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Data-base design process:

The database development process includes the following steps:

1) Database planning.
2) Data requirement collection and analysis.
3) Database design (modelling).
4) Database implementation.
5) Data conversion and loading.

Database planning
It is the management activities that allow the stages of the database application to be realized as
efficiently and effectively as possible. The activities include:
1) Define mission statement
2) Define mission objectives
3) Specifying the scope and boundaries of the database application and the major user

Data requirement collection and analysis

Information is gathered for each user view as user requirements, including:
1. A description of data used or generated.
2. Details of how data is to be used/generated.
3. Any additional requirements for the new/future application.
Information gathered is then analyzed to identify the user requirements and then documented in
requirement specifications

Database design (modelling).

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This can be
activated by first specifying the schema of a database.
 What is a Database Schema? - A database schema is a description of the structure of the
database. It includes:
1) Description of relations (tables).
2) Relationships between relations.
3) Domains.
4) Business rules.
Business Rules: Restrictions on the business’s activities that must be reflected in the database and
database applications – Examples: o Each account is designated with one account number. o One
customer can have more than one account numbers o Account Balance cannot be negative o A
minimum balance of $10 must be maintained at all time o A student must attend a course o A
course can have zero or many students
The initial design of a database is a complex process involving many different approaches. It can
deal with the following topics
• Data modelling
• Database Normalization
A relational database can be modelled by Entity Relationship (ER) Modelling
Data modeling: The analysis of data objects and their relationships to other data objects. Data
modeling is often the first step in data base design and object-oriented programming as the
designers first create a conceptual model of how data items relate to each other.
Database normalization: The process of restructuring a relational database in accordance with a
series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. It
was first proposed by Edgar F. Codd as an integral part of his relational mode.
Two approaches of database design
• Top-Down approach: Using Entity-Relationship model (ERM). More appropriate for
complex database. It based on the user requirements and build data model.
• Bottom-Up approach: Using Normalization. More appropriate for simple databases with a
relatively small number of attributes.

Database implementation.
The implementation phase is where you install the DBMS on the required hardware, optimize
the database to run best on that hardware and software platform, and create the database and load
the data. Tune the setup variables according to the hardware, software and usage conditions. Create
the database and tables.
Based on the data model, physically realize the database and application design.
1) Use Data Definition Language (DDL) to create database schemas and empty database files.
2) Use DDL to create any specified user views.
3) Create application programs, including database transactions.
4) Test the system with real data, if necessary, make enhancement.

Data conversion and loading

Data conversion is the conversion of computer data from one format to another. Throughout a
computer environment, data is encoded in a variety of ways. For example, computer hardware is
built on the basis of certain standards, which requires that data contain

Data Load is the process that involves taking the transformed data and loading it where the users
can access it. If the architecture contains a staging database, then loading is a two-step process
1) Load data to the transformed data to the Staging Database.
2) Load the data in the staging database to the warehouse/mart

The main points which are focused in this final step are:
1) Transferring any existing data into the new database and converting any existing
applications to run on the new database.
2) Only required when new database system is replacing an old system.
3) DBMS normally has utility that loads existing files into new database
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