Abm 180 Questionnaire

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Survey Questionnaire: Determining the level of adoption of waste management practices

among Micro, Small, and Medium Food Processing Enterprise (MSMEs) in selected
municipalities in Laguna.

1. Please complete this questionnaire.

2. No individual will be identified in the report of the study. Thank you very much for your

I. Profile of the Entrepreneur

1. Name of respondent:
2. Age:
3. Gender:
4. Civil Status:
5. Educational Attainment:
6. Monthly Income:

II. Enterprise Profile

1. Name of the enterprise:
2. Complete Address:
3. Major Product Lines:
4. Scope of Market
( ) Local
( ) International (To what countries do you import/export?)
5. Number of years of Operation:
6. Business Size:
( ) Small
( ) Medium
7. Number of employees:
8. Capitalization:
9. Form of Ownership:
( ) Single Proprietorship ( ) Corporation
( ) Partnership ( ) Cooperative
III. On the scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), indicate your level of
agreement with the following statements by encircling the number that you agree
the most.

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