SMP I Negri Majalaya

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KELAS : IX (Sembilan)
WAKTU : 90 Menit
NAMA GURU : Nurdiansih Sp.d
Petunjuk umum :

1. Mulailah dengan berdo’a kepada Allah SWT

2. Tuliskan nama dan NIS anda pada lembar jawaban
3. Periksa soal dan bacalah dengan teliti
4. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

A. I. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat pada salah satu huruf A,B,C atau D, pada lembar
jawaban !
1. My name is Lala
…….in Surakarta No 5
Lengkapi perbincangan diatas, dengan pilihan di bawah ini.
A. I live C. That live
B. Live D. Can live
2. Topic : Celebratory Expressions
Jack : so, how long has it been since the first competition of your football team ?
Jhon : it’s been 3 months since then.
Jack : so, how many awards have been saved this far?
Jhon : Splendid ! …………
Jack : Thank you very much, Mr.Jhon, it’s very kind of you to say so.
The best expression to complete the dialogue above is …….
A. I very agree on your idea
B. I’d like to congratulate you on the success of your team recently.
C. We are so happy
D. Please give us your opinion
3. Topic : Continuous Tenses
She came while I ……., so I could not hear her knoking my door.which of these
following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?
A. Was sleeping C. Slept
B. Is sleeping D. Was sleep
4. Topic : continuous tenses
Where ………. The project in Bandung ?
When of these following phrases is appropciate to fill the blank ?
A. he will be checking
B. will he be checked
C. he will checking
D. will he be checking
5. Topic : Perfect Tenses
Azmie ……….understood the homework yet.
A. Have not C. Is not
B. Was not D. has not
6. Ardi : you know.” Jalak Bali Bird“are almost exstinct now
Daus : I see……..but how can it happen ?
The sentence “I see …… “ is the exspression of
A. Giving respond to uncertain
B. Asking for certainly
C. Showing uncertainly
D. Showing attention
7. Which of the following sentence is the exspression of asking certainty?
A. Well, I’m very sure about that
B. Jhon, are you sure ?
C. Well, I’m not so sure about that
D. Tryit, I’m sure you can!
8. Which of the following sentence is the respond of uncertainly ?
A. Sorry, I’m not so sure about that
B. Well, I’m very sure about that
C. I believe you can do it well
D. Really ?
9. Resti : I just made quit (selimut) last week. Here it is
Parah : that’s very beautifull, Resti
Resti : really ?
Parah : yes, it great.
The word really in this expression is showing…..
A. Disappointed
B. Agreement
C. Objection
D. Attention
10. Salma ; How does my new shirt look, Ardi ?
Ardi : ………………………
Salma : Really ?
Ardi : yes, that great.
A. That’s wonderful
B. That’s not so good
C. I think, that’s very bad
D. That’s boring
11. Put the jumble words below into right order.
1. the more-2. we-3. lux body wash-4. Use-5. Ourskin-6. is-7. Softer. The most right
order is ………..
A. 3,6,7,1,5,2,4 C. 1,5,4,3,7,6,2
B. 2,4,5,3,6,7,1 D. 1,2,4,3,7,5,6
12. 1. Lifebuoy, 2. Mild café, 3. Give, 4. Body wash,5. Skin, 6. to, 7. Our.
The most right order of the jumble words abovels ……………….
A. 2,4,3,1,6,7,5 C. 5,1,4,3,2,6,1
B. 1,4,3,5,6,7,2 D. 1,4,3,2,6,7,5
13. Dewi………sad when her cat’s loss ?
A. Is C. am
B. Are D. has
14. My uncle and I ….. (not) clear when my grandm other said us.
A. Is C. are
B. Am D. it
15. Lisda and you …..satisfied
A. Are C. am
B. Is D. were
16. Vini often……to my gym
A. Comes C. come
B. Came D. coming
17. He……..a picture here
A. Draws C. drew
B. Drawn D. drawing
18. We…..this food here
A. Eating B. eat C. ate D. eaten
19. It most…………..all the time
A. Hapen C. happen
B. Happening D. happens
20. Salsa : Zahra, next mont we are going to have an exam.
Zahra : yeah, we must study hard for the exam.
Salsa : I thanks so.
The underlined sentence expreis……..
A. Suggestion C. Obligation
B. Opinion D. Prohibition
21. What time ….. the film start ? (6.15), it’s at…..
A. Is dan a quarter fifteen
B. Is dan six past fifteen
C. Was dan a quarter fifteen
D. Was dan six past fifteen
22. Jam 8 pagi = ……
A. 08.00 p.m
B. 08.00 a.m
C. 8 o’clock.
D. 08.00 in the morning.
23. Jam menunjukan pukul 08.00
A. a.m C. day
B. p.m D. noon
24. jam menunjukan pukul 16.00…….
A. a.m C. p.m
B. Noon D. Day
25. Doni : exuse me, what time is the post office open ?
Danu :it….open from 07.00….to 05.00……
A. Was, a.m dan noon
B. Is, a.m dan p.m
C. Is, a.m dan noon
D. Was, a.m dan p.m

II,Lengkapilah kalimat yang masih kurang tepat dengan beberpa pilihan kata yang
disediakan ?

Borobudur temple is one of the most (26)…………tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is

(27)……… central java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the
world which needs to be preserved its circumstances.The(28)……….all over the
world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art(29)…………that ever known
since long time ago.

Borobudur temple was built by syailendra Dynasty during the eight century. It
(30)………..more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple (31)…………

After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourist,
both(32)……………….and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple
because of its beauty, its(33)……….and the story of the relief on its walls.

Domestic tourist(34)……….go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like
to join(35)………..bureau because they don’t need to think(36)………..
transfortation,(37)……………., and itinerary. There(38)……....some money changers
around the location. It makes them easier to change (39)………….money. but some of
them like to bring credit cards and(40)…………
a. Beautiful
b. People
c. Situated
d. Works
e. In the world
f. Needed
g. Domestic
h. Elegance
i. Usually
j. Travel
k. Of the
l. Accommodation
m. Are
n. Their
o. checks

III. Susunlah menjadi sebuah kalimat yang utuh ?

41. Class- In – you – strongest- the – are- our

42. is-He-My-The-In-Youngest-family

43. School-The-Band-In-Best-Is-The-Pianist-She

44.There-This-The-Book-In-Best-of-Is-Exciting-The- Most

45. Most-Town-Famous-This-The-In-This-is-Restauran

46. Exspensive-Hotel-It-Is-The-Most-In-The-City


48. He-Possible-As-Fast-As-Ran

49.As-Light-As-Are- A coin-The-Smallest-Bats

50. Possible-Get-There-We-As-Soon-As-Will

Good luck
1. A
2. B
3. A 47. math is as interesting as science
4. D
48. he ran as fast as possible
5. D
49. the smallest bats are as light as a coin
13. A
50. we will get there as soon as possible
14. B

15. A

16. A

17. A

18. B

19. D

21. A

22. B

23. A

24. C
25. B

41. You are the strongest in our class

42. he is the youngest in mky family

43. she is the best pianist in the school band

44. this book is the most exciting of three

45. this is the most famous restaurants in this town

46. it is most expensive hotel in the city

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