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PRONOUNS adalah kata ganti yang menyatakan seseorang atau sesuatu.

Jenis kata ini

memiliki 3 jenis, yaitu :
1. Personal Pronouns
2. Possesive Pronouns
3. Reflexive Pronouns
1. Personal Pronouns
Yaitu kata ganti orang. Di dalam kalimat, kata ganti ini digunakan sebagai subjek dan sebagai
objek. Penggunaan yang berbeda membuat bentukya berubah. Untuk lebih lengkap,
perhatikan tabel di bawah :

Subjek Contoh Kalimat Objek Contoh Kalimat

I I am a teacher. Me He loves me.
You You are a teacher. You I love you.
She She is a nurse. Her They love her.
He He is a policeman. Him She loves him.
It It is a pen. It He buys it.
We We are happy. Us They join us.
They They are sad. Them Let them come.

2. Possesive Pronouns
Yaitu kata ganti yang menyatakan milik. Di dalam kalimat pemakaiannya dapat dibagi
menjadi possesive adjectives dan possesive pronouns. Disebut sebagai possesive adjectives
karena kata tersebut berfungsi sebagai adjectives.

Subjek Possesive Contoh Kalimat Possesive Contoh Kalimat

Adjectives Possesive Adjectives Pronouns Possesive Pronouns
I My This is my pen. Mine This pen is mine.
You Your This is your pen. Yours This pen is yours.
She Her This is her pen. Hers This pen is hers.
He His This is his pen. His This pen is his.
It Its This is its bone. its This bone is its
We Our This is our pen. Ours This pen is ours.
They Their These are their pens. Theirs These pens are theirs.

3. Reflexive Pronouns
Yaitu kata ganti yang menyatakan tentang diri sendiri.
Bentuk ini digunakan dalam dua cara, yaitu :
Personal Reflexive Pronouns
1. Untuk menyatakan tentang diri sendiri.
Contoh :
I Myself
- I did my homework myself.
You Yourself
- He hurt hisself with knife.
She Herself
He Himself 2. Untuk menguatkan arti atau memberi
It Itself penekanan.
We Ourselves Contoh :
They Themselves - I myself found the place.
- They themselves agreed to sign.
No Subject Object Possessive Reflective
Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
1 I Me My Mine Myself
2 You You Your Yours Yourself
3 We Us Our Ours Ourselves
4 They Them Their Theirs Themselves
5 She Her Her Hers Herself
6 He Him His His Himself
7 It It Its Its Itself

A. The subjective pronoun

Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam sebuah kalimat.
- I will go to Bandung tomorrow. (Aku akan pergi ke Bandung besok)
- You are my cousin. (Kamu adalah sepupuku)

B. The objective pronoun

Kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek dalam sebuah kalimat.
- Dinda will join us in volleyball team. (Dinda akan bergabung bersama kami dalam tim voli)
- I told them about the news. (Aku sudah mengatakan berita tersebut pada mereka)

C. The possessive adjective

Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak sebelum noun.
- This is her dress. (Ini adalah gaun miliknya)
- His car is red. (Mobilnya berwarna merah)

D. The possessive pronoun

Kata ganti kepemilikan yang terletak setelah noun.
- This hat is mine. (Topi ini adalah milikku)
- That house is theirs. (Rumah itu adalah milik mereka)

E. Reflective pronoun
Kata ganti untuk menyatakan subjek menerima aksi dari verb dalam sesuatu kalimat.
- She writes the letter by herself. (Dia menulis surat itu oleh dia sendiri)
- I wash my clothes by myself. (Aku mencuci bajuku oleh diriku sendiri)

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat!
1. Maryam washes ................. car twice a week.
A. her C. herself
B. she D. you

2. The students ate cookies that they cooked by .............

A. itself C. herself
B. themselves D. yourself

3. This red scarf is ..............

A. himself C. herself
B. him D. hers
4. I lost ............... wallet in the airport.
A. they C. I
B. them D. my

5. The cat is licking ..................

A. themselves C. yourself
B. ourselves D. itself

6. Rahmi gives ................ a gift on my birthday.

A. I C. your
B. me D. yourself

7. This black leather bag is .............

A. I C. me
B. my D. mine
8. ................... cooks friend rice for her daughter.
A. he C. she
B. his D. her

9. We should give time for .............. to take a rest

A. ourselves C. herself
B. itself D. himself

10. .................. turned off a television before sleep.

A. She C. Hers
B. Her D. Herself

B. Buatlah kalimat menggunakan possessive adjective atau possessive pronoun dengan tepat!
Contoh: Whose pencil is that?
Possessive adjective: That is my pencil.
Possessive pronoun: That pencil is mine.
1. Whose necktie is it?
Possessive adjective: It is your necktie.
Possessive pronoun: ……………………………………..
2. Whose house is that?
Possessive adjective: ……………………………………..
Possessive pronoun: That house is hers.
3. Whose trousers are these?
Possessive adjective: These are his trousers.
Possessive pronoun: ……………………………………..
4. Whose dog is it?
Possessive adjective: It is their dog.
Possessive pronoun: ……………………………………..
5. Whose socks are those?
Possessive adjective: ……………………………………..
Possessive pronoun: Those socks are ours.
C. Change the underlined words into a correct object pronoun!
1) The teacher always gives the students homework.
2) I am reading the book to my little sister.
3) The boys are riding their bikes.
4) My father is writing a letter to John.
5) I don’t know the answer.
6) Sally is going to Anne.
7) Open the window, please.
8) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?
9) The books are for Peter.
10) Can you help my sister and me, please?

D.Fill the blanks with the correct possessive adjective!

1.Joanie is (John and Nancy) ______ daughter.

2.Is this Jane’s dog? Yes it is ______ dog.
3.The dog is chasing ______ own tail.
4.Pedro and Isabel are Spanish. ______ family is from Spain.
5.Juan is not at school. ______ father took him to the doctor.
6.Beatriz is married. She showed us ______ ring today.
7.Jose and Maria are dancers. ______ older brother is a singer.
8.Pepe and I have an English class together. ______ teacher is Ms. Smith.
9.My family has a dog. ______ dog’s name is Lady.
10The teacher told me not to bring ______ cell phone to school.
E. Use correct personal pronouns. See the words in brackets.
1) ___ is dreaming. (George)
2) ___ is green. (the blackboard)
3) ___ are on the wall. (the posters)
4) ___ is running. (the dog)
5) ___ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6) ___ are in the garden. (the flowers)
7) ___ is riding his bike. (Tom)
8) ___ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9) ___ has got a brother. (Diana)
10) Have___ got a computer, Mandy?

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