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This text is for question number 1!


What does the notice mean?

A. You might not bring a hand phone to enter the room.
B. You should turn off your hand phone in the room.
C. You should enter the room without a hand phone.
D. You should not make a phone call in the room.
Text for question numbers 2 – 3

To: Anita
All your hard work is over, you have graduated.
Well, maybe all your hard work isn't over just yet.
Congratulations and good luck!

Your friend,

2. From the greeting card we know that ….

A. Yeni has graduated from a university.
B. Anita has prepared for examination.
C. Anita has succeeded on her study.
D. Anita has not graduated yet.
3. Who sends the greeting card?
A. Anita’s classmate .
B. Yeni’s friend.
C. Her neighbor.
D. Your friend.

Read the following text and answer question numbers 4 - 8

When we flew to Miami, Mum came to see us off at

the airport. We checked in at 3 O’clock in the morning,
but for some reasons we had to hang arounds for hours in
the airport building. I thought the plane had broken down.
It was really boring. We tried to get a drink from the
machine, but it had run out, so we had to wait without any
drink until the cafe opened at 8. The waiters finally let us
in for breakfast at 8.25! We refused to pay for the food
because we were so angry with the service. Finally, the
waiter called for someone from the airline who listened to
our story, apologized and paid for our meals.

4. What does the text tell us about?

A. Travelling by plane.
B. Travelling by Ship.
C. Travelling by bus.
D. Travelling by train.

5. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The writer’s experience in Miami.
B. The writer’s flight to Miami.
C. The writer’s experience in the airport.
D. The writer’s holiday.

6. Where was the writer at that time?

A. At the Café.
B. In Miami.
C. On an Airplane.
D. At the Airport building.

7. How long did they have to wait until the Cafe open?
A. 3 hours.
B. 6 hours.
C. 5 hours.
D. 8 hours.

8. “We checked in at ....(line 2)”

The word “We” here refers to ....
A. The writer and mum
B. The writer and other passangers
C. The waiters
D. The crews of the plane
Text for question numbers 9 – 10.
Banjarmasin, 10th February 2011
Dear Anita,
Hi Anita! It has been a while since we met each other.
How are you? How is your sister Rheni? Do you still
remember what we did to Mr.Budiman, our beloved teacher?
I really can’t forget that time when he realized that no one
was in class.I really had a good time that day.
By the way, I am going to Balikpapan next holiday. I
hope both of you can come. It will be really nice to spend our
holiday there. I have booked two hotel rooms at Novotel for
three of us. I really look forward to hearing from you about
this plan. It will be an interesting holiday if you both come
with me. So try to make it.
Call me as soon as possible because I have to contact
the hotel again to confirm about the rooms.
9. What will Yulia do for her plan in the letter? She will
A. spend her holiday in Balikpapan.
B. spend her holiday with family.
C. come to her friend’s house.
D. meet her friends and teacher.

10. With whom will Yulia spend her holiday?

A. Her classmates.
B. Anita and Rheni.
C. Her teacher.
D. Anita

11. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To ask Yeni friend’s sister.
B. To tell about Anita’s teacher
C. To ask Anita’s holiday.
D. To tell about Yeni plan’s holiday.

12. “I have booked two hotel rooms at Novotel for three

of us”.
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Executed
B. Reserved
C. Bought.
D. Paid.

Text for question numbers 13 – 14

Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 Soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel % Daily
Vitamin D 200 IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600 mg 60
Zinc 15 mg *
*Daily value has not been established
Other ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified Water
Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one soft gel
for adults daily.
Manufactured for: EXP 04 27 11
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A.
13. When would it be best to consume the product?
A. Before April 27th , 2011.
B. During April 4th, 2011.
C. After April 4th, 2011.
D. On April 4th, 2011.

14. “Daily value has not been established.” (Line 10)

What is the meaning of the word “established”?
A. Carried.
B. Helped.
C. Ordered.
D. Determined.

Text for question numbers 15-19

Singapore is a city state; it is a city but it is also a

state. It is a republic. Along with Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand, the Philippines and Brunei, it belongs to
ASEAN, the Association of South-East Asian Nations.
Singapore consists of many races such as Chinese,
Malays, Indians and Eurasians. Other Asians who are not
citizen, including Indonesians, Japanese, Philippines,
Koreans, Thais and Arabs also live on that tiny island.
Singapore is sometimes called “Instant Asia” because
you can see varieties of customs, cultures, and foods of
nearly all Asia in Singapore.

Text for questions numbers 18 - 19

15. The text mainly talks about Singapore as ….
A. a nation
B. a republic
C. a city state
D. a member of ASEAN
16. The second paragraph describes us…
A. Singapore is a tiny island.
B. Singapore has many customs.
C. Singapore belongs to ASEAN.
D. Singapore consists of many races.

17. Singapore’s citizen consists of …..

A. Asians and Arabs
B. Eurasians and Philippines
C. Chinese, Thais and Arab
D. Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians

18. Singapore is a city state; it is a city but it is also a

state. It is a republic.
The word “It” refers to….
A. City
B. State
C. Republic
D. Singapore

19. The communicative purpose of the text is …

A. To inform the member of ASEAN.
B. To tell readers the custom of Singapore.
C. To describe Singapore as a city state.
D. To present the Singapore’s cultures.
Text for questions 20-22

Sat,14 February 2011

To: Wiwid

Have you opened the present? See it and you will like
it. I’m doubtful I can’t see you tomorrow. Heny and
Rizki are coming to my house. How about next two
days? Let’s find some time to talk.
20. What does the text tell us about?
A. The present to someone’s house.
B. The cancelation of the meeting.
C. The visit of somebody.
D. The time to talk.

21. Who sent the message?

A. Adam.
B. Heny.
C. Rizki.
D. Wiwid.

22. When will Heny and Rizki come to Adam’s house?

A. On Saturday.
B. On Sunday.
C. On Monday.
D. On Tuesday.

Text for questions 23 - 24

We are seeking a young person for training in
advertising department of a national publishing
company. The job involves selling and marketing.
This is an opportunity for person with strong interest
in commercial world.
Write to:
Marketing Director
P.O. Box 1245. Bandung
23. What is the advertisement about?
A. How to become a trainee.
B. Qualification for a trainee.
C. Recruiting of trainee.
D. The company looks for a trainer.
24. A trainee should have….
A. High school graduate
B. Qualified in sales marketing
C. Experience in selling and marketing
D. Strong interest in the commercial world

25. “The job involves selling and marketing.”

The underlined word means…..
A. Includes.
B. Covers.
C. offers
D. gives
Read the text carefully to answer questions 26 to 30.

long time ago, there lived a poor woodcutter named

Ali Baba. One day Ali Baba saw a band of thieves. They
stop in front of the huge rock and the head thief said,
“Open sesame!” the rock slowly rolled open.
When the thieves left, Ali Baba went to the rock.
“Open sesame,” he said. When the rock rolled open, Ali
Baba went into the cave. He saw a lot of treasure in the
cave. Ali Baba brought back some of treasure. He became
One day, Ali Baba’s wife wore a beautiful necklace.
The head thief saw her. Seeing that she was a rich lady, he
planned to rob her. The head thief went to Ali Baba’s
house. He disguised him self as traveler and ask Ali Baba
for a place to rest. Being kind, Ali Baba invited him for
dinner. While they were having dinner, Ali Baba’s maid
Morgiana, heard noise behind the kitchen. The thieves had
come to steal Ali Baba’s treasure. Morgiana tiptoed to the
big jars. There were thieves hiding in the jars. The clever
maid quickly poured hot oil into the big jars. All the
thieves died. The head thief heard his men screaming and
became frightened. He run out of Ali Baba’s house and
was never seen again.

26. What does the text tell us about?

A. A rich lady.
B. Morgiana.
C. Alibaba.
D. A thief.

27. How did the Ali Baba’s maid kill the thieves?
A. She gave them oil.
B. She gave them hot water.
C. She poured them with hot oil.
D. She poured them with hot vinegar.

28. Where did Ali Baba get treasure from?

A. The thieves.
B. The forest.
C. The shop.
D. The cave.

29. What can we learn from the text?

A. We shall not be stolen if we don’t steal from others.
B. We may not steal from the poor but the rich.
C. Steal from others is allowed.
D. We may not steal.

30. “The head thief went to Ali Baba’s house. He

disguised himself as traveler.............” (paragraph 3).
The underlined word refers to....
A. the head of the thief
B. Ali Baba’s maid
C. the thief
D. Ali Baba
Read the following text and answer questions 31 to 33.

Later in the afternoon, all of the students of class VIII/A

have to come to school to decorate the class for a class

Time : 15.30
Place : Class VIII/A

For those, who don’t come, have to pay the fine of


Thanks for coming.

Ida bagus oka
31. What is the content of the announcement?
A. The competition is held in school.
B. Students’ coming to decorate the class.
C. Paying the fine for those who don’t come.
D. Students’ agreement to come to decorate the class.

32. Who wrote the announcement?

A. One of the members of class VIII/A.
B. The headmaster of the school.
C. The students of class VIII/A.
D. The chief of class VIII/A.
33. What time the students have to come?
A. In the afternoon.
B. In the morning.
C. In the evening.
D. At night.
This text is for questions 34-38
Fish are animals that live in water. Fish have fins that
help them swim. Most fish have slimy skins covered
with small scales.
Fish breathe through gills. They look like a comb and
lie in each side of the head. Fish take water all the time.
The water flows in through the mouth, over the gills,
and through the side of the head. When a fish takes
water, it is not drinking but breathing, and the gills
absorb oxygen from the water.
The body of a fish is made up of the head, the trunk,
and the tail fins. There are many different kinds of fish
which have many different shapes and colors. Some fish
are long and thin, while others are flat and rounded.
Most fish have bodies which are broad at the trunk
region and narrow towards the head and tail.

34. The text mainly tells about ….

A. how fish breathe
B. parts of fish body
C fish in general
D. kinds of fish

35. How does the fish breathe?

A. When it takes water.
B. When the gills move.
C. When it drinks.
D. When it swims.
36. Fish body consists of …. parts.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

37. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform the readers about fish.
B. To tell the readers how fish live.
C. To persuade readers to buy fish.
D. To entertain the readers with fish.
Text for questions numbers 38-41

Ready use bamboo, color paper, glue, a roll of nylon
thread, and a roll of sewing thread.
A scissor, a pencil.
1. Adjust the ready use bamboo as the frame and tie it up
with sewing thread.
2. Put the frame on the color paper.
3. Draw the pattern on the color paper.
4. Cut the paper outside the pattern about 1 cm.
5. Put the glue on the outside pattern.
6. Fold the paper on the frame.
7. Cut some paper and stick it at the bottom side as the
8. Tie the center of the frame by using nylon thread and
the kite is ready to fly.
38. What does the text tell us about?
A. How to fly a kite.
B. How to draw a kite.
C. How to draw the pattern.
D. How to make a simple kite.

39. The followings are the materials of making a simple

kite, except…
A. nylon thread.
B. bamboo.
C. pencil.
D. glue.

40. What should we do after cutting some paper and stick

it at the bottom side as the tail.
A. Cut the paper.
B. Tie the bamboo.
C. Cut some paper as the tail.
D. Tie the center of the frame by using nylon thread.

41. “Adjust the ready use bamboo as the frame and tie
The underlined word means….
A. To draw
B. To make
C. To modify
D. To measure
Read the following text and answer question numbers 42– 44

Student Organization of SMP DUTA BANGSA

To : All Class Captains
Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held :
Date : Saturday, 19TH February 2011
Time : 01.00 p.m. – 03.00 p.m.
Place : OSIS Room
We will discuss about the farewell party for the
grade IX students.
Your attendance will be highly appreciated.

OSIS Chairman , OSIS Secretary

(Donny Chandra) (Mita Handayani)

42. What is the text about?

A. A request to hold a monthly meeting.
B. An invitation to the monthly meeting.
C. An invitation to come to the farewell party.
D. An invitation to appreciate the grade IX students.

43. Where will the meeting be held ?

B. At farewell party.
C. At Class room.
D. At OSIS Room.

44. How long will the meeting be held ?

A. 5 hours.
B. 4 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 2 hours
Complete the text for question numbers 45-46

Pesuts (Fresh water dolphins) are mammals (warm-

blooded creature). They belong to the same group as
Dolphins. Pesut is a slow (45)…… dolphin.

Pesut has an unusual appearance, quite distinct from

other oceanic dolphins. It has a blunt, rounded head, a
flexible neck and small triangular dorsal fin with a
blunt tip. Their (46)…… varies from dark grey to a
light grey.

45. A. flying
B. moving
C. walking
D. running

46. A. size
B. length
C. color
D. shape

Arrange the words below into good sentences!

47. pen –let –door –not –the - night – do - at

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 7–4–2–6–1–5–8–3
B. 7–4–2–5–3–1–8–6
C. 7–4–2–5–6–1–8–3
D. 7–4–2–1–5–3–8–6
48. happy – I - to – know – that - you – parents – met – your – am - finally
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

A. 2 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 11 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 7
B. 2 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 11 – 8 – 9 – 7
C. 2 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 11 – 9 – 8 – 7
D. 2 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 11 – 9 – 8 – 6 – 7

49. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

1. After putting the gift inside of the box, fold the paper and wrap it
carefully around the box.
2. Before fixing the card on the present, tie the ribbon the way you
3. First, you have to prepare the equipment, such as paper, scissors,
sticky tape, ribbon, box and card.
4. It easy to prepare a nicely wrapped special gift without any trouble.
5. Finally, do not forget to write beautiful words on the card.
6. Once you have finished this step, put the stick tape on the edges.

A. 3–1–6–2–4–5
B. 4–3–6–1–2–5
C. 4–3–1 –6–2–5
D. 3–2–1–6–4–5

50. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph

1. So, I took my bike at home and tried to deliver it.
2. Fortunately, the owner of the wallet was my classmate’s neighbor.
3. Yesterday, when I was walking home, I found a wallet.
4. After looking at the ID card, I knew that the address is quite far from my home.
5. That’s why my classmate and I could find the house easily.
6. When I was looking for the address, I met my classmate.
7. I found an ID card and some money in the wallet.
8. Then, I stopped and asked him about the address.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences in order to make a good paragraph?
A. 3-7-1-4-2-5-6-8
B. 3-7-4-2-6-8-1-5
C. 3-7-4-1-6-8-2-5
D. 3-7-4-1-8-6-5-2

1 B 11 D 21 A 31 B 41 C
2 C 12 B 22 B 32 D 42 B
3 A 13 A 23 C 33 A 43 D
4 A 14 D 24 D 34 C 44 D
5 C 15 C 25 A 35 A 45 B
6 D 16 D 26 C 36 B 46 C
7 C 17 D 27 C 37 A 47 B
8 B 18 D 28 D 38 D 48 A
9 A 19 C 29 D 39 C 49 C
10 B 20 B 30 A 40 D 50 C


1 B 11 D 21 A 31 B 41 C
2 C 12 B 22 B 32 D 42 B
3 A 13 A 23 C 33 A 43 D
4 A 14 D 24 D 34 C 44 D
5 C 15 C 25 A 35 A 45 B
6 D 16 D 26 C 36 B 46 C
7 C 17 D 27 C 37 A 47 B
8 B 18 D 28 D 38 D 48 A
9 A 19 C 29 D 39 C 49 C
10 B 20 B 30 A 40 D 50 C


1 B 11 D 21 A 31 B 41 C
2 C 12 B 22 B 32 D 42 B
3 A 13 A 23 C 33 A 43 D
4 A 14 D 24 D 34 C 44 D
5 C 15 C 25 A 35 A 45 B
6 D 16 D 26 C 36 B 46 C
7 C 17 D 27 C 37 A 47 B
8 B 18 D 28 D 38 D 48 A
9 A 19 C 29 D 39 C 49 C
10 B 20 B 30 A 40 D 50 C


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