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1. Signal and Image Processing

Signal processing is a broad engineering discipline that is concerned with extracting,

manipulating, and storing information embedded in complex signals and images.With today’s
ubiquitous MP3/JPEG/MPEG compression algorithms, signal processing has driven many of the
products and devices that have benefited society.[1] I’m thinking if it is possible for me to make
an 3D image scanner or a global positioning one. Possibility of making a 3D medical image
scanner and my own version of anything using a GPS.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Work in Artificial Intelligence involves foundational research in core areas of knowledge

representation, reasoning, learning, planning, decision-making, vision, robotics, speech and
language processing.[2] Some of the possible topic is the object recognition, a possible design that
can help every blind so they can still identify what object they are holding.

3. Agricultural Devices and Systems/ Agricultural Machinery

This is machinery that will be using in the field of Agriculture. Wherein, smart farming
are really popular nowadays, that will be needed a new or better Agricultural Devices. A device
that would be easily to use and operate.

4. Medical Devices and System

I’m very interested with the idea of collaboration of ECE’s and Medical courses. ECE
research on medical devices and systems is multidisciplinary, leveraging faculty member
expertise encompassing all areas of electrical and computer engineering.[3] Im very open of
developing a medical devices for diagnosis to the different illnesses, especially for cancer, heart
conditions and in line with neonatology.

5. Embedded Systems

Embedded systems are named as such because they’re part of a larger device, providing a
special function. [4] Embedded systems are usually based on microcontrollers, but used to be
mostly based on microprocessors.[5] An device that will have stand-alone system or any device
with a combination of hardware and software depending on the application.

6. Internet of Things (IoT)

This research area is very popular nowadays, that even in some of our PBL’s we used
this. The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and
the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction.[6]

Research in VLSI digital circuits includes microprocessor and mixed signal (microcontroller)
circuits, with emphasis on low-power and high-performance; computer-aided design, including
logic synthesis, physical design, and design verification; testing and design for testability;
advanced logic families and packaging; integrated circuit micro-architectures; and system
integration. [7]

8. IC Design

We became interested with IC designing, since we already encountered it from our

previous subject courses. Integrated Circuit Design focuses on smart IC design techniques to
create portable, fast and energy-efficient communication systems. ICs are at the heart of the rapid
developments in mobile telecommunications, multimedia, the internet and numerous other
applications. IC design is of major industrial importance, and this is even truer of analogue
circuit design.[8]

9. Network, Communication, and Information Systems

A research area in line with my major is the Network, Communication, and Information
Systems. In this case, communication still evolves day by day and I have an interest to have
further study with this one. For example, a LAN Design for a specific company or place, finding
the fundamental limits of performance possible in communication system or in a network
designs. Also, this involves an error control coding; the method by which errors made in
receiving information can be corrected [9], where I’m so curious about.

10. Assistive Technology

In a broad sense, AT is any device, software or equipment that helps people with
disabilities work around challenges so they can learn, communicate and simply function
better.[10] This idea I want to pursue not only to help those with disabilities but also to inspired
everyone to have a huge number of research about this.


[1] Signal & Image Processing and Machine Learning.[online] Available
machine-learning/ [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[2] Artificial Intelligence (AI).[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[3] Devices & Systems[online] Available at:

research/ece-research-areas/medical-devices-systems/ [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[4] Understanding of Embedded Systems[online] Availabe at: [Accessed 13 Feb.

[5] What is an embedded system?[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]
[6] internet of things (IoT)[online] Available at: [Accessed 13
Feb. 2019]

[7] Integrated Circuits and VLSI.[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[8] Integrated Circuit Design.[online] Available at:
engineering/specialization/integrated-circuit-design/ [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[9] Network, Communication, and Information Systems.[online]

Available at:
[Accessed 13 Feb. 2019]

[10] Assistive Technology for Kids With Learning and Attention Issues:
What You Need to Know. [online] Available at:
how-it-works/ [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019]

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