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Catalon, Cedryk Jim M.


Entering a Calculus subject was never easy for me. When I first entered our

classroom for that subject I felt so nervous knowing I don’t have friends at that

time yet, and I don’t know if our teacher will going to be terror or neutral. After

several weeks, I found out Calculus very challenging yet exciting. In this subject I

also got to know my new circle friends. In my senior high days calculus was basic

but when I step up in college Calculus was never easy at all, just like our Professor

said “Diba nakangiti parin kayo kahit bagsak?” with that words I strived my best

more to study Calculus. I can’t claim that I’m doing better in our subject Calculus,

but what I observed in myself is that I’m learning every single step that others

doesn’t give attention in solving simple problems. I’ve learned to derive different

equations, graphing and platting, and a bit of sketching. I learned the simple ways

of Calculus.

In the mid semester, the challenge towards calculus is rising, just like every

day’s life challenges that are consistently growing that even though it’s hard there

is our Professor the keeps to remind and motivate us by saying “there is a lot of

ways to kill a chicken” that simply mean there’s a lot of ways to solve a problem.
A lot of us struggled from the equations and task that he gives us. Some got good

grades, but most of us doesn’t have a good result at all, but then he still look on

us in a positive way. I can’t say anything about our Professor expertise, that he

even able to produce a book which is our book in Calculus.

I’m glad that I had the opportunity to be one of his students. I have also

experienced the pressure that makes me grow and explore in different ways. I

hope that that in the future I will be able to apply all the lessons I learned from


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