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Bone Age (BA) Analysis from Bone X-Ray

Noor Syazana Bt Abd Ghani (20775) Senior Lect. Dr. Norashikin Bt Yahya
Student of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department
Universiti Teknologi Petronas Universiti Teknologi Petronas
31750, Tronog, Perak 31750, Tronoh, Perak

Abstract— Bone age is a method to analyze the

child skeleton’s maturity according to their age The BA analysis usually take the x-ray of
level. Bone age assessment involves left hand left hand easy to observe and can see on how fast
radiograph image for clear observation of the and slow of their growing. The child’s bone, such as
growth plate which appeared darker on the those in finger and wrist, which have the growing
radiograph. Manual bone age assessment zone at the ends that’s called the growth plate.
basically take time f task in for radiologist and Growth plate in fact is very easy to spot on an X-
there are always issue related to intra observer ray, as they are softer and contain less mineral
and inter observer differences. In the study, the which can make them darker and appeared clearly
analysis and classification of hand x-ray image is on the radiograph compared to the others bone [2].
experimented in order to determine the bone age
of young children from newborn to 12 years old. BA helps in analysis of the acceleration or the
To achieve the objectives, the bone age delay of maturity of the skeleton growth but it does
classification method will involve image not always indicate disease. Because of this, to
segmentation of the x-ray, feature extraction analyze the BA basically depending on the
from the segmented images and lastly, experience and skills of the radiologist as required
classification of bone age level. Results from the extensive knowledge to get accurate result with the
classification can be used to access children standard atlas as the information of the BA has large
skeleton growth abnormality in which can be shape, size and textural variability.
observe that the ratio from 0.3 to 0.7 In this assessment with the bone
corresponding to the development child’ age 0 development in technology will be focus on
until 8 years old and the ratio with 1 value analysis the x-ray image segmentation of the left
correspond to the age 8 years and above. hand. This analyzing estimate the BA by take ROI
Therefore, the result indicate that the algorithm part and extracting image of the normal region of
works well in analyze the bone age assessment. hand. Therefore, this research will resulted in
development of automated BA prediction algorithm
I. INTRODUCTION using deep learning based on x-ray image for the
Bone age (BA) is the degree of bone metaphysis, epiphysis and diaphysis bone. The
maturation and commonly use in diagnosis of assessment is aiming to achieve a few goals that
various children growth disorder. According to the must be accomplished with a specific target which
Ranjan S. (2011), the BA not only used for the are to analyze bone from the x-ray image at
diagnosing but also for the monitoring and different level of age and to develop and evaluate
treatment of growth abnormality related to the bone age prediction algorithm by utilizing machine
endocrinology disorder, pediatric syndrome, or learning technique.
hormone therapy [1].
II. LITERATURE REVIEW this alternative reuse the existing model as the
initial condition on the target dataset. This will help
In the study, the BA is the degree of to speed up the training of the dataset. 3) Building
maturation of the skeleton growth of the child in ad hoc CNN to take into account the weirdness part
which keep growing from the born stage until the which include the bone deformation on the x-ray
finish growth as adult stage. According to the image. This approach aiming the scratch a CNN
Professor Peter (2016), maturity of the growth designed ad-hoc and train with specific image.
plates in skeleton measured that determines by
radiologist examination of the left hand wrist as it Same as in 2017, the L.Hyunkwang et. Al,
has a lot of growth center that can be scored and in the fully automated deep learning system for BA
appear more darker on the radiograph. [8]. BA assessment which using the same method of CNN
basically has been carried out by many researchers to automated the BA analysis [11]. The article
to automate the BA analysis in order to help the approaches the full x-ray image radiograph of the
radiologist in doing their work for the observation left hand as the input preprocessing to automate the
and analyzation in medical field. BA assessment: utilize the CNN which is to detect
the bones and tissue to extract the intensity,
In 2018 by Sabeti et. Al [2] said that in this contrast, and grayscale base as the feature extraction
article, the BA analysis has been done by applying followed by the vision pipeline that segment the
three version of particle swarm optimization (PSO) hand wrist by enhance the bone edges and reduce
which are the standard PSO, the worst behavior – noise of image that prior to training and testing.
based (PSO) and adaptive inertia weight (PSO) and From that, the ground truth binary is resulted and
implement to image processing method of the x-ray classified use the ImageNet pre trained, fine tune
image in term of three segmentation criteria, the CNN and got the average 95 % accuracy for the
classification accuracy, robustness against noise, testing in female and male test radiograph.
and computational complexity.
Moreover, in 2014, the concept of the BA
Compared to others article, in 2017, by C. analysis based on the ROI segmentation was also
Spampinato et.Al, [9], automated BA approached proposed by the C Chin- Yen et. Al that evaluate
(relying on the TW method )using the deep learning children’ BA on the radiograph of epiphysis and
algorithm .The automated BA mostly rely on the metaphysis as the ROI location and segmentation
TW method which can be arranged dependent on using the preprocessing technique [14]. After that,
the picture preparing strategy as in the year 2000s, the bone feature extraction is based on the
Pietka et. Al (2003), [10] proposed an ROI geometrical calculation concept that relates the
segmentation way by the phalanges distance diameter between the epiphysis bone and the
extraction which follow the TW method using the metaphysis bone part. Geometrical feature can gives
fuzzy classifier. ROI segmentation also have been clear indication of child bone development [3] and
used for accuracy of BA assessment. [1] before this, there is the same automated BA based
Therefore, from the ROI segmentation on the diameter calculation as the feature extraction
which take the epiphysis bone as part of which is in year 2012 by L. Hsiu-Hsia et. Al [15].
segmentation, the deep learning or the convolution With that, the ROI feature extraction has classified
neural network approached for the algorithm stage using the KNN classifier under the binary decision
are used the data set about 1400 x-ray image. It is tree structure and giving an average accuracy of
proved the deep learning solution are able to cope 71.25 %. And shows that the BA analysis is reliable
effectively with the automated BA assessment using and effective assessment for aiding the pediatricians
the 1) off – the –shelf: provide an input image to the in clinical practice.
network and reading the output vector of a fully- Therefore, in this paper, our proposed
connected layer that to be used to train into SVM strategy demonstrated that it is adequate for BA
classifier. 2) Fine tuning pre trained CNN models:
assurance in youthful kids between the ages of 0 ray image and remove the unnecessary noise and
until 12. objects. The input dataset comes from different size
and different intensity of x-ray images. The simple
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY background removal function method also cannot
be general in all the x-ray images. Therefore, we
The detection and features extraction of the come out with several detection algorithm of the
bone x-ray images play the main roles technique in ROI image in such as the Cascade and ACF
determine the different classes of the age detection algorithm. However, these type of
chronological development of bone. detection algorithm basically requires large
The block diagram summarize the procedure manually labeled training set by using the Image
that illustrate in Figure 1 below. Labeler Application in the Matlab. Throughout
these method, the ACF detection algorithm can
detect more ROI accurately compare to the Cascade
as it requires more training dataset. Furthermore,
the processing image of ROI is used in such
enhancement image and convert to binary image in
order to calculate the pixel scanning.
We applied the image enhancement which is
the process of adjusting the images to become more
suitable for display by adjusting the contrast and
sharpen of an ROI image. Moreover, for image
segmented, we do the converting grayscale images
into binary images using the threshold technique
and edge detection to get the data boundaries of
object within image that detecting in brightness as
to measure the length feature of the images

Figure 1 Block Diagram of Bone Age Analysis C) Feature Extraction and Feature
from Bone X-Ray Selection
By converting ROI images to the binary, we
A) Input Image split into two part which the epiphysis part and
The bone hand x-ray image dataset was diaphysis part. Rows scanning is used to measure
downloaded from the website which the length of the epiphysis and diaphysis in order to
comprises the 200 testing images and 2000 training measure the minimum and maximum of column.
images in each folder. The folders consists of left Then, the ratio is measure by extracting that two
and right hand x-ray images. The dataset of images minimum and maximum of column.
X-ray are obtained with the CSV containing the
information on what is to be predicted (training D) Classification
folder) in such as age, gender, and some additional
information with reference to the standard of the The feature extraction will undergo the
Greulish and Pyle (GP). classification method. The proposed method
B) ROI Extraction basically using the SVM technique which perform
well when the dataset is noisier and that is why
The first stage to analyze the bone age SVM is commonly recommended for the
basically doing the preprocessing pipeline in order classification and nonlinear function approaches.
to extract the Region of Interest (ROI) from the x-
Another method is manually classified
according to the theory classification which we
manually create the table and classified the length
of feature extraction to the classes of BA.
A) Input data Figure 2 Detection of Bounding Box
The input data is retrieved from the In Figure2 shows the detected bounding box website which contributed 12612 comes with value of confidence level. The
images of x-ray radiographs including the age data confidence level means that the detection of the
information that correspond to the classes of bone score returned as M- by- 1 vector of classification
age. The input data divided into two part in which scores. The larger score value will indicate the
to be use for the training and testing data. In order higher confidence in epiphysis detection and the
to get the ROI image. correct ROI which is the epiphysis of the middle
B) Preparation of Data
In our approach, we fixed the 100 training
image that consists of different classes of the bone
age to train into several deep networks architectures
to evaluate how the various bones contributed to the
model’s performance across the development of
bone stages. As the input data come from different Figure 3 ROI Detection on Testing Image
type in such the intensity of color, the size of the
radiograph and so on, there is compelling need for C) Extract the ROI Part
the reliable and general hand segmentation
For this stage, we removed unnecessary part
technique. However, mostly detection algorithm
by cropping out the exact detectable bounding box.
typically need in a large amount manually labeled
Use the command imcrop to crop the original
training set. Therefore, we use the image labeler
detectable box according to the rectangle of box
application in the Matlab to employ the technique
which indicates the size and position of the yield
called positive instances.
square shape (x, y, width, tallness) or can called as
In general, the positive instances/images is the coordinates. The trimmed picture incorporates
an iterative procedure where manual label that all pixels in the info picture that are totally or
combine with automated processing code. This will halfway encased by the square shape. The resulting
allows in quickly obtain accurate masks for the output image is 122-by-123.
testing image in the training set using Aggregated
Channel Feature Detector Method
As the ACF is the detection framework, this
framework uses to detect object at multi scale so in
this assessment, the x-ray image segmentation need
to train first by train ACF object detector to create
an ACF object or part that can detect the epiphysis Figure 3 ROI Detection
E)Enhancement of the ROI Epiphysis.
Getting the several technique of the image D) Measuring of Epiphysis and
enhancement approaches and comparing the Diaphysis
effectiveness as illustrated in Figure 4 and details
technique below: The ROI part is then divide into two part
which are the upper part and below part to get the
1. 1) Imadjust. This technique increase the contrast of ratio of length of development of the bones.
the image of the input intensity image. Thus, Basically, the binary image is to normalize
imadjust increase the contrast by default, saturates radiographs for a grayscale image. The image have
the bottom 1% and top 1% of all pixel value. the black background and white color in bones.
2. 2) Histreq. Histreq performs the histogram Image size varies considerably from a few numbers
equalization. Enhance the image of the contrast by to a few hundred pixels.
transforming value in intensity image output image
will approximately matched to the specific The epiphysis (upper part) of image, we
histogram which is the uniform distribution by calculated the pixel mean of the last 15 rows with
default. all columns image patches while the lower part of
3. 3) Adapthisteq. This technique perform the contrast ROI, we take the first 15 rows with all columns
limit adaptive histogram equalization. Adapthisteq image patches. By the row scanning, we extract the
is the other way instead of using the histreq change point which selecting the smallest and the
technique which operate on the small regions in the largest column.
image as well as tiles. It contrast of the each tiles to
get the output region approximately matches to the
specified histogram.

Figure 5 Illustration of Calculating Epiphysis

Pixel Length
Figure 4 Enhancement of ROI; Image a) Before
Enhancement; b) Imadjust; c) Histogram Same as the Diaphysis (lower part), we extract the
(Histreq) d) Adapt Histrogram (Adapthistreq) length by the rows scanning which calculate the
pixel mean and find the minimum and maximum of
D)Converting to the Binary Image column of the first 15 rows as figure 6 below.
In this part, we imbinarized the ROI part which
functioned to create the binary image from 2D
grayscale image by replacing all values above a
globally determined threshold value. The threshold
value converts the intensity of the image. Next,
from the binary image, we get the value of 0 and 1
to calculate the length of the epiphysis and
Figure 6 Illustration of Calculating Diaphysis
Pixel Length
E) Classification of Bone Age
After the image detection and processing,
Figure 5 Binary ROI
the feature extractions are used for the classifier
analysis. The length and ratio of the metaphysis and
diaphysis have been calculated after scanning the bone age using multi-level technique, this will
image as in the table 1 and the performance of the involve preparing table which it corresponding the
chronological bone age is correspond with the features. The possible feature extraction method
theoretical true means. include area, ratio and mean. This feature variable
will be fed into multiclass classifier for bone age


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