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Arranged by Group 4 :
1. Muhammad Musykuri Zain ( NIM. 1831410141 )
2. Novita Eka Nur Ilma Budiana ( NIM. 1831410164 )
3. Raden Yudistira Wesley ( NIM. 1831410007 )
4. Ria Dwi Safitri ( NIM. 1831410005 )
5. Rizqy Ianatus Saida ( NIM. 1831410120 )

From Class : 1A D3 TK
Study Program : D3 Teknik Kimia
Department : Teknik Kimia
Name Of Problem : Illegal hunting of endangered species

 Cause of Problem :
1. Selling animal parts for profit

Rare animal parts have always been an attraction to hunters. The hunters are
making great use of its own needs. It's used to get a lot of profit. Hunters have not
considered the consequences that will be inflicted. Those deeds can interfere with
ecosystems even the survival of rare animals.

2. The hunted animal has been marked for research

Rare animals are commonly used by experts for research. Experts give a mark on
rare animals before doing research. But the hunters can thwart a research of wild hunting.
Because the animal that will be examined is dead.

3. Overpopulation

The increase of human populations across the world has significantly increased,
lead the poaching and mass hunting. The increase of number of people has also
contributed to high demands for food and other raw materials only obtainable from
wildlife. These are some of the most deliberate and continuous hunting activities that
contribute to overhunting.

4. Hunting for fun or sport

Hunting for sport or fun is a huge activity in various parts of the world. In some areas
the hunters are even awarded prizes or money for each animal hunted depending on the
species. The practice is legal in some places like the hunting Safaris in Africa while in
others it is done illegally. Sometimes the people engaging in such practices do not
understand the harm they are causing to wildlife.
 Possible solutions by goverment

Solution from goverment :

1. Tighten safeguards of protected forests

Forest rangers are assigned to protected natural and wildlife environments from
any danger including hunting. Forest rangers must tighten safeguards of protected forest

2. Eradicate the illegal trade in wild animals

Government can offer solution to the problem by boycotting and avoiding the
purchase of products with animal parts or those processed with raw materials obtained
from endangered species. Examples include leather coats, clothes with furs, beauty
creams, make-ups, body oils, and pretty ornaments with parts made of shells or tusks of
endangered creatures.

3. Amend existing laws regarding poaching so that perpetrators are deterred

Like “ keppres RI no. 4 tahun 1993”, “kepmen perhutanan dan perkebunan
no.104/ktps-II/2000”, “PP RI no13 tahun 1994”. The most imperative way to curtail
overhunting is the enforcement of stricter laws, especially illegal hunting of endangered
species. Policies should also limit the manufacture of products from endangered animal
extracts such as tigers, bears and whales.

4. Establish safer animal sanctuary locations

The government can correct this illegal hunting problem by supporting and
funding conservation institutions for endangered species.

5. Provide socialization about the protection of wildlife to the community

The social media, the internet, and other awareness creation platforms such as
schools are vital resources for informing people the repercussions of illegal hunting.
Conservation campaigns and reporting on illegal hunting as well as poaching should then
follow particularly by putting special emphasis on the endangered species.
 Possible solution by individuals
1. Always protect and protect endangered species well
As a good citizen, everyone must raise awareness of the importance of protecting
and protecting endangered species from hunters who are not responsible for endangered
species not easily becoming extinct. According to the research of Mr. Josep Pangaribuan
in Indonesia itself, awareness of Indonesians to protect and protect wild animals is still
minimal because there are still many cases circulating such as taking body parts of rare
animals for personal gain.

2. Not participate in all forms of poaching.

According to Raynold Indagiri's research, the current case is that there is a large
community working together to do illegal hunting. According to police data, 30 people
have been arrested for illegal hunting. they also said that there were still many people
who joined the community in various regions. Therefore we must fortify ourselves so as
not to enter into the community by increasing awareness and concern for these rare
3. Not buying illegal hunting goods
The rampant cases of poaching that took parts of their bodies to gain profits
resulted in many handicraft markets and places in Indonesia selling many of their craft
originating from these rare animals. As a good citizen, we cannot buy these items,
because it can cause dependence to continue to buy and that causes sellers to hunt
illegally because of the increasing demand from buyers

4. Replacing body parts of rare animals that humans use with plant material
In the world of trade that sells handicrafts originating from rare animals must be
reduced so that rare animals are not extinct. the sellers can replace materials from rare
animals with ingredients derived from plants. An example is a banana. The dried banana
leaves can be used as webbing, Other than that and palm leaves that can be used as a roof.

5. Follow socialization about illegal hunting conducted by the government

There are several government efforts to reduce the number of poachers in
Indonesia, one of which is to conduct socialization in each region which aims to increase
public awareness not to do illegal hunting, but also aims to reduce the number of
poaching from year to year more increasing.
 Associated Vocabulary
1. Forest
2. Rare Animal
3. Endangered species
4. Hunter
5. Illegal Hunting
6. Extinct

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