Onboarding Assistance Coaching Roadmap-Stage 1: Offer Acceptance

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Onboarding assistance coaching roadmap- Stage 1: Offer acceptance

A personalized guide for your seamless transition into Deloitte.

Campus Hire
Congratulations! Now that you’ve chosen to join Deloitte, it’s important to manage your transition
well from campus to corporate
After having gone through the campus recruiting grind, its finally time to embark on your professional journey. Here
are a few tips that might provide some insight to make your transition smoother. Pick the elements that suits you,
but make your transition; yours.
• Mentally prepare yourself—Rework your schedule, be • Take ownership of your journey—Understand where
flexible, accept that life at workplace has different you need help and ask for it. Your career is in your
Stage 1- Offer expectations than when at college. hands. So set your own plan and pace.
• Meet coworkers and network—Get to know people
acceptance from other campuses who will be working with you in
similar profiles and start to build your support system.
• Start your professional development plan—Strive for
continuous self improvement.

Experienced Hire
A few tips for smooth take off and a safe landing (at Deloitte)

At this stage of your job change it is safe to assume that your reasons to look out for a change are valid and
justified. Ensure you leave your employment situation in a fair, ethical and practical manner.

• Get your network in place—Talk to family, friends or any • move on.

other support system, positive validation of your decision • Finally.. Finish strong—Aim for best ending possible.
boosts confidence. • Organize your finances—Ensure you have collected all
• Inform necessary stakeholders—Your manager should be necessary financial documents (Form 16, PF transfer/
informed first. Put down papers (officially). Finalize last withdrawal etc.).
working day. • Do not burn bridges—Keep healthy relationships. Prepare a
• Work around a smooth transition plan—Start organizing list of people, such as colleagues, clients, associates whom
files, project information you have been working on, prepare you’ve worked with. Inform them personally about your
for knowledge transfer. decision to move on.

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Onboarding assistance coaching roadmap—Stage 2: New Hire orientation & Post Onboarding

Proper preparation can make all the difference to those initial experiences.
New hire
• First impressions count—Body language & appearance mould first opinions, plan your attire a day prior, be on time,
Are you excited to begin
appear confident and finally, feel good.
your journey with Deloitte?
• Prepare for induction—Get your documents in place, ensure the checklist is ticked with all necessary documents to
be submitted.
• Know your POCs—List down the right contacts, induction SPOCs, manager, buddy etc.
Stage 2 • Have an open mind—Listen more, stay organized, create a 30-60-90 day plan, write what you want to achieve in the
first 3 months.

Where are you

on your
journey today?

Now that you’re a part of the Deloitte family, get to know the organization and your roles & responsibility, stay
focused, agile and make that first impression last long.
Post Onboarding
Time to settle down,
what can we do to help?
• Complete mandatory formalities—New hire trainings, system/process navigation, claim relocation if any.
• Work smart—Listen, ask questions, find an ally, set goals with your manager, get to know your team.
• Build relationships: Invest early on to create credible long lasting relationships.
• Leverage the learning window: While there is an implicit window of time to learn the ropes, utilize this time
effectively to get on top of things.

Go to the next tile for more details on stage 1.

Stay tuned for our second set of communication on
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stage 2 (closer to your DOJ).
About Deloitte
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its
network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent
entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/about for a
detailed description of DTTL and its member firms. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of the legal
structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations
of public accounting.

Copyright © 2017 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

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