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Unit: Heart Health Date: varies based on class

Lesson Focus: locomotor movements Grade: K-2

volleying Standard: SHAPE America S1.E1., S1.E22&23., S2.E1.
cardio Facility/Equipment:
Technology Used: music -Gym
Sequence: Day 1 -Laminated hearts--Enough for the entire class.
-Balloons/lightweight objects
-2-4 Small Foam balls (preferably red)

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students
to achieve them?):
Today we are going to continue to use locomotor movements but this time we are going to focus on your hearts. Why do
you think we are focusing on our hearts? What holiday is in the month of February? Thats right! It’s the month of
Valentine’s Day! Before we practice more locomotor skills and work on our hearts, we are going to do a quick warm up
called Valentine Volley.

Learning Objectives Assessment

Each objective should include: a) Performance (the For each objective include your procedure for
knowledge or ability the learner will gain as a result of this determining whether objectives have been met:
lesson), b) Conditions (under which the learner will
perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance
considered acceptable):
1. understand the meaning of self space by using poly 1. informal observation
spots as a visual cue
2. volley the balloon 5/10 times per pair of students with 2. skill observation
correct form
3. move about the gym by performing locomotor 3. informal observation
movements correctly
Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students:
-Remind students to "keep their head up" when traveling for safety
-Students should stay on or near a poly spot when volleying with a partner

Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Transitions; Comments
3 min running around warm up jog stop the music and call
basketball court students to sit by the
table for instruction

5 min sitting by table instruction & demonstration when I say go, students
-2 February helpers will hold up the 3 types of hearts and show
 will go pick up any piece
that they can be matched of a heart and also a
-other 2 February helpers will show how to volley the balloon balloon then find a
person with a matching
half & begin volleying
8-10 within Valentine Volley (see attached)
min basketball court -poly spots for volleying will be closer together for Kindergarten stop music and have
and be further apart for each grade (1st then 2nd) students sit where they
are. February helpers will
collect hearts & bring
them to me. 1 partner
will put the balloons
agains the wall and
return to sit down.
8-10 within Valentine Tag (see attached)
min basketball court February helpers will be
taggers & have a red ball
first. Students start
playing when music

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How
will you meet one or more of the following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal
communication, future plans?):
How does your heart feel after playing the games today? Are you tired? Does exercising make you feel healthy? It’s time
to line up, so lets walk over to line up so we can bring our heart rates down!

Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson):

remind them that the spots are there as a reminder for them to stay near so that they keep the balloon close to themselves
and their partner because that is important for a game of volleyball
instead of running, have the students do different locomotor movements each round in order to be safer. They will be safer
because they will be moving slower compared to running (skip, jump, gallop, slide)
Description of Activities

Valentine Volley
1. I will give the students half of a heart as they walk into the gym and I will tell them to sit on the end black line
2. When all of the students are on the end black line and sitting quietly, I will tell them that their heart matches up with somebody
else in the room and when I say GO, they will find their partner and sit quietly with them when they do
3. I will give each students a number. Partner #1 will get 2 poly spots and put one on the end black line and the other across from it,
3 steps away from the black line
4. Partner #2 will get one balloon and sit on the spot that is on the black line
5. I will tell the students that they will hit the balloon back and fourth 5 times without it touching the ground. When they are done,
they will sit quietly on their spot
6. I will then tell the students to try and hit it 10 times in a row without letting it touch the ground. When they are done, they will sit
quietly on their spot
7. I will ask the students who are not on the black line to stand up and move one spot to their left so they have a new partner.
8. I will have them hit it back and fourth 10 times without it hitting the ground and then to sit quietly when they are done
9. I will then have the person who is not on the black line to move their spot 2 steps backward so they are further from their partner
who is on the black line. They will try and hit the balloon back and forth 5 times without it touching the ground
10. When done, students will pick up the spots and balloons and put them back where they got them from

Valentine Tag
1. 2 students each hold a red foam ball - they are the taggers.
2. If a student gets tagged by a person with a red foam ball, he/she must make the shape of a valentine with hands held in
a heart shape over their head, feet together.
3. To get back in the game a student who is free will stand in front of the person who is tagged with their hands over their
head making a heart, then they can both continue playing the game
4. taggers will switch every few minutes

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