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Motion control
Day 3
made easy
System compensation Compensation at work
Topics of discussion:
⻬ Stability Low damping
⻬ Damping KD = 50, KP = 20, KI = 0
⻬ Accuracy

ne thing engineers learn very quickly Now when the control loop is closed, two
O about position control systems is
that they are inherently unstable. Con-
operations are performed: The first creates
a corrective signal proportional to the error.
sider a typical closed-loop system, consist- Its dynamic effect is like that of the force of
ing of a motor, current amplifier, and po- gravity on the pendulum. The second op-
sition sensor. eration, based on the derivative, has an ef- With insufficient damping, a positioning
Suppose the motor starts at 10° and is fect analogous to viscous damping. Work- system is likely to overshoot its
required to stop at 0°. Since the motor is ing together, the two operations cause the intended destination (0 and 40) by a
out of position, the system generates a motor to move, like a damped pendu- significant amount.
current proportional to the error. The lum, to the desired position in a stable Improving stability
current, in turn, energizes the windings, manner. The proportional and
producing a torque that accelerates the derivative terms give this control technique KD = 300, KP = 20, KI = 0
shaft toward 0°. its name, PD compensation.
As the motor approaches zero, the posi- Stability is only half the problem,
tion error decreases as does acceleration. however. Consider a system with PD
Velocity, however, continues to increase compensation trying to stop at 0°. Sup-
— so by the time the motor reaches its in- pose the motor stops close to but not ex-
tended destination, it’s going too fast to actly at zero. The resulting torque pro-
stop and is likely to overshoot the position duced by the small position error may Adding more damping by increasing KD
by as much as 10°. This sets up the reverse not be sufficient to overcome friction improves stability, but it doesn’t do
process, causing the motor to go back and and move the motor the rest of the way. much to help the system stop in the
forth indefinitely. Obviously, some sort of The range of positions where the motor right spots (0 and 40).
compensation is needed to stabilize the may stop short of its destination is
system. called the deadband, and is a reflec- Improving accuracy
To better understand compensation, tion of system accuracy. KD = 300, KP = 20, KI = 30
consider the similarity between a position To correct such position errors, an in-
control system and a pendulum. Both be- tegrator may be added to the compensa-
have according to the same dynamic equa- tion algorithm. With an integrator, the
tions, evidenced by the same sort of sinu- drive signal continues to increase as long
soidal motion. as there is a position error. Thus, even a
In the case of the pendulum, if you want small error will eventually result in a cor-
to stop it from oscillating, you can sub- rective action. It may take 20 msec or so,
merge it in oil. Actually, any fluid with vis- but with PID compensation, positioning The addition of an integrator KI
cous damping properties – where resistance systems are guaranteed to be more accu- improves accuracy, but if the term is too
is proportional to velocity – will work. A rate than those without it. large, the system may overshoot or even
similar opposing force, if proportional to Circle 363 if you liked this article. become unstable.
rotor velocity, can be applied to a motor to
stabilize a positioning system. Dr. Jacob Tal is president and cofounder of Galil Motion Control Inc.,
Since motor position is known, a differ- Mountain View, Calif. He can be reached at (800) 377-6329 or
entiator is all that’s needed to find velocity.

38 ● PTdesign ● ● April 2000

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