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Jameson Collins

Professor Hunter

English Composition 2


Research Project

I believe that students should have less classes at once in favor of each classes being

covered much quicker classes to focus on a few subjects at hand because it is far harder to focus

on multiple subjects at once. It would be far easier to focus on a smaller amount at once. By

having a smaller amount of work at a time they could learn the content without other classes

which may teach something slightly similar which make them forget important parts of what

they were learning in the first class.

This has been a topic that has been brought up a few times in the past from what I can

find. The ideas are to try and benefit the ways students will learn their school work and what way

would be the most efficient. I bring up this idea again because with choosing classes its hard to

know how much you can really take at once without over doing yourself. Taking too much work

at a single time can lead to problems such as having too learn to many things before lots of tests

or something that would require you to remember things from each of your many classes on
short notice. Even with studying it can be hard to remember so many classes work of notes or

topics on their own without forgetting any of it.

Using various sources of evidence we can see how workloads affect teachers and students

in equal measure. In the article


can see the results workloads have on both of these groups of people. From what results show is

that most classes can’t seem to actually teach all of the things that they have the need to teach.

This is a good reason for giving extended time to focus on fewer classes at a time because it

would give more time to learn all of the requirements for each class.

We also need to take in consideration that there is a ton of classes students are given that

they just take for the credits to pass their schools point limit for graduation. In the article

“Choosing High School Courses with Purpose” (2) we can see how the author points students to

try and take classes that they want to major in above all but generally the students will have a

handful of classes that may or may not help them in anything they have a use for at all. Clearing

up the amount of classes a student has to take or the exact amount of points they need to be able

to graduate would be really helpful in making a student’s full course choices much easier as they

will be able to take the classes they really need.

We can see how workloads also tend to affect how teachers teach and the stress it puts on

them when they transfer to teach for a new set of classes. In

“Analysis of Relationship between School Workload Management and TeacherTransfer Intentio

n in Public Secondary Schools in Mbita and Suba Sub-Counties, Kenya” (3) where lots of

teachers can end up struggling with how much they end up having to catch up on when teaching

their new sets of students. This comes with learning a new set course set within a small

timeframe and being able to come up with the future work as well as dealing with past work

from the students that they would need to look over.

Due to having so many classes, lots of students have problems with studying, learning

and procrastination. In the article “Anxiety, Depression, and Procrastination Among Students:

Rumination Plays a Larger Mediating Role than Worry” (4) statistics are given on how many

students have struggles with all of these things because of the amount of work they have to get.

Having less classes to focus on at once would help these students be able to focus on what they

having instead of stressing out on multiple classes at once.

With how schooling is done in these days it is much harder for many people to get the

education they will need to succeed in life. The article “School Assignment

and School Effectiveness" (5) shows that schools are getting too expensive for tons of families to

be able to get into it. The amount you have to spend all at once per year tends to cost a fair bit

which can be improved for the better of many. Getting more access to education would benefit

even more people in the world as it will prepare much more people to be ready to contribute to

society. Everyone deserves a equal chance but some people are unable to get that due to how or

where they a born. Which is a big thing to big.

A good way to help a new plan for anything is to think of it like a company and to see how

to change it in the right ways to do more. In the article “Workload Control and Order Release: A

Lean Solution for Make-to-Order Companies.” (6). In this article it goes over a few strategies for
organizing and how to effectively make something better. We could think of the school plan

changing like this by finding out what the best new strategy for changing the school programs

would be.

On the topic of management there is more to cover. When it comes to staff management

the piece titled “Role of academic managers in workload and performance management of

academic staff” is something to be taken into consideration. This article goes over the fact that

one of these on how workload can lead to mismanagement. The mismanagement would make

things not move nearly as efficiently and the way to solve it would be to space out the amount of

work for everyone better. This would cause better results for work as everyone would be able to

get done with their work in an orderly amount of time. If we were to associate this with my topic

for schools we could relate it by showing how the management in classes given that is used is not

very efficient with how they should learn. And that it can be changed by given a more reasonable

amount of classes at a single time and spreading out the given classes for every student with a

better schedule.

This system being changed would have so many benefits to both teachers and students.

Giving more time for the students to learn a subject. Well giving teachers themselves more time

to plan out their courses for the time they get to use. Giving more time to each subject on its own

without having others get in the way would give both groups time to prepare to understand what

they will need to learn/teach. Which means both groups will benefit from the extra time. The

benefits from having extra learning time is a big thing as its easier to learn a single thing when

you have more time to do so. Teachers also benefit from the change because this gives them
more time to plan out a longer course to spread out lessons to be learned at a far more reasonable

pace. Which gives them the time to teach everything and in a way that everyone can learn it.

With how the system would be changed I would see little changes in the way finance are

given out. Just schedules for class would be changed up some to match a new class times. There

really isn’t that much it could affect finance wise that I can think of because of how little things

will end up changing in the grand scheme of things. At most the way peoples payment times will

be changed up a bit to receive at a different day with how the schedule would be change which

would just be a very minor set back that would be solved quickly.

There are a good few counter arguments for this project that people would bring up. For

one how would this change even be enforced or set up at all? How would students be able to get

all of the credits to earn their diplomas if they aren’t taking enough classes? Would teachers be

paid more or less for this change and how will breaks work for this system? These are all very

valid arguments because of the importance of each and every one of them. But I am sure

something can be done for each one.

With these ideas in place I think we could make the idea of this essay come to fruition.

Changing how much work students have a single time in favor of fewer longer classes to learn

more in those classes could benefit students and teachers because of less work load and more

planning time for lesson and giving more time to focus on the current classes instead of many at

once which would need to have a much more fine balancing act of learning things that may

conflict with each other.

Works cited






















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