Level 4 Students Book

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IN THIS UNIT Oren Rar ee Tes cea eee Vocabulary L era reed health; Time words in a narrat ‘Work in pairs. Read the information about first aid and answer the questions, 1 When do you give first aid? 2 Who can give first aid? 3. What is the fist thing you do when giving fist aid? 4 What is the second thing you do? What is first aid’ First aid is the Help you give someone when they are ill or injured before doctors arrive. People who give first aid are ordinary people ‘who are near the person in need, Sometimes they are trained to, fist aid. But even ifthey are not trained, someone who gives frst aid could save your life rules of first ald, Firstly, vou need to get the on out of danger. This could mean tying to stop b There are two basi pe igor moving the person away from the middle of a busy road. Secondly ‘you nwed to get help quickly. In Britain, vou need to phone 999 or 112 to get an ambulance. 2 Workin pairs and ook at the photos. Which accidents and injuries inthe box do you associate with each photo break your arm cut your finger burn yoursett getabeesting —getarash faint 32 _Work n pats and aiscuss what you should do i 1 you cut your finger? 2 you burn yourself on a hot pan? 3 someone faints? 4 someone breaks his/her arm? 5 abee stings you? 6 you get a rash on your face after eating, strawberries? Decide which two answers (2-1) could go with each question (1-6). 2 Put the burn in cold water b Try to stop the bleeding by pressing on it. ‘¢ Wait for him/her to come round. d Phone for an ambulance. € If possible, don’t move the person or his/her arm. F Stop eating strawberries - you may be allergic to them, 1g Don't put a plaster on it. h ifit’sa deep cut, see a doctor. 1 Don't put cream or anything on your skin J. Phone a doctor if you feel dizay or breathless k Make sure he/she is comfortable and in a cafe place | Ifthe area becomes swollen, put some ice on it. ‘(710.1 Listen to a nurse giving her answers to the ‘questions. Are they the same as yours? ‘Work in pairs. Think of an accident or injury that you hhave had or has happened to someone you know. Take turns to explain what happened, Grammar focus 1 Past continuous 1 {7 10.2 Listen toa conversation between Jason and his friend Rachel. What happened to jason? Number the injuries inthe lst inthe order you hear them You do not need to use one of them. {a abroken arm b abee sting © acut onhishead 4 an eye injury Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where was Jason when the bee stung him? 2 What did Marco do after the bee stung Jason? Why? ‘3. Where was Jason when something lew into 4 What did he do then? 5 How did he break his arm? Ea Look at the verbs in bold in the sentences below. Which ones ae the Past simple and which ones are the Past continuous? 1 L was walking along when | felt something sting my hand, 2 Ast was standing thece, my hand started to become swollen and red 3 Wile we ware waiting atthe bus top, something flew into my eye In each sentence, which ofthe ations in bold started first? (Choose the correct tense to complete the rules. 1 We use the Passimple / Past continuous to describe the background situation ina stry 2 We use the Pastsimple/ Pastcontinuous to describe the main events in a story Look at the sentences again, What three time words can you find? PRACTICE ‘La Complete the stories withthe Past simple or Past ‘continuous form of the verb in brackets. 1 Asi1__-* (drive) toa friend's house last week 12 (hear) a fly buzzing around ‘my car. It was really annoying me so| decided to try and kilt 13, (try) to catch it when I took my eyes off the road end hit ¢ Wee. My car was wrecked, but think the fly 4 (escape) without any injuries! 2 while 15 (drive) home a couple of ‘weeks ago, a man nearly stepped into the road in front of my car. Luckily he didn't, and we avoided an accident. The following week, on my wey home, 16 (see) the man again. As | 7, (Wave) at him, I ost control of my carand® (crash) into the traffic lights! b (0)103 Listen to the stories and check your answers. 2a Complete the sentences using the Past continuous and make them true for you. 1 once had an acident when | 2 When | eft the house today, . 3 I met... when | 4 One evening a vile ago, |. 5 AtB o'clock this morning | 6 | was really suprised when b Wark in pairs and compare your answers, Vocabulary “1a. Workin pairs and discuss, Which ofthe phrases in the box might you say in these situations? + you've got a old + you've eaten something bad + You fal over Ve got a reall bod cold Ive got toothache. | keep sneezing! lve got a headache, My armileg/eye hurts. I've got a sore throat. I've got a fever! el sick! ''m going to be sick! ve got an earache. ve got a cough. ‘My temperature is about 40°C! {ve got a stomachache. Look at the words in bold in the box and answer the questions. 1 Which ones do we use with the verb have got? 2 Which two verbs do we use with the word sick? 2 Complete the sentences wit the appropriate words from exercise 1 1 Ivegota after listening to that loud music. 2. | think that fish | ate was bad ~ feel really 3 She fels very hot-| think she's gota 4 ve got an —Ithurts alot and can't hear very well 5 Atishoo!! Oh 'm sory! | cant stop 6 | can't speak very loudly today because Ive gota 7 My arm a lot— think t's broken. 8 {need to gota the d today! 3. Work in pairs and discuss. Choose three of the ‘symptom in the box in exercise 12. What do you usually do when you feel lke this? When I've got a sore throat, | usually h have a hot drink with honey DIRT is GOOD FOR YOU Reading 1 Werk in pairs and discuss Some people think that ‘dirt is good for you'? Do you agree? Why / Why not? 2 Read the article quickly and put the sentences in the correct place in the text. a Bacteria and dirt are, in fact, essential for our bodies bb There isa huge increase in one particular illness in the western world € Allergies affect large numbers ofthe population. GRE ER ACR PF nsneere travels out of yournose at} ‘an average of 140 km per nour.

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