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Lf, 38 Ager: Chen ag, 36,970,195, ‘Many My Aw Rap, B Ne, Gon and Me, Mobili Chem. Eg ‘Sis, 188 Pesos TR Ay and RW, Ctr, Compu Mats Applic 5,985, Pou, TR Aly ad RW. Cat Che i Set 4, 223, 986 ay, A and RW. Cart, Chom Bg S50 218, ap, A and RM. Car, Chom Ba Se 8 303, Sh, RON ACAL Tonk Ate tad Chom be, i 28, 9 ath, DM: Prof erp at Ap Pcs, Why & Sn Takei Kans Y-Urguc J.Ch Br. J, 9, 16 19. Tate and ¥. Urs, Chem Bn. ps 9 6 16 Takei Kad ¥- Unset 1. Chm Bm. J 1,72, 19% “obec and Ura! Clo Bip Joy 1 15, 1M ‘onkovchs AL'Y-and RW. Car, Chon BS, 447. 19k ‘onkove ALY. EW. Cary and RAs Sy 23,1, Vapors, 0. and RIL Kaos, ChE X14, Vapors, 0. aed Ri Kale a1CKE 1.38 831, 198 Vaonathe, aed RAs Ae Chom. Sort i, 14a, ivan, aod Ass S/AM-AMS Prac 98, 105 ‘Wardwaty AW, EW: Cat Ae i Choral Reon Baring, 3. Wah snd. Groans, Bis, ACS Symp Ser Bono, 196 1982, 39. Waser, KB US Pet 3187 188 ‘Waser, Rand M Kas, Chm ng. Si 42 1711987 ‘Yang RG Separation by ton Prous, Berri, Boson, 187, Chapter 6 REACTIVE MEMBRANE SEPARATION José G, Sanchez Marcano and Theodore T. Tsotsis 61, introduction Membrane-ased septation proeses are finding today wide and ever Increasing ine inthe ptrochemisal, food, and pharmaceatealindusts, In botachnology, sod'n a vary of envionment appcauons,icuding the teanent of contaminated air and water steams. The ost dee ‘vantage of membrane separation proses, When compared 10 het ‘more comentionalcouneparts (sorption, absorption, diiltion, et) Fenegy singe and reduction in the ntl capa ivesiment gue ets. Membrapesascd restive separation proses, wick sek 1 om Tite two isting fonctions, reaton and separa, have been around fea concep since th ex stage ofthe mrbvane fe isl, but have only tiroted substan cel strat during the lst evade ors (1s, Tone), Thee it ongoing sigicat inurl inert fn thse process tecstue of thse promise to be compact sod les culate, ahd thar posal for stata saving the processing cost (Soria, 195) ‘Membrane-hned react separation processes (abo know as cata rnembrane reactor proces) a atacting attention in eaastie reactor [ications Tn thes sector ste the membrane separation prone ‘ouped wth catalytic reaction, When the separation and teaction pro ‘ests are combined to sng nit tbe membrane, besides providing te ‘sportion function, abo ellen provides enhanced sect and/or vil ‘Memrane-aved reactive Separation were fst ulaed wit reactions for 1 6 Rate Membrane Seperation hich the continuous exrsetion of proets would enhance the yi by ‘hing the equ. Reactions of thi type that have Bon investigated Inclade dehydrogenation and eseiieton, Reactne. spaations ao apps tobe atacive fr appistion to other yes of reaction nlaiag Iydrogenation and paral and total oxidation, Tn many reactor sts involving these reactions the ase of membranes as Bat shunt increase the yield and seletvity. Published acounte ofthe applistion of mem brane-bsed reactive separations in eau proses report the tse of both catajzlly activ and inv metrants of various ype, shapes and coniguatos Suachex and Tease, 1996), Rear ya ad rencton ‘elect are found to be strongly dependent on the membrane character itis, in adi tothe more conventional proces parameters. Resor ‘modeling hs proven valuable for understanding the behavior of hese fems (Taos etal, 19931 will continue 10 serve in the fue a8 30 Importan’ tool for predicting an opting the beaver, and for prow ing the etcency ofthese processes In thi chapter, we wil ee fst te trod spectrum of aay reactions andthe efferent membrsbe type that have beta tized in rence separation stun Key amps of Poss modeling, despn, and optimization wl hen be dace Botecholog is another res in which membranes etve separa tions afe abo attaching grat interet. There; membre proces ae coupled with industally pperant lope! rstons, Tete isd the broad ls of ermentaton-pe roses, wy wed in the tectnology industry forthe predation of amino acd, atte, and othe ine che micas. Membrane-bsed reactive septation proce are of nent ete forthe continuous elimination of metbolter necessary fo maintain high ‘actor productivity. Membranes re alo incensingl being uli shots forthe immobilization of bacea enzyaes, or animal clin the prod tion of many highvafueadded chemicals Sie reactive separation Po fesies are alo finding. application in the ologialtestment of ontaminated alr and water steams. Many ofthese emeinguppctions el aio be reviewed and evaluated thi chapter Tn the erty stg ofthe membrane tana reatve separations ll, the coupling of the two fantions happened by sip comeing in sees 0 Pigsal disine units, the reactor sod metbrane sparetor (we Figure {5:1 The membrane reactor concep, shown in Figure (8), wich con bines two dierent prossing wnt a rector an # membre tpt) nto Single unt was the esl of stra proces design veuton fom the once of Figure 6.11). There are obvious advantages resting from the ‘sign configuration of Figure 6.10) relating tos compact dep, end te ‘pital and operating stings realized by the liination of iterate processing steps. Other advantages rete tothe synergy that beng asco rT —yre004c1= ° rcs Figure 61: (3) Coatol ae 4 aco sad a membre spt) relied between separation and sation. This eyergy i immediately {bviou fr eactonstnte yteodyan pla onaeraos {Shroom scan with cate hyrcaron deyergeatn. Te ‘fecontmou sparton foe or more ofthe proc (era) feed by an increase in yok anor sdaciy. Dept he ben ‘Shange ofthe raion comp sf Figure If) oer the dean Figwe 62) the mor scrotal mbran ed rece sprson fonept of Powe ey tue of fr simpy, oe he deen of ‘Sore in botcclogal epplitons Tite mmbrane reactor eoncept im Fine 6.10) the presence of the tnenirane (bua, blow fies or Bit) hep to dein two ifeet Shambers The rete wate chamber, where te estan are {nu the oto takes play ad the pees caber The te ier sep y an nt ga Ceara fo mani leretal pre Sar or scetauon gadent for mate amor betwen the wo Tucaons dicusing the membrane season consep fit started anpering inthe nt 1 (Wood and Wie, 188) pens eta TBP Mow ofthe setpoint ae, however, A happen the last 20 yer ita 09). Ti paras pogean n the ea mem bane posses Te the delopment few membre aera daring 1 6 Reatie Membrane Spartion ‘he las 20 years has opened the word of membrane ecology toa broader range of applications beyond the cas ones which typically iva ow temperate microtlizauon or altaitration of liquide using poymens rnembries, The development of membranes made with «rately of ior {nie materials has provided the opportunity to apply the ete me brane reactor concept for u much Bader set of operating conditions Tnorgoni membrane ler advantages inthe tind oer organ met ‘branes, Because they ate stable at relatively hightemperature (© 373 KD, ant hive good shemicl and mechani entance (Soria 199). The poo ‘srs relied verte last 10 years, in the yates of sabe misroporous ‘or dene ionic materials for the preparation of membranes ha es the ‘zy factor motivating the aplation of membrane-bused reactive septa tion inthe stl. should be need, however, that rece devel ‘opments in pomeric membvanes (eg, polyimide) are pushig. the elope for thi application (T~ 300°)" A numberof tis, «Yu, he also appeared cussing the tse of sich snmbrane ohh lepers ture membrane reactive aplctions (Rez etl, 1984, 1595) Many ofthe eur application insohed equate rections. rather sor tne. the el hs progres ar beyond these apcatons In some ofthe most recent studies, for example, the membrane sepa ltermedistes and products from the racing 2000 0 tat they Go Not eacthate the catalyst or undergo frterundesable reactions, In some ‘ofthe other applications the membrane snot even ceed tobe perme lectin; it only acts as contol reactive interac twee ress ow ing on opposte ses ofthe membrane (Sloot et a, 1990; Torres etal 1994). Ths sieniennt progress inthe Dl refed the ioreasing number of puticauoos on extastie membrane reactors, which ave brown caponeaily over the Inst few seas (Suacco etal, 199) Detaled descriptions ofthe state ofthe at on this topic have sn publabed slong the way by Cataltica (589), Armor (199, 1992, 1995, 198), Hs and Govind (589), Heh (199, 1996, Zaspals snd Boreraa (991), ‘eowis etal. (1993), Zaman and! Chakra (19%, Sarco and Speci (1984, 195), rac etal (1954), Sanchez and Tet (1990, ad most ‘recently Dion (1999) and Straceo et (1998). Inorganic membranes ate also more Frequent bring wilizd in bots ology for he proton of fie chemical te we ofboth eye a ‘wholecell boreaetors (Chang and Furth, 1981), a for largesale faironmental ean type aplication (Brookes and Livegton, 1934). ror thee prossss, which take place under miler conditions, orm ‘membranes sl main the option of oie Both dent and porous membranes have found wen restive separtion sppetions. Dense membranes ae made of palymer, metals ad thle alloys and solid oxides Den perc membranes have 0 ound exe Src ussin membrane asd reste sprains, Forest plications, ‘Sceptre notable as (Rena a, 198 1985 thi we as Bo ne ow sonpeatre econ (Feldman and Orci, 199 Kim a Dan 194, Tope et al B97, sun they ate perv 0 have poor {hemaledstace Bow not enbcanes consis mow af abe mea TLD Ros Rivand i Aga hele bat ot ea) ao ofthe Turouen stop alloy eg LaNi (Demure eta, 1990). These meme ane (urultyPU) hae found ets tin th ates te ‘ovine uepuraton fe, saring ats 946, for the sly of the Shane dipdroenndon wach ler, 196). They were wal exe Shain the fore Sovit Ling 8 Grytnoy and co-workers (Gryazov ar, 1986, Gaya an Smiy,977 Gryzno and Karvane, 17) Ses menbranes hac igh sell overs yogen PS a lo Sronsn (4g but tc gh cot late ow pment. and ined Srality bane hampered i xen ingot apeation Thee ihe comer over her scan propre, partly embritonet nd fas abs vest of repeat vl Sekag st gh temperate ‘Theat engin sigan eos nth ga for proving the ches: {rcs of tne menbrenee(Gryasnow, 99), The approach ee fo {post thin mete fine vo undying poor mre, ming 10 prove pemesise a ont witout ondely mpi sey {Beoxonem snd Kins, 196 Yeang and Varma, 1998; Yeon ta {Spe fn al 99 Dearne 19) ‘Anti soup of nse mombrancy, whch bis atracted igifcat anton in out yore (owner and Barger, 196), coms of tad ones 2e0e, ¥s0y BO} sr wel aon of med sal oxdes iferomtics, rowimletit, ts) The mera act asd eros ‘Towing tt anspor of oxacar byrogen. ‘Theyre fing wea Saute membrane easton apse volving pl snd tls tn reac They il be Socsol forte in hi chapter Porous menbrase compos of las ni cerame mati, wl 5 polymers hive found ws in mombranetsed react Surat. Thuy se ciao ts metoproue areas pre dmete, p= 3, ‘mupurous bums dp = mor aroporous 4, <1). The eae Soin the rca of mtrane sta made se ommercly a= {Me mesopeows eran (Vseor™ gs shina, Wan, of zona {East oodrprual 1), Root fers have fous on fo frown the ely ofthese membranes toads stall molecules Tht is ten accompli ster fy dcoesnng the morn pore nie aorta toning te pore se daisbuion of siting mesoporous membranes {Shao e199) or by sytheting microporous membranes om

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