Post Observation Self Evaluation Form

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English Banana.

Teacher’s Post-Observation Self-Evaluation Form

Teacher’s Name: Date / Time of Lesson:

Course Title / Code: No. on Register: No. Present:

Venue: Observer’s Name / Job Title:

Group Summary:
(Short description of group: by nationality, age, gender, background, mood, etc.)

What went well during the lesson?

What could have gone better?

Were learning aims and objectives met?

(Give reasons for your answer.)

Comment on differentiation:
(How did you cater for the differing needs of the students in the class?)

English Banana Schools

Teacher’s Post-Observation Self-Evaluation Form

Comment on the resources that you used:

(What worked? What didn’t work? Explore reasons why.)

Comment on the assessment methods that you used:

(How effective were they? How suitable were they for this particular group?)

Teacher’s training request/s:

(How can we support you in the future with your teaching and continuing professional

Any others comments about your lesson, your class and how we can work together to
improve the overall learning experience for our students?

Teacher’s Signature: Date:

Manager’s Signature: Date:

English Banana Schools

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