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1. Revisión de vocabulario. Marca  las palabras que ya conoces.

Nouns Parts of the day Verbs Adverbs

 The Alphabet  morning  am (‘m) Responses
Numbers  afternoon  are (‘re)  yes
 0 zero / oh  evening  is (‘s)  no
 1 one  night Adjectives Other
 2 two Other Possessive  again
 3 three  book  my  (over) there
 4 four  (English / math) class  your  too
 5 five  classmate  his Prepositions
 6 six  country  her  in (my class)
 7 seven  female Other Conjunctions
 8 eight  male  favorite  and
 9 nine  full name  first Interjection
 10 ten  first name  last  oh
Titles  middle name  popular Punctuation
 Miss  family name Subject Pronouns  @ = at
 Mr.  surname I  .com = dot com
 Mrs.  last name  you  .edu = dot edu
 Ms.  nickname  he  - = dash
 she  _ = underscore
 it  / = slash
Revisa en el Pathway el material  we  \ = back slash
relacionado con Carreras y profesiones para  you  # = hash
que investigues las que te interesen  they
2. Escribe las palabras que no conoces en tu cuaderno. ¿Cuántas son? ¿Qué vas a hacer para
aprenderte estas palabras? __________________________________

3. En esta sección marca las funciones que aprendiste o que ya conoces.

 Saludar:  Presentar a alguien:
Good morning /afternoon /evening This is …
Hello / Hi Hi, … it’s nice to meet you
How are you? / How are you doing?
 Intercambiar información personal:
I’m great. Thank you. /Thanks
What’s your name?
(Just) fine
I’m … / My name is …
Not bad
Do you have a middle name?
Yes, it’s …
 Despedirse:
Can I have your full name?
Good bye / Bye / Bye-bye
It’s …
Good night
What’s your phone number?
See you later / tomorrow / next week
It’s …
Have a good evening / a nice day
What do you do (for a living)? / What’s your occupation?
Thanks / You too
I’m a student / I go to university
 Presentarse: Do you have an e-mail? / What’s your e-mail?
Hi. My name is … It’s
I’m … How do you spell your name?
It’s nice to meet you S - A-R-A- H
Nice to meet you, too.
4. ¿Hay funciones o frases que no conozcas? ¿Qué vas a hacer para aprenderlas?

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