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Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210

International Conference on Recent Advancement in Air conditioning and Refrigeration, RAAR

2016, 10-12 November 2016, Bhubaneswar, India

Energy and Exergy Investigation of Small Capacity Single Effect

Lithium Bromide Absorption Refrigeration System
Bhaumik Modia*, Anurag Mudgala, Bhavesh Patela
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007, India


In the present study, the energy and exergy investigation of absorption refrigeration system (ARS) in LiBr - H2 O
solution is modelled and analysed for each component. An optimization criterion applied to the generator temperature
in order to enhance energy and rational efficiency and also, most exergy destruction components are identified. The
results propose that generator and absorber are the essential components according to the design aspect. Likewise, it
is highlighted that COP and rational efficiency are fluctuated regarding the component temperature of ARS. It is also
found that the COP of heating increased with increment in generator temperature while the circulation ratio showed
the inverse pattern.
© 2017
© 2016TheTheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Ltd. This
Peer-review by the scientific conference committee of RAAR-2016.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of RAAR 2016.
Keywords: ARS; LiBr-H2 O; Exergy; Rational efficiency; EES

1. Introduction

In the last decades, an impressive number of studies have been carried out by many researchers to explore different
aspects of absorption refrigeration system (ARS) [1]. ARS is becoming more important because it can be fuelled by
renewable energy (like waste heat rejected by industry, solar, geothermal, bio-mass, etc.) other than electricity [2]. In
addition, the solar and geothermal are environment friendly energy sources and water is utilized as a refrigerant which
does not bring ozone depletion. Therefore, the COP of the framework is concerned, it is always a challenge for the
researcher to improve the COP value for ARS. The most renewable mainstream refrigeration and air conditioning
systems are present those based on ARS. These systems are prevalent because they are reliable, relatively inexpensive

Corresponding author. Tel.: +918401470507; fax: +917923275030.
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1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of RAAR 2016.
204 Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210

‫ܱܲܥ‬ coefficient of performance ݄ specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
‫ܴܵܣ‬ absorption refrigeration system ‫ܫ‬ሶ exergy destruction/ irreversibility (kW)
ܵ‫ܺܪ‬ solution heat exchanger ݁ specific exergy (kJ/kg)
ܴܸܲ pressure reducing valve  ™‘”ሺሻ
‫ܵܧܧ‬ engineering equation solver ܳ heat transfer rate (kW)
ܴܶ ton of refrigerant (kW) ݉ሶ mass flow rate (kg/sec)
ߟ first law efficiency ‫ܥ‬௣ specific heat (kJ/kg˚C)
ߟூூ second law efficiency/ rational efficiency ܲ pressure (kPa)
ߦ mass fraction (%) ܶ temperature (˚C)

݁‫ܽݒ‬ evaporator ͳǡʹǡ͵ ǥ represent state points
݃݁݊ generator ‫ݎ‬ refrigerant (Water)
ܾܽ‫ݏ‬ absorber ‫ݏ‬ strong solution
݁‫ݒݔ‬ expansion valve ‫ݓ‬ weak solution
ܿ‫݀݊݋‬ condenser ‫݌‬ pump

and their technology is well established [3–5].

In comparison to LiBr-H2 O, NH3 -H2 O is unstable, a rectifier generally required to separate water vapour fro m
ammonia, which increases the heat loss and reduces the efficiency. The major disadvantage of NH3 -H2 O as an aqueous
solution is its toxicity, high working pressure and corrosive reaction over copper/copper alloys, limiting its utilizatio n
to material like carbon steel [6]. In contrast, LiBr-H2 O cost of refrigerant (water) is quiet substantial and inexpensive.
In addition, boiling point temperature difference for LiBr and H2 O is higher so no need of rectifier and analyser, and
pump work is less due to the lower pressure difference between generator and absorber [7].
Numerous analyses have been examined for exergy investigation of ARS [8–10]. The method of rational efficiency
(exergetic efficiency) analysis is more complicated than energy efficiency analysis [11]. It is a novel methodology
permitted us to compare different energy system’s performance. Moreover, both the methods are utilized. Energy
analysis provides an initial investigation and exergy analysis should be used as a more detailed examination of ARS
In the present work, a mathematical model of ARS has been developed and analysed at various operating
parameters. The exergy losses for all components are obtained from a mathematical model as portrayed in model
governing equation. The COP and rational efficiency are evaluated for each component of ARS.

2. Description of VAR cycle

As it can be seen from Fig. 1 that ARS system consists of mainly four components like generator, absorber,
condenser and evaporator. The aqueous solution (LiBr-H2 O) in the generator is heated by any renewable source (solar,
geothermal, biomass, etc.) or industrial waste heat. Due to higher boiling temperature differences in aqueous solution,
only water vaporized and it then enters the condenser. Where it is cooled by the external cooling source, and it converts
from vapour phase to liquid phase, then it passes through the expansion valve where pressure and temperature get
reduced. The liquid-vapour mixture of water is passed through the evaporator where heat transfer from the cold
chamber causes complete vaporization of water refrigerant. The water vapour generated in the evaporator the n enters
the absorber where it is absorbed in the strong solution of LiBr coming from the generator after being cooled in the
heat exchanger.

3. Model governing equations

The energy and exergy equations are based upon first and second laws of thermodynamic, respectively. The second
law equation is recognized destruction losses at specific component due to entropy generation.
Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210 205

Qg Condenser

Tgen 12 4

9 8

Expansion valve
10 7


Cooling tower
11 6 Evaporator 14

2 Absorber 1

Fig.1. Schematic diagram of absorption refrigeration system (ARS)

3.1 Assumption
x The examination of ARS is made under steady state condition.
x The refrigerant phase at condenser and evaporator outlet is saturated liquid and vapour accordingly.
x The weak solution is considered at absorber outlet and it remains at absorber temperature.
x A strong solution is considered at generator outlet and it remains at generator temperature.
x Pressure losses are negligible in all components including pipes.
x Hydrostatic pressure and heat loss es from the generator are negligible.
x The dead state of the environment is taken at 25˚C and 1 atmospheric pressure.

Refrigeration cycles are usually characterized by a co-efficient of performance. The overall COP for heating and
cooling of the system are obtained by the following equation :

‫ ܱܲܥ‬ൌ  (1)
ொ೒೐೙ ାௐ೛

ொೌ್ೞ ାொ೎೚೙೏
‫ܱܲܥ‬௛௘௔௧௜௡௚ ൌ (2)

The circulation ratio of the absorption refrigeration system is calculated using:

కೝ ିకೞ
‫ ݋݅ݐܽݎ݊݋݅ݐ݈ܽݑܿݎ݅ܥ‬ൌ (3)
206 Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210

Rational efficiency represents the exergy destruction associated with the absorption re frigeration system. Thus,
rational efficiency is calculated using[13]:

ொ೐ೡೌቀ బ ିଵቁ
ߟூூ ൌ ೅బ (4)
ொ೒೐೙൬ଵି ൰ାௐ೛

Energy and exergy equations for each component of ARS are exhibited in Table 1. The state points specified in
equations are related to Fig. 1.
T able 1. Energy and exergy equation for ARS.
Component Energy equation Exergy equation
Generator ܳ௚௘௡ ൌ ݉ሶଵଶ ݄ଵଶ ൅ ݉ሶ ଽ ݄ଽ െ ݉ሶ଼଼݄ ܶ଴
ሶ ൌ ݉ሶ ଼଼݁ െ ݉ሶଽ݁ଽ െ ݉ሶ ଵଶ ݁ଵଶ ൅ ܳ௚௘௡ ൤ͳ െ
‫ܫ‬௚௘௡ ൨

݉ሶ ଽ݁ଽ ൅ ݉ሶ ଵଶ݁ଵଶ െ ݉ሶ ଼଼݁

ߟூூǡ௚௘௡ ൌ ൦ ܶ ൪ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
ܳ௚௘௡ ቂͳ െ ଴ቃ
Absorber ܳ௔௕௦ ൌ ݉ሶହ݄ହ ൅ ݉ሶଵଵ݄ଵଵ െ ݉ሶ଺݄଺ ሶ ൌ ݉ሶ ଵ ݁ଵ ൅ ݉ሶହ ݁ହ ൅ ݉ሶ ଵଵ ݁ଵଵ െ ݉ሶଶ ݁ଶ െ ݉ሶ଺ ݁଺
ൌ ݉ሶଶ ‫ܥ‬௣ଵ ሺ ܶଶ െ ܶଵሻ ݉ሶ ଶ݁ଶ െ ݉ሶ ଵ݁ଵ
ߟூூǡ௔௕௦ ൌ ൤ ൨ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
݉ሶ ଵଵ ݁ଵଵ ൅ ݉ሶ ହ ݁ହ െ ݉ሶ଺ ݁଺
Condenser ܳ௖௢௡ௗ ൌ ݉ሶ௥ ሺ ݄ଵଶ െ ݄ଵଷ ሻ ሶ
‫ܫ‬௖௢௡ௗ ൌ ݉ሶଵଶ݁ଵଶ ൅ ݉ሶଷ݁ଷ െ ݉ሶ ସ݁ସ െ ݉ሶଵଷ݁ଵଷ
ൌ ݉ሶ ଷ‫ܥ‬௣ଷ ሺ ܶସ െ ܶଷሻ ݉ሶ ସ݁ସ െ ݉ሶଷ݁ଷ
ߟூூǡ௖௢௡ௗ ൌ ൤ ൨ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
݉ሶଵଶ݁ଵଶ െ ݉ሶଵଷ݁ଵଷ
Evaporator ܳ௘௩௔ ൌ ݉ሶ ଵହሺ ݄ଵହ െ ݄ଵ଺ ሻ ሶ ൌ ݉ሶଵହ ݁ଵହ ൅ ݉ሶଵସ ݁ଵସ െ ݉ሶ ହ ݁ହ െ ݉ሶଵ଺ ݁ଵ଺
ൌ ݉ሶ௥ ሺ ݄ହ െ ݄ଵସ ሻ ݉ሶଵ଺ ݁ଵ଺ െ ݉ሶଵହ ݁ଵହ
ߟூூǡ௘௩௔ ൌ ൤ ൨ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
݉ሶଵସ ݁ଵସ െ ݉ሶହ ݁ହ
SHX ܳଽି ଵ଴ ൌ ݉ሶ ௦ ሺ ݄ଽ െ ݄ଵ଴ ሻ ሶ ൌ ݉ሶଽ ݁ଽ ൅ ݉ሶ଻ ݁଻ െ ݉ሶ଼ ଼݁ െ ݉ሶଵ଴ ݁ଵ଴
ൌ ݉ሶ௪ ሺ ଼݄ െ ݄଻ ሻ ݉ሶ ଼ ଼݁ െ ݉ሶ଻ ݁଻
ߟூூǡௌு௑ ൌ ൤ ൨ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
݉ሶ ଽ݁ଽ െ ݉ሶଵ଴ ݁ଵ଴
PRV ݄ଵଵ ൌ ݄ଵ଴ ሶ ൌ ݉ሶ ଵ଴ ݁ଵ଴ െ ݉ሶ ଵଵ ݁ଵଵ

ߟூூǡ௉ோ௏ ൌ ͳ െ ቆ ቇ
݉ሶଵ଴ ݁ଵ଴ െ ݉ሶଵଵ ݁ଵଵ
Pump ܹ௣ ൌ ݉ሶ ௪ ሺ ݄଻ െ ݄଺ ሻ ‫ܫ‬௣ሶ ൌ ݉ሶ଺ ݁଺ ൅ ܹ௣ െ ݉ሶ଻ ݁଻
݉ሶ ଺ሺ ܲ଻ െ ܲ଺ ሻ ݉ሶ଻ ݁଻ െ ݉ሶ଺ ݁଺
ܹ௣ ൌ ߟூூǡ௣ ൌ ቈ ቉ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬
ߟ௣௨௠௣ ߩ௅௜஻௥ ܹ௣

Expansion valve ݄ଵସ ൌ ݄ଵଷ ሶ ൌ ݉ሶ ଵଷ ݁ଵଷ െ ݉ሶ ଵସ ݁ଵସ


ߟூூǡ௘௫௩ ൌ ͳ െ ቆ ቇ
݉ሶଵଷ ݁ଵଷ െ ݉ሶଵସ ݁ଵସ

4. Model Validation

T able 2. Validation of present study with Kaushik & Arora[14].

Kaushik & Arora[14] Present work Percentage error
Q[kW] Q [kW] (%)
Parameters: T gen = 87.8˚C, T eva = 7.2˚C, T cond = T abs = 37.8˚C,
Effectiveness of solution heat exchanger = 0.7
Mass flow rate of refrigerant: 1kg/sec
Generator 3095 3093 0.0646
Absorber 2945 2943 0.0679
Condenser 2505 2506 -0.0399
Evaporator 2355 2355 0
SHX 518 522.6 -0.888
PRV 0 0 0
pump 0.0314 0.0317 -0.9554
Energy input 5451 5448 0.0550
COP (dimensionless) 0.7609 0.7615 -0.0788
Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210 207

The equation solver EES was used to calculate the energy and exergy of the LiBr absorption refrigeration system.
So as to accept the present model, the output results of energy calculation have been compared with Kaushik & Arora
Model[14] under the same conditions and its details show good agreement with present results as exhibited in Table
2. It demonstrates that distinction in all the values of various components are under f 1%.

5. Result and Discussion

0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8

0.75 0.75


0.7 0.7
Tabs = 30 oC Tcond = 30 oC
Tabs = 35 C Tcond = 35 oC
0.65 0.65
Tabs = 40 oC Tcond = 40 oC
Tabs = 45 C Tcond = 45 oC
0.6 0.6
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 75 80 85 90 95 100 105
Tgen [°C] Tgen [°C]
Fig. 2. Effect of generator temperature on COP and absorber Fig. 3. Effect of generator temperature on COP and
temperature condenser temperature
(T eva = 10˚C, Tcond = 40˚C, Qeva = 1 T R) (T eva =10˚C, T abs = 40˚C, T gen = 87˚ C, Qeva = 1 T R)

Fig. 2 and 3 represent the change in generator temperature with respect to various abs orber and condenser
temperature. The COP of ARS varies between 0.6 to 0.78 and the maximu m value is obtained at lower absorber and
condenser temperature. The tendency of the graph indicates that the increase in generator temperature up to 87°C
increases the COP of present system, and a further increase in the temperature, the COP stays consistent and somewhat
decreasing with increase in generator temperature.
0.85 0.82 28

Rational efficiency (%)

Irreversiblity total [kW]

Rational efficiency (%)

40 24

II 0.75 COP 22
30 II
20 0.74

10 0.65 0.72
15 20 25 30 35 40 8 10 12 14 16
Ambient temperature[°C] Tev a [°C]
Fig. 4. Effect of ambient temperature on rational efficiency and Fig. 5. Effect of evaporator temperature on COP and rational
total irreversibility efficiency
(T eva =10˚C, Tcond = T abs = 40˚C, Tgen = 87˚ C, Qeva = 1 T R) (T cond = T abs = 40˚C, Tgen = 87˚ C, Qeva = 1 T R)
208 Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210

It is observed that, the variation of ambient temperature plays a significant role in the variation of rational
efficiency as appeared in Fig. 4. This trend is principally due to the proportionality of rational efficiency with ambient
temperature. It is seen that increment in ambient temperature (20˚C to 35˚C) leads to an increment in rational efficiency
(17% to 50%). The reason behind this increment is a reduction in the total irreversibility and also temperature
difference with ambient at the corresponding component.
Fig. 5 represents the effect of evaporator temperature on COP and rational efficiency, it is seen that the COP of
the system increases and the rational efficiency of the system gets reduced for the considered evaporator temperature
range in that, cooling water temperature at evaporator outlet point is also increased. Kaushik & Arora[14] observed
the same behaviour of the rational efficiency with res pect to evaporator temperature. Moreover, evaporator
temperature varies between 8˚C to 15˚C whereas COP changes 16% and rational efficiency decreases from 26 % to
17 % for this temperature range.
1.8 80 0.8 30

1.75 0.7
1.7 0.6

Circulation ratio

Rational efficiency
1.65 COPheating 0.5

1.6 Circulation ratio 0.4

1.55 0.3
1.5 0.2 COP
1.45 0 0.1 5
75 80 85 90 95 100 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110
Tgen [°C] Tgen [°C]
Fig. 6. Effect of generator temperature on COP heating and Fig. 7. Effect of generator temperature on COP and rational
circulation ratio efficiency
(T eva =10˚C, Tcond = T abs = 40˚C, Qeva = 1 T R) (T eva =10˚C, Tcond = T abs = 40˚C, Qeva = 1 T R)

The increase in the generator temperature, the molarity of strong solution increases whereas molarity of weak
solution decreases, which reduce the heat duty of the generator. Hence, the circulation ratio drastically decreases and
further expands the temperature its stay level as illustrated in Fig. 6. The solution circulation ratio is another critical
component of this type trends of COP. Thus, Irreversibility at a higher temperature also increases and by this effect
COPheating remain consistent.
SHX Expansion
Ev aporator 16%
6% v alv e 100
Second law ef f iciency (%)

0% 60
0% 40


Absorber 0
28% Gen erator Absorb er Evapor ato r Conde nse r SHX

Fig. 8. Exergy destruction Fig. 9. Variation of second law efficiency in each component
(T eva =10˚C, T cond = T abs = 40˚C, T gen = 87˚ C, Qeva = 1 T R) (T eva =10˚C, T cond = T abs = 40˚C, T gen = 87˚ C, Qeva = 1 T R)

Fig. 7 illustrates the variation of COP and rational efficiency at various generator temperature, an increase in
generator temperature, the value of COP increases and with a further increase, it remains almost constant. Hence, the
Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210 209

rational efficiency initially increases and after gradually it decreases due to increased irreversibility in the generator.
Finally, in the single effect of ARS, 87˚C is the optimum temperature for the generator as shown in Fig. 7.

100 10
Weak solution mass flow rate (LPH)
Strong solution mass flow rate (LPH)

80 101.1 8

60 6

Qe [kW]

40 4
20 2
38.67 Qe
17.85 28.26

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Refrigerant mass flow rate (LPH)
Fig. 10. Effect of refrigerant mass flow rate on strong and weak solution with respect to evaporator capacity
(T eva =10˚C, Tcond = T abs = 40˚C, Tgen = 87˚ C)

Fig. 8. represents the relative exergy destruction (Irreversibility) of every individual component of present ARS at
specified temperature values of generator, condenser, absorber and evaporator, i.e., 87 ˚C, 40˚C, 40˚C and 10˚C
respectively. It is seen that the maximu m destruction found in the generator and next largest exergy destruction
occurred in the absorber. The maximu m destruction (entropy generation) in generator and absorber arisen due to
mixing process with a higher temperature difference. Thus, these two components required more improvement as per
the design aspects. The second law efficiency (Rational efficiency) is a measure of the maximu m amount of the
theoretical efficiency (carnot) achieved by the component. From Fig. 9 it can be seen that the absorber and the
condenser have lower second law efficiency.

T able 3. Energy and exergy result of each component in ARS.

First law analysis Second law analysis
Work Entropy Exergy Rational
Component transfer
W COP generation destruction efficiency
Q -1
[kW] [kW-K ] [kW] (%)
Generator 4.617 ---- 0.001039 0.3098
Absorber 4.409 ---- 0.000737 0.2197
Condenser 3.708 ---- 0.0004182 0.1247
Evaporator 3.5 ---- 0.758 0.0002352 0.07031 24
SHX 0.9941 ---- 0.0001396 0.04163
PRV ---- ---- ---- ----
pump ---- 0.000075 0.0000001 0.0000723

Fig. 10 represents the effect of refrigerant mass flow rate of the strong and weak solution at specified case (at
optimized generator temperature). It is observed that straight diagonal line indicates the evaporator capacity in kW ,
which is related to three mass flow rates (refrigerant, strong solution & weak solution). The mass flow rate diagram
is very essential to obtain mass flow rate at different evaporator capacity in kW.
For specified case (at optimized generator temperature), the first and second law results are tabulated in Table 3.
210 Bhaumik Modi et al. / Energy Procedia 109 (2017) 203 – 210

6. Conclusion

A numerical program has been developed for energy and exergy calculation s of ARS. It is observed that COP and
rational efficiency increase with an increment in generator temperature (75˚C to 110˚C) and with a further increase
COP remain almost consistent however rational efficiency decreases. The ideal value for the generator is accomplished
at 87˚C relating to COP and rational efficiency at 0.74 and 25%. The rational efficiency of the system increases (17˚C
to 50˚C) to increment the ambient temperature (20˚C to 35˚C). It is found that COP increases (0.6 to 0.78) with
decreasing the absorber and condenser temperature (45˚C to 30˚C). In ARS system, maximu m destruction is found in
generator 40% and absorber 28% due to a mixing process at a higher temperature and therefore these two components
require more improvement as per the design aspects.


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