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Gauss 15th Nisan & etc.

by Spreadsheet
The Gauss Method is for Rabbinical 15Nissan in any Common Era year, Y. Gauss’
result is for Julian day of March that corresponds to Rabbinical date of 15Nissan. The
following labels in cells A1, A2, A3…A15: A.YearN15,Y; A2:c; A3: ‘M+m’; A4: sum;
A5: d.Mar.juln; in A6: Offset; in cell A7 add formula: IF((31−B5) <0,
"d.Apl.juln","d.Mar.juln"); formula A8: IF((31−(B5+B6))<0,"d.Apl.Greg","d.Mar.Greg"); A9:
wkday 0Sun Mon1, 6Sat; A10 JulnDy#15Nis; A11 JulnDy#15Tish; A12: JulnD#25Kis;
A13: Dy/HebY; A14: Δday15Tish25Kislev; & A15: HebrewYear1Tish.
Place year value, 3027 (label Y, cell A1), in cell B1. Y must be astronomical year, NOT
B.C., nd AstroYr=-(B.C.-1), otherwise +CE, or 0 . In cell B2 value of “c” is:
(Y+3760) +17),19)+(MOD((Y+3760),4))÷4−(Y+3760) ×0.0031778))+5),7)
{These formula are for iOS Numbers, but if use excel, replace x by * & division, +, as / }
Find value ‘M&m’ in cell B3, where ‘M&m’ = {using Y of B1} A.year.N15 3027
(Y+3760)×0.0031778) c 6.00
Find Value ‘sum’ in cell B4, where ‘sum’= {using Y in B1, M&m in B3 etc} M+m 23.66
IF((M&m−INT(M&m))≥(1367÷2160),1,0)×IF((MOD((12×(Y+3760)+17), sum 1.00
×IF(c=0,1,0)×IF(MOD((12×(Y+3760)+17),19)>11,1,0)) d.Mar.juln 24
Find value ‘d.Mar.juln’ Cell B5 =INT(M&m)+sum: or =INT(B3)+B4
O set 21
This is Julian day of “Gauss March”. If the result >31. then, 15Nissan falls in April.
The value of “Offset” in cell B6 is: +INT(Y÷100)−2−INT(INT(Y÷100)÷4) d.Mar.juln 24
The d.MarJuln date of B7 is: IF((31−d.Mar.juln)<0,d.Mar.juln−31,d.Mar.juln)
Find value of Gregorian date in cell B8 as: d.Apl.Greg 14
=IF((31−(d.Mar.juln+Offset))<0,d.Mar.juln+Offset−31,d.Mar.juln+Offset) wkday 0Sun Mon1, 6Sat 6
B9 is value weekday: 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday etc, B7 is Julian day
of month, A7 is logical Julian month, either March or April as found by cell A9: JulianDy#15Nisan 2826751.5
MOD(5+(+B7)+(Y−(INT((14−(IF(A7="d.Apl.juln",4,3)))÷12))) +INT((Y−(INT((14− JulianDy#15Tishri 2826928.5
(IF(A7="d.Apl.juln",4,3)))÷12))−2)÷12),7) JulianDy#25Kislev 2826998.5
B10 determines Julian Day Number of Gregorian 15Nisan from cell B8, as
Days/HebY 355
f o l l o w s :B7+365×(Y+4800−INT((14−IF(A7="d.Apl.juln",4,3))÷12))
−32083+INT((Y+4800−INT((14−IF(A7="d.Apl.juln",4,3)) ÷12))÷4) +INT((153
Δdays15Tish25Kis 70
B11 is the JulianDy# of 15Tishri as: B10+177 B12 is Julian Day# of 25Kislev as: HebrewYear1Tish 6788
B11+B14 B13 is Days/HebrewYear as (E11−B11) E11 if found by “copy” cells
A1:B11 to cells D1:E11 next you must make cell: E1 =(1+B1). This will nd Gauss 15Tish of HYear+1 in cell E11. The
difference of JD#15Tish in years (Y.civil+1)-Y.civil in the Days/HebY. This value will set the days in each month.
Δdays15Tish25Kis In cell B14: IF(B13=355, 70, (IF(B13=385, 70, 69))) Next the Hebrew Year number of 1 Tishri in the
selected Civil Year, Y, is found in cell B15: (3761+B1).
Other holidays of JD#<JD#1Tishri, like: Passover or Pesach, and Purim, 14Adar =15Nisan-30d, RoChodesh of Nisan1
= 15Nisan-14d, Shavout or 6Silvan= 15Nisan+ 50d aka Pentecost, Tish B’Av or 9Av = 15Nisan+115d,
Any calendar routine can verify results. For examples: -4712 gMar16 & 112.5JD# or 0 gApl06 & 1721155.5 JD#, or
2020 gApl09 & 2458948.5 JD#, or 3027 gApl14 & 2826751.5 JD#
“Gauss calculation gives Passover date in Julian calendar, but Civil Calendar uses Gregorian dates. The
“Offset” adjusts Passover from Julian to Gregorian date. {Adapted from wiki Gauss Passover}. A civil year
(365 or 366days) spans 2 Hebrew Years because the HY start is not on 1January. A HY can have six
different lengths, 353, 354, 355 days and 383, 384, & 385 days in leap years. Other papers show how to
change Julian Day Numbers to the Civil or Gregorian dates & Hebrew Calendar Months. The 12/13 months of a
HY are: 1Nisan30d, 2Iyar29d, 3Sivan30d, 4Tamuz29d, 5Av30d, 6Elul29d, 7Tishri30d, 8Marẖeshvan29/30d, 9Kislev29/30d,
10Tevet29d, 11Sebat30d, 12.1Adar30/0d, 12Adar29d Months 7,8,12 set year lengths in days as accounted by Gauss calculation.

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