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SMBE 3023: Biomedical Imaging

1. What is ionizing radiation and why it is dangerous?

2. Recent studies claimed that non-ionizing radiation might also harmful to the human
being. Discuss this statement.

Submit to the E-Learning before 9.00am 19th of February 2019.


Matrix no: A16MB0199


1. Ionizing radiation is radiation that has enough energy so that during an interaction
with an atom, the radiation can remove the tight bound electrons from the orbit of an
atom which then will cause the atom to become charged or ionized. Ionizing radiation
causes damage to tissue and organs depending on the dose of the radiation received by
the patient, or the absorbed dose. The potential damage from an absorbed dose
depends on the type of radiation and the sensitivity of different tissues and organs.

2. According to (NWO-I, n.d.), the non-ionizing radiation such as ultraviolet light when
excessive exposure poses a risk for the eyes and skin. Acute effects are sunburn and
cornea inflammation. Long term effects are skin cancer, skin thickening, premature
aging skin and cataract. In addition, for the visible light and infrared light, they could
risk the eyes and the skin. The infrared red area the IR-A area poses the biggest risk
which is the retinal damage and the ashen cataract. While the IR-B and IR-C when
prolonged exposure, they could cause cornea damage. As for the skin they could
cause skin burn. Moreover, as for the radio wave and the microwave fields, exposure
to electromagnetic fields in the frequency of 10MHz -300GHz can warm up exposed
tissues which then could be dangerous for the brain, eyes, genitals, stomach, liver and

NWO-I. (n.d.). What are the risks of non-ionising radiation? - NWO-I. Retrieved from NWO-I:

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