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Unit 1: Early Humans and the Rise of Civilization

Investigating the Past

Early Hominids

From Hunter and Gatherers to Farmers

Introduction to Mesopotamia

7 Characteristics of a Civilization


The Fall of the Sumerians and the Rise of the


Hammurabi and the Babylonians

The Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians

Unit 2: Ancient Egypt and the Near East

Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt,

Kush, and Canaan

Environmental Factors and Human Settlement

in Egypt, Kush, and Canaan

Nile Flood Cycle

King Tut

The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs


Egyptian Social Classes

Cairo Museum Tour


Kingdom of Kush

The Origins of Judaism

Judaism Continued...
Unit 3: Ancient India

The Geography and Early Settlement of India

India Geography Continued...


Artifact Walkthrough of Mohenjo-Daro

Learning About Hindu Beliefs

Hinduism Continued...


The Prince Becomes the Buddha

The First Unification of India

The Gupta Dynasty

Unit 4: Ancient China

Ancient China Geography

Shang Dynasty

Three Philosophies of China

First Emperor of China

The Han Dynasty

The Silk Road

Unit 5: Ancient Greece

Geography and Settlement of Ancient Greece

The Rise of Democracy in Greece

Athens vs Sparta

The Persian Wars

Persian Wars Skits

Golden Age of Athens

Alexander the Great

Legacy of Ancient Greece

Unit 6: Ancient Rome

Geography and Early Development of Rome

The Rise of the Roman Republic

From Republic to Empire

Daily Life in Rome

Spread of Christianity


Legacy of ancient Rome

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