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1. Differentiate between behavioural approach and scientific approach to management. What approach
do you think is more suitable in current conditions?
2. Explain the various characteristics and objectives of scientific management.
3. What are some of the problems encountered in the process of planning? Which of these problems
contribute towards failure of some plans?
4. Management plans to achieve a coordinated and well thought out objectives through planning.
5. Classify organisations by nature of authority. Explain them.
6. Explain with the help of diagrams lines, functional, line and staff organisations. Which of these will
be appropriate for a large organisation?
7. (a) What are the barriers of effective communication? How barriers can be removed?
(b) Explain the delegation of authority. What are the determining factors of delegation of authority?
8. write short notes on:
(a) Hierarchy of human needs
(b) Motivational techniques
(c) Types of motivation
9. What are the fundamental steps in control mechanism?
(a) State the prerequisites of a good control system.
(b) Explain in brief the various techniques of control for improving the overall performance of an
10. (a) What are the major findings of Hawthorne Experiment? Discuss their utility.
(b) Critically examine the contributions of Henry Fayol in the development of management
11. Discuss the centralization & decentralization issue.
12. Define job analysis, job description and job rotation.
13. (a) Explain briefly the various steps in staffing.
(b) Explain informal organisation.

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