Third Monthly Test in Reading and Writing

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THIRD MONTHLY TEST in Reading and Writing

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Year and Section: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Identify the pattern of development of the following paragraphs.

1. A university is an institution of learning that provides opportunities for studying, teaching, and research. It
has an undergraduate division which includes various colleges such as liberal arts, business, and
engineering; and a graduate division which includes professional schools, such as law, medicine, master’s
degree, and doctorate degree.__________________________________
2. Optimists fare better than pessimists in almost every aspect of life. The pessimist believes that the events
stem from permanent condition (“I failed the match quiz because I don’t have a head for numbers.”) The
optimists, however, attributes failures to temporary work causes, (“I failed the test because I did not pay
attention.”) __________________________________
3. One evening after supper I was sitting in the dark at my usual place by the tree. A big orange moon was
rising. Suddenly a loud wail rose across the water, sending a chill down my spine. The wolves were close at
hand on the opposite shore. I thought it would be just right to see a wolf under a full moon.

Circle the appropriate forms of the words in parenthesis.

4. He follows his parent’s (advise, advice).

5. The costume is made of (coarse, course) material.
6. We use a (device, devise) to save time.
7. The numerous problems did not (affect, effect).
8. The bride walks elegantly on the (aisle, isle) of the church.
9. The status of the case was (stationery, stationary).
10. (They’re, There, Their) all present in the seminar.
11. The lawyer was compensated for his (council, counsel).
12. The (corpse, corps) was already in advance state of decomposition when it was found.
13. Egg (yolk, yoke) contains Vitamin A.

Rewrite the sentences to correct the errors in abbreviation.

14. Pamela is entering St. Jude H.S. in Sept.

15. Baliwag is 50 kms. from Manila.
16. Mark has an appointment with Dr. Ortiz on Thurs. at 3 P.M.
17. Mr. Dizon has just been elected vice-pres.
18. Mr. Martinez and Mrs. Perez are attending a convention in Biñan, Lag.
19. Which option is missing a question mark?
a. Should we walk in that direction? Is it really that far?
b. Do you find that having pets in the house makes you sneeze
c. It's dark in here. Do you want me to turn another lamp on?
d. I prefer it when it's sunnier, don't you?
20. Which sentence is missing a capital letter?
a. We're going to France this summer. Visiting the eiffel tower is supposed to be a magnificent
b. The buildings in New York appear much bigger than in the films.
c. This roller coaster is supposed to be the biggest in the world.
d. I wouldn't visit that restaurant. We ate there two months ago and had food poisoning.
21. Which sentence is missing a capital letter?
a. The american President is visiting London this week.
b. She wants to get married in the summer. Her friends think it should be sooner.
c. Emily got plenty of chocolate eggs this Easter.
d. The Tower of London is very busy with tourists from all over the world.
22. What is missing? John went to Rome to visit vatican city.
a. Exclamation mark
b. Question mark
c. Period
d. Capital letters
23. What is missing? "I don't know what to do” she screamed.
a. Exclamation mark
b. Question mark
c. Period
d. Capital letter

Supply the proper transition words in the paragraph below.

(When, After, Unfortunately, However, Now)

Last week we installed a kitty door so that our cat could come and go as she pleases. 24. __________________, we
ran into a problem. Our cat was afraid to use the kitty door. We tried pushing her through, and that caused her to be
even more afraid. The kitty door was dark, and she couldn’t see what was on the other side. The first step we took in
solving this problem was taping the kitty door open. 25.__________________ a couple of days, she was confidently coming
and going through the open door. 26.__________________, when we removed the tape and closed the door, once again,
she would not go through. They say you catch more bees with honey, so we decided to use food as bait. We would sit
next to the kitty door with a can of wet food and click the top of the can. 27. __________________ kitty came through the
closed door; we would open the can and feed her. It took five days of doing this to make her unafraid of using the
kitty door. 27.__________________ we have just one last problem; our kitty controls our lives!

(Whereas, Both, But, While, When)

Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. 28. __________________ are bodies of
water, 29. __________________ oceans are very large bodies of salt water, 30. __________________ lakes are much smaller
bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land, 31. __________________ oceans are what surround
continents. 32. __________________ have plants and animals living in them. The ocean is home to the largest animals on
the planet, 33. __________________ lakes support much smaller forms of life. 34. __________________ it is time for a vacation,
35. __________________ will make a great place to visit and enjoy.

Make a graphic organizer out of the text below.


There are two types of Philippine Festivals, the secular and the religious. Secular festivals like
Bangus Festival of Dagupan and Panagbenga of Baguio are celebrated because of a prosperous harvest or
by showing what a particular place has to offer. The religious festivals on the other hand are the ones
celebrated to commemorate saints like Sinulog of Cebu and the Turumba of Pakil.

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