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Striking the Right Tone: A Short Speech Ghostwritten for

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels --

Press Conference Announcing Broeker Appointment

By Janice Baynes

Purdue University

Author’s Note

Comm 60511: Strategic Communication & Professional Writing

Week Three: Speechwriting

Professor Diana Hearit

January 2019

Based off the principles outlined in this week's readings, you develop and write a short speech

(no more than 1 typed page). Using Purdue's media relations section of their website, find one Page | 2

newsworthy event at which President Mitch Daniels (current President of Purdue) would be

present. Write a speech of introduction for President Daniels where it introduces the event

and/or the speaker.

For this assignment, I chose as my focus the September 2018 appointment of David

Broeker to Purdue Research Foundation chief innovation and collaboration officer post. Daniels

made the announcement jointly with Foundation President Brian Edelman. I don’t know if there

was a press conference. For our purposes here, I am acting as if there was and it is in that context

that I compose a short speech for President Daniels, in which he will be the first at the podium

and set the stage for Edelman and Broeker. I see this event happening outdoors, in front of a

façade representative of the ambitious 30-year plan which weds Purdue research to industry

support and collaboration.

At this press conference, executives representing businesses with whom Purdue has

partnered will be in attendance as will select some Purdue board members, faculty, staff and

alumni. At least one representative from Indianapolis-based Browning Investments LLC,

Purdue’s development partner in the Discovery Park project (McGowan, 2018), may be in

attendance as well with a smattering of local and state legislators, potential investors, and local

dignitaries. The former two-term governor of Indiana, Daniels has a close working relationship

with Indiana legislators and holds a lot of influence (Adams, 2018; Fortune, 2015; Nethercutt,


Although a press conference is not necessary to announce the appointment, having one

offers several benefits for Purdue. Most importantly, it gives Daniels an opportunity to speak

directly to business, industry and government leaders and underscore his initiatives.
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Given Broeker’s background with Eli Lily, the appointment will be of interest to

pharmaceutical companies as it is a clear signal that Purdue is invested in drug research and

development. That Broeker’s background is not in academia is a strong signal to business and

industry that this is an entrepreneurial venture. These two points could be prompt follow-up

questions. Aronson, Spetner, and Ames (2007) advise speech writers to anticipate possible

questions, draft answers, and be aware of any controversy surrounding the speaker.

Daniels’ speech will hit a few high points of the larger picture, reinforce his vision, and

leave the more detailed conversation about Broeker’s appointment to Edelman and Broeker

himself. Daniels will put the appointment in the larger context and set the tone. He will want to

speak the language of business and progress while careful not to alienate academia. He will not

want to be at the podium for more than about three minutes. (Arsonson,, et al, suggest roughly

three typed pages of copy with ample margins per five minutes of speaking time). Daniels will

want to set the tone and then graciously step aside. As the public face of Purdue, Daniels’

presence is a powerful endorsement of Broeker; his playing the diminutive role of emcee for the

event illustrates his humility.


Press Conference: Broeker Announcement Sept. 12, 2018

Opening Remarks

Purdue President Mitch Daniels

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Good morning/afternoon. I’m so glad you could join us on this (weather adjective) day. We want

to extend a special welcome to some distinguished guests (recognize fewer than five by name).

Welcome to all of you as well as board trustees, faculty, alumni, and friends of Purdue. Thank

you for being here to help me in welcoming the newest member of the Purdue Research

Foundation team, Mr. David Broecker as the foundation’s chief innovation and collaboration

officer, who you will hear from in just a few minutes. We are excited to have him here and

believe his convergent entrepreneurial and scientific experience will be as rocket fuel,

accelerating our mission.

At the center of our 150th Anniversary Celebrations is the Ideas Festival, connecting the

brightest minds in cross-disciplinary discussions about the challenges facing our world today,

brilliance flying as confetti at the dawn of a new era.

We are connecting the next generation to a world of possibilities. Expanding our scope in

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to include lower-income and minority

students, by reaching beyond the traditional college student to include high school students and

working adults. We are connecting business and industry, which need bright, young minds in

STEM careers, to students who need financing options beyond standard student aid and loans.

We are connecting with affordability by holding down costs, freezing tuition at the 2012 rate and

trimming in other areas so today the cost of a Purdue education is less than it was in 2012.

Freezing tuition while simultaneously making large capital investments in our physical plant

might sound unlikely but Boilermakers are connected and invested in Purdue so we broke

fundraising records instead.

As we rise to meet these challenges, it is also our job to safeguard this land of opportunity for all Page | 5

through innovative investment in our people.

At our core, Boilermakers are about propulsion, moving the world forward by solving complex

problems. Innovation and collaboration happen at the nexus of brilliance and necessity, when

the greatest minds from across diverse disciplines come together in exploration and discovery.

David understands molecular structure as well as corporate structure. He has a distinguished

track record of leadership, a proven ability to fluidly navigate these dual throttles.

We have laid out a bold, ambitious mission for ourselves here and I am fully confident that

David Broecker is more than up to the task before us.

And speaking of moving things forward, while I could stand here and extol his virtues all day,

you have heard enough from me. So I will turn it over to my esteemed colleague, Purdue

Research Foundation President Brian Edelman. Brian…

Possible follow-up questions: (Q&A after all speakers have delivered their addresses)


Mr. President, do you see Mr. Broeker’s career in the pharmaceuticals industry and the fact that

he still sits on the board of various biomedical startup companies as opening the door for the

pharmaceuticals industry to let Purdue do its R&D, at taxpayers’ expense?



Hello (address reporter by name). Thank you for that question. Of course, there has always been

a connection between scholarly research and real-world application. Purdue has a 150-year Page | 6

history of coming up with innovative solutions to big problems. Collaboration between science,

industry and government is how we move the world forward. Some of the issues we face today

will require concentrated cooperation, a willingness to set aside turf guarding and mistrust. I’m

confident Mr. Broeker will act with utmost integrity in his work. Thank you.


Mr. Broeker does not have a teaching background. Do you think this will be seen as an affront to

some faculty still smarting from the Purdue Global deal, which they contend dilutes Purdue’s

academic excellence (Bangert, 2018)?


Hello (address reporter by name). It’s good to see you again. I have great admiration and respect

for the faculty. And I appreciate their dedication to this University. Some have taken me to task

over decisions they were not convinced are in Purdue’s best interest. Of course, we have had

many conversations and I have listened with an open mind to their concerns. At the end of the

day, it is my job to safeguard this place with innovative measures for securing the environment

in which exploration and discovery happen. Before Mr. Broeker was an entrepreneur and

business leader, he was a scientist. He is equally at home in a laboratory or a board room.

Thank you.


Adams, S. (2018, September 11). Mitch Daniels Is Making Purdue More Affordable And Upping Page | 7

Enrollment. Higher-Ed Purists Are Aghast. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved from:


Aronson, M., Spetner, D. and Ames, C. (2007). The Public Relations Writer’s Handbook: The

Digital Age (2nd ed). CA: Jossey-Bass.

Bangert, D. (2018 February 19). Mitch Daniels, faculty clash again as Purdue-Kaplan deal's final

approval looms. Journal & Courier (USA Today Network). Retrieved from:


Fortune (2015). World’s 50 Greatest Leaders. Retrieved From:


McGowan, D. (2018, April 17) Master Plan Lays Out $1B Purdue Discovery Park District.

Inside Indiana Business with Gerry Dick. Retrieved from:

Nethercutt, G. (2018, December 26). Mitch Daniels should run for president. The Hill. Retrieved


Purdue University (2018, September 12) Veteran entrepreneurial leader named Purdue Research

Foundation’s chief innovation and collaboration officer. Retrieved from:



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