Sabrina Rolbiecki - Reflective Project Draft Spring 2018

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Abortion, is it ethical?

PPS Reflective Project Rough Draft Rubric

Criterion Grade
Criteria Glows
❏ Clear identification of an issue with explanation of how it is tied to student’s
career-related study.
❏ Clear identification of an ethical dilemma with a research question is clearly
A stated and sustained throughout project.
Focus & ❏ Evidence of excellent planning of research, and the determination and
method collection of appropriate and varied sources.
❏ Evidence of understanding of source validity and measures have been taken to AD = 7-8
limit bias through source selection. PR = 5-6
❏ Student uses citations correctly. BA = 3-4
❏ Argument presents a considered and convincing discussion of the issue and MI = 0-2
ethical dilemma, interpreting and applying evidence to draw considered
C inferences.
Critical ❏ Conclusions made are perceptive and concise, drawing consistently on the
thinking arguments and evidence presented.
❏ Connections made between ideas are insightful, sustained and coherent and
developed by a range of well-chosen evidence.
❏ The ethical dilemma is analysed from different perspectives, which are
evaluated in a balanced way with a sense of scope and contexts.
B AD = 4
❏ The use of a local or global example to contextualize the ethical dilemma is
Knowledge & PR = 3
B effective and well integrated.
understanding in BA = 2
❏ Impact of the ethical dilemma on community members is analyzed.
context MI = 0-1
❏ Analysis of how cultural perspectives can influence the ethical dilemma is
integrated into the ideas presented.
❏ Communication is coherent and structured in a way that supports the
AD = 4
understanding of the student’s ideas and arguments.
D PR = 3
C ❏ Effective use of appropriate terminology to support and develop ideas.
Communication BA = 2
❏ Communication does not interfere with meaning.
MI = 0-1
❏ Sections in paper are organized in a coherent manner.
E ❏ All student reflections are complete (Note: there should be 2 at this point)! AD = 3
Engagement & ❏ Evidence that student reflections are evaluative. PR = 2
reflection ❏ Reflections given on on decision-making and planning include consideration of BA = 1
Based on RPPF! actions and ideas in response to research setbacks. MI = 0

Reflective Project Rough Draft Rubric

Glows Grows
❏ Clear identification of an issue with explanation of how it ❏ Issue is not tied to student’s career-related study in
is tied to student’s career-related study. an explicit manner.
A ❏ Clear identification of an ethical dilemma with a
❏ Ethical dilemma is not clearly identified or lacks a
Focus & research question is clearly stated and sustained
clearly stated, consistent research question.
method throughout project.
❏ Evidence of excellent planning of research, and the ❏ Student needs more research to support their ethical
determination and collection of appropriate and varied dilemma.
Abortion, is it ethical? 2

❏ Evidence of understanding of source validity and
❏ There is a lack of evidence that efforts were made to
measures have been taken to limit bias through source
ensure source validity and balance.
❏ Student uses citations correctly. ❏ Student cites incorrectly or inconsistently.
❏ The ethical dilemma is analysed from different
❏ Student only analyzes ethical dilemma from one view
perspectives, which are evaluated in a balanced way
with a sense of scope and contexts.
❏ The use of a local or global example to contextualize the ❏ Student needs to incorporate more local or global
Knowledge &
ethical dilemma is effective and well integrated. examples to support their ethical dilemma analysis.
❏ Impact of the ethical dilemma on community members is ❏ Student needs to incorporate more information on
in context
analyzed. how their ethical dilemma affects the community.
❏ Analysis of how cultural perspectives can influence the ❏ There is a lack of analysis on how cultural
ethical dilemma is integrated into the ideas presented. perspectives influence the ethical dilemma.
❏ Argument presents a considered and convincing ❏ Student needs to provide more supporting
discussion of the issue and ethical dilemma, interpreting information on different perspectives of their ethical
and applying evidence to draw considered inferences. dilemma.
❏ Conclusions made are perceptive and concise, drawing ❏ Conclusions made are not supported by arguments
consistently on the arguments and evidence presented. or evidence presented.
❏ Connections made between ideas are insightful,
❏ Student needs to make more explicit connections
sustained and coherent and developed by a range of
between conclusions and their research.
well-chosen evidence.
❏ Communication is coherent and structured in a way that
❏ Communication and/or format are not coherent,
supports the understanding of the student’s ideas and
making student’s ideas and arguments unclear.
D ❏ Effective use of appropriate terminology to support and ❏ Use of terminology is inappropriate to support and
Communication develop ideas. develop ideas.
❏ Communication does not interfere with meaning. ❏ Communication errors interfere with meaning.
❏ Sections of paper need to be re-organized to
❏ Sections in paper are organized in a coherent manner.
support meaning.
❏ All student reflections are complete (Note: there should ❏ There is a lack of student reflections (Note: there
be 2 at this point)! should be 2 at this point)!
Engagement &
❏ Student reflections are analytical or are mostly
reflection ❏ Evidence that student reflections are evaluative.
This is based on
❏ Reflections given on on decision-making and planning
the RPPF ❏ Reflections given on decision-making and planning
include consideration of actions and ideas in response to
Reflections! are procedural.
research setbacks.
Abortion, is it ethical? 3

Abortion, is it ethical?

Sabrina Rolbiecki

Candidate Number

Ronald Wilson Reagan College Preparatory High School

IB Career-related Programme Candidate

Word Count: ​4160

Abortion, is it ethical? 4


There has always been a stigma around abortion within the society, with mixed opinions and

the topic often leads to a great debate on ethics. ​There are several point of views to abortion, One

point of view is called pro-choice, and the other point of view is pro- life. However when looking at all

the sides the question to be asked is whether abortion is ethical? When making plans to be working in

the Health science field it requires to have an unbiased opinion when talking to future patients.

Is abortion ethical ? According to , it argues that abortion is completely ethical

with laws and the values of the community. The also provides many other pros to abortion, and

expand their reasons as to why abortion is considered an ethical action. In the article it states that the

Supreme Court has declared abortion to be a “fundamental right” proving that it is considered ethical

because the constitution states they give a "a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy," and the

fact it’s stated as “zones of privacy” should be broad enough to allow a woman to have the choice of

whether she would favor termination or not. The article also states “ The ability for woman to

participate equally within the economic and social life of the nation which is facilitated by the ability to

control their reproductive life”. This means that in order to be able to participate equally in the world

we should also have the ability to choose how we control our reproductive life.This website is

pro-choice, in this article they provide many supporting details as to why it is consider ethical to have

an abortion. They are able to provide the reader with the law passed and some basic rights that all

humans have.

Another article that supports abortion in belief that it is ethical is Abortion Access, In the article it

states “The Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision in ​Roe v. Wade​ that affirmed abortion as a

constitutional right” this means that the supreme court overruled any objections and considered

abortion to be constitutional. Also within the article it states “A woman can never be equal if she is
Abortion, is it ethical? 5

denied the basic right to make decisions for herself and her family.” which tells the reader that if

women are incapable of making decisions for themselves they could never become equal.

In this source it is able to give evidence of laws regarding the right for women to choice, it gives the

reader ideas of what science could do for us, it also provides the reader with new technology

advancements that might be beneficial to the world of choice.In this source it specifically states “ in

pregnancies prior to the point of viability – a point at which the fetus cannot live outside the womb

–the government does not have the right to impede a woman's decision to terminate the pregnancy.”

which means that the pro-choice crowd don’t want the government to have a final say in their choice

of whether or not to go through the pregnancy. All three of the sources support the idea of abortion

because it is supported within the constitution.


In this article they were able to prove that abortion is considered a very unethical to do based

on their beliefs. Also within the article they were able to take the hippocratic oath that all medical

workers had to take and used it for their argument.The article used the original form of the hippocratic

oath for the argument. Within the original text of the forbids abortion. Within the hippocratic oath it

states."I will not give a woman a pessary [a device inserted into the vagina] to cause an abortion."

which goes against any doctor that had done the medical procedure on a woman. In this article they

are able to come up with several arguments arguing that abortion is completely unethical and

shouldn’t be allowed for women. Not only does it explore the ethical concerns but it also explores the

philosophical concerns regarding abortion as well. The article also explore the medical concerns that

could occur to both child and mother.In this source it states “Peter S. Wenz” has argued that the laws

against abortion has stretched the rules due to the first amendment regarding religion. Peter S. Wenz

has argued that the belief that a fetus’s life shouldn't be terminated is a religious view and the

Supreme court should not have a law against the religious point of view due to the first amendment.In
Abortion, is it ethical? 6

this source it is able to provide the reader with examples and stories about several abortions. Not to

mention it also provides the reader with future advancements and hopes for abortion in the future. It

also is able to provide the reader with plenty of supporting details as to why abortion is considered to

be unethical. In this source it specifically states that,”even a non-viable, undeveloped human life is

sacred and must be protected by the government. Abortion must not be legal according to this model,

nor should it be practiced on an illegal basis.” either way the pro-life side of the ethical argument

doesn't want to allow abortion because not only is it found to be breaking the hippocratic oath but also

there are medical concerns for both patients.

Writers POV

This source is important to me because I sort of want a bias page so I can see all of the facts

pertaining abortion. In this website it includes recent data. This information is valuable because it

helps forms my opinion on abortion. This source also include alternative options for people who may

not know which options to choose from , opening the option for all people who may not know which

one to choose from. In this source it specifically states that the abortion rates are lowering, now, since

this website is biased, it doesn’t inform the reader about the people who do go through abortion and

what their statistics are which limits this source into being less of a reliable source, however it still has

reliable statistics which may still be useful! This source is good for me because I wanted to see the

other side of abortion aside from the biased about the pro-life, the pro-choice also has a lot of benefits

too, in this source they show statistics, and great options for people who want to go and get an

abortion. They suggest safe ways considering the controversy relating with this topic.

Also this source it states that being able to choose what women want to do with their body gives

women the same equality as men do. This is also a fight for women, just another fight like equal pay,

women should have the choice to choose what they want to do with their body, because after all it is

their body. This source is in fact biased as well, which helps me look at all the background information
Abortion, is it ethical? 7

that supports this side of the controversy.This source is important to me because it states the middle

ground of the controversy, which i think is the choice that i stick with. Mostly because being in the

middle ground you are able to see all the benefits and see all of the faults within the abortion

controversy and whether this is ethical or not. This source is valuable because unlike the other

sources i chose to cite, this one is not biased. This one sees the middle ground of the controversy

and I think this would be nice to use because I have two biased cite and one that debriefs all

concerns without being biased. I believe this would be a great thing to use because I believe many

millennials now a days want to be able to be in the middle of a controversy, and its great that there is

a middle ground with all of these opinions coming into play.This source is a good source to use for

the reflective project because the source acknowledges that there are way more sides to this coin.

Although a lot of the majority agree or disagree with abortion there is a side that doesn't want to

choose, and this source reveals their side of the story. I think it's important that you acknowledge all

sides of the argument because your opinion might change if you hear the story from another


This source is a great use as well because it specifically state facts that I didn't know about abortions

and the rules for them. Like did you know that the contempa women in the united states that falls

down the stairs could be charged with “attempted fetal homicide” which is just astonishing how little

consideration goes for the woman.

Abortion, is it ethical? 8


Abortion Access. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2017, from

This website is pro-choice, in this article they provide many supporting details as to why it is

consider ethical to have an abortion. They are able to provide the reader with the law passed and

some basic rights that all humans have.

In the article it states “​The Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision in ​Roe v. Wade​ that

affirmed abortion as a constitutional right” this means that the supreme court overruled any objections

and considered abortion to be constitutional. Also within the article it states “A woman can never be

equal if she is denied the basic right to make decisions for herself and her family.” which tells the

reader that if women are incapable of making decisions for themselves they could never become


Abortion: Get Facts About the Procedure and Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2017, from

This source is a research article that provides the reader history of abortion, and all the

traumatic experiences that made abortion a topic that it is today. In the source they have several

stand points of abortion,the medical standpoint, and the different values points of view. This source

gives excellent background information for abortion providing laws, and parental consent forms. This

source gives a great general base for abortions.

Abortion (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2017, from ​

This article battles that abortion is completely ethical with laws and the values of the

community. The also provides many other pros to abortion, and expand their reasons as to why

abortion is considered an ethical action.

Abortion, is it ethical? 9

In the article it states that the supreme court has declared abortion to be a “fundamental right”

Proving that it is considered ethical because the constitution states they give a "a guarantee of certain

areas or zones of privacy," and the fact it’s stated as “zones of privacy” should be broad enough to

allow a woman to have the choice of whether she would favor termination or not. The article also

states “ the ability for woman to participate equally within the economic and social life of the nation

which is facilitated by the ability to control their reproductive life”. This means that in order to be able

to participate equally in the world we should also have the ability to choose how we control our

reproductive life.

An Overview of Abortion Laws. (2017, November 01). Retrieved December 01, 2017, from
This source is able to provide you with the many laws that affect the whole country regarding

abortion. In the website they provide you with a list of all the states that have laws against abortion,

and within this list, not only do they show you the laws for abortion they have the list that go against

anatomy. They show the government’s point of view regarding abortion.

This source is important and valuable because you are able to see all of the different laws

going up for abortion and the reader could use them for both sides of the argument of ethics. It is

important to get the government’s point of view of abortion because it is mostly the base of both

opinions on abortion. Both sides of the argument on abortion use the government for their supporting

details, and having these laws is important to having a good stance in order to form your own opinion.

Crouch, D. (17, July 22). Abortion Facts. Retrieved December 05, 2017, from

This source is important to me because I sort of want a bias page so I can see all of the facts

pertaining abortion. In this website it includes recent data. This information is valuable because it
Abortion, is it ethical? 10

helps forms my opinion on abortion. This source also include alternative options for people who may

not know which options to choose from , opening the option for all people who may not know which

one to choose from.

In this source it specifically states that the abortion rates are lowering, now, since this website

is biased, it doesn’t inform the reader about the people who do go through abortion and what their

statistics are which limits this source into being less of a reliable source, however it still has reliable

statistics which may still be useful !

Ethics: Abortion. (n.d.). Retrieved December 01, 2017, from ​

In this article they are able to come up with several arguments arguing that abortion is

completely unethical and shouldn’t be allowed for women. Not only does it explore the ethical

concerns but it also explores the philosophical concerns regarding abortion as well. The article also

explore the medical concerns that could occur to both child and mother.

In this source it states “​Peter S. Wenz” has argued that the laws against abortion has stretched

the rules due to the first amendment regarding religion. Peter S. Wenz has argued that the belief that

a fetus’s life shouldn't be terminated is a religious view and the Supreme court should not have a law

against the religious point of view due to the first amendment.

Fieser, J. (17, September 1). ABORTION. Retrieved December 01, 2017, from

This source is talks about many stand points of views, and well as medical concerns for the

safety of patients. This source also provides the reader with laws and prevention regarding abortion.

This source provides the reader with many supporting details on their arguments, and is non biased

which is a good background source.

This source gives the reader many details on abortion, It talks about the Government’s stance

in abortion, it also gives a lot of embedded information within the website that anyone studying
Abortion, is it ethical? 11

abortion would value. It speaks in a non biased-tone, which is good for research. Not only do they

talk about the ethical dilemma surrounding abortion, but they talk about how abortion affects the

community around the world. The website also includes points of views from a person who had an

abortion procedure done on them. The different points of views in this website is valuable.

Gorman, A. (2016, December 15). The 9 countries with the most draconian abortion laws in the world.

Retrieved December 19, 2017, from



​In this source it talks about the multiple countries in the world that have the strictest abortion

laws, this is a good source because the reader will know that abortion is not only a problem in the

United states but as well as the whole entire world deals with abortion rights.

The following countries have extreme laws : London, El Salvador, Chile,Dominican Republic,

Nicaragua, Ireland and the Philippines. All of these countries are undergoing extreme laws of

abortion because they are extremely religious and believe that abortion is a way against their beliefs.

Head, T. (n.d.). A Look at What Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Supporters Believe. Retrieved December 01, 2017,

from ​

In this source it is able to give evidence of laws regarding the right for women to choose, it

gives the reader ideas of what science could do for us, it also provides the reader with new

technology advancements that might be beneficial to the world of Choice.

In this source it specifically states “ i​n pregnancies prior to the point of viability – a point at which the

fetus cannot live outside the womb –the government does not have the right to impede a woman's

decision to terminate the pregnancy.” which means that the pro-choice crowd don’t want the

government to have a final say in their choice of whether or not to go through the pregnancy.
Abortion, is it ethical? 12

Jr., L. P. (2016, February 14). The middle ground in the abortion argument. Retrieved December 05, 2017, from

This source is important to the research because it shows that there is not only another side of

the story, but there is a ground where they don’t decide, it's a mediator. Mostly because being in the

middle ground you are able to see all the benefits and see all of the faults within the abortion

controversy and whether this is ethical or not.

This source is valuable because unlike the other sources, this one is not biased. This one sees

the middle ground of the controversy and this would be nice to use because i have two biased cite

and one that debriefs all concerns without being biased. This would be a great thing to use because

many millennials now a days want to be able to be in the middle of a controversy, and its great that

there is a middle ground with all of these opinions coming into play

Shaw, M. (2017, January 13). The majority of America is now pro-choice. Retrieved December 05, 2017, from

This source is good for this type of research because it’s good to see the other side of

abortion aside from the biased about the pro-life, the pro-choice also has a lot of benefits too, in this

source they show statistics, and great options for people who want to go and get an abortion. They

suggest safe ways considering the controversy relating with this topic.

Also this source it states that being able to choose what women want to do with their body

gives women the same equality as men do. This is also a fight for women, just another fight like equal

pay, women should have the choice to choose what they want to do with their body, because after all

it is their body. This source is in fact biased as well, which helps you look at all the background

information that supports this side of the controversy.

Abortion, is it ethical? 13

State Facts About Abortion: Wisconsin. (2017, July 26). Retrieved December 19, 2017, from

This source is very important for the background information because it includes the

information about abortion in Wisconsin, it is important to relate the reflective project to not just all

over the united states, however , in Wisconsin too. It also shows the reader that abortion rights are

still a problem, even in a small town like Sussex, Wisconsin. This is a wake-up call to those who don’t

believe that Abortion rights are still a problem regardless of where you go.

A strength about this source is not only does it give the reader facts about the abortion rights in

Wisconsin , it also shares background information and context on abortion, not only in just the United

States but also throughout the whole entire world. It shows the reader that abortion rights are a

controversial ethical decision not only in the United states but out of the country as well.

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