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Dengan Nama ALLAH Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyanyang

20 September 2010

Teori Politik


What is The State?

• A collection of institution

• A territorial unit

• A philosophical idea

• An instrument of coercion or oppression territorial domination

Refers to government or regime.

Five key features of the state

• The state is sovereign

• State institution are recognisably public

• The state is exercise in legitimation

• The state is instrument of domination

• The state is territorial association

Constitutional Government

• A system of government that operates within a set of legal and

institutional constraints that both limit its power and protect individual

Kenapa demokrasi sangat dibutuhkan?? Benarkah???

Cina republic demokrasi cina

Iran republic islam iran.

Tax deductable

What different
• Government and the state?

• The state is more extensive than government. Governments is a part of

the state.

• The state is a


27 September 2010


• All politics is about power

• Power is usually understood as ‘force’ or ‘energy’ (in the natural science),

feminist theorist – kekuasaan dalam pengertian maskulin, high politics
bicara pendekatan matrealistik

• In the social sciences, power referred

Steven Lukes, Power: A radical view (1974)

• It can involved the ability to influence the making of decisions

• It may be reflected in the capacity to shape the political agenda and thus
prevent decisions being made

• It may take the form of controlling

Decision making

• Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), Leviathan defended absolutism of

government as the only alternative to anarchy and disorder. Human
beings are essentially power seeking and self interested creatures

• Power is the ability of an agent to affect the behaviour of a patient

• Community power debate in 1950s and 1960s about power elite and

Community Power

• Floyd Hunter, 1963

• A small, interlocking elite consisting of key businessmen and members of

established and socially prominent families, sat on the boards of each
other’s corporation, chatted in the same social clubs and made all the
really important decisions about Atlanta – including the governmental

• Small elite ruled Atlanta – elitist model.

Government and Governance (formal or informally arrangement) à public

participation, sejauh mana civil society terlibat dalam proses pembuatan
kebijakan publik.

R. Dahl: Who Governs?

• Almost reach conclucion

• Local political power in New Haven, Connecticut—was fragmented

• Many different people from a variety of walks of life were involved in

decision making by the New Haven City Government


• Exercise of power by institutions

• Ex. Churches, unions, professional assoc, neighbourhood groups which

alliance with elected official

• Power as the ability to influence the decision making process

• Who get their way: siapa

• How often they get their way: berapa banyak?

• Over what issues they get their way: issue apa?


• To base the understanding of power upon systematic and testable


• 1. The ruling elite, must be well defined group

Dahl method of community power study

• Select a number of key decision making areas

• Identify the actors involved and discover their preferences

• Analyse the decision made and compare these preferences of the

• Ex. Urban, renewal, public education and the

• Nomination of the political candidates

Agenda Setting

• Power by A over B

• Bachrach and Baratz, that power is reflected in the decision making

process, but to the extend that a person or group –consciously or
unconsciously – creates or reinforces barrier to the public airing of policy
conflict. The person of group has a power

• Elitist

Thought Control

• Vance Packard, the hidden Persuades, 1960

• Described

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang


• Right is always be a reference in the political debates

• Modern sense, it refers to an entitlement to act or be treated in a

particular way

• Legal (in the legal binding)

• Moral Rights (no legal substance but only exist in moral claims)

Legal dan Moral Right

• Legal rights are right which are enshrined in law and are therefore
enforceable through the courts

• As describe positive rights

• Ex. In British until 1992 that husband had legal right to rape their wives

• Setiap Negara berbeda tentang legal rights

• British until the European Convention of Human Rights 1998

• Freedom of speech, movement and religious warship tidak masuk dalam


• Everything is permitted that is not prohibited (residual)

• Restricted that citizen could say based on slander, blasphemy, libel,

defamation, incitement to racial hatred

• Lacking legal definition

Wesley Hohfeld: Fundamental Legal Conception 1923

• Privileges or liberty rights: these allow a person to do a simple sense that

they have no obligation not to do it (ex. To use public highway)

• Claim rights on the basis of which another person no to assaulted by


• Legal powers empowering someone to do something (the right to vote)

• Immunities one person can avoid being subject to the power of another

Case of the USA

• Bill of rights: the first amendment of the constitutions (freedom of speech

and freedom of the press)

• Codified individual right and liberties

• Clear legal definition of individual rights

• Political decision by the judge rather than by the elected politician

Human Rights

• John Locke, natural rights the right to life, liberty, and property

• Tomas Jefferson, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

• God given – human nature

• All Human being – universal rights

Twentieth Century

• Active government intervention, welfare rights, economic, and social


• Bagaimana dengan kesehatan?

• The UN Declaration of Human Rights the rights to works and the right to


• Marx, advancing the interest of property, every rights of inequality – equal

standard to unequal individuals

• Powerful class interest

• Modern Marxist: Welfare and social rights.

Bagaimana dalam Islam

• Legal system: wajib, sunnah, mubah, makruh dan haram

• Mana yang human rights?

• Diskusikan.

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang

11 Oktober 2010



Penelusuran sifat demokrasi dimulai dengan berbagai istilah yang digunakan

selama dua abad

• Demokrasi modern

• Demokrasi perwakilan

• Demokrasi parlementer

• Demokrasi pluralis

• Demokrasi konstitusional

Bagi sejumlah orang lain seperti calude lefort: Hilangnya tanda-tanda kepastian.
Masyarakat demokrasi modern adalah masyarakat dimana kekuasaan menjadi
sebuath tempat kosong.... Di masa lalu kekuasaan ada pada raja

Bagi Mouffe

Demokrasi modern memunculkan kembali prinsip demokrasi klasih dimana

kekuasaan harus dilaksanakan oleh rakyat tapi dalam kerangka simbolis yang
dibentuk oleh diskursus liberal dengan penekanan pada nilai kebebasan individu
dan hak-hak manusia, dan, tradisi demokrasi yang nilai intinya persamaan dan
kedaulatan rakyat. à ada public consultation or people souvergenity.

2 aspek demokrasi modern:

1. Demokrasi sebagai bentuk pemerintahan, sebagai ekspresi prinsip

kedaulatan rakyat

Demokrasi dibentuk dalam dua tradisi:

1. Tradisi liberal yang dibentuk oleh tatanan hokum pembelaan hak-hak

manusia dan penghormatan pada kebebasan individu.

2. Tradisi demokratis yang ide-ide utamanya adalah antara lain persamaan

identitas di antara yang memerintah dan yang diperintah dan kedaulatan

Kecenderungan dominan saat ini:

1. Mengidentifikasikan demokrasi dengan Negara hukum dan pembelaan

terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia.

2. Mengesampingkan unsur kedaulatan rakyat – bahkan usur ini nyaris

absolute, padahal prinsip kedaulatan rakyat (popular sovereignty) ini
merupakan dasar pembenaran dari demokrasi liberal.

Logika demokrasi

• Menarik batas di antara kita dan mereka

• Siapa yang termasuk di dalam kelompok demos dan siapa yang berada di
luar demos. Ini merupakan kondisi yang diperlukan agar hak-hak
demokrasi dapat dilaksanakan.

• Pada waktu hubungan di antara kita dan mereka mulai di lihat sebagai
teman dan lawan maka antagonisme muncul dan pada saat inilah
hubungan sedemikian menjadi politis.

Dua bentuk antagonisme:

1. Antagonisme proper, yang terjadi di antara musuh yaitu orang-orang yang

tidak mempunyai ruang simbolis bersama.

2. Agonisme, sebuah mode perwujudan antagonisme yang melibatkan

hubungan di antara bukan musuh tapi ‘adversaries’.

• Adversaries didefinisikan secara paradoks sebagai ‘friendly enemies’ atau

orang-orang yang sesungguhnya adalah
• ‘teman’ karena mereka menempati ruang simbolis yang sama tetapi juga

• ‘musuh’

• Konsep Adversary ini juga membantu kita untuk memahami keterbatasan-

keterbatasn teori-teori deliberative dan perpolitikan ‘radical centre.

• Perpolitikan radikal tengah (third way) merupakan perpolitikan tanpa

‘adversary’ atau yang berpretensi seolah-olah semua kepentingan dapat
dipadukan (reconciled) dan setiap orang dapat menjadi bagian dari yang
disebut rakyat (the people). Hal ini dilakukan sebagai justifikasi
penerimaan mereka akan hegemoni neo-liberal akhir-akhir ini.

• Dalam dunia global yang ditandai oleh adanya individualisme baru maka
demokrasi haruslah dialogis. Yang dibutuhkan adalah perpolitikan yang
hidup yang dapat menjangkau berbagai bidang kehidupan personal,
menciptakan ‘demokrasi emosi-emosi’.

• Menurut Mouffe pemahaman tradisional kiri/kanan harus didefinisikan

kembali jika kita ingin memahami hegemoni baru. Karena ada saatnya
dimana kita perlu menentukan sikap dimana kita harus berdiri ketika
konfrontasi agonistis muncul.

Liberal democracy:


• Accountable government

• Free and fair competitive elections

Civil society:

• Civil and political rights

• Associational autonomy


• Dominant state and government not a accountable through elections to


• No competitive elections

Civil Society

• Severe restrictions on individual civil and political rights

• Autonomous associations and organizations critical of the state virtually

non existent

Waves of democratisation according to Huntington (baca buku Huntington)

Lipset: Democracy is related to a country’s sosioeconomis development or level

of modernization

Variables: wealth, extend of industrialization degree of urbanisation and level of


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