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NEMETA comprises hundreds of units/lessons, distributed through the 12

Courses, the three Vocations 13 – 14 – 15, 16 Planetary Tantra (open access),
17 The Terma and the Terton and 18 Breaking Nous (mwembers only). Notation
of this vast, varied, and intricately interwoven content is consistent throughout
NEMETA, following a three-number format: 7.102.2.
The first number identifies the Course, Vocation, and so on, Examples: 10
denotes the Mythophrenia Course, 15 the GNE.
The second number, composed of three digits, identifies the BLOCK (set,
module) in that Course. Examples: 1.101 = first Block of Course 1 Gaian
Alchemy. 6.102 = second Block of Course 6 Living Myth, and so on.
The third number identifies a specific lesson or unit in the Course: 11.101.4 = unit
4 or fourth lesson in the first Block 101 of Course 11 Skywatching.
Again, 12.102.4 = lesson 4 in Block 102 of Course 12 Contra-Violence.
Over the years, JLL often remarked that the very abundance of his work is
problematic, causing even himself to “lose the plot” at times! As many of you
know, was a notorious maze where it was next to impossible to
keep track of where you were navigating among the hundreds of entries.
Moreover, the Site Guide for has never to this day been
thoroughly updated. Consequently, some essays on the site have never been
found except by haphazard luck. At the debut of Nemeta there are just over 400
units in migration, extracted from Additionally, there are 100 or
so units of unpublished writing and legacy material to be incorporated here and
there in the curricula.

In its structure NEMETA affords an ingenious platform that resolves the
monumental organization challenge JLL has been facing for years, and could not
resolve on his own. Nemeta displays a significant advance over John’s previous
work — on, or, for instance — in the way the Units
are organized in the Blocks, presenting coherent sets of content and framing this
content within limits to make it easily assimilable. The structure of this platform
presents its massive content in coherent clusters, and frames the material by
defining themes.
The landing page (open access) of each Course and Vocation presents a general
introduction th the themes and topics of that Course. The introduction may
include a recorded talk. The material that comes up on the Course landing page
is subject to revision and addition from time to time.
To take a Course in Nemeta, no one enrolls in the entire Course. Rather, you
take the Courses one Block at a time. Even members who have access to all
units are strongly advised to undertake the Courses incrementally in this way.
SCROLL DOWN the Course landing page to see the listing of completed Blocks
with a brief description of themes and topics covered hence, a precis or summary
of each Block, previewing its contents for the student who may be inclined to take
that Block.
Please read carefully!

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