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Name : Meriana Sukmawati

NIM : P1337420316073

Class : 3 Reg B



Part 1 Reading

1. D. Many health professionals in particular circumstances.

2. A. Ambiguous.

3. B. Central.

4. A. Medical choices affecting when a patient dies are common.

5. C. Moral position of the doctor.

6. D. 1.8% of deaths in Holland were due to euthanasia.

7. C. Governments impose restrictive regulations on medical professionals.

8. C. Doctors want freedom to act according to each situation.

9. B. Fear a negative perception of their profession.

10. A. Have made some people unsure about supporting euthanasia laws.
Part 2
Put color yellow for the Topic Sentence and put color green for the supporting

1. Your sweaters are quite colorful. I like to be bright red one you wear to football
games. I also like the purple turtle neck sweater you wear every Friday. My
favorite is the red, white, and blue stripped one you wear on holidays. But the
wildest one has to be the fluorescent orange pullover with the pink and black
polka dots. I couldn’t believe that you wore it to church last Sunday.
2. Freddie is very shy. At party he sits in the corner by himself all night. When he
is in a crowd, you would never notice him. When you talk to him, he looks all
the ground and stammers out one-word replies. He never speaks in class, and
I’ve never seen him talk to a girl. He is a nice person, but few people ever get to
know him.
3. The sky is a clear blue. Sparrows chirp in the early mornings. The fruit trees in
the backyard are beginning to bloom. The hills are turning green, and purple and
yellow wildflowers are appearing in the fields. The snow on top of Camel
Mountain has all melted. It must finally be spring.
4. I don’t like Algebra this semester, and I’m not too fond of history. But, I’m
enjoying my racquetball class a lot. I’m getting a lot of exercises; I’m also
enjoying the game. We usually play partners and compete in a small tournament
within the class. The competition is fun and playing partners keeps it relaxed. I
may sign up for intermediate racquetball next summer.
5. The sidewalks in our neighborhood are filthy. The melting snow has left a
muddy film on the concrete. Garbage is piled up because of the collectors’
strike. Packs of dogs have left their waste everywhere. Old newspapers carpet
the sidewalks, and neighborhood drunks have left their bottles piled against the
buildings. You can’t walk anywhere without stepping on something.

Part 3
Write three (3) well developed paragraphs beginning with TOPIC SENTENCE,
including SUPPORTING POINTS/DETAILS/EXAMPLES, and closing with
CONCLUDING SENTENCE. Below are the five topics (just choose 1):

2. Is fat really bad for you? Is a low fat diet the best?

Fat is a chemical compound that is not soluble in water which is composed by

elements of Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O). Fat is hydrophobic (insoluble
in water), to dissolve fat, special solvents such as ether, chlorophome and benzene are
needed. Fat is also a source of energy for the human body. Fat is also a basic builder of
body tissue because it plays a role in building cell membranes and membranes of
several cell organelles.
In my opinion, fat can be positioned between positive and negative. First, the
positive function of fat is fat as the body's energy reserves in addition to carbohydrates
and proteins, fat is also a solvent for vitamins A, D, E and K, it can also protect the body
from changes in environmental temperature and so on. While the negative fat function
that is best known to ordinary people is fat can make the body become ‘fat‘ or obesity
because the energy weight produced by 2 ¼ fat is greater than carbohydrates and
proteins. 1 gram of fat can produce 9 calories, while 1 gram of carbohydrate and protein
only produces 4 calories. During the digestion process fat will be broken down into fatty
acids and glycerol so that it can be absorbed by the digestive organs and then taken to
the organs that need it.
So, if someone does a low-fat diet for me, I agree, but don't be too excessive
or enthusiastic in doing a low-fat diet because it has been mentioned above that fat can
be placed in a positive or negative position.

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