Forces and Motion Hs Study Guide Key

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Forces and Motion Study Guide- TEST WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2019

 Describe balanced and unbalanced forces.

o Balanced forces are forces that are equal to one another. These forces

do not cause the object to move. Unbalanced forces are unequal forces

and cause an object to move

 What is inertia?

o Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in movement (can

be in motion or not in motion) This deals with Newton’s first law.

 What does it mean to be at a static equilibrium.

o When forces acting on an object which is at rest are balanced; net force

equal to zero

 How do you determine an object’s net force?

o If the forces (arrows) are in the same direction, you added the forces to

get the net force. If the forces (arrows) are acting in opposite directions,

you subtract the forces to get the net force.

 What is the rate of acceleration due to gravity? Remember: This is the

constant in the equation for GPE.

o 9.8 m/s/s

 Name and apply Newton’s 3 laws of motion

o 1st law: Inertia: An object in motion will stay in motion and an object

at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force (law of


o 2nd law: Force = mass x acceleration

o 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

 How do you determine velocity? Be able to solve problems finding velocity

o Velocity deals with speed and direction. Velocity can be negative

o (final position-initial position)/time

 Apply the following concepts to a sky diver: gravity, air resistance, balanced

force, unbalanced force

o Gravity pulls the sky diver to the ground with a constant acceleration

o Air resistance is a type of friction acting on the sky diver, but with LESS

force than gravity

o Because GRAVITY is a GREATER force than AIR RESISTANCE, the

sky diver exhibits unbalanced forces. If the forces were BALANCED,

the sky diver would not be moving.

 Describe how gravitational force effects objects as they move closer or further

from one another.

o The closer the objects are and the greater the mass of the objects, the

greater the gravitational force.

 Be able to use the following formula given constants:

Fg = G d2

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