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Teacher Candidate: Amy Kapushinsky Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time: 20 Grade Level 2nd

Subject or Topic: How Do People Use Water? Section

Describe the basic needs of living things and their dependence on light, food, air, water,
and shelter.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The second grade students will learn the importance of water use by collecting data on
how much water is used each day.

II. Instructional Materials

 Harcourt Science Book (page C15)
 How You Use Water paper instructions
 Anchor Chart
 Water video (
 Poster
 Water cutouts
 Glue
 Scissors
 Coloring items
 Final mini water assessment called “How Do People Use Water?”

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 Why rocks and soil are important
 Why plants are important
 Importance of water for drinking

B. Key Vocabulary
 Rock- Hard, nonliving thing that comes from earth.
 Soil- The loose top layer of the earth’s surface.
 Resource- Anything that people can use.
 Natural Resource- Something found in nature that people can use to meet their
 Medicine- Product that helps people who are ill or in pain.
 Transportation- Ways to move people or things from one place to another.

C. Big Idea
The students will learn the ways people use water
 Drinking
 Transportation
 Keeping clean
 Watering plants

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Teacher should start with the introduction questions by asking the students to talk
to their groups about:
a. What have we been talking about for the past few days?
b. Do we know another important resource on earth?
c. Why do you think water is so important?
2. Start off by showing the following video to the class
b. ask the students: Were our predictions about why we think water is
important right?
3. The teacher should read page C15, and introduce the anchor chart to the class.

B. Development
4. The teacher should read pages C16-C17, and ask:
a. How are the children using the water from page C16?
b. Ask the Think About questions on page C17
i. How do people use water to care for plants and animals?
ii. What are some other ways people use water?
c. Teacher: ask for heads down, and ask for a thumbs up if the students think
they could list at least 3 ways water is used.
i. This is a tool for the teacher to note which students still may be
5. The students will now participate in a water lab with their groups.
a. Each student needs a How You Use Water sheet
6. The students will now create a poster with pre-cut cutouts that they will glue on to
represent each of the ways we use water.
a. The students will get about 20 minutes to cut, color, and glue on all of the
materials in their groups.
b. Remind students to draw, and be creative with their group poster.
c. Also go over the rules for lab
i. We treat every person in our group nicely, and with respect.
ii. Materials are only used once the teacher says to start.
iii. Share all of the items.
7. Allow each group to share their How You Use Water poster to the class.
a. This will not be graded, but simply used as a tool to measure students
8. Have the students clean up, and clear their desk in order to begin their final mini
assessment on water.

C. Closure
9. Hand out the mini final assessment on water called, “How Do People Use
a. This is done independently, and quietly
10. Have the students hand in the sheet once done.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
K,J,E,R,S- instructions read to them in small group on the carpet.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative: How Do People Use Water sheet
a. Each way is worth 1 point totaling 5 total points.
b. How to earn 1 point: correct way we use water
i. EX: drinking, washing hands, watering plants,
cleaning, swimming, transportation, cooking,
bathing, washing dishes, and electricity.
c. 5/5- Advanced, 4/5-3/5- Proficient, 2/5 or lower is
below, and students will need small group instruction
during intervention time.
2. Summative- NONE

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)

VI. Resources (in APA format)

How Do People Use Water
Anchor Chart

Watering Washing
Drinking plants hands

Cleaning Electricity Swimming

Cooking Transportation
How Do People Use Water?

Directions: Fill in each bubble with one way we can

use water.


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