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Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

Dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of aerodynamic

tilting-pad journal bearings
Yang Lihua, Li Huiguang, Yu Lie
Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design and Rotor-Bearing Systems,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an Shannxi 710049, China
Received 14 April 2006; received in revised form 12 March 2007; accepted 28 March 2007
Available online 24 May 2007


The dynamic gas–film forces of aerodynamic bearing often can be characterized by eight linear stiffness and damping coefficients.
How to theoretically predict these coefficients is a very difficult issue for tilting-pad gas bearing design because of its structural
complexity. The current study presents a novel and universal theoretical analysis method for calculating the dynamic stiffness and
damping coefficients of aerodynamic tilting-pad bearing. The gas–film pressure within the bearing is expressed in the form of
dimensionless compressible gas-lubricated Reynolds equation, which is solved by means of the finite element method. With the
assumption that the journal and the pads are disturbed with the same frequency, the dynamic coefficients of tilting-pad gas bearing are
computed by using the partial derivative method and the equivalent coefficient method. Finally, the investigations are conducted about
the effects of bearing number, perturbation frequency of the journal and the pads, eccentricity ratios, preload and length-to-diameter
ratio of the bearing on the dynamic coefficients of aerodynamic tilting-pad journal bearing. The numerical results indicate that the
dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of tilting-pad gas bearing are closely related with these factors. The proposed analytical
method provides a valuable means of predicting dynamic performances of tilting-pad gas bearing. The solution can be used for the
purpose of prediction of dynamic behavior of the rotor systems supported by aerodynamic tilting-pad bearings.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dynamic stiffness coefficients; Dynamic damping coefficients; Perturbation frequency of the journal and the pads

1. Introduction coefficients by the fact that besides the journal degrees of

freedom, they also have additional degrees of freedom
The dynamic behaviors of the rotor systems supported related with the tilting movement of each pad. Many
by gas bearings are prominently affected by the dynamic experimental and theoretical studies have been reported
characteristics of these bearings which could be character- about the dynamic characteristics of oil-film tilting-pad
ized by the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of bearings. The research results indicate that the dynamic
their gas film. Furthermore, for the rotor systems stiffness and damping coefficients of tilting-pad bearings
supported by gas bearings, these coefficients are often used are closely associated with the perturbation frequency of
to calculate the critical speeds and unbalance responses of the journal and the pads [2–4]. But the reports about
the rotors, and analyze the stability of the rotor systems [1]. the dynamic characteristics of gas-lubricated tilting-pad
It is a very important problem how to obtain the bearings are very few. So the calculating methods used in
dynamic coefficients of gas bearings. Especially, for the oil-film tilting-pad bearings could be used for references to
tilting-pad bearings, it is more difficult to get their dynamic the gas-lubricated tilting-pad bearings.
To get the dynamical coefficients of tilting-pad gas
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 29 8266 9160. bearings, the dynamic compressible gas-lubricated Rey-
E-mail address: (Y. Lie). nolds equation must be solved. Many researchers adopted

0301-679X/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1400 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

Nomenclature f angle between pad leading edge and pivot

point, rad
Cb radius clearance between bearing and shaft c relative clearance ( ¼ Cb/R)
( ¼ RpadR), mm b pivot location of the pad, rad
Cp pivot circle radius clearance ( ¼ RpivotR), mm Z axial coordinate
W static load of the bearing, N l dimensionless axial coordinate ( ¼ Z/R)
e0 static eccentricity ratio of pivot and shaft L bearing number or compressibility parame-
y attitude angle of bearing, rad ter ¼ (6moR2)/(paC2b)
N rotating speed of the journal, rpm j0 leading edge angular coordinate of the pad, rad
o angular velocity of the journal ( ¼ 2pN/60), j1 trailing edge angular coordinate of the pad, rad
rad/s Kxx, Kxy, Kyx, Kyy dimensionless dynamic stiffness
n perturbation frequency of the journal and the coefficients of the pad only with journal
pad, rad/s perturbation
O dimensionless perturbation frequency ¼ (n/o) Dxx, Dxy, Dyx, Dyy dimensionless dynamic damping
Pa ambient pressure ¼ 0.1 MPa coefficients of the pad only with journal
P dimensionless gas–film pressure perturbation
H dimensionless gas–film thickness K xx , K xy , K yx , K yy dimensionless dynamic equivalent
T dimensionless time stiffness coefficients of the bearing with the
j angular coordinate, rad perturbation of journal and pads
L length of the bearing, mm Dxx , Dxy , Dyx , Dyy dimensionless dynamic equivalent
R shaft radius, mm damping coefficients of the bearing with the
D shaft diameter, mm perturbation of journal and pads
R shaft radius, mm
D shaft diameter, mm Subscript
m preload coefficient ( ¼ 1Cp/Cb)
d tilting angle of pad in its static equilibrium 0 refer to the value in the steady-state equilibrium
position, rad position
a pad angular extent, rad

the analytical method to obtain the dynamical coefficients means of the finite element method. The dynamic
of the bearings [5–7]. But these solutions are only coefficients associated with the perturbation frequency of
applicable to the small eccentricity ratios. Accounting the the journal are firstly calculated by using the partial
calculation accuracy and the application range of the derivative method presented by Yu et al. [10,11]. Finally,
solutions, some researchers present the numerical methods the dynamical equivalent coefficients of total tilting-pad
to solve the Reynolds equation. In 1968, Lund [8] used bearing related to the perturbation frequency of the journal
small perturbation method to calculate the dynamical and the pads simultaneously can be obtained by means
coefficients of gas–film tilting-pad bearing. His solutions of the equivalent coefficient method [1]. This paper
only give the synchronous perturbation results when presents the detailed calculating process and partial
the perturbation frequency of the journal is same as its numerical results that roundly show the effects of the
rotating frequency. Furthermore, he does not reveal the bearing parameters such as eccentricity ratios, the preload
correlation between the perturbation frequency and the coefficient, the perturbation frequency of the journal and
dynamical coefficients of bearings. In 1996, Czolczynski [9] the pad, and the bearing number, etc. on the dynamic
employed the so-called ‘‘orbit method’’ to study the linear stiffness and damping coefficients of tilting-pad gas
and non-linear stiffness and damping coefficients of gas bearings.
Although many researchers have done a large amount of 2. The dynamic characteristics only with the journal
work on the research of dynamic characteristics of tilting- perturbation
pad bearings, they do not reveal the universal law of the
effect of the bearing parameters on the dynamic character- Fig. 1 shows a typical tilting-pad gas bearing schematic
istics of tilting-pad bearings. at the arbitrary small perturbation of the journal. The
In this paper, a theoretical method is presented for bearing is composed of three partial-arc pads that can swirl
predicting the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients around their own pivot. In this part, the dynamic
of aerodynamic tilting-pad bearing. The dimensionless coefficients only with the journal perturbation are calcu-
compressible gas-lubricated Reynolds equation expressing lated with the assumption that all pads are fixed in their
the gas–film pressure within gas bearing is solved by own static equilibrium positions.
Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410 1401

2.2. The self-acting gas-lubricated Reynolds equation and

static solution

It is assumed that the flow process is isothermal and the

air is an ideal gas. Under these assumptions, for the tilting-
pad gas bearings, the gas–film pressure distribution
between the journal and each pad is governed by the
dimensionless compressible gas-lubricated Reynolds equa-
tion with the form as follows [11]:
q 3 qP q 3 qP
qj qj ql ql
qðPH Þ qðPH Þ
¼L þ 2L . ð5Þ
qj qT
The gas–film thickness is given by
H ¼ H g. (6)
In the steady state, the Reynolds equation is independent
of time T, so Eq. (5) becomes
Fig. 1. Tilting-pad gas bearing schematic at the arbitrary small perturba-    
tion of the journal. q 3 qP0 q 3 qP0 qðP0 H 0 Þ
P0 H 0 þ P0 H 0 ¼L , (7)
qj qj ql ql qj
with the gas-film thickness H0 determined by the steady-
state equilibrium positions of the pad and the journal.
2.1. The gas–film thickness at the arbitrary journal Appropriate boundary conditions of each pad for Eq. (7)
perturbation is expressed as
P0 ðj; 0Þ ¼ P0 ðj; L=RÞ ¼ 1:0;
At the arbitrary time, the position of a rotating journal (8)
can be expressed as follows: P0 ðj0 ; lÞ ¼ P0 ðj1 ; lÞ ¼ 1:0:

 ¼ 0 þ E ¼ 0 þ E 0 eiOT , The static equilibrium position or the static tilting angle

d of the pad is decided by the moment equilibrium
y ¼ y0 þ Y ¼ y0 þ Y0 eiOT , ð1Þ condition of the pad. The dimensionless pivoted moment
equilibrium equation is in the form of
where (e0, y0) express the steady-state equilibrium position
Z L=R Z j
of the journal, E0 and Y0 which are defined as complex 1
M¼ ðP0  1Þ sinðb  jÞ dj dl ¼ 0. (9)
numbers, are perturbation magnitudes offfi eccentricity ratio
pffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 j0
and attitude angle respectively, i ¼ 1.
For the tilting-pad gas bearing, the convergent or For all pads of the bearing, the corresponding gas–film
divergent gas–film clearance could be formed between the thickness H0 and pressure P0 of each pad can be obtained
surface of the journal and each pad. A single pad is by solving Eqs. (3), (7)–(9) simultaneously in finite element
discussed in the following analysis process. With the form by an iterative method. Then the static gas–film forces
assumption of rigid pad, at the arbitrary coordinate j, of the bearing in the vertical and horizontal directions can
the gas–film thickness between the journal and the pad can be calculated by numerical addition. If the static load is
be written as applied in the vertical direction, the gas–film force of the
bearing in the horizontal direction should be equal to zero.
H g ¼ H 0 þ H gd , (2) By using Newton iterative method, the gas–film thickness
H0 and pressure P0 of all pads, which satisfy the balance
conditions of the bearing and all pads can be gained.
H 0 ¼ 1  m cosðb  jÞ þ 0 cosðj  y0 Þ
d 2.3. The dynamic solution only with the journal perturbation
þ sinðb  jÞ, ð3Þ
With the small perturbation of the journal, it is assumed
H gd ¼ H gd0 e iOT
¼ ½E 0 cosðj  y0 Þ þ 0 Y0 sinðj  y0 Þe iOT
, that the gas–film pressure and thickness could be written as
P ¼ P0 þ Q0 eiOT ,
where H0 and Hgd are static and dynamic gas-film thickness
between the journal and the pad, respectively. H ¼ H 0 þ H~ ¼ H 0 þ H~ 0 eiOT , ð10Þ
1402 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

where Q0 and H~ 0 which are defined as complex, are qH 0 2 qP0 qH 0 qP0 qH 0
þ L  3H 0 þ
perturbation magnitudes of dynamic gas–film pressure and qj qj qj ql ql
thickness, respectively.  2 2 
q P0 q P0 1 qðP0 H 0 Þ
Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (5) and neglecting all high- H 30 2
þ 2
qj ql H 0 qj
order terms of Q0 and H~ 0 , the dynamic Reynolds equation     
Eq. (5) could be simplified and becomes 3 qP0 q 1 qP0 q 1
þ 3H 0 P0 H ER þ H ER
    qj qj H 0 ql ql H 0
q qQ q qQ q
P0 H 30 0 þ P0 H 30 0 L ðP0 H ER Þ þ 2LOðH 0 QEI þ P0 H EI Þ
qj qj ql ql qj
q qP 0 q qP0 qP0 qQER qP0 qQER
þ H 30 Q0 þ H 30 Q0 þ H 30  LH 0 þ H 30 , ð15Þ
qj qj ql ql qj qj ql ql
q 2 qP 0 ~ q 2 qP0 ~
þ 3H 0 P0 H0 þ 3H 0 P0 H0
qj qj ql ql H ER ¼ cos ðj  y0 Þ. (16)
¼L H 0 Q0 þ P0 H~ 0 þ i2LO H 0 Q0 þ P0 H~ 0 , ð11Þ Similarly, the imaginary part equation becomes
where P0 and H0 are all known steady-state variables, Q0 q qQ q qQ
 P0 H 30 EI þ P0 H 30 EI
and H~ 0 are complex variables to be found which are qj qj ql ql
functions of the perturbation magnitudes E0 and Y0.   
qH 0 qP0 qH 0 qP0 qH 0
As a result of the small journal perturbation, the þ L  3H 20 þ
qj qj qj ql ql
increment of the dynamic gas–film thickness between the  2 2 
journal and the pad has the following form as q P0 q P0 1 qðP0 H 0 Þ
H 30 þ 2
qj2 ql H 0 qj
H~ 0 ¼ H gd0 ¼ E 0 cosðj  y0 Þ þ 0 Y0 sinðj  y0 Þ. (12) 3 qP0 q 1 qP0 q 1
þ 3H 0 P0 H EI þ H EI
qj qj H 0 ql ql H 0
In Eq. (11), the perturbation variables E0 and Y0 are
connotative. To obtain the dynamic stiffness and damping L ðP0 H EI Þ  2LOðH 0 QER þ P0 H ER Þ
coefficients of the bearing, the partial derivative method is qj
used [10,11]. Let QE ¼ qQ0 =qE 0 , Qy ¼ ð1=0 ÞqQ0 =qY0 , qP0 qQEI qP0 qQEI
þ H 30  LH 0 þ H 30 , ð17Þ
H E ¼ qH~ 0 =qE 0 , H y ¼ ð1=0 ÞqH~ 0 =qY0 . Derivation of qj qj ql ql
Eq. (11) can get the partial differential equation relating
to the variables QE and Qy.
    H EI ¼ 0. (18)
q qQ q qQ
P0 H 30 E þ P0 H 30 E
qj qj ql ql
q qP 0 q qP0 QE can be obtained by iteratively solving Eqs. (15)–(18)
þ H 30 QE þ H 30 QE simultaneously.
qj qj ql ql
1 qðP0 H 0 Þ In the same way, Eq. (11) concerning Qy could be
þ 3L HE expressed as
H 0 qj
3 qP0 q 1 qP0 @ 1 q qQ q qQ
þ 3H 0 P0 HE þ HE P0 H 30 y þ P0 H 30 y
qj qj H 0 ql @l H 0 qj qj ql ql
q     q qP 0 q qP0
¼L H 0 QE þ P0 H E þ i2LO H 0 QE þ P0 H E , ð13Þ þ H 30 Qy þ H 30 Qy
qj qj qj ql ql
1 qðP0 H 0 Þ
þ 3L Hy
H E ¼ cos ðj  y0 Þ. (14) H 0 qj
3 qP0 q 1 qP0 q 1
Because both of the QE and HE are complex, let þ 3H 0 P0 Hy þ Hy
qj qj H 0 ql ql H 0
QE ¼ QER þ iQEI , H E ¼ H ER þ iH EI , then the real part
and imaginary part equations of Eqs. (13) and (14) can be ¼L H 0 Qy þ P0 H y þ i2LO H 0 Qy þ P0 H y , ð19Þ
obtained. qj
The real part equations of Eqs. (13) and (14) have the
form of ellipse partial differential equation as follows H y ¼ sin ðj  y0 Þ. (20)
q qQ q qQ Let Qy ¼ QyR þ iQyI , H y ¼ H yR þ iH yI , the real part
 P0 H 30 ER þ P0 H 30 ER
qj qj ql ql and imaginary part equations of Eqs. (19) and (20) could
Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410 1403

" # " #
be written as Dyx Dy
    ¼ AT . ð26Þ
q qQ q qQ Dyy Dyy
P0 H 30 yR þ P0 H 30 yR
qj qj ql ql
    The coefficients Kij, Dij (i, j ¼ x, y) are the dynamic
q qP0 q qP0 stiffness and damping coefficients of the pad only with the
þ H 30 QyR þ H 30 QyR
qj qj ql ql small perturbation of the journal. Then the dynamic
1 qðP0 H 0 Þ coefficients of total tilting-pad bearing in the same
þ 3L H yR
H 0 qj condition can be obtained:
3 qP0 q 1 qP0 q 1 X
3 X
þ 3H 0 P0 H yR þ H yR
qj qj H 0 ql ql H 0 K #ij ¼ K ðmÞ
ij ; D#ij ¼ DðmÞ
ij ; i; j ¼ x; y, (27)
q     m¼1 m¼1
¼L H 0 QyR þ P0 H yR  2LO H 0 QyI þ P0 H yI , ð21Þ
qj where the superscript m present the mth pad of the tilting-
pad bearing, K #ij and D#ij are stiffness and damping
H yR ¼ cos ðj  y0 Þ, (22) coefficients of total tilting-pad bearing with small journal
perturbation, respectively.
q 3 qQyI q 3 qQyI
P0 H 0 þ P0 H 0
qj qj ql ql 3. The dynamic coefficients with the journal and the pads
q 3 qP0 q 3 qP0
þ H0 Q þ H0 Q
qj qj yI ql ql yI
For a tilting-pad bearing, its dynamic gas–film forces
1 qðP0 H 0 Þ
þ 3L H yI not only relate to the journal perturbation of X, Y, X_ , Y_ ,
H 0 qj but also to the pad perturbation of Dd and Dd. _ In the
qP0 q 1 qP0 q 1 Cartesian coordinate system, a single pad of the bearing is
þ 3H 30 P0 H yI þ H yI
qj qj H 0 ql ql H 0 discussed at first. After the dynamic coefficients Kij, Dij
q     (i, j ¼ x, y) of the pad with small journal perturbation are
¼L H 0 QyI þ P0 H yI þ 2LO H 0 QyR þ P0 H yR , ð23Þ obtained, it is assumed that the dimensionless perturbation
of the pad and the journal have the forms as X ¼ X 0 eiOT ,
H yI ¼ 0. (24) Y ¼ Y 0 eiOT and Dd ¼ d0 eiOT , and the perturbation fre-
quency of the pad is same as that of the journal. So the
Qy also can be obtained by iteratively solving Eqs. (21)– increment of the dynamic gas-film forces can be written as
(24) simultaneously. follows
After QE and Qy are obtained, in the coordinate system
shown in Fig. 1, the dynamic stiffness and damping DF x ¼ DF jx þ DF dx ,
coefficients of each pad of tilting-pad bearing could be DF y ¼ DF jy þ DF dy . ð28Þ
calculated according to the formulae below:
RR The Eq. (28) is expressed in the complex form as:
 QE cos j dj dl ¼ K y þ iODy ;
A ðDF x ; DF y ; DF jx ; DF jy ; DF dx ; DF dy Þ
QE sin j dj dl ¼ K x þ iODx ¼ ðF x0 ; F y0 ; F jx ; F jy ; F dx ; F dy ÞeiOT , ð29Þ
A 0 0 0 0
RR (25)
 Qy cos j dj dl ¼ K yy þ iODyy ; where DF jx , DF jy are the gas–film forces produced by the
RR journal perturbation, DF dx , DF dy are the gas–film forces
Qy sin j dj dl ¼ K xy þ iODxy ; produced by the pad perturbation. So the magnitude of
DF jx , DF jy can be expressed as
The coefficients defined in Eq. (25) could be easily F jx ¼ K xx X 0 þ K xy Y 0 þ iODxx X 0 þ iODxy Y 0
transformed to the Cartesian coordinate system by using a 0

transfer matrix AT: ¼ G xx X 0 þ G xy Y 0 ,

" # " #" # " # F jy ¼ K yx X 0 þ K yy Y 0 þ iODyx X 0 þ iODyy Y 0
K xx  sin y0  cos y0 K x K x 0
¼ ¼ AT , ¼ G yx X 0 þ Gyy Y 0 . ð30Þ
K xy cos y0  sin y0 K xy K xy
" # " # Its matrix form is
K yx K y
¼ AT , 2 3 " #" #
K yy K yy F jx G xx G xy X0
" # " # 4 j 5¼ , (31)
Dxx Dx Fy Gyx G yy Y0
¼ AT ,
Dxy Dxy where G ij ¼ K ij þ iODij , i, j ¼ x, y.
1404 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

Fig. 2. Parallel move of the pad center.

To calculate the dynamic gas–film forces produced Fig. 3. Rotary move of the pad to its center.
by the pad perturbation, it is assumed that the re-
lative position of the journal center is fixed in the In the coordinate system x00 O0 y00 , the dynamic gas–film
coordinate system and the perturbation of the pad forces can be written as
to its pivot is composed of the following two move- 2 3 2 0 3 " #" b #
ments [1]: F bx00 Fx
0 Gxx G xy X 0 iOT
4 b 5¼4 5þ e , (35)
F y00 Fy0 G yx G yy Y b0
(a) The pad A0B0 along with the coordinate system xoy
move to the new position x0 o0 y0 , the new position of the where
pad and the journal center are A1B1 and O0j , respec- " b# " #
X0 0 cos y0
tively, as shown in Fig. 2. ¼ d0 . (36)
Y b0 0 sin y0
The increment of the gas-film forces can be expressed as In Eq. (35), F 0x , F 0y are gas–film forces of the pad in its
0 0
follows: steady-state equilibrium position. Because eccentricity e is
2 a 3 " #" a # " #" # very far smaller than the journal radius R, a and b are very
Fx Gxx G xy X0 G xx G xy b bigger than eccentricity ratio e0, comparing with X a0 and
4 5¼ ¼ d0
F ay Gyx G yy Y a0 G yx G yy Y a0 , X b0 and Y b0 are very small and can be neglected. The
0 a
Eq. (35) becomes
" # 2 3 2 0 3
bG xx þ aG xy
¼ d0 . ð32Þ F bx00 Fx
bG yx þ aG yy 4 b 5 ¼ 4 0 5. (37)
F y00 F 0y
The relative displacement of the journal center is
The projections of gas–film forces F bx00 and F by00 in the
Rd0 cos ðp  bÞ d0 coordinate system x0 o0 y0 can be written as
X a0 ¼  ¼  cos ðp  bÞ ¼ bd0 , 2 3
C c F bx0 " #2 0 3 " #2 0 3
cos d0  sin d0 Fx 1 d0 Fx
Rd0 sin ðp  bÞ d0 6 07 4 0
5 4 0 5.
Y a0 ¼ ¼ sin ðp  bÞ ¼ ad0 , ð33Þ 4 b 5¼ 0
C c F y0 sin d0 cos d0 Fy d0 1 F 0y
0 0 0

1 1
b ¼ cos ðp  bÞ ¼  cos b, Then the increment of gas–film forces produced by
c c
movement (b) in the absolute coordinate system x0 o0 y0 can
1 1
a ¼ sin ðp  bÞ ¼ sin b. ð34Þ be expressed as follows:
c c
2 b 3 2 b 3 2 0 3 2 3
Fx F x0 Fx F 0y
4 05¼6 07 0
4 b 5  4 0 5 ¼ 4 0 5 d0 .
(b) The pad rotates an angle d0 around its arc center O0 F by F y0 Fy Fx
0 0 0
from A1B1 to new position A2B2 as shown in Fig. 3. 0
Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410 1405

Therefore, when the journal and the pad are disturbed Substitution of Eq. (45) into Eq. (46), K 0ij , D0ij , i, j ¼ x, y,
with the same dimensionless frequency O, the total gas–film can be obtained as follows:
forces of the journal and the pad can be written as follows:
a2 ðG xx G yy  G xy G yx Þ
" # 2 Fj þ Fa þ Fb 3 K 0xx þ iOD0xx ¼ ,
F x0 x0 x0 x0 a2 Gyy þ b2 G xx  abðG xy þ G yx Þ
¼4 j 5
F y0 F y þ F ay þ F by abðG xx Gyy  G xy G yx Þ
0 0 0 K 0xy þ iOD0xy ¼ ,
" #" # " # 2 3 a Gyy þ b2 G xx  abðG xy þ G yx Þ
G xx G xy X0 bG xx þ aG xy F 0y
0 abðG xx Gyy  G xy G yx Þ
¼ þ d0 þ 4 0 5d0 . K 0yx þ iOD0yx ¼ ,
G yx G yy Y0 bG yx þ aG yy Fx
a2 Gyy þ b2 G xx  abðG xy þ G yx Þ

ð40Þ b2 ðG xx G yy  G xy G yx Þ
K 0yy þ iOD0yy ¼ . ð47Þ
a2 Gyy þ b2 G xx  abðG xy þ G yx Þ
Neglecting of the effect of movement (b) of the pad,
Eq. (40) becomes Let
" # " #" # " #
F x0 G xx G xy X0 bGxx þ aG xy a2 G yy þ b2 G xx  abðG xy þ G yx Þ ¼ A1 þ iOA2 ,
¼ þ d .
F y0 Gyx G yy Y0 bG yx þ aG yy 0
A1 ¼ a2 K yy þ b2 K xx  abðK xy þ K yx Þ,
(41) A2 ¼ a2 Dyy þ b2 Dxx  abðDxy þ Dyx Þ,
According to the moment balance condition of the pad, D ¼ A21 þ O2 A22 ,
in the absolute coordinate system x0 o0 y0 , the moment
equation of the pad can be described as U ¼ ðK xx K yy  K xy K yx Þ  O2 ðDxx Dyy  Dxy Dyx Þ,
V ¼ K xx Dyy þ K yy Dxx  K xy Dyx  K yx Dxy , ð48Þ
bF x0  aF y0 ¼ JO2 d0 , (42)
The equivalent dimensionless stiffness and damping
where J is the dimensionless moment of inertia of the coefficients of the pad can be obtained as:
In the ideal state, neglecting of the moment of inertia of a2 ðUA1 þ O2 VA2 Þ
the pad, Eq. (42) becomes K 0xx ¼ ,
bF x0  aF y0 ¼ 0. (43) abðUA1 þ O2 VA2 Þ
K 0xy ¼ K 0yx ¼ ,
Substituting Eq. (41) into Eq. (43), the perturbation
angle of the pad d0 can be obtained as follows: b2 ðUA1 þ O2 VA2 Þ
K 0yy ¼ ,
bGxx  aG yx X 0 þ bG xy  aG yy Y 0
d0 ¼   . (44)
a2 G yy þ b2 G xx  ab G xy þ G yx a2 ðVA1  UA2 Þ
D0xx ¼ ,
So it can be get from Eq. (44) D
abðVA1  UA2 Þ
qd0 bG xx  aGyx D0xy ¼ D0yx ¼ ,
¼  , D
qX 0 a G yy þ b2 Gxx  ab G xy þ Gyx
b2 ðVA1  UA2 Þ
D0yy ¼ . ð49Þ
qd0 bGxy  aGyy D
¼  . ð45Þ
qY 0 a2 G yy þ b2 Gxx  ab G xy þ Gyx Then the dimensionless dynamic equivalent stiffness and
The derivations of both sides of Eq. (41) about X0 and damping coefficients of total tilting-pad bearing with the
Y0 can be obtained as follows: geometry as Fig. 1 can be expressed as

qF x0   qd0 X
¼ K 0xx þ iOD0xx ¼ Gxx þ aG xy  bG xx , K ij ¼ K 0ij
qX 0 qX 0
qF x0   qd0
¼ K 0xy þ iOD0xy ¼ G xy þ aGxy  bGxx , X
qY 0 qY 0 Dij ¼ D0ij ; ði; jÞ ¼ ðx; yÞ. ð50Þ
qF y0   qd0 m¼1
¼ K 0yx þ iOD0yx ¼ G yx þ aGyy  bG yx ,
qX 0 qX 0 The dimension dynamic equivalent stiffness and damp-
qF y0   qd0 ing coefficients of total tilting-pad bearing can be obtained
¼ K 0yy þ iOD0yy ¼ G yy þ aG yy  bG yx , ð46Þ
qY 0 qY 0 as follows:
where K 0ij , D0ij , i, j ¼ x, y, are defined as the equivalent X3
pa R2 0 ðmÞ
dimensionless stiffness and damping coefficients of the pad kij ¼ K ij ,
in the absolute coordinate system. m¼1
1406 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of tilting-pad journal bearing configuration

with 3-pads.

pa R2 0 ðmÞ
d ij ¼ D ; ði; jÞ ¼ ðx; yÞ. ð51Þ
co ij

4. Numerical results and discussions

The dynamic characteristics of a typical three-pad gas-

lubricated tilting-pad journal bearing are calculated based
on the above theory.
The schematic diagram of tilting-pad journal bearing
configuration with three pads is shown in Fig. 4. The
parameters of the bearing are as follows: Fig. 5. The changes of dimensionless equivalent stiffness coefficients K ij
(a) and damping coefficients Dij (b) with eccentricity ratio e0 at O ¼ 0.25,
a ¼ 94.51, L ¼ 3.5, Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. (a) Stiffness coefficients K ij . (b) Damping coeffi-
cients Dij .
f/a ¼ 2/3,
g ¼ 501
c ¼ 0.75%.
From Figs. 5 and 6, it can be found that:
In this paper, all results are obtained based on the
assumption that the rotating journal and the pads are (1) With the increase of eccentricity ratio e0, the direct
disturbed with the same frequency and all pads of the bearing terms of stiffness coefficients K xx , K yy and damping
have the same preload coefficients. The effects of bearing coefficients Dxx , Dyy increase, and the absolute values
parameters such as eccentricity ratios, bearing number, etc. on of cross-coupling terms K xy , K yx , Dxy , Dyx also
the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients are studied. increase. The direct terms of the stiffness and damping
coefficients are bigger than the absolute values of the
4.1. The effects of eccentricity ratios and preload on the cross-coupling terms.
dynamic coefficients (2) The trend of the changes of the direct terms of stiffness
and damping coefficients with eccentricity ratio are
Fig. 5 shows the changes of the equivalent dynamic different. When the eccentricity ratio e0 is smaller than
stiffness coefficients K ij and damping coefficients Dij with 0.4, K yy is bigger than K xx . But when e0 is bigger than
eccentricity ratio e0 at O ¼ 0.25, L ¼ 3.5 and Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. 0.4, K yy is smaller than K xx . Similarly, when e0 is
The variations of the equivalent dynamic stiffness and dam- smaller than 0.2, Dyy is bigger than Dxx . On the
ping coefficients with Cp/Cb and e0 are illustrated in Fig. 6. contrary, Dyy is smaller than Dxx . This is different from
Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410 1407

Fig. 6. The changes of dimensionless equivalent stiffness coefficients and damping coefficients with Cp/Cb and e0 at O ¼ 0.25, L ¼ 3.5. (a) K xx .
(b) K xy ¼ K yx . (c) K yy . (d) Dxx . (e) Dxy ¼ Dyx . (f) Dyy .

other geometrical bearings such as foil bearing in which the vibration than those in the direction perpendicular
the direct terms of dynamic coefficients in the static to the load line [12]. But for tilting-pad bearings, the
load direction have more dominant effect on reducing direct terms of dynamic coefficients in the vertical
1408 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

direction (y) are not always bigger than those in the It can be seen from the figures that the direct terms and
horizontal direction (x) although the static load is the absolute values of the cross-coupling terms of stiffness
applied in the vertical direction. This is accordant with and damping coefficients increase with the increase in the
the results presented by Parsell et al. [2]. bearing number. And in the case of eccentricity ratio equal
(3) The bigger the preload of the bearing, the larger are the to 0.6, the direct term of the stiffness coefficient K xx in the
absolute values of the dynamic stiffness and damping horizontal direction (x) is bigger than that in the vertical
coefficients. The preload coefficient is an important direction (y) K yy . It is similar to the damping coefficients.
factor that affects the characteristics of tilting-pad This is agreement with the results in Figs. 5 and 6.
bearing. In the practical application, the static and
dynamic performances of tilting-pad bearing could be 4.3. The effects of perturbation frequency on the dynamic
improved by changing the preload of the bearing. coefficients

4.2. The effects of bearing number on the dynamic The variations of the equivalent dynamic stiffness
coefficients coefficients K ij and damping coefficients Dij with perturba-
tion frequency O at L ¼ 3.5, e0 ¼ 0.6 and Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0 are
The effect of bearing number L on the equivalent shown in Fig. 8.
dynamic stiffness coefficients and damping coefficients is The results indicate that the perturbation frequency of
seen in Fig. 7 for O ¼ 0.25, e0 ¼ 0.6 and Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. the journal and the pads has a very important effect on the

Fig. 7. The changes of dimensionless equivalent stiffness coefficients K ij Fig. 8. The changes of dimensionless equivalent stiffness coefficients K ij
(a) and damping coefficients Dij (b) with bearing number L at O ¼ 0.25, (a) and damping coefficients Dij (b) with perturbation frequency O at
e0 ¼ 0.6, Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. (a) Stiffness coefficients K ij . (b) Damping coeffi- L ¼ 3.5, e0 ¼ 0.6, Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. (a) Stiffness coefficients K ij . (b) Damping
cients Dij . coefficients Dij .
Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410 1409

dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of tilting-pad

gas bearings. This has been confirmed by Parsell et al. [2],
Allaire et al. [3] and Ha et al. [4] for the oil-film tilting-pad
bearings. When the dimensionless perturbation frequency
is lower than 1.5, an increase of the perturbation frequency
increases the direct terms of dynamic stiffness coefficients
K xx ,K yy and the absolute values of the cross-coupling
terms of stiffness coefficients K xy , K yx . But with the growth
of perturbation frequency, the direct terms of dynamic
damping coefficients Dxx and Dyy decline, and the absolute
values of the cross-coupling terms of damping coefficients
Dxy and Dyx also decrease. When the perturbation
frequency O is close to or more than 1.5, the dynamic stif-
fness coefficients approach to the constant, and the dyna-
mic damping coefficients to zero. Therefore, for the cases
with the higher dimensionless perturbation frequency, the
effect of the perturbation frequency on dynamic coeffi-
cients of tilting-pad gas bearing is quite small.

4.4. The effect of length-to-diameter ratio on the dynamic


Fig. 9 represents the changes of the equivalent dynamic

stiffness coefficients and damping coefficients with length-
to-diameter ratio of the bearing at O ¼ 0.25, L ¼ 3.5,
e0 ¼ 0.6 and Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0.
When the length-to-diameter ratio increases, the bearing
is wider and has a larger surface area to take up the load.
At the same eccentricity ratio, the load capacity is
increased. However, for dynamic performance, the abso-
lute values of dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients
increase slightly with the increase in length-to-diameter
ratio. The effect of length-to-diameter ratio is not very
From all results presented above, it can be seen that the
Fig. 9. The changes of dimensionless equivalent stiffness coefficients K ij
cross-coupling coefficients cannot be negligible when
(a) and damping coefficients Dij (b) with length-to-diameter ratio L/D at
compared with the direct coefficients. This is different O ¼ 0.25, L ¼ 3.5, e0 ¼ 0.6, Cp/Cb ¼ 1.0. (a) Stiffness coefficients K ij .
from the results provided by Parsell et al. [2], Allaire et al. (b) Damping coefficients Dij .
[3], Abdul-Wahed et al. [13] because the pads are not
symmetric about the load line and the pivots are not perturbation frequency of the journal and the pads,
symmetric with respect to both x and y axis in present bearing number and the static parameters of the bearing
study model. (eccentricity ratios, preload, length-to-diameter ratio
and so on).
5. Conclusions 3. The numerical results obtained by means of the partial
derivative method and the equivalent coefficient method
The following conclusions can be drawn from the above indicate that the bearing parameters have important
theoretical analysis and numerical results: influence on the dynamic performances of tilting-pad
bearing. This provides necessary references for the
1. A theoretical analysis method for predicting the dynamic analysis and performance prediction of the
dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of the rotor systems supported by tilting-pad gas bearings in a
tilting-pad gas bearings are presented. At the same linear range.
time, the compressible gas-lubricated Reynolds equation
is introduced. These are very effective for calculating the
dynamic characteristics of gas bearings. Acknowledgments
2. It can be found from the theoretical model that the
dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients of self-acting This work is supported by the National Natural Science
tilting-pad gas bearings are the functions of the Foundation of China (Grant nos. 50275116 and 50475088),
1410 Y. Lihua et al. / Tribology International 40 (2007) 1399–1410

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