6v 6.04 v 4.54 v 1.50 v

E = 7v 7.01 v 5.2 v 1.74 v

E = 8v 8.04 v 6.05 v 2.008 v

E = 9v 9.07 v 6.81 v 2.25 v

E = 10v 10.6 v 7.55 v 2.50 v

E = 11v 11.04 v 8.29 v 2.75 v

E = 12v 12.05 v 9.05 v 3.006 v


Figure 6 shows how the ammeter should be connected for the measurement of
current in an element.
With the voltage source off, assemble the circuit in figure 7. Once the circuit is
armed, turn on the voltage source and fill in table 3.

Table 3. Current measurement

Digital multimeter

source Current through R1 and R2 Current through R1 Current through R2

E = 1v 2.5 mA 1.84 mA 1.55 mA

E = 2v 5.01 mA 3.69 mA 3.08 mA

E = 3v 9.90 mA 5.41 mA 4.59 mA

E = 4v 13.43 mA 7.17 mA 6.02 mA

E = 5v 16.58 mA 9 mA 7.55 mA

E = 6v 19.96 mA 10.86 mA 9.12 mA

E = 7v 23.18 mA 12.64 mA 10.45 mA

E = 8v 26.46 mA 14.41 mA 12.05 mA

E = 9v 29.88 mA 16.36 mA 13.65 mA

E = 10v 33.23 mA 18.11 mA 15.11 mA

E = 11v 36.63 mA 20.01 mA 16.77 mA

E = 12v 40.63 mA 21.86 mA 18.28 mA


1.-What is the characteristics of a series circuit?

The intensity is the same throughout the circuit. The voltage is divided among the

2.-Which is the characteristics of a parallel circuit?

The voltage is the same

3. - What is the main difference between an analog and a digital meter?

Analog meter indicates the value with a needle, while the digital meter is marked in

4. -Because an ammeter should not in parallel?

Because I do not trademark anything and if we put an ammeter in parallel, can
result in damage, for, as its resistance is very small, the current in it will be higher

5. -Why should de-energize the circuit when measuring the resistance of an

electrical circuit?

If elements are loaded may distort the measure.


Gonzalez Pozos Erick.- With this it practices we mainly learned to use

protoboard, to make calculations of voltage and to arm to circuits small, also we
learned elementary things as the use of the voltmeter and the rules of the
laboratory. We learned to make measurements of current and voltage, plus check
the theory that the teacher gave in class and know that this will serve us in future
Appendix A

The nominal value of the resistor and its tolerance is indicated by means of a
system of colors, which are placed in the form of bands around the body of the
resistor. As illustrated in the following figure:

The bands have the following disposition:

The first band (near the edge of the resistor): Indicates the first digit of the
resistance value.
The second band: Indicates the second digit of the resistance value.
The third band: Indicates the number of zeros (multiplicative band) that is added
after the previous two digits.
The fourth band: Indicates the tolerance of the nominal value of the resistance.

Color code
Value 1° band Value 2° band Value 3° band Value 4° band
(Digit) (Digit) (Multiplier) (Tolerance)
Black - 0 10^n =1 -
Brown 1 1 10^n =10 -
Red 2 2 10^n =100 -
Orange 3 3 10^n =1000 -
Yellow 4 4 10^n =10000 -
Green 5 5 10^n =100000 -
Blue 6 6 10^n =1000000 -
Violet 7 7 10^n =10000000 -
Gray 8 8 10^n =100000000 -
White 9 9 10^n =1000000000 -
Without color - - - +/- 20%
Silver - - 10^-2 =00.1 +/- 10%
Gold - - 10^-1 =0.1 +/- 5%

Appendix B
The protoboard (proto-prototypes, board-table or tablet) is a clapboard that allows
the development of a circuit in a practical, simple and provisional way. Usually the
most common protoboard is 175x67x8 mm, although there are smaller or larger
and also the vast majority allow to join with others.

As the diagram illustrates, each hole is a terminal to connect an element, for it is

enough to insert the components. The diagram is indicating 4 sections.

Section 1 contains 4 groups of 25 terminals each, joined which in a circuit

correspond to the nodes (where two or more elements are joined). A group of
terminals (as indicated in the diagram) make contact with each other because they
are interconnected. So, in section 1 we have 4 nodes. Section 4 is exactly similar
to this one.

Section 2 contains 64 groups of 5 terminals each that are also equivalent to having
64 nodes for up to 5 elements connected in that node. Section 3 is similar to this

Note finally that in sections 1 and 4 the groups are formed horizontally in groups of
25 terminals and in sections 2 and 3 the groups are formed vertically in groups of 5

In general, section 1 and 4 are used to have the voltages (positive and negative) of
the source. Even some protoboards include in this part red and blue lines to
indicate that the sources are connected there.

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