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Teacher Candidate: Amy Kapushinsky Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 45 minutes Grade Level 2nd

Subject or Topic: Earths Resources: Day 1 Rocks and Soil Section


Explain and give examples of the ways in which soil is formed.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The second grade students will be able to identify the uses of soil by creating clay bricks
to visualize how soil forms rocks.

II. Instructional Materials

 Harcourt Science Book Unit C: Exploring Earth’s Surface.
 Air hardening clay
 Ice Cube tray’s (per group)
 Chapter Vocabulary hand out
 Inferring Information About Rocks and Soil Sheet

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

Prerequisite skills
 Homes for Living Things
 What rocks, soil, plants, and water look like
 Basic uses from the previous chapter
Key Vocabulary for whole chapter:
 Rock- Hard, nonliving thing that comes from earth.
 Soil- The loose top layer of the earth’s surface.
 Resource- Anything that people can use.
 Natural Resource- Something found in nature that people can use to meet their
 Medicine- Product that helps people who are ill or in pain.
 Transportation- Ways to move people or things from one place to another.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Start by asking the students a few discussion questions, and allow them to talk to
their groups first.
a. What do you think are some of earth’s natural resources?
i. Rocks, soil, water, plants
2. Play the song and video on why soil is so important.
3. Ask the students what the video was about, use the discussion out-loud

B. Development
4. Start by passing out the science books, and have the students turn to page C5.
5. The teacher should read this page, while the students follow along.
6. Discuss the 2 highlighted words on the page. (rock, soil)
7. Have the students take everything off of their desks in order to prepare for the
investigation activity.
8. Before handing out any materials, go over the “A Way to Use Soil” activity
instructions, and expectations.
a. Expectations”
i. Only touch the materials when told to do so
ii. When working in groups, be kind, fair, and respectful to everyone
iii. Follow all instructions the teacher gives, step by step
iv. Only use inside voices when told too.
9. The teacher should have 1 ice cube tray per group, and a piece of clay per person.
a. Have each group write their names on the bottom of the tray.
10. The students will now follow the instructions provided.
11. Have the students place the clay in a “warm or sunny” spot in the room.
12. Explain we will be looking at our clay tomorrow.

C. Closure
13. Have the students get out a sheet of paper, and write what a rock is, and what soil
is based on the reading we did. (Inferring information sheet)
14. Finally, have them make a prediction of what the clay is going to do in a warm or
sunny spot. (inferring information sheet)
15. Have the students hand in these papers.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
K,J,E,S,R- Instructions read in small group with the teach on the rug during
the inferring information sheet.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative- Inferring information assignment: This assessment
is out of 4 points.
a. Definitions are worth 1 point each. To earn the full
point, student must correctly fill in the right definition,
and put the whole sentence.
i. 0.5 Of a point can be earned if definition is
correct but student doesn’t write the full
ii. 0 points for incorrect answers.
b. Question is worth 2 points. To earn the full 2 points,
the students must put include one full sentence finishing
the make the prediction including a reason why.
i. EX: I think the clay will harden because of the
c. To earn 1 point, the student just included what they
think will happen, but no reason why they think that.
i. EX: I think the clay will harden.
2. Summative

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection

VI. Resources
Inferring Information About Rocks and Soil


Directions: Use the definitions in the box to

fill out what a rock is, and what soil is below. Definitions:
Please write the whole sentence.
a. Hard, nonliving thing that
comes from earth.
What is a rock?

b. The loose top layer of the

earth’s surface.

What is soil?

Make predictions: What you think will happen when the clay is in the sun
overnight? Say what YOU think, and why YOU think that.

I think the clay will _____________________________________________

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