Monthly Report Community Asset

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Monthly Health & Safety Report

Affinity Sutton is required by law to ensure its buildings are well maintained and therefore not likely
to cause injury to persons through defective premises. As the Organisation managing the building,
this duty passes to you.

A new Monthly H&S Report has been introduced to not only guide you through the areas that are
to be checked, but also to evidence the checks are taking place, as you are now required to
submit these checks to Affinity Sutton.

As the name would suggest, the H&S report should be completed on a monthly basis.

Completed forms must be sent by post or email to: Affinity Sutton Health & Safety
Upton House
7 Perrymount Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 3TN

Failure to return your completed Monthly H&S Report will trigger a call or visit from the Community
Assets Team. Continued or regular non-returns may result in your lease, licence or agreement
being withdrawn.

The form has been designed to act as an aide memoire to ensure the person carrying out the
inspection covers all of the areas and is aware of what to look for.

It is an ‘exception’ report, meaning that defects are identified. If no defects are found in a given
area, that section can be marked as ‘satisfactory’. Some areas may not be applicable and should
be marked as such, please do not leave areas blank. Where it is not possible to mark as N/A
because it is a requirement, the box will be shaded out.
Monthly Health & Safety Report

Management Organisation:


Report Completed by:

Version 1.0

Fire and Smoke Alarm Tests (whichever is applicable)

Please confirm that a weekly test of the Fire Alarm System has been carried out by operating a manual call
point on a rotational basis or that all smoke alarms have been checked by pressing the test button and that
this information has been recorded in the Fire Log Book.
Confirmed Y/N Signed Print Name

Fire Evacuation Drill

Please complete if you have carried out a fire evacuation drill in the last month
Date of Drill Signed Print Name

Emergency Lighting Tests (for non-maintained systems)

Please confirm that emergency lighting has been tested.

Signed Print Name

Defect & Action including Repair Ref:

Fire Safety Visual Inspection – in addition to daily checks

• Extinguishers are in correct location and in good order, pins and tags are in place and intact
• Riser cupboards are locked
• Dry riser inlets have clear access
• Fire doors close tight into doorframe, self closing device is operational and smoke seals/intumescent strips in good order
• Fire exits and escape routes (internal and external) are clear and unobstructed
• Emergency door devices (e.g. push bars) on all escape routes operate easily
• Fire signage in place and visible
Area Defect & Action including Repair Ref:

Fire Safety Visual Inspection

Statutory Items on Display
• Current Employers Liability Insurance Certificate is available to view (If your organisation employs people)
• Current Public Liability Insurance Certificate is on display
• H&S Law Poster (If your organisation employs people)
• Current Health & Safety Policy is on display
• Fire Action notices on display
Area Defect & Action

Statutory Items

First Aid Provision

• First Aid Box is available or hirers are advised to provide their own.
• Sterile items are within their use by date
• Box should not contain any medicines, pain relief tablets etc.
Area Defect & Action

First Aid Provision

Electrical Safety
• Portable appliances are within determined testing dates
• Wall sockets are free from damage
• Extension leads and adaptors are free from damage and not overloaded
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.

Electrical Safety

Internal Areas
Including offices, rooms, corridors and stairs
• Carpeting or flooring is free from damage
• Lighting is in working order
• Handrails are securely fixed and free from damage
• Stair nosing is free from damage
• Windows are undamaged and opening mechanism is secure
• Wall sockets are free from damage
• Ceiling tiles are securely fixed
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.



• Fixtures and fitting are free from damage
• Flooring is free from damage
• Lighting is in working order
• Check for water leaks
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.


• Fixtures and fitting are free from damage
• Cupboard doors are securely attached
• Flooring is free from damage
• Lighting is in working order
• Wall sockets are free from damage
• Check for water leaks
• Cooking facilities are clean and free from grease build-up
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.


Hazardous Substances
• Cleaning chemicals, dishwasher tablets, air fresheners etc. are securely stored (out of reach of children)
• COSHH assessments are held for all hazardous substances
Area Defect & Action

Hazardous Substances

Water Hygiene Management (If applicable)

• Hot water outlet (more than 50 C)
• Cold water outlet (less than 20 C)
• Flushing through seldom used outlets
Outlet Reference Temperature Defect and Action
Hot C
Cold C
Number of seldom used outlets flushed through

External Seating Areas/Benches

• Free from damage
• Securely installed
• Lighting is in working order
• Area free from rubbish, glass, animal waste etc.
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.

Seating Areas/Benches
External Playground/Play Equipment/Multi-Use Games Area
• Check the equipment for cracks, bending, warps, rusting, or breakage of any component
• Check chains and ropes for wear and damage
• Check for sharp edges and points
• Check all supports are present, secure and free from decay at ground level
• Check surfaces for damage and trip hazards
• Is the site free from litter, glass, sharps, dog foul or other dangerous objects
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.

External Playground/Play

Paths, Entrance, Car Park and Steps

• Free from cracks and damage
• Free from excessive moss growth
• Lighting is in working order
• Handrails are in good condition and secure
• Steps are in good condition
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.



Car Park


• Trees are in safe condition, no overhanging or damaged branches or root exposure
• Shrubbery areas are not encroaching onto pathways
• Grass areas are free from holes
Area Defect & Action:



Grass Areas
Building Structure
• Structures in general good repair, free from cracks and obvious damage
• Guttering appears free from blockage
• Windows close tightly, restrictors are functioning
• Glass is free from defect
• No visible snagging hazards (nails, screw, tacks etc.)
Area Defect & Action including Repair Reference No.




Roof and Guttering

Accident Reporting
Please detail any accidents that have occurred due to a defect In the building
Date Details Repair Ref:

Please email completed H&S Report to

Or post to Affinity Sutton Health & Safety, Upton House, 7 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath,
West Sussex, RH16 3TN
Fire Safety Guidance
Fire Risk Assessment
A Fire Risk Assessment is an organised and methodical look at the premises, the activities carried
on there and the likelihood that a fire could start and cause harm to those in and around the

Affinity Sutton will ensure that each premise has a Fire Risk Assessment, a copy of which will be
provided to you to retain on site. A visiting Fire Officer may ask to see a copy of the Fire Risk

Means of raising the alarm

Different types of buildings will have different means of raising the alarm.
• A small community facility, where it will be easy to spot a fire, and where all occupants are able
to hear a single warning device, may rely solely on a hand operated bell or whistle or simply
calling out “Fire, Fire” as a means of raising the alarm.
• Where it is unlikely that a fire could start without someone noticing, because all areas of the
building are occupied, but where not all of the occupants would be able to hear a single
warning device, manually operated ‘break glass’ units linked to an audible warning system are
usually in place.
• A more complex building, where a fire may start unnoticed, perhaps in a cupboard or seldom
used room, will have an automatic fire detection system.

The Fire Risk Assessment will detail which type of system is installed within your premises.
The presence of ‘Break Glass’ units and a Fire Alarm Control Panel will also indicate that there is
an electric warning system in place.

Electrical Systems
Once a week a manual call point should be activated (using a different call point for each
successive test), usually by inserting a dedicated test key. This will check that the control panel is
capable of receiving a signal and in turn, activating the warning alarms. Manual call points may be
numbered to ensure they are sequentially tested.

Remember that someone who is capable of re-setting the Fire Panel needs to be present during
the test. It is good practice to test the alarm at the same time each week, but additional tests may
be required to ensure that staff or people present outside normal working hours are given the
opportunity to hear the alarm.
If you are unsure of how to carry out a test of the system, please contact the Community Assets

The date of the test, call point reference number and any comments must be recorded in your Fire
Safety Log Book.

Non-Electrical Systems
Where smoke alarms are installed, these also need to be tested on a weekly basis to ensure that
the batteries are working.

All of the smoke alarms need to be tested each week rather than sequentially, as they operate as
independent units and do not forma part of a linked system.

Press and hold the red ‘test’ button until the alarm sounds. You may need to use a tool to assist
you such as a wooden spoon handle or similar.

The results of these tests should be recorded in your Fire Log Book.

Service and Maintenance

Electrical Fire Alarm Systems will be serviced quarterly by Affinity Sutton’s contractor TVF, details
of which will be recorded in your Fire Log Book.
Smoke Alarms are serviced on an annual basis, also by a contractor.
Emergency Lighting
The primary purpose of emergency lighting is to illuminate escape routes. The size and type of
premises will determine the complexity of the emergency escape lighting installed.

The use of ‘borrowed lighting’ such as external street lighting shining through windows may be
sufficient for small open-plan buildings. Other premises may have ‘maintained’ emergency lighting
i.e. on all the time, or ‘non-maintained’ units that only operate when normal lighting fails.

The Fire Risk Assessment will detail which, if any, system is in place.

Maintained Systems
‘Maintained’ emergency lighting can be identified by the presence of a red or green LED on a
‘normal’ light fitting or may be provided by an illuminated exit sign. Where emergency lighting is
‘Maintained’ a simple visual check should suffice to ensure the light is working.
Any damaged lights or illuminated signs must be reported for repair (and noted on your Monthly
H&S Report)

Non-maintained Systems
As this type of emergency lighting only comes on when normal lighting fails, it needs to be tested
on a monthly basis to ensure it is working.
Testing will often take the form of a ‘fishtail’ key being inserted into a special switch which is
usually located near the main fuse board or next to the relevant light switches.

You should record details of these tests in your Fire Log Book. Any defects must be reported for
repair (and noted on your Monthly H&S Report)

Fire Emergency Plan

The purpose of a Fire Emergency Plan is to ensure that the people in the premises know what to
do if there is a fire and so that the premises can be safely evacuated.

Affinity Sutton can provide you with a template for you to use and assist in its completion if you do
not already have a Fire Emergency Plan in place.

It is essential that the contents of the plan are communicated to all your staff and volunteers and
that a copy is issued to anyone hiring the premises.
Fire Drill
Once the Fire Emergency Plan has been developed and communicated to all staff and volunteers,
its effectiveness needs to be evaluated. The best way to do this is to perform a fire drill.

A fire drill should be carried out al least annually or more frequently if you have a high turnover of
staff or volunteers.

The drill should be planned, taking into account weather conditions, as heavy rain, snow or ice will
add unnecessary risk to those taking part. If, on the day you have planned to carry out your drill,
you feel the weather is inappropriate to continue, you should postpone for another day.

In order to be sure that everyone has safely evacuated the premises, a roll call needs to be carried
out at the assembly point. In a real evacuation, information on anyone missing will be passed to
the Fire & Rescue Service upon arrival. This may result in Fire & Rescue Service personnel
undertaking a search of the building to locate missing individuals, possibly putting their own safety
at risk to do so. It is therefore vitally important that all staff, visitors and contractors sign IN and
OUT of the premises to avoid incorrect information being passed on which may result in an
unnecessary search or the false belief that everyone has safely evacuated.

Once the roll call has been completed, people should be allowed to return to the building and the
Fire Drill Monitoring Form completed. Remember to make amendments to your Fire Emergency
Plan if you feel it can be improved upon following the drill.

You should record details of the drill in your Fire Log Book and on your Monthly H&S Report.

In simple premises, having 1 or 2 extinguishers of the appropriate type may be all that is
necessary. In complex premises, such as multi-roomed community centres, extinguishers should
be located in suitable locations such as on the escape routes (at each floor level). It may also be
necessary to indicate the location of the extinguishers with suitable signs.

People with no ‘hands on’ training should not be expected to attempt to extinguish a fire, however
all staff and volunteers should be familiar with the location and basic operating procedures for the
equipment provided, in case they need to use it in order to safely evacuate the building.

Fire extinguishers have red metal bodies with a coloured band to identify their type. There are
generally four types of extinguisher found in Affinity Sutton buildings.
CO2 Extinguisher
Extinguishes fires by smothering – thereby removing the oxygen (air)
Use on:
• FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil etc.
DO NOT hold onto the black funnel when discharging the extinguisher as it gets very cold and
may burn your hand.

Water Extinguisher
Extinguishes fires by cooling – thereby removing heat
Use on:
• SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc.
DO NOT use a water extinguisher on an electrical fire as the current can travel up the water
stream and give you an electric shock!

Dry Powder Extinguisher

Extinguishes fires by smothering – thereby removing the oxygen (air)
Use on:
• SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc.
• FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil etc.
• FLAMMABLE GASES such as propane, butane, methane etc.
When used indoors, powder can obscure vision or damage goods and machinery. It is also very

Foam Extinguisher
Extinguishes fires by smothering – thereby removing the oxygen (air)
Use on:
• SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc.
• FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol, oil etc.
Foam spray extinguishers are not recommended for fires involving electricity, but are safer than
water if inadvertently sprayed onto live electrical apparatus.

Using an Extinguisher
We can use the learning aid ‘PASS’ to remember the steps involved in using an extinguisher.

1. Pull the pin

2. Aim at the base of the fire and stand back six to ten feet
3. Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishers contents
4. Sweep the hose from side to side at the base of the fire (As the fire dies at the front, move it
back slowly until the fire goes out)
Good housekeeping will lower the chances of a fire starting, so the accumulation of combustible
materials should be monitored carefully. Good housekeeping is also essential to reduce the
chances of escape routes and fire doors being blocked or obstructed.

Many of the materials found in premises such as yours will be combustible. If storage areas are
poorly managed, the risk of fire is likely to increase. The more combustible materials stored, the
greater the source of fuel for a fire. Examples may include:
• Soft play equipment
• Yoga/keep fit mats
• Craft materials
• Christmas decorations

Daily Checks
To ensure the safety of all those using the premises, a daily fire safety check should form part of
your normal routine. This check does not need to be recorded and is a visual check only.

This should also be carried out by any hirers that are using the centre unsupervised. It is included
on the Pre-Activity Safety Inspection and Risk Assessment.

You should:
• Remove bolts, padlocks and security devices from fire exits. *These can only be locked when
the premises is unoccupied)
• Ensure that doors on escape routes swing freely and close fully
• Check escape routes to ensure they are clear from obstructions and combustible materials,
and in a good state of repair
• Check the fire alarm panel (if you have one) to ensure the system is active and fully operational
• Where practicable, (an if you have them) visually check that emergency lighting units are in
good repair and apparently working
• Check all safety signs and notices are in place and legible (i.e. they haven’t been moved or
come off the wall)

Monthly Visual Inspection

In addition to the daily checks, a more formal visual inspection should be carried out monthly to
• Extinguishers (including fire blankets) are in their correct location, appear to be in good
order, with their pins and tags in place)
• Fire doors close tight into the doorframe, self closing devices are operational and smoke
seals or intumescent strips are in good order
• Fire exits and escape routes (both internal and external) are clear and unobstructed
• Emergency door devices (e.g. push bars) on all escape routes operate easily
• Fire signage is in place and visible (Fire action notices, escape signage etc.)
Fire Doors
Effective fire-resisting doors are vital to ensure that the occupants can evacuate to a place of

Correctly specified and well-fitted doors will hold back fire and smoke, preventing escape routes
becoming unusable, as well as preventing the fire spreading from one area to another. For this
reason, fire doors should not be propped or wedged open. Most fire doors will be fitted with a self-
closing device to ensure they remain closed.

Fire doors are fitted with intumescent seals. These seals remain dormant under normal conditions
but expand greatly in the heat of a fire to close the gap between the doors and its frame. Some fire
doors are also fitted with a ‘cold smoke’ seal to prevent the ingress of smoke around the door

Fire Signs
Signs must be in place, where necessary, to help people identify escape routes and find fire
fighting equipment.

Escape and Extinguisher Signage:

• Must be in pictogram form
• Have a green background with a white picture/text
• Can be illuminated, wall or ceiling mounted or self-adhesive

Fire Door Signage:

• Fire doors that have been fitted with self-closing devices should be labelled with ‘Fire door –
keep shut’ on both sides.
• Fire resisting doors to cupboards, stores and service ducts that are routinely kept locked
should be labelled ‘Fire door – keep locked’ on the outside
Fire Action Notices
Fire Action Notices detail the actions to be taken in the event of discovering a fire or upon hearing
the alarm. Notices should be clearly displayed around the premises to enable all users of the
building to familiarise themselves with the fire arrangements.

This document is a simplified version of your Fire Emergency Plan.

Staff and Volunteer Training

The actions of staff and volunteers if there is a fire are likely to be crucial to their safety and that of
other people in the premises. All staff and volunteers should receive basic fire induction training
and attend refresher sessions at pre-determined intervals.

As a minimum, training should cover:

• How fires start, basic prevention measures including good housekeeping
• The contents of the Fire Emergency Plan, evacuation routes etc.
• The importance of signing in and out, details of the assembly area
• Requirement to keep fire doors closed, operation of push bar openers
• Areas where smoking is permitted, any cooking restrictions
• Any instructions regarding assisting disabled persons during an evacuation

Fire Log Book

TVF should provide you with a Fire Log Book. A visiting Fire officer may ask to see this so it
should be readily available.

You should record details of:

• Weekly fire alarm or smoke alarm tests (whichever is applicable)
• Monthly emergency lighting tests (for non-maintained systems)
• Fire drills carried out

TVF (Affinity Suttons Contractor) should record details of:

• Alarm system service and maintenance
• Extinguisher service and maintenance
• Emergency lighting service and maintenance


This emergency plan sets out the fire safety procedures; it is essential that this
plan is circulated to anyone using the property including visitors and contractors so they
are aware what to do in the event of a fire.

If you discover a fire immediately raise the alarm by: (delete as applicable)
• Activating the nearest red manual call point
• Shouting “Fire, Fire, Fire”
• Ringing a hand bell located at: ____________________________________________

The fire alarm is tested weekly on:

Day: _______________________ Time: _______________________

Once you have evacuated the building call the Fire Brigade by dialling 999 from any mobile
or landline
If you hear the fire alarm sound or ‘fire’ being shouted leave the building immediately by
the nearest useable exit.
Do not use lifts.
Do not re-enter the building until it has been declared safe by Fire Brigade or authorised
Follow the green directional escape signs.

Key escape routes are ____________________________________________________


People requiring assistance to evacuate the building should make themselves known to
the appropriate person in charge so that arrangements can be put in place to aid escape
as required.
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times and assisted to ensure they escape
in the event of a fire

Location of assembly point ________________________________________________

Fire extinguishers where present should only be used if you feel it is safe to do so and
have been trained

Staff, volunteers, contractors and hirers are required to sign in and out when entering and
leaving the building. A roll call will be carried out in the event of a fire evacuation to identify
any persons left in the building. This information should be communicated to the
Emergency Services.
Staff, volunteers, contractors and hirers are required to ensure they are familiar with the
emergency plan for the building, what their responsibilities are and what to do in the event
of a fire

Visitors must make themselves familiar with the arrangements in the event of a fire.

Information for emergency services. Location of

Dry risers: _______________________________________________________________

Water shut off valves: ______________________________________________________

Risk for fire fighters: _______________________________________________________

The building contains the following special risks: _________________________________


Information you should have on display
• Health and Safety Policy Statement (signed and dated)
• Public Liability Insurance Certificate (dated within the last 12 months)
• Fire Action Notices

If you employ people, you will also need to display:

• Employers Liability Insurance Certificate (dated within the last 12 months)
• H&S Law Poster (or provide individual leaflets from HSE)

Example Fire Action Notice

Make sure you have the correct version of the H&S Law Poster
Risk Assessment
Carrying out risk assessments can help protect your employees, volunteers, service users and
visitors, as well as evidencing that you are complying with the law or following best practice.

Your Organisation must make a ‘suitable and sufficient’ assessment of:

• The risks to the health and safety of its employees to which they are exposed while they are
at work.
• The risks to the health and safety of persons not in it’s employment (i.e. volunteers, service
users and visitors to the premises) arising out of or in connection with the conduct of its

What is a risk assessment?

A risk assessment simply means looking at what, in your surroundings and activities, could cause
harm to people and what measures you already have in place to prevent harm. The aim is to make
sure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill.

The law does not expect you to remove all risk, as this is impossible, but to protect people by
putting in place additional measures to control risk if it is reasonable to do so.

Affinity Sutton will be able to provide you with a template you can use to record your risk

Terms used in risk assessment

• Hazard – anything with the potential to cause harm
• Likelihood – the chance that something bad may happen because of the hazard
• Severity/Consequence – how bad the situation is because of the hazard e.g. minor injury,
serious injury, small amount of damage etc.
• Risk – the combination of the likelihood of something bad happening and the severity of the
• Control Measures – precautions taken to reduce the risk either by reducing the likelihood
that something will happen, or reducing the severity/consequence, or reducing both.

You should have risk assessments in place for all your day to day activities e.g. playgroups, coffee
mornings, bingo, keep fit classes etc.

When carrying out the assessment, you need to consider:

1. What does the activity entail and what are the hazards? For example (this list is not
• Are you using any equipment? Could this cause injury if it is broken or damaged? Is it
heavy and could fall on someone? Does it have sharp edges? Could it cause injury during
set-up e.g. trapped fingers etc.?
• Are you providing food and drinks? Could incorrectly stored or cooked food cause
illness? Can hot drinks be spilled causing burns or scalds? Will spilled drinks cause people
to slip over?
• Are you using any electrical equipment? Could someone get an electric shock from
faulty or damaged equipment? Is it being used outside in potentially damp conditions?

2. Who may be harmed and how? For example (this list is not exhaustive)
• Staff and Volunteers Could they hurt themselves setting up equipment? Might they slip,
trip or fall whilst moving around the building? Could they suffer electric shock from using
damaged or broken electrical equipment?
• Activity Attendees May slip on spilled drinks. May injure themselves on broken or
damaged equipment (tables, chairs etc.) May suffer burns or scalds from hot drinks
(particularly children, vulnerable groups or the elderly). May suffer bumps and bruises due
to high activity levels (children)

3. What is being done to protect people? For example (this list is not exhaustive)
• Staff and volunteers receive training on correct manual handling and equipment set-up
• Spillages are cleaned up immediately. ‘Wet floor’ warning signs displayed if required.
• Hot drinks to remain in the kitchen area during playgroup activities
• Children to be supervised at all times and maximum activity numbers adhered to
• All equipment is checked for damaged prior to use
• Electrical equipment is PAT tested annually and visually inspected prior to use
• Premises are inspected regularly to identify and repair any defects

Risk assessment is not about creating paperwork. Your risk assessment is a living document and
should reflect any changes in the activity e.g. new equipment purchased.

It is also good practice to review your risk assessment (at least annually) to make sure the controls
you have in place are still working and are still appropriate. You should also review your risk
assessment after an accident, to check that all the controls were in place and whether they can be
improved upon to prevent a similar accident occurring.

If you hire the premises out to a third party, it is strongly recommended that you ask the hirers for
a risk assessment to ensure that any activities taking place will not put your staff, volunteers or
other users at risk.

Affinity Sutton has a template ‘Pre-Activity Safety Inspection and Risk Assessment’ that you can

This document may prove useful if a civil claim were to be brought against your organisation, as it
can be used to evidence that the Hirer:
• Was provided with the Fire Emergency Plan and First Aid information
• Carried out a visual inspection of the premises prior to the activity starting
• Completed a risk assessment for their activity
Risk Assessment
Frequency of activity:
Activity Title:
(daily/weekly/monthly etc.)
Brief description of activity:

Date of Assessment: Assessment completed by:

Activities taking place Who may be harmed and how What are you doing to ensure people’s safety
Example: Children’s Playgroup – soft play, craft table, musical Volunteers – Setting up tables and equipment, lifting and • All equipment is checked for damage before putting out
instruments, slide and ride-on cars. Coffee and tea provided for carrying. Setting up hot water boiler (burns) Ensure slide is correctly locked into position.
adults, squash for children. Children - Running around may hurt themselves. Scalds • Hot drinks to remain in kitchen area.
from hot drink. Injury from damaged play equipment. • Spills cleaned up immediately.
All – Slips from spilt drinks on floor. • Volunteers trained on equipment set-up and use of the
hot water boiler.
• Children to be supervised by their parents/carers

This Risk Assessment should be reviewed at least annually or after an accident, near miss, change in activity or equipment.
This is a template to be adapted by organisations managing Affinity Sutton Community Assets.
Please feel free to add your own branding/logo

Pre Activity Safety Inspection and Risk Assessment

• To be completed by the hirer prior to each activity commencing
• The completed Risk Assessment and Inspection sheet should be retained for 3 years from the date of the activity

Organisation: Date: Time of activity: to

Completed By: Position/Role:
Signature: Telephone Number:

Type of activity: e.g. Playgroup, Bingo, Coffee Morning etc.

Estimated no. of attendees: Approx. age range:

Fire Safety & First Aid

Please confirm you have: Y/N Action Taken
Been issued with a copy of the ‘Fire Emergency Plan’
Checked the evacuation route is free from obstruction and final exits
from the building are not blocked or locked
Checked that fire fighting equipment, such as extinguishers, are
Been advised of the location of the First Aid Box or been advised
that you need to provide your own
Visual Inspection
Please indicate that you have checked the areas below for any hazards and confirm whether these have been removed, or made safe, and
whether they have been reported for repair.
A ‘Hazard’ is anything that has the potential to cause harm for example:
• Spillages/wet floors
• Damaged flooring, carpets, pathways etc.
• Trailing cables
• Broken lights leading to poor lighting conditions
• Broken equipment, sharp edges etc.
• Loose or broken handrails
• Damaged electrical sockets/light switches
NOTE: If a hazard is identified that cannot be removed or made safe, the activity cannot go ahead
Area: Hazard Identified (including location): Action Taken: Reported Y/N
Car Park

Safe entry and exit from building

Lobby Area



Toilets & Washrooms

Kitchen Area

Please list any other areas:

Risk Assessment
Please provide details on:
• The general activities that will be taking place
• Should anything go wrong, who may be harmed and how (e.g. equipment breakage, ball games, cooking activities, hot drinks, electrical equipment)
• What you are doing to ensure people’s safety
Activities taking place Who may be harmed and how What are you doing to ensure people’s safety
Example: Children’s party, general party games, Children running around may hurt themselves. Supervision, stereo is PAT tested. Hot drinks restricted to
cold food provided, music being played. Scalds from hot drinks. kitchen area.
First Aid and Accident Reporting
The minimum first aid you should provide is:
• A suitably stocked first aid box
• An appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements (no formal training required)
• Information for all employees and volunteers about first aid arrangements

You will need to decide whether you are happy for hirers to use your first aid box or they are
required to provide their own. (This information is detailed on the template Pre-Activity Inspection
and Risk Assessment)

If you decide your organisation needs a first aider, they must have attended formal training and
hold a certificate of competence in either:
• First Aid at Work (three day course)
• Emergency First Aid at Work (one day course)

First Aid Box

Suggested contents:
• A leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (e.g. HSE’s leaflet ‘Basic advice on first aid at
• Individually wrapped sterile plasters of assorted sizes (you can provide hypoallergenic
plasters if necessary)
• Sterile eye pads
• Individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile
• Safety pins
• Large, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound dressings
• Medium-sized, individually wrapped, sterile, unmedicated wound dressings
• Sterile disposable gloves

You should not keep tablets or medicines in your First Aid Box

Accident Reporting
Where an accident has occurred due to a defect in the premises, it must be reported to Affinity
Sutton – please contact the Community Assets Team.

You should record ALL accidents that occur in your own accident book. Accident books are
available from most large stationery suppliers and shops.

One of the purposes of recording accidents is to identify any ‘trends’ (similar accidents) in order to
see if any action can be taken to prevent these occurring again.

Accident records should be kept for a minimum of three years.

Hazardous Substances
Many ‘everyday’ products fall under the Hazardous Substances banner, for example:
• Dishwasher tablets
• Toilet cleaner
• Air freshener

Risks to Health
You need to be aware of the risks to health these substances pose in order to adequately control
them. The easiest way is to look at the label. There will generally be one or more of the following

Dangerous to the Environment Flammable Caution e.g. Irritant

Toxic Corrosive Longer Term Health Hazards

All hazardous substances should be stored out of the reach of children and vulnerable persons,
preferably in a locked cupboard.

Substances should never be decanted into unmarked containers e.g. domestic containers such as
empty squash or spray bottles.

COSHH Risk Assessment

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 legislation requires employers to carry out a
risk assessment for each hazardous substance they use. Affinity Sutton also requires this, even if
you are not an employer, as a demonstration of good practice and can supply a template COSHH
assessment for you to use.
The COSHH Risk Assessment will detail (as a minimum)
• What the product is
• How often it is used
• How it is used
• Who uses it
• How can the product cause harm
• What first aid measures should be followed
• Whether any personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn e.g. gloves
• Safe storage information

Most of the information required to complete the COSHH Risk Assessment can be found on the
label or packaging of the product, however you can also contact the manufacturer to request a
copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The MSDS covers in detail everything about the

Anyone who is likely to use the substance should be issued with a copy of the COSHH Risk
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Assessment

Name of Substance:

Date of Assessment:

Hazardous Properties:
Provide details of how the substance could cause harm e.g. harmful by inhalation, skin contact, flammable etc.

How often will the substance be Less

Daily Weekly Monthly
used? Often
Who may be exposed?
(Employees, volunteers, visitors
Emergency Procedures: (First aid measures)

Eye Contact:


Skin Contact:


Spill Procedure:

What methods of controlling exposure should be in place? (tick all that apply)

Wash Hands before

Ventilation Gloves Goggles


Please ensure that anyone who is likely to use the substance has been issued with a
copy of this COSHH assessment
Electrical Safety
Electricity is a familiar and necessary part of everyday life, but electricity can kill or severely injure
people and cause damage to property.
Affinity Sutton will undertake fixed wiring testing for the premises every five years.

You need to ensure that any electrical equipment within the premises is safe to use and does not
pose a risk. This can be achieved by:
• Ensuring all electrical equipment over 12 months is subject to Portable Appliance Testing
• Carrying out a visual inspection of electrical equipment before use to check for damage

Portable Appliance Testing

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the term used to describe the examination of electrical
appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use.

Most electrical safety defects can be found by visual examination but some types of defect can
only be found by testing.

The frequency of inspection and testing depends on the type of equipment and the environment it
is used in. For example, a vacuum cleaner that is regularly transported from site to site should be
examined more frequently than a computer terminal that doesn’t move as the likelihood of damage
is greater.

Affinity Sutton will arrange for any electrical items belonging to them to be PAT tested annually.
This service can be extended to cover your items, please arrange with the PAT testing contractor
on the day.

Visual Checks
It is essential to understand that visual examination is an essential part of the safety process
because some types of electrical safety defect can’t be detected by testing alone.

What to look for:

• Obvious damage to the outside of the equipment e.g. cracks, screws missing
• Equipment that has been used or stored in unsuitable conditions, such as wet or dusty
environments or where water spills are possible
• Damage to the lead, including fraying, cuts or heavy scuffing/abrasions
• Leads that are caught/trapped under furniture
• Tape applied to the lead to cover damage or to join leads together
• Extension leads that are coiled/not fully unwound
• Wall sockets that are cracked or damaged, screws are missing and socket is loose
• There are burn/scorch marks

If any of the above are identified, the equipment or socket should not be used and placed out of
service until repaired or disposed of.
Water Hygiene Management
Dependant on the type of water system within the premises, you may be required to undertake
water temperature checks in order to reduce the risk of exposure to Legionella.

The water temperature checks are to ensure that the water is sufficiently hot or cold enough to
prevent the growth of Legionella bacteria.

You will be advised by Community Assets if you are required to carry out water temperature
checks. Sentinel, who undertake the water hygiene risk assessment for the premises will be able
to provide you with the equipment and any further training required for this task.

A different outlet should be tested each month on a rotation basis.

What is Legionella?
Legionella bacteria are commonly found in water. The bacteria multiply where temperatures are
between 20-45oC and nutrients are available. The bacteria are dormant below 20 oC and do not
survive above 60 oC.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal type of pneumonia, contracted by inhaling airborne

water droplets containing viable Legionella bacteria. Such droplets can be created by hot or cold
water outlets amongst other things. Anyone can develop Legionnaire’s disease, but the elderly,
smokers, alcoholics and those with cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory or kidney disease are
more at risk.

Water Temperature Checks

Hot water tap

1. Ensure the plug is not in the sink and the waste hole is free from any blockage.
2. Turn the tap on; ensure the water is not splashing outside the basin.
3. Ensure the thermometer probe is submersed in the running water.
4. After one minute of running the water you should then take note of the displayed
N.B. This temperature should be more than 50°C.
5. Turn off the tap.
6. Ensure this temperature is recorded in the log book.
Cold water tap
1. Ensure the plug is not in the sink and the waste hole is free from any blockage.
2. Turn the tap on; ensure the water is not splashing outside the basin.
3. Ensure the thermometer probe is submersed in the running water.
4. After two minutes of running the water you should then take note of the displayed temperature.
N.B. This temperature should be less than 20°C.
5. Turn off the tap.
6. Ensure this temperature is recorded in the log book.

Blended tap
1. Ensure the plug is not in the sink and the waste hole is free from any blockage.
2. Turn the tap on to the hot position; ensure the water is not splashing outside the basin.
3. Ensure the thermometer probe is submersed in the running water.
4. After one minute of running the water you should then take note of the displayed temperature.
N.B. This temperature should be between 40°C and 46°C.
5. Turn off the tap.
6. Ensure this temperature is recorded in the log book.

Seldom Used Outlets

A water outlet which is not used for 7 days or more is considered a seldom used outlet. Stagnant
water favours Legionella growth so these outlets should be flushed through on a weekly basis.

1. Identify seldom used outlets

2. If a tap, ensure splash back is reduced to minimum.
3. If you are flushing through a shower ensure the shower head is removed from its holder and
placed as close to the plug as possible to reduce the amount of aerosol produced.
4. Where the shower head is fixed, tie a plastic bag round the head to conceal all of the outlet
area. Make a hole in one corner to allow the water to escape. This method will reduce the
amount of aerosol being produced during the flushing process.
5. Run the outlet for five minutes continuously (both hot and cold for non-blended units, cold only
for blended taps and showers)

Monthly H&S Report

Remember to record the details of both water temperature checks and flushing through on your
Monthly H&S Report as well as in your Water Log Book (provided by Sentinel)
Asbestos can be found in any building built before the year 2000 and causes around 5000 deaths
every year.

When materials that contain asbestos are disturbed or damaged, fibres are released into the air.
When these fibres are inhaled they can cause serious diseases.

These diseases will not affect you immediately; they often take a long time to develop, but once
diagnosed, it is often too late to do anything. It is therefore important to ensure that any asbestos
within the premises is managed effectively.

Affinity Sutton will advise you if there is any asbestos present within your premises, and if required
provide you with a copy of the asbestos survey. This will detail where asbestos had been
identified, or where it is suspected to be.

You need to be aware of these areas in order to:

• Monitor the condition (undamaged asbestos poses no risk to health)
• Prevent damage to the area (including drilling, nails, drawing pins etc.)
• Advise contractors, who may be required to carry out works in the area, of the presence of

Structural Works
You must seek permission from Affinity Sutton before carrying out any works affecting the
structure of the building.

There are many reasons for this, not least of which that an asbestos survey must be carried out to
identify any areas where asbestos may be present.

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