Heart Health3

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Unit: Heart Health Date: varies based on class Standard: SHAPE America S1.E.1., S1.E10.,
S2.E1., S2.E4., S3.E3., S5.E1.
Lesson Focus: cardiovascular endurance Grade: K-2 Facility/Equipment: 

muscular strength valentines w/ activities written on them
flexibility 3 different color balls
Technology Used: music
Sequence: Day 1

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students
to achieve them?):
Today we are continuing to play games/activities that are related to your heart because February is the month of
Valentine’s day. By the end of class, you will be familiar with activities that will improve your heart health and other
activities that you can do when you exercise to keep you healthy. You will also learn three things that cause heart disease
and these are things that you should avoid in order to keep your heart healthy. So, lets get started and get your hearts blood

Learning Objectives Assessment

Each objective should include: a) Performance (the For each objective include your procedure for
knowledge or ability the learner will gain as a result of this determining whether objectives have been met:
lesson), b) Conditions (under which the learner will
perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance
considered acceptable):
1. correctly perform activities that boost cardiovascular 1. informal observation

endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility
2. identify 3 causes of heart disease 2. ask the students to repeat them back at the end of the
Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students:
-students should be in their own personal space when doing exercises at each corner unless they are partner exercises to

avoid accidentally hitting or hurting another classmate
-those who are taggers should not throw the ball at others, they should only lightly tag their classmates to avoid pushing

classmates over
-tell students to watch where they are moving throughout the tag game and to avoid falling on the ground so they will not

injure themselves or others in the class. If they do fall, they will be out and will have to do an activity to get back in.

Learning Activities
Time Formation Activity Transitions; Comments
5 min sitting in middle instruction and demonstration When I say go, you will
circle -Students will run from corner to corner in order to get different
 go to the cone that I told
Valentines and do different activities you matches your
-count off students 1-4 and tell them which cone each number
 number. When the music
will start at starts, you will pick up 1
valentine, do the activity,
place it back on the
ground, and move to the
next cone and repeat
until the music stops. GO

8-10 within Valentines for the Heart (see attached) stop the music and have
min boundaries the students sit where
moving from they are. Have the
cone to cone February helpers pick up
the valentines & cones
and put them away.
Everyone meet in the
middle. GO

5 min sitting in middle instruction & demonstration When I say GO, you will
circle -3 February helpers will be the first taggers and show what each
 spread out within the
ball represents as for causes of heart disease black lines and try to
avoid the taggers. Once
you are spread out, I will
start the music and you
may begin playing, GO

8-10 within Heart Attack Tag (see attached) stop the music and tell
min boundaries the taggers to put the
moving freely equipment away.
Everybody line up.

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How
will you meet one or more of the following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal
communication, future plans?):
-raise your hand and remind me of the 3 causes of heart disease that we talked about during heart attack tag
-I will read and have the students guess the number on one of the heart fact sheets
-ask the students if they know how big their heart is. Tell the students to hold up one of their fists and tell them that their

heart is that big
Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson):
have the students demonstrate each exercise that are on the fitness cards so there is no confusion when the music
is playing and the activity is going on

Description of Activities

Valentines for the Heart

Before class write on the inside of the cards fitness activities in the categories of cardiovascular endurance, muscular
strength, and flexibility.
5 push ups
10 jumping jacks
Stretch in straddle position (5 seconds each leg)
10 second plank (on elbows or hands)
Stretch by standing and touching your toes (10 seconds)
5 squats
10 lunges (5 each leg)
As the students enter the gym and sit by the table, tell them you have special Valentines for them from you. The valentines
will be set in each corner of the gym. Students read the card, perform the fitness activity safely in the activity area, and
then they will move to the next corner and repeat until time is up and the music stops. Continue as long as you like.

Heart Attack Tag

Students will identify 3 causes of heart disease, represented by the 3 different colored balls that will be used by the
taggers. (Smoking ball. Cholesterol/Poor Diet ball. Drugs and alcohol ball)
When students are tagged by the heart disease balls they freeze in the shape of the "American Red Cross" in order to be
unfroze another student has to touch the frozen student on the arm and say, "I know CPR I can help!" (Ask students if they
know what CPR is. Have a student explain what it is) Then the 2 students do exercises together then they may continue
exercises examples:
-5 jumping jacks
-2 lunges
-3 squats

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